0013.7227/92/1312-0947$03.00/0 Endocrinology Copyright 0 1992 by The Endocrine

Vol. 131, No. 2 Printed in U.S.A.


Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor and its Ligands, EGF and Transforming a!, in Human Fallopian Tubes* Z. M. LEI


Department 40292


(EGF) Receptor Growth Factor-

Ch. V. RAO Obstetrics

and Gynecology,




School of Medicine,



tory molecules varied. For all of them, however, ampullary segments contained more than isthmus; proliferative phase and/or postpartum specimens contained more than secretory phase; and postmenopausal specimens contained the lowest amounts. The cell periphery and nuclear/perinuclear area of the cells contained EGF, TGF-(u, and their receptors. Immunogold electron microscopy showed the receptors to be present in cell membranes, cilia, basal bodies which control ciliary activity, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membranes, and chromatin. In summary, human fallopian tubes contain EGF, EGF/TGF-(Y receptor mRNA and protein, and TGF-cu protein. The expression of all these regulatory molecules was dependent on anatomical region, cell type, and reproductive state of the fallopian tubes. These findings suggest that EGF and TGF-ol may regulate numerous tubal functions, thus potentially influencing fertility in women. (Endocrinology 131:


Although human uterus is known to contain epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptors, it is virtually unknown whether human fallopian tubes, which are an anatomical continuation of the uterus, also contain them. Therefore, the present studies investigated whether EGF and its structural and functional homolog, i.e. transforming growth factor-a (TGF-ol), and their common receptor are expressed in human fallopian tubes. Human fallopian tubes contain major 10.5-kilobase (kb) and minor 6.0-kb receptor messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts, a single 5.0-kb EGF mRNA transcript, and a single 170-kilodalton receptor protein. The transcripts, along with their corresponding proteins and TGF-ol protein, are present in ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells, tubal smooth muscle, vascular smooth muscle, and endothelium. The cellular distribution and reproductive state dependency of these three regula-



whether fallopian tubes from humans or from any animal speciescontain EGF or its structural and functional homolog, TGF-LU,and their common receptor. As a first step toward a better understanding of possible regulation of human fallopian tubes by EGF/TGF- (Y, we investigated whether this organ might expressthese regulatory molecules and whether cellular, anatomical, and reproductive state differences exist in their expression.

PIDERMAL growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-0 (TGF-a) are single-chain polypeptides of similar size [-6 kilodaltons (kDa), structure, and function, and are encoded by different genes(1,2). EGF was originally discovered in submaxillary glands of mice and TGF-a in transformed cells (3, 4). Now they have been found in many normal and cancer tissues(5). EGF and TGF-(Uare functionally similar, and they bind to a common membrane receptor (5). The receptor is a transmembrane glycoprotein of 170 kDa consisting of extracellular ligand binding domain connected to cytoplasmic kinase domain by a short transmembrane region (6, 7). EGF and TGF-a binding results in a stimulation of phosphorylation of their receptor as well as numerous other target proteins in their tyrosyl residues (6,


and Methods

Materials Vectastain ABC kits were purchased from Vector Labs (Burlingame, CA); [cy-32P]deoxycytodine triphosphate and Genescreen plus hybridization transfer membrane from New England Nuclear-DuPont Company Biotechnology Systems (Boston, MA); monoclonal antibody to TGF-ol and purified TGF-(U from Oncogene Science (Manhasset, NY); polyclonal antibody to human EGF (hEGF) from Biomedical Technologies Inc. (Stoughton, MA); monoclonal antibody to EGF receptors (clone 29.1), polyclonal antibody to mouse EGF, proteinase 2K, sonicated and denatured salmon sperm DNA, poly(A)+ RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO); oligo(dT) cellulose and 0.24-9.5 kilobase (kb) RNA ladder from Gibco BRL (Gaithersburg, MD); XbaI, HindIII, EcoRI, and a random-primed DNA labeling kit from United States Biochemicals (Cleveland, OH); chemicals and supplies for light microscope autoradiography from Polysciences (Warrington, PA); colloidal gold (15 nm)-labeled goat antimouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) from Janssen Life Science Products (Piscataway, NJ); and other immunochemicals, reagents, molecular biology grade chemicals, and solvents from regular commercial sources. Monoclonal antibody to EGF receptors (IgG 528) was obtained from Dr. Hideo Masui (Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY). The recombinant hEGF was provided by Dr. Pablo Valenzuela (Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, CA). Highly purified mouse EGF was obtained from Dr. Gregory Schultz


The fallopian tube, an anatomical continuation of the uterus, is a dynamic and cyclically changing structure which responds to ovarian steroid hormones and prostaglandins (8-14). Fallopian tubes contain multiple cell types, and this cellular diversity helps in the maturation and transport of gametesand embryo, fertilization, and early development of the embryo (8-14). Thus, fallopian tubes play a pivotal role in normal fertility in women. Although human and animal uteri are known to contain EGF and its receptors and are subject to their regulation (15-27), it is virtually unknown Received March 9, 1992. Address all correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. Ch. V. Rao, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 438 MDR Building, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292. * This work was presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Knoxville, TN, 1990 (Abstract 99). 947

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female FIG. 3. Pituitary VIP content (top), PRL content (middle), and serum PRL levels (bottom) in intact male and female rats and OVX rats injected SCwith 7 or 70 rg EB dissolved in sesame oil or oil alone and decapitated 3 days later (AM). Each column represents the mean + SEM of individual values obtained from six to nine rats. a, P < 0.05 us. diestrous female and OVX plus oil group. b, P < 0.05 us. male and diestrous female group. c, P c 0.05 us. all other groups.

in the OVX rats in which EBtreatment resulted in an increase in the pituitary VIP content. As we have demonstrated before, this was the caseonly in the group treated with the highest dose of EB. This effect of 70 pg EB on the pituitary VIP content and serum PRL levels is probably causedby the significantly greater levels of serum estradiol present in the 70 pg group compared to the 7 pg group (9). However, both dosesof EB resulted in serum estradiol levels considerably

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greater than those found throughout the estrous cycle (9). Thesefindings support the suggestionthat pituitary VIP may be related to the development of estrogen-induced hyperprolactinemia (26-28). The inverse relationship found between serum and pituitary PRL levels and pituitary VIP content in the untreated male ZIS.female rat suggests,however, that VIP is not related to basal PRL secretions. Therefore, although these and other data show that VIP is produced and releasedby rat adenohypophyseal cells, the functional significance of this VIP remains to be defined. In vitro data clearly show that VIP releasedfrom anterior pituitary cells has a stimulatory role in PRL release (3-5). The most compelling evidence that VIP has a role in the regulation of PRL releasecomes from studies in which circulating PRL levels were reduced after the biological action of VIP was neutralized by treatment of rats with a VIP antiserum or antagonist (23, 24, 28-34). Whereas those VIP neutralization studies clearly demonstrate a role for VIP in the regulation of PRL release, they provide no information on the origin of the active VIP in vim. This is critical, because VIP may be released from the median eminence (18, 35) or posterior pituitary (35, 36) in addition to the adenohypophysis and affect pituitary function. Several laboratories have attempted to study the role of anterior pituitary VIP in the regulation of PRL in vim by following the changesin the contents of these two hormones after various endocrine manipulations known to alter PRL content and secretion (2,6-10). The results have been equivocal because, for example, pituitary VIP and PRL content were increased equally by the high dosesof EB (70 pg/rat), while pituitary PRL content, but not VIP, was increasedafter lower dosesof EB (7 pg/rat) (9). This was confirmed in the present study. In hypothyroid rats, the pituitary VIP content was markedly increased, while pituitary PRL was reduced (2, 10). In the same manner, comparing VIP and PRL in anterior pituitaries of untreated males and females suggests that VIP has little to do with the regulation of PRL. However, statements about hormone function based on tissue content must be interpreted with caution, becausecontent may be a poor reflection of hormone secretory dynamics. In summary, these data demonstrate that VIP-IR cells are not lactotrophs and are numerous throughout the anterior pituitary gland of untreated male and female rats, Furthermore, changesin the pituitary content of VIP are probably a reflection of parallel changes in the cellular content of VIP, rather than in the number of VIP-producing cells. Acknowledgments This publication is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Mary Notter, who taught Dr. Phelps to “quantify” rather than “quantitate;” her accidental death on November 2, 1991, was both a personal and professional loss to the author. The technical assistance of Ms. Myra Vaccarella and the photographic expertise of Ms. Dorothy Herrera and Ms. Nancy Dimmick are gratefully acknowledged. We thank Dr. A. Arimura for his generous gift of PACAP38. Materials for PRL RIA and ICC were gifts from the NIDDK and the National Hormone and Pituitary Program at the University of Maryland.

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Results EGFITGF-a distribution

receptor and EGF mRNAs and their cellular

Northern blot analysis shows that human fallopian tubes contain major 10.5-kb and minor 6.0-kb receptor mRNA transcripts (Fig. lA, lane 2) and a single 5.0-kb EGF mRNA transcript (Fig. 1C). The HN5 cells, which served as a positive control, also showed the same major and minor receptor transcripts (Fig. lA, lane l), but their relative abundance is much higher than in the human fallopian tubes. In situ hybridization analysis shows that tubal epithelium, smooth muscle, and blood vessels contain receptor mRNA (Fig. 2, A-C) and EGF mRNA (Fig. 2, E-G) transcripts. These transcripts disappeared in the control sections which were pretreated with RNase before hybridization (Fig. 2, D and H). Ciliated epithelial cells contain more receptor transcripts than the nonciliated cells (Fig. 2B), whereas ciliated and nonciliated cells show a similar distribution of EGF transcripts (Fig. 2F). Immunoreactive EGF/TGF-CY receptor protein Western immunoblot analysis shows that human fallopian tubes (Fig. 1, lane 2) contain, like A431 cells (Fig. 1, lane l), a single 170-kDa protein. This protein became nondetectable when the receptor antibody preabsorbed with term human placental microsomes was used (Fig. 1, lane 3) or when unabsorbed receptor antibody was substituted with nonspecific mouse IgG (Fig. 1, lane 4). Immurwstaining

for EGF receptor protein

Light microscope immunocytochemistry shows that tubal epithelium, smooth muscle (Fig. 3, A-C), vascular smooth muscle, and endothelium (Fig. 4A) are immunostained for the receptors. This immunostaining was absent when the receptor antibody was preabsorbed with term human placen-





tal microsomes (Fig. 4D) or when unabsorbed receptor antibody was omitted or substituted with nonspecific mouse IgG during the immunostaining procedure (data not shown). Tubal epithelium contains more immunostaining than the other cells; ciliated epithelial cells contain more than nonciliated cells; and immunostaining in ciliated cells is present in cell periphery, cilia, cytoplasm, and nuclei (Fig. 3C). Ampullary segments contain more immunostaining than isthmus (Fig. 3, compare A with B). Proliferative phase and postpartum ampulla contain a similar amount of immunostaining which is higher than in the secretory phase (Fig. 5, compare A and B with C). Postmenopausal tubes contain the least amount of immunostaining (Fig. 5D). Isthmus segments also showed similar reproductive state differences as ampulla (data not shown). The immunostaining in ampullary and isthmic junctions and other tubal regions could not be evaluated. Another monoclonal receptor antibody (IgG 528) gave similar results as the receptor antibody (29.1) for which the data is presented in Figs,. 3-5, with the exception that the nuclei were not as extensively immunostained (data not shown). Immutwstaining

for EGF protein

The immunostaining for EGF is present in tubal epithelium, smooth muscle (Fig. 3, D-F), vascular smooth muscle, and ‘endothelium (Fig. 4B). This immunostaining is absent when the human EGF antibody was preabsorbed with excess purified human EGF (Fig. 4E) or when unabsorbed EGF antibody was omitted or substituted with nonspecific rabbit IgG (data not shown). Generally, vascular smooth muscle and epithelium contain a similar amount of EGF immunostaining except in the secretory phase, where heterogeneously immunostained epithelial cells contain more immunostaining than the vascular smooth muscle (compare Fig. 4B with Fig. 3, D and E, and Fig. 5G). Unlike receptors (Fig. 3C), there is no obvious difference between ciliated and nonciliated epithelial cells in

C 6.0, kb

FIG. 1. Northern blot analysis of EGF/TGF-(U receptors (A) and EGF (C) and Western blot analysis of EGF/TGF-(r receptors (B) in human fallopian tubes. HN5 cells in Northern blot analysis and A431 cells in Western blot analysis were used for positive controls. In A, lane 1 represents HN5 cells and lane 2 human fallopian tubes. In B, lane 1 represents A431 cells and lanes 2-4 human fallopian tubes. Lanes 3 and 4 are controls in which the receptor antibody was preabsorbed with human placental microsomes (lane 3) or unabsorbed primary antibody was substituted with nonspecific mouse IgG (lane 4). In Northern analysis, 3 pg poly(A)+ selected RNA was used per lane. In Western blot analysis, 10 pg protein in lane 1 and 20 pg protein in lanes 2-4 were used.

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Frc. 4. Light microscopic immunocytochemical localization of EGFITGF-a receptor (A), EGF (BI, and TGF-a (C) proteins in tubal blood vessels. In A-C, large arrowheads point out vascular smooth muscle, and small arrowheads paint out endothelium. D-F are controls in which the receptor antibody was preabsarbed with term human placental microsames (D), and EGF (E) and TGF-a (F) antibodies were preabsarbed with corresponding excess peptides before immunostaining. Magnifications, A and D, x550; B, x300; E, F, G, X140.

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. FIG. 5. Light microscopic immunocytochemical localization of EGFJTGF-a reeeptor (A-D), EGF (E-H), and TGF-a (J-M) proteins in human fallopian tubes from proliferative phase (A, E, and J), postpartum (B, F, and K), secretary phase (C, G, and L), and post menopause (D, H, and M). Magnifications, A-M, x140.

” ,.


(Fig. 3F). In addition, cilia and irn&sr of nuclei are not immunostained. Ampullary segmentscontain more EGF immunostaining than isthmus (Fig. 3, compare D with E). Proliferative phase and postpartum ampulla contain a similar immunostaining which is higher than in postmenopausal specimens(Fig. 5, EC;F immunostaining

compare E and F with H). In the secretory phase, the immunostaining of epithelial cells is quite heterogenous and it is higher than those from the other reproductive states (Fig. 5G). Polyclonal antibody to mouse EGF gave similar results as the polyclonal antibody to human EGF for which the data is presented

in Figs. 3-5.

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954 Immunostaining




All the tubal cells are also immunostained for TGF-(r (Fig. 3, G-J; Fig. 4C). The immunostaining was absent when TGFQ antibody was preabsorbed with excessTGF-cupeptide (Fig. 4F) or when unabsorbed TGF-(Y antibody was omitted or substituted with nonspecific mouse IgG (data not shown). Vascular endothelial cells contain a similar immunostaining asepithelial cells which is higher than in other tubal cells (Fig. 3, G and H; Fig. 4C). Similar to EGF, TGF-(Y immunostaining is higher in ampulla than in isthmus (Fig. 3, compare G with H). Unlike EGF: 1) TGF-a immunostaining is higher in nonciliated epithelial cells than in ciliated cells (Fig. 3J); 2) the immunostaining is present primarily at the cell periphery (Fig. 3J); 3) proliferative phase specimenscontain more immunostaining than those from postpartum (Fig. 5, compare J with K); and 4) the immunostaining is relatively homogeneous in the secretory phase (Fig. 5L). Immunogold


microscopy for EGF receptors

The immunogold particles reflecting the receptors are present over cell membranes, cilia, basal bodies, nucleus, and endoplasmic reticulum of ciliated epithelial cells (Fig. 6A). Compared to these cells, nonciliated cells contain a much lower number of gold particles, and they are primarily distributed over microvilli (Fig. 6B). Preabsorption of the receptor antibody with term human placental microsomes (Fig. 6C) or omissionor substitution of unabsorbed receptor antibody with nonspecific mouse IgG (data not shown), although keeping everything including colloidal gold-labeled antimouse IgG (secondary antibody), resulted in the absenceof gold particles. The distribution of gold particles with monoclonal receptor antibody, IgG 528, was similar to the receptor antibody, 29.1, for which the data is presented in Fig. 6. However, there was one exception, that is, nuclei contained relatively fewer gold particles with the receptor antibody, IgG 528 (data not shown). Discussion

The present studiesinvestigated the possibleexpression of EGF receptor and its ligands, EGF and TGF-(u, in human fallopian tubes by Northern blot analysis, in situ hybridization, Western immunoblot analysis, and light and/or electron microscopeimmunocytochemistry. TGF-a mRNA could not be measured because of the lack of cDNA probe in our laboratory. The resultsshow that fallopian tubes contain EGF receptor and EGF mRNA transcripts. The size of these transcripts are in agreement with those reported in other tissues and in HN5 cells, which were used as a positive control for the receptors (24, 25, 35-38). As expected, the relative abundance of the receptor transcripts in HN5 cells is higher than in fallopian tubes. The receptor antibody immunoreacted with a single 170kDa protein in fallopian tubes. This is identical to the molecular size of EGF receptors in A431 cells, which were used as a positive control, and what was previously reported for a variety of other tissues and cells (6, 7). The relative abundance of 170-kDa protein in A431 cells, which are known to



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contain l-3 million receptors per cell determined by ligand binding, is, however, similar to fallopian tubes even after taking into consideration that different amounts of protein were used. This is unexpected, and it may be related to A431 cells containing truncated receptors as well as some full length receptors with aberrant oligosaccharide moities (35, 39). Both these receptor forms may not be fully immunoreactive toward 29.1 receptor antibody, which is specific to carbohydrate structures on the extracellular receptor domain (40, 41). The carbohydrate structures of EGF receptors are related to those in blood group active antigens (40). Therefore, it is theoretically possible that the receptor antibody clone 29.1 can cross-react with these nonreceptor-related antigens. However, it is not known whether these antigens are present in fallopian tubes or other tissuesor bind to the receptor antibody. Nevertheless, the present studies used a second receptor antibody, which immunoreacts with the protein structure of the receptor (42), and it gave similar immunostaining results. Human fallopian tubes contain epithelial cells lining the tubal lumen, stroma, smooth muscle, and serosal layer on the outside (8-l 1). Blood vesselsare interspersed among the stroma and smooth muscle layers. Mature tubal epithelium consists of ciliated nonsecretory and nonciliated secretory epithelial cells (8-11). The relative proportion of these two cell types varies during the menstrual cycle (13). Ciliated cells through their ciliary beat can pick up ovum and transport gametes and embryo (8-11, 13). The nonciliated cells can synthesize and secrete macromolecules which provide milieu conducive for fertilization, nourishment, and early cleavage of embryos (8-11, 13). The contractions of tubal smooth muscle also help in the transport of gametes and embryo (8-14). All the above tubal cells contain EGF receptor and its ligands, EGF and TGF-(Y, which suggeststhat these two growth factors may potentially regulate ciliary beat, secretions, contractions, blood flow, cell division, and differentiation in the fallopian tubes. Recently, Takeuchi et al. (43) have shown that EGF can enhance proliferation of human fallopian tubal epithelial cells. There is also a precedencefor EGF regulating many of these events in other reproductive and nonreproductive tissues(23, 27, 44-46). The correspondence between the distribution of mRNA and the distribution of protein is excellent in tubal cells. For example, epithelial cells contain more receptor mRNA and receptor protein, and vascular smooth muscle contains more EGF mRNA and EGF protein than the other tubal cells. Ciliated cells contain more receptor mRNA and receptor protein than nonciliated cells, whereas ciliated and nonciliated cells contain similar amounts of EGF mRNA and EGF protein. Similarities as well as differences were found for EGF receptor and its ligands, EGF and TGF-(Y, distribution in tubal tissue/cells. Similarities include: ampulla, which is known to be more estrogen dependent, contain all three molecules more than the less estrogen-dependent isthmus; and proliferative (estrogen dominance) and/or postpartum specimenscontain all three molecules, more than secretory phase, whereas postmenopausal specimens contained the least amounts. Since there are only two specimensin the postmenopausalgroup, we cannot generalize these findings.

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FIG. 6. Immunogold electron microscopic localization of EGF/TGF-(U receptors in ciliated (A) and nonciliated (B) epithelial cells. A, The immunogold particles reflecting the receptors are present in cell membranes, cilia, basal bodies, and nucleus. B, Fewer gold particles are present and they are mostly distributed over microvilli. Arrows point out basal bodies; large arrowheads point out plasma membranes; and small arrowheads point out endoplasmic reticulum. C is a control in which the receptor antibody was preabsorbed with human term placental microsomes. Magnification, A-C, X25,000.

The cellular and reproductive state differences include: 1) Epithelial cells contain more receptors than the other tubal cells; epithelial cells contain a similar amount of EGF as vascular smooth muscle except in secretory phase; and epithelial cells contain a similar amount of TGF-a as vascular endothelium. 2) Ciliated cells contain more receptors than nonciliated cells,

vice versufor TGF-(Y, and both cells contain a similar amount

of EGF. 3) Although proliferative and postpartum specimens contain similar amounts of receptors and EGF, proliferative phase specimens contain more TGF-a than postpartum specimens. 4) Although the distribution of receptors and TGF-(w is uniform in epithelial cells from the secretory phase, the EGF

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distribution is quite heterogenous. Clearly, the cellular distribution and reproductive state dependency of these three regulatory molecules are not the same. This suggests that paracrine in addition to autocrine mechanisms are involved in the regulation of tubal functions by these growth factors. All the tubal cells contain both EGF and TGF-o(, and it appears that these cells contain more TGF01than EGF. However, we have not eliminated the possibilities that differences in the nature of EGF and TGF-a antibodies, IgG concentrations, and possible differential preservation of EGF and TGF-a proteins during tissue processing could account for the immunostaining differences between these two growth factors. If these two growth factors have identical functions because of structural similarity and binding to the same receptors, then there is no need for expression of both growth factors at the same time. On the other hand, if these two growth factors have some nonoverlapping functions, then the expression of both growth factors will be required to meet the functional needs in different cells and in different reproductive states. The present data is consistent with such a possibility. In fact, EGF and TGF-a have previously been shown to differ in some functional properties (46-50).

It is clear from the light microscope immunocytochemistry that the receptor immunostaining is present in cell periphery, cilia, cytoplasm, nuclear periphery, and interior of the nucleus. EGF immunostaining is present in cell periphery, cytoplasm, and nuclear periphery. TGF-a immunostaining is present in cell and nuclear periphery. Immunogold electron microscopy showed the receptors to be present in cell membranes, cilia, basal bodies which control ciliary beat frequency, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membranes, and chromatin. This distribution pattern is specific because the immunogold particles reflecting the receptors are absent in all three controls in which colloidal gold-labeled antimouse IgG is present. Moreover, Western immunoblot analysis showed that the receptor antibody recognized only EGF receptors. The nuclear distribution of receptors has alsobeen seen in human fallopian tubes with another receptor antibody (IgG 528), which is directed against the binding site on the extracellular receptor domain (42). In addition, using the sameor similar receptor antibodies, nuclei from other target tissuessuch as human placenta, bovine corpus luteum, and A431 cells have also been shown to contain EGF receptors (34, 41, 51, 52). We have not made a similar detailed analysis of subcellular distribution of EGF and TGF-CV.It is possible that immunostaining seenin cell periphery, cytoplasm (EGF), and the perinuclear region may represent receptor binding of thesegrowth factors. Thesefindings suggestthe possibility that EGF and TGF-ol may well have cell surface as well as intracellular sites of action. In fact, previous studies have shown that EGF can directly regulate target cell nuclear functions (53-55). In summary, human fallopian tubes contain EGF, EGF/ TGF-(r receptor mRNA and protein, and TGF-cuprotein. The expression of all these three regulatory molecules was dependent on anatomical region, cell type, and reproductive state of the fallopian tubes. These findings suggestthat EGF and TGF-a may regulate numerous tubal functions, thus potentially influencing fertility in women. The reproductive




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state dependency suggeststhat other reproductive hormones may modulate the actions of these growth factors. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Dwight Pridham and numerous other obstetrics and gynecology physicians and pathologists at the University of Louisvilleaffiliated hospitals for their help in collecting the tissues, and Dr. Chandan Chakraborty for performing Western immunoblot analysis.

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Expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and its ligands, EGF and transforming growth factor-alpha, in human fallopian tubes.

Although human uterus is known to contain epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptors, it is virtually unknown whether human fallopian tubes, whic...
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