Cell Tissue Res (1992) 267:347 356

Cell .Tissue Research 9 Springer-Verlag 1992

Expression of vimentin by rabbit corneal epithelial cells during wound repair N. SundarRaj 1, J.D. Rizzo 1' 2, S.C. Anderson 1' z and J.P. Gesiotto 1' 2

1 Department of OphthalmoIogy,The Eye Ear Institute, 203 Lothrop Street, and z The Universityof Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Received March 12, 1991 / Accepted September 18, 1991

Summary. Intermediate filaments of epithelial cells generally consist of specific combinations of keratins. However, cultured epithelial cells from certain tissues and some epithelial tumors have been shown also to express vimentin. In the present study, the expression of vimentin by epithelial cells in healing corneal wounds (partial thickness penetrating wounds) and in tissue culture was analyzed. Both immunohistochemical and immunotransblot analyses indicated that although vimentin was not detected in the normal rabbit corneal epithelium in vivo, cultured rabbit corneal epithelial cells co-express keratins and vimentin. At I day post-wounding, vimentin was not detectable in the epithelial cells that had covered the denuded stroma. However, at 2 days postwounding, the epithelium at the base of the epithelial plug immunoreacted with both anti-vimentin and antikeratin monoclonal antibodies. Immunotransblot analyses of the extracts of the epithelial plugs confirmed the presence of vimentin (Mr = 58k). The 58k band was not detected in the extract of normal rabbit corneal epithelium. At day/5, vimentin was no longer detectable in the epithelium. This study demonstrated that corneal epithelial cells transiently co-express vimentin and keratins in vivo during wound healing and in tissue culture. The time-course of the transient expression of vimentin suggests that the vimentin expression in the epithelial cells during healing is not linked to cell proliferation or to the centripetal migration of the epithelium during early stages (first 24 h) of healing, but may be linked to cellmatrix interactions or the migration of basal cells in the upward direction at the following stage of healing. Key words" Cornea - Epithelium - Wound healing Keratin - Vimentin - Rabbit

Offprint requests to : N. SundarRaj

Intermediate filaments (8-10 nm in diameter) are the major constituents of the cytoskeletal structure of most eukaryotic cells. Although once thought to be merely static structures, recent reports suggest that intermediate filaments are dynamic structures that may play significant roles in cellular activities. At least 5 different types of intermediate filaments, consisting of polymers of distinctly different classes of proteins, have been recognized (reviewed by Osborn 1985; Steinert and Liem 1990; Steinert and Roop 1988) and have specific distribution in different cell types. For example, keratin filaments are specific to epithelial cells, while vimentin filaments, on the other hand, are predominantly present in mesenchymal cells. Although in normal adult tissue the intermediate filaments in a majority of the epithelial cells consist of keratins, the co-expression of keratin and vimentin has been observed in epithelial tumors (for example, Azumi and Battifora 1987; Caselitz et al. 1984; Leong et al. 1988; Moll et al. ]983; Santini et al. 1987; Viale et al. 1988) and in epithelial cells grown in culture (Fellini et al. 1978; Franke et al. 1978; LaRocca and Rheinwald 1984; Virtanen et al. 1981). The functional significance of intermediate filaments, in general, or of a specific intermediate filament type, in particular, is still not clear. Indirect evidences suggest that intermediate filaments respond to or are involved in cellular shape changes (Ben-Ze'ev 1984, 1985; Lane et al. 1982; Schmid et al. 1983a, b), cellular migration (Dulbecco et al. 1983), differentiation (Lane et al. 1983; Moil etal. 1982; Schermer et al. 1986), proliferation (Connell and Rheinwald ]983), and cell-cell interactions (Boyer e t a l . 1989; Jackson eta[. 1980). Behavioral changes in epithelial cells are imperative in wound healing. The present study was undertaken to determine whether, during wound healing, the corneal epithelial cells change their profile of intermediate filaments; specifically, whether they co-express vimentin and keratins.


Materials and methods

Animals, wounding procedure, and tissues All the procedures involving animals were performed in compliance with the Guiding Principles in the Care and Use of Animals, DHEW Publication, NIH 85-23. Twelve adult albino New Zealand rabbits were used for this study. Prior to surgery, the rabbits were anesthetized with an intramuscular injection of ketamine-HC1 (44 mg/kg) with acepromazine-HCl (0.5 mg/kg). A topical application of proparacaine was performed prior to surgery. Linear corneal incisions were made 50-65% of the thickness of the corneas (Goodman et al. 1989) using a Keratotomy Superblade manufactured by medical Workshop, Groningen-Holland. Incisions were made only on the left eyes (8 radial incisions extending from an incision-free central optical zone to the limbus). All incisions were irrigated with balanced salt solution and one drop of gentamicin solution was applied to the eye. No corneal infections were noted. At 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 days postsurgery, the rabbits were sacrificed using an intravenous injection of Beuthanasia (Schering Corp., Kenilworth, N.J., USA) and the corneas were excised. The corneas were cut into halves, embedded and frozen in O.C.T. compound (Tissue Tek II, Miles Inc., Elkhart, Ind., USA) and stored frozen at - 7 0 ~ for immunohistochemical analyses, as described previously (Goodman et al. 1989).

Tissue culture Rabbit corneal explants were used to culture epithelial and fibroblastic cells. Fibroblasts were grown in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) with 10% fetal bovine serum under 5% COz :95% air at 37~ C as described by Stoesser et al. (1978). Epithelial cells were grown from corneal explants according to Jumblatt and Newfeld (1983). Cells from either passage 1 or 2 were subcultured in 4-well Lab-Tek chamber slides (Nunc Inc., Naperville, Ill., USA). When the cells had reached a confluency of ~ 6 x 105 cells/cm2, they were analyzed immunohistochemically (SundarRaj et al. 1983).

Immunohistochemical staining Cryostat sections (7 gin) of the frozen tissues were cut and transferred to gelatin-coated microscope slides. The cells, grown in chamber slides prior to immunostaining, were rinsed 3 times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), fixed with paraformaldehyde-lysine-periodate fixative for 15 min and then permeabilized according to McLean and Nakane (1974). Cryostat sections of the tissue and the fixed and permeabilized cells in the chamber slides were immunoreacted with specific monoclonal antibodies using an indirect FITC-conjugated antibody technique (SundarRaj et al. 1990). Briefly, the cells and tissue were incubated with 10% heat-inactivated rabbit serum for 30 min followed by a specific monoclonal antibody for 60 min. The slides and wells were then washed 3 times with PBS, incubated for 60 minutes with fluorescein-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse IgG (Cappel Laboratories, Cochranville, Pa., USA), washed 3 times with PBS and mounted with Aquamount (Lerner Laboratories, New Haven, Conn., USA). The slides were then examined by fluorescence-microscopy. To monitor nonspecific binding, the tissue and cells were reacted with a stromal-specific monoclonal antibody in place of a specific monoclonal antibody against vimentin or keratin.

Immunotransblot analyses Freshly excised rabbit corneas were placed in PBS with protease inhibitors (1 mM phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride, 10 mM EDTA,

2 mM n-ethyl maleimide, and 1 gg/ml ofpepstatin) at 4~ C. Epithelial plugs were teased out with a scalpel using a dissecting microscope, making certain that only epithelial plug regions without the underlying stroma were removed. Three rabbit corneas, each with 8 incisions, were used for each extract. Normal rabbit epithelium was lightly scraped with a scalpel to obtain only epithelial cells. A deeper scrape was used for obtaining stromal tissue. All scraped tissues were extracted as described below. Cells grown in culture or scraped tissues were extracted according to Cabral et al. (1980) to isolate the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction. Briefly, the cell- or tissue-pellets were suspended in 1 ml of 5% Triton X-100 in PBS containing the protease inhibitors, centrifuged at I000 x g for 10 min, extracted in 0.6 M KC1 in PBS with the protease inhibitors, centrifuged again at 1000xg for 10 min, and used for immunotransblot analyses. The pellets were resuspended in water, and protein concentrations were determined using the procedure of Lowry et al. (1951). Aliquots of samples containing ~100 gg of protein were treated with sample buffer and subjected to electrophoresis in a 10% acrylamide-SDS slab gel, according to Laemmli (1970). The protein bands in the gels were transferred electrophoretically to Immobilon P (PVDF) transfer membranes (Millipore, Bedford, Mass., USA) and analyzed for their immunoreactivity with the monoclonal antibodies, according to the procedure of Towbin et al. (1979) with a few modifications, as described previously by SundarRaj et al. (1988). The blocking buffer used was BLOTTO (Elder and Munson 1984) and the peroxidase-conjugated antibody binding was detected using HRP color reagent (4-chloro-l-naphthol, BioRad, Richmond, Calif., USA). The molecular weight standards used were also from BioRad.

Monoclonal antibodies Anti-keratins (PKKI) and anti-vimentin antibodies were purchased from Labsystems (Labsystems, Chicago, Ill., USA). Anti-keratan sulfate antibody designated J10 was developed in our laboratory (SundarRaj et al. 1985) which was used as the stromal specific antibody in immunostaining and Western blot analyses.


Immunohistochemical analyses I m m u n o s t a i n i n g p a t t e r n s on c r y o s t a t sections o f the tissues are s h o w n in Figs. 1 3. O n the left are the fluorescence m i c r o g r a p h s a n d c o r r e s p o n d i n g p h a s e - c o n t r a s t m i c r o g r a p h s are on the right. I m m u n o s t a i n i n g o f n o r m a l rabbit cornea with anti-vimentin antibody demonstrated t h a t v i m e n t i n was n o t d e t e c t a b l e in the epithelial cells, b u t it was p r e s e n t in the s t r o m a l cells (Fig. ~ A). A t 1 d a y after w o u n d i n g , a l t h o u g h the s t r o m a l cells in the w o u n d e d regions r e a c t e d strongly, epithelial cells d i d n o t react with a n t i - v i m e n t i n a n t i b o d y (Fig. 1 B). A t 2 d a y s after w o u n d i n g , epithelial cells in the b a s a l a n d s u p r a b a sal layers at the b a s e o f the w o u n d s r e a c t e d with antiv i m e n t i n a n t i b o d y (Fig. 1 C) a n d there was a n increase in the intensity o f staining o f the s t r o m a l f i b r o b l a s t s in the w o u n d e d region. T h e next 2 stages o f w o u n d healing a n a l y z e d were d a y s 3 a n d 5 after w o u n d i n g . By d a y 3, v i m e n t i n staining was n o l o n g e r d e t e c t a b l e in the cells in the epithelial p l u g (Fig. 2 A ) . A t d a y 5, the staining p a t t e r n d i d n o t c h a n g e f r o m t h a t seen at d a y 3 (Fig. 2 B). To d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r the cells in the epithelial p l u g at d a y 2 p o s t - w o u n d i n g , w h i c h r e a c t e d w i t h a n t i - v i m e n -


Fig. 1A-F. Immunofluorescence staining of rabbit cornea with anti-vimentin antibody. Sections of normal rabbit corneas (A) or wounded corneas at day 1 (B) and day 2 (C) post-wounding, were immunostained with a monoclonal anti-vimentin antibody using indirect immunofluorescence technique. D--F are phase-contrast micrographs corresponding to A-C, respectively. Note that in nor-

mal cornea (A) and wounded cornea at day 1 (B), stromal cells (Str) immunostain brightly, but no staining is detectable in epithelial cells (Epi). At day 2 post-wounding (C), cells in central basal regions of epithelial plug (arrow) as well as stromal cells exhibit intense staining. Boundary between stroma and epithelium indicated by arrowheads in F. x 200. Bar: 50 gm

tin a n t i b o d y (Fig. 1 C), were i n d e e d epithelial cells, serial sections o f the tissues were r e a c t e d w i t h a n t i - k e r a t i n ( P K K 1 ) , a n t i - v i m e n t i n , a n d a n t i - k e r a t a n sulfate antibodies, respectively. A l l o f the cells in the epithelial p l u g

r e a c t e d w i t h a n t i - k e r a t i n a n t i b o d y (Fig. 3 A). In the next serial section, t h a t was r e a c t e d with the a n t i - v i m e n t i n a n t i b o d y , p o s i t i v e s t a i n i n g was e v i d e n t in m a n y cells in the b a s a l a n d s u p r a b a s a l layers in the epithelial p l u g


Fig. 2A-D. Immunofluorescence of corneas removed at 3 days (A) and 5 days (B) after wounding. Corresponding phase-contrast micrographs shown in C and D, respectively. Epithelial cells do

not exhibit detectable immunoreactivity, but stromal cells react with anti-vimentin antibody, x 200. Bar: 50 gm

(Fig. 3 B). To identify the boundary between the stroma and the epithelium, the next consecutive section was reacted with anti-keratan sulfate antibody. Fig. 3C shows the bright staining in the corneal stromal matrix. The epithelial region in Fig. 3B (reacted with anti-vimentin) was identified by superimposing it with the micrographs of the sections stained with anti-keratin (Fig. 3A) and anti-keratan sulfate (Fig. 3 C) antibodies, and also by comparing the corresponding phase-contrast micrographs (Fig. 3 D-F).

To determine whether cultured corneal epithelial cells co-express keratin and vimentin, epithelial cultures derived from the same primary cultures were reacted with anti-vimentin and anti-PKK1 antibodies, respectively. Fig. 4A shows the staining of cultured epithelial cells with anti-vimentin antibody. A majority of the cells showed a filamentous pattern of immunostaining, however, a few cells stained more intensely. All the cells in these epithelial cultures reacted with anti-PKK1 (Fig. 4B), but with varying degrees of reactivity. The


Fig. 3A-F. Immunostaining of consecutive sections of wounded corneas, removed day 2 post-wounding, reacted with anti-keratin (A), anti-vimentin (B), and anti-keratan sulfate (C) antibodies, respectively. Corresponding phase-contrast micrographs are shown in D-F, respectively. Note that all cells in epithelial plug react with

anti-keratin (A) antibody. In the consecutive section (B), basal and suprabasal cells in epithelial plug react with anti-vimentin antibody. Demarcation between epithelial plug (not stained) and underlying stroma (brightly stained) is identified in serial section (C) reacted with anti-keratan sulfate antibody, x 200. Bar: 50 gm

reactivity with anti-PKK1 indicated that these cultures were free of corneal fibroblasts. Cultured rabbit stromal fibroblasts (used as positive control for vimentin staining and negative control for keratins) immunoreacted with anti-vimentin antibody (Fig. 5), but not with anti-keratin antibody.

tissues and also the extracts of the cultured epithelial cells were analyzed. When the Western blots of the proteins separated by SDS-PAGE were analyzed, a protein with Mr of 58k in the extracts of the epithelial plug from the 2-day wounded corneas reacted with the antivimentin antibody (Fig. 6, lane D). Similarly, the stromal extract also contained a band migrating as a 58k protein that reacted with the same antibody (Fig. 6, lane F). This band was not detectable in the extracts of the epithelium derived from normal nonwounded corneas (Fig. 6, lane E). When Western blots of the extracts of cultured rabbit corneal stromal and epithelial cells were immunoreacted with anti-vimentin antibody, a polypeptide with M r =

Immunoanalyses of Western blots To determine whether immunostaining with anti-vimentin antibodies was indeed due to the presence of vimentin and not due to cross-reactivity of the antibodies with any other protein, the extracts of the epithelium from


Fig. 4A, B. Immunostaining of rabbit corneal epithelial cells in culture (A, B). Cells cultured in duplicates in chamber slides were fixed and permeabilized, then reacted with anti-vimentin (A), or anti-keratins (PKK1) (B) antibodies using indirect immunofluorescence technique. Note filamentous staining of cultured epithelial cells when reacted with anti-vimentin antibody; while most cells reacted with anti-vimentin antibody, some cells exhibited significantly higher density of staining. Note in duplicate culture of epithelial cells, all cells reacted with anti-keratin antibody (PKK]), although with different intensities of staining, x 200; insets x 600. Bar: 50 gm


Fig. 5. Immunofluorescencestaining of corneal stromal fibroblasts (positive control for staining shown in Fig. 4A) with anti-vimentin, x 200; inset x 600

58k was detectable both in the epithelial and the stromal extracts (Fig. 7, lanes C and D). This finding confirmed that the positive immunostaining of cultured epithelial cells (Fig. 4A) was indeed due to the presence of vimentin filaments in these cells.

Discussion The intermediate filaments of most epithelial cells in normal adult tissues consist of keratins. However, in certain epithelial neoplasms (Azumi and Battifora 1987; Caselitz et al. 1984; Leong et al. 1988; Moll et al. 1983; Santiniet al. 1987; Viale et al. 1988), as well as in epithelial cells grown in culture (Fellini et al. 1978; Franke et al. 1978, 1981; LaRocca and Rheinwald 1984; Virtanen et al. 1981), co-expression of vimentin and keratins has been reported. Although keratins and vimentin are coexpressed in epithelial cells in tissue cultures, their expression seems to be differentially regulated (Ben-Ze'ev 1984, 1985). While the expression of keratins has been linked with cell-cell contact (Ben-Ze'ev 1985; Boyer et al. 1989; Geiger et al. 1984), vimentin expression has been linked with cellular shape changes (Boyer et al. 1989; Schmid et al. 1983 a, b). Cellular shape changes are associated with a variety of cellular activities, including cellular proliferation, migration, and differentiation, all of

which require cell attachment and spreading. All of these activities are involved in vivo during epithelial wound healing. In the present study, we wanted to determine whether epithelial cells that participate in wound healing express vimentin. Vimentin distribution in the epithelial cells in partialthickness penetrating corneal wounds (50-60% depth of the stroma) in rabbit was analyzed. Healing of these wounds proceeds by migration of the epithelium to cover the denuded stroma, followed by proliferation of the epithelium and re-establishment of the basement membrane zone (Binder et al. 1980; Goodman et al. 1989; Kitano and Goldman 1966; Lemp 1976; Smelser and Ozanics 1972). Simultaneously, migration, followed by proliferation of stromal cells and regeneration of stroma, also occurs. It was noted that at day 1 after wounding the denuded stromal surface was covered by the migrated epithelium, but the epithelial cells did not react with anti-vimentin antibodies. At day 2, vimentin was detectable in the epithelial cells in the basal and suprabasal regions of the plug. After day 3, vimentin was no longer detectable in the epithelium. The presence of vimentin in the day-2 epithelial plug was confirmed by demonstrating that anti-vimentin antibody reacted with a polypeptide of Mr= 58k which was also present in the extracts of the stroma, as expected. Similarly, expression of vimentin by corneal epithelial cells was also observed


Fig. 6. Immunotransblot analyses of proteins in extracts of corneal tissues. Proteins in tissue extracts were separated into individual peptide bands by SDS-PAGE. Polypeptide bands in gels were then electrophoretically transferred to nitrocellulose paper (Western blots) and blots analyzed for protein bands by staining with amido black. Duplicates analyzed by indirect peroxidase-conjugated immunostaining technique described in Materials and methods. Lanes A-C show protein bands, stained with amido black, in extracts of epithelial plugs from corneas removed 2 days post-wounding (lane A), epithelium from normal cornea (lane B), and corneal stroma (lane C). Corresponding samples immunoreacted with antivimentin antibody are seen in lanes D to /7, respectively. Lane G was the same as D, except it was reacted with a stromal-specific monoclonal antibody in place of anti-vimentin antibody (negative control). Note an immunoreactive band with Mr of 58k in extract of epithelial plugs from wounded corneas (lane D) and in stromal extract (lane F)

in vitro in cultured cells. A vimentin band was absent in the extracts of the epithelium from the nonwounded corneas. As in rabbit, normal human corneal epithelial cells do not contain vimentin filaments (Risen et al. 1987). Similarly, in other normal stratified squamous epithelia, for example, in epidermis, vimentin filaments are not detected (Mahrle et al. 1983). However, melanocyte and Langerhans cells that are normally present in the epidermis contain vimentin filaments, but lack keratin flaments (Mahrle et al. 1983). Both melanocytes and Langerhan's cells are absent in normal central corneal epithelium, but are present in the limbus (Rodrigues et al. 1981; Williamson et al. 1987). All the cells in the epithelial plug reacted with keratin and many basal cells in the same regions in the alternate serial sections reacted with vimentin, indicating that some of the basal epithelial cells in the healing wounds at day 2 co-expressed vimentin and keratins.

Fig. 7. Immunotransblot analyses of proteins in extracts of cultured corneal cells. Lanes A and B show protein bands from extracts of cultured corneal epithelium and corneal stroma, respectively, stained with amido black, and lanes C and D are corresponding samples immunoreacted with anti-vimentin antibody. Note presence of vimentin band (Mr= 58k) in both epithelial and stromal extracts (lanes C and D, respectively)

The functional significance of vimentin in general, and transient expression of vimentin in the basal epithelial cells in healing wounds, in particular, is not known. Although not very c o m m o n in vivo, co-expression of keratin and vimentin has been observed during embryonic development in parietal endoderm (Jackson et al. 1980; Lane et al. 1983). The temporary expression of vimentin has been reported in regenerating tubular epithelium in diseased rat kidney, and it has been associated with rapid proliferation of the epithelial cells (Grone et al. 1987). On the other hand, vimentin expression by cultured epithelial cells has been associated with cellular shape changes (Boyer et al. 1989; Schmid et al. 1983a, b). Expression of vimentin by corneal epithelial cells during wound healing may be related to cellular shape changes associated with cell migration or cell-matrix interactions and not cell proliferation. During the healing of incision wounds in rabbit, mitosis does not take place in the basal epithelial cells for 96 h or longer after injury (Hanna 1966; Lemp 1976; Robb and Kuwabara 1964). Moreover, mitosis first starts in the regions away from the central, deepest aspects of the wounds which contained the vimentin-expressing cells in the present study. In monolayer cultures of epithelial cells, vimentin synthesis decreased with increasing cell density, while the synthesis of keratins increased (Ben-Ze'ev 1984; Connell and Rheinwald 1983). In cultured epithelium, increased cell density with an increased number of des-

355 m o s o m e s is a c c o m p a n i e d by biosynthesis o f keratin, and disruption o f d e s m o s o m a l contacts is associated with increased vimentin synthesis (Ben-Ze'ev 1986; Boyer et al. 1989; K a r t e n b e c k et al. 1984). O n the other hand, vimentin synthesis is prevalent in the m i g r a t o r y free edges o f cells (Dulbecco et al. 1983). D u r i n g embryological development, the f o r m a t i o n o f d e s m o s o m e s has also been linked to cessation o f expression o f vimentin (Lane et al. 1983). In a n o t h e r study, vimentin distribution was analyzed in cultured 3T3 cells that were w o u n d e d and allowed to heal. Vimentin filaments were f o u n d to line up in the direction o f migration at the m i g r a t o r y fronts o f these cultures (Dulbecco et al. 1983). Based on the above findings, it could be speculated that cell-cell det a c h m e n t is p r o m o t e d by disruption (or modification) o f the d e s m o s o m a l complexes, which influences cellular migration. Absence (or alterations) o f d e s m o s o m e s m a y disrupt the o r g a n i z a t i o n o f the keratin n e t w o r k because keratin filaments terminate at desmosomes. The vimentin filaments m a y n o t be associated with the d e s m o s o m a l plaques, but m a y terminate at other regions along the inner surface o f the cell m e m b r a n e . Therefore, vimentin filaments m a y temporarily replace the structural role o f certain keratin filaments and m a y also be associated with a c c o m o d a t i o n a n d / o r orchestration o f cellular shape changes during w o u n d healing. In s u m m a r y , to the best o f o u r knowledge, this is the first report indicating t h a t corneal epithelial cells (one o f the stratified s q u a m o u s epithelia) transiently express vimentin and, thus, c o n t a i n b o t h vimentin and keratin filaments during the early stages o f w o u n d healing. This expression o f vimentin is postulated to be associated with cellular shape changes that a c c o m p a n y migration and n o t with proliferation. A l t h o u g h the functional significance o f different intermediate filaments still is n o t resolved, transiently-expressed vimentin m a y be associated with changes in cellular behavior.

Acknowledgements. This investigation was supported by NIH grant EYO3263; an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc, New York, NY; and The Eye and Ear Institute of Pittsburgh.

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Expression of vimentin by rabbit corneal epithelial cells during wound repair.

Intermediate filaments of epithelial cells generally consist of specific combinations of keratins. However, cultured epithelial cells from certain tis...
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