Neuroscience Letters, 14 (1979) 55--60 © Elsevier/North-Holland Scientific Publishers Ltd.




Department of Histology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Department of Pharmacology, Uppsala University (Sweden), Department of Anatomy, E ~ m u s University Medical School, Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Institute of Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen (F.R.G.) (Received June 7th, 1979) (Accepted June 7th, 1979)


In the present study a m e t h o d is used, with which retrograde tracing with the fluorescent d y e 'True Blue' is combined with the indirect immunofluorescence technique for visualizing enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Evidence is presented for the existence of an enkephalin immunoreactive system originating in the lower medulla oblongata and projecting to the spinal cord.

The enkephalin pentapeptides [15] have a wide-spread distribution in the central nervous system. Immunocytochemical methods have shown enkephalin immunoreactive nerve terminals in the central and dorsal horns of the spinal cord and a particular dense network in laminae I and II [4,9,10,13,27, 28,30,31]. In the dorsal horn there are also enkephalin immunoreactive cell bodies [10,13,30]. Previous attempts to elucidate the origin of the enkephalin immunoreactive fibers in the gray matter of the spinal cord. Since no dorsal rhizotomy as well as total transection of the spinal cord. Since no distinct effects could be observed after either operation, we concluded that the fibers are intrinsic to the cord [ 1 3 ] . Quantitative estimations on the basis of immunocytochemistry are, however, difficult to perform. Thus, a decrease in the number of immunoreactive fibers, particularly in the densely innervated laminae I and II, might be difficult to detect. We have therefore reinvestigated this problem utilizing a different approach, b y which retrograde tracing principles [16,19] were combined with immunohistochemistry ([ 12] ; see also ref. 22). For retrograde tracing a fluorescent marker was used [2] and enkephalin-like material was demonstrated with the indirect immunofluorescence technique [6,9,10]. We n o w present evidence that enkephalin immunoreactive cell bodies located in the lower medulla oblongata project to the spinal cord.

56 Male albino rats (Sprague--Dawley; body wt 150 g) were used. Under halothane anaesthesia, 1 pl of a 10% solution of the dye 'True Blue' (code number 150/129; trans-l,2-bis(5.amidino-2-benzofuranyl) ethylene 2 HC1) [ 7 ] in distilled water was injected bilaterally at two levels of lower thoracicupper lumbar spinal cord with a Hamilton syringe [2]. Six days later 25 pl colchicine (concentration 3 pg/ul), dissolved in 0.9% sodium chloride, were injected into the lateral ventricle. After 24 h the rats were perfused with 4% ice cold formaldehyde for 30 min and the brain and spinal cord were removed, immersed in the same fixative for 90 min, rinsed for 24 h in 0.1 M phosphate buffer with 5% sucrose added and cut on a cryostat. Sections from the lower medulla oblongata were examined in a Zeiss fluorescence microscope and fluorescent cells were photographed. After removal of the cover slip, the sections were transferred to a buffer and processed for the indirect technique of Coons and collaborators (see ref. 6) as described previously [11]. Briefly, the sections were incubated at 4°C with antiserum to met-enkephalin diluted 1 : 160 for 16--20 h, rinsed, incubated with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated sheep antirabbit antibodies (SBL, Stockholm, Sweden}, mounted, examined in the same fluorescence microscope and fluorescent cells were photographed. As described in detail in a parallel paper [12], the 'True Blue' fluorescence disappears almost completely after the processing for immunohistochemistry. Thus, the green fluorescent cells and fibers seen after the immunohistochemical procedure represent enkephalin immunoreactive structures. It should also be emphasized that, with the filter combinations used (excitation filter: either Schott B912 or KP500; stopfilter: either Zeiss 50 or LP520), the green-yellow 'True Blue' colour can be distinguished clearly from that of the FITC induced green fluorescence. Seven days after injection of the dye into the spinal cord numerous greenyellow fluorescent cells were observed in the lower medulla oblongata These cells were located in several nuclei, particularly in the midline raphe nuclei, the ventral part of the reticular nucleus and on the gigantocellular reticular nucleus. Labelled cells were also seen in the dorsal aspects of the lateral reticular nucleus and dorsal and lateral to the inferior olive, i.e., in the paragigantocellular nucleus and in the pars a of the gigantocellular reticular nucleus [32]. In the latter area the fluorescent cells were often found in small groups with up to 10 cells per section and side (Fig. 1A}. These results are in general agreement with earlier results on efferent connections of the lower medulla oblongata and t h e spinal cord [1,5,18,20,24]. After labelling for the indirect immunofluorescence technique with enkephalin antiserum, the labelling pattern was markedly different. The fluorescent cells described above were no longer detectable, except for some very weakly yellow fluorescentcells. On the other hand, green fluorescent enkephalin immunoreactive cells were observed in several nuclei with a distribution similar to that described previously [9,27,30], that is, for example, in the superficial layers of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, the nucleus tractus solitarii,


Fig. 1. Fluorescence micrographs of the lower medulla oblongata of the same section showing the area immediately dorsal to the inferior olive (IO). In (A) numerous greenyellow fluorescent cell bodies are seen, which have been retrogradely labelled with 'True Blue' after spinal injections of the dye. In (B) the same area has been photographed after processing of the section for indirect immunofluorescence histochemistry using an antiserum to met-enkephalin. A small group of cells (arrows), which in A contains 'True Blue', is in B shown to be enkephalin immunoreactive. Note that a very weak (yellow) fluorescence, clearly different from the FITC induced fluorescence, remains in some cells after processing for immunohistochemistry (arrow heads). Bars indicate 50 ~m.


the medulla~v raphe nuclei and adjacent areas, in the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, including its pars a (Fig. 1B) and in the nucleus paragigantocellularis. Interestingly, in at least one area there was a clear overlap between 'True Blue' positive and enkephalin immunoreactive cells. Thus, a close comparison between photographs taken after the t w o procedures, respectively, revealed that, immediately dorsal to the inferior olive, presumably in the pars a of the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, a group of enkephalin immunoreactive cell bodies had previously been retrogradely 'stained' with 'True Blue' injected into the spinal cord (Fig. 1A,B). We previously suggested that enkephalin immunoreactive fibers in the spinal cord are intrinsic, since neither total transection of the cord, nor dorsal rhizotomy appeared to reduce the number of fibers, while for instance, the same experiments revealed a decrease in substance P immunoreactive fibers [ 13 ]. The conclusion that enkephalin fibers of the spinal cord are mainly intrinsic is therefore still valid and the nerve terminals of descending fibers probably only constitute a small fraction of the total number. It is of course also possible that enkephalin cells in other brain stem areas, e.g., the nucleus raphe magnus give rise to descending projections. This possibility is presently under investigation. Supraspinal descending systems have been implicated in stimulation produced analgesia [1,3,21,23,25,26], possibly via activation o-f enkephalin immunoreactive interneurons ([ 13] ; see also ref. 1). For instance, descending 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons, originally described by DahlstrSm and Fuxe [7], have been considered important (see ref. 25). Since a substance P-like peptide is present in at least a proportion of the 5-HT neurons [ 1 4 ] , this peptide may also be involved in stimulation produced analgesia. Whether the present descending ENK immunoreactive neurons are involved in this p h e n o m e n o n remains to be elucidated. It is interesting that areas adjacent to the nucleus raphe magnus also have been related to stimulation produced analgesia [1,29]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This work was supported by grants from Karolinska Institutet, the Swedish Medical Research Council (04X-2887; 25X-03766), Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse, Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse and Claes Groschinskys Stiftelse, The skilful technical assistance of Mrs W. Hiort and Miss Ulla Lindefeldt is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES 1 Basbaum, A.I. and Fields, H.L., Endogenous pain control mechanisms: review and hypothesis, Ann. Neurol., 4 (1978) 451--462. 2 Bentivoglio, M., Kuypers, H.G.J.M., Catsman-Berrevoets, C.E. and Dann, O., Fluorescent retrograde neuronal labeling in rat by means of substances binding specifically to adenine-thymine rich DNA, Neurosci. Lett., 12 (1979) 235--240.

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Evidence for enkephalin immunoreactive neurons in the medulla oblongata projecting to the spinal cord.

Neuroscience Letters, 14 (1979) 55--60 © Elsevier/North-Holland Scientific Publishers Ltd. 55 EVIDENCE F O R ENKEPHALIN IMMUNOREACTIVE N E U R O N S...
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