203 Endoscopy 3 (1979) 203-206

Evaluation of histological classification in early gastric cancer (An analysis of 300 cases) K. Elster, W. Carson, A. Wild, A. Thomasko

Summary Using the Lauren approach of histological classifi-

cation, 300 cases of early gastric cancer (EGC) were analysed with regard to their age distribution,

to predisposing lesions, including gastritis, and survival rate. The average age of onset for EGC of the diffuse type is 56, ten years earlier than for the intestinal type. There was a significantly high per-

centage of EGC of the diffuse type without gastritis. On the other hand, gastritis in pernicious anaemia falls in the high-risk group. The survival rate in our cases is 98%, corrected for age. The results show that it is of utmost importance to differentiate between the histological types of gastric carcinoma; for there may be indeed a difference in pathogenesis and aetiology.

Zusammenfassung Unter Anwendung der Lauren-Klassifikation mit der Abgrenzung der histologischen Typen diffus" und intestinal" wurden 300 Magenfriihkarzinome, im Hinblick auf Altersverteilung, pradis-

ponierende Faktoren, einschließlich der Gastritis und der 5- Jahresheilungsrate analysiert.

Der Altersgipfel für den diffusen Typ lag bei 56 Jahren, 10 Jahre friiher als beim intestinalen Typ. Statistisch signifikant war der hohe Prozentsatz von Friihcarcinomen mit dem histologischen diffusen Typ in einer Schleimhaut ohne Entziindungs-

zeichen. Die Perniziosa-Konstellation" der Gastritis stellt jedoch einen Risikofaktor dar. Die 5Jahresheilungsrate 215 verwertbarer Falle lag bei 98%, nach Alterskorrektur. Die Ergebnisse weisen

auf die Bedeutung und Notwendigkeit bei der Key-Words: Early gastric carcinoma, Lauren classification, gastritis

Abgrenzung der histologischen Typen des Magencarcinoms bei derartigen Untersuchungen hin; denn offensichtlich bestehen Unterschiede in der Pathogenese und Atiologic.

Since the advent of better quantitative and qualitative endoscopic procedures the diagnosis of early gastric cancer (EGC) has been made more and more frequently. Since the founding of the Bayreuth Pathology Institute nine years ago we diagnosed 300 cases of EGC on resected stomachs, using the Japanese definition. The morphological prediag-

according to the findings of Lauren (5) and Ming (6) in their work with advanced stomach cancers. The first type is characterized by expanding growth of a tumor with well-defined boundaries. The basic histologic structure is usually adenocarcinoma (Fig. I).

nosis was made by biopsy in 96% (2). Of these diagnoses by biopsy, 82% were made

In the second or diffuse type there are scattered cells and cell groups (Fig. 2). This type presents morphologically a signet ring cell carcinoma or a poorly differentiated tubular

on the first biopsy and 14% on follow-up.

adenocarcinoma, and may frequently be a mixture of both types.

Histological types We divided our cases into the two histolog-

ical types of intestinal and diffuse cancer,

Age distribution

The significance of this differentiation is reflected in the age distribution. The diffuse

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Department of Pathology, Municipal Hospital, Bayreuth


K. Elster, W. Carson, A. Wild, A. Thomasko

age age at the onset of disease is 56 years with

the diffuse carcinoma, about 10 years earlier than the age of the average patient with the intestinal type. In the same manner, the peak

incidence for the diffuse type is about 10 years earlier than that for the intestinal type. These statistics agree with those for the ad-

expectancy, that older people are more frequently gastroscoped, and that therefore the absolute number of gastric cancers in old age is higher.

Correlation with gastritis An interesting finding is that there are significant differences in the incidence of a so-

MAN r Fig. 1

Adenocarcinoma, highly differentiated with

"expanding" growth. Early gastric carcinoma II b (m) intestinal type

called accompanying gastritis".



cancer of the diffuse type there was normal

mucosa in 13% of the cases. Even in the intestinal type 7% of the cases showed no gastritis in the mucosa surrounding the tumor. Still higher percentages are seen if we

regard the mucosa of the fundus (Tab. 2).

type is found more frequently in the first decades and less so in later decades of life,

and the intestinal type occurs with ever

increasing frequency from the middle age to later life (Fig. 3). Correspondingly, the aver-

These results may make the aetiological correlation of tumor and chronic atrophic gasat least for the diffuse tritis questionable type. This is all the more remarkable since benign lesions such as peptic ulcer are associated with a high percentage of changes like

Fig. 2 with


Signet ring-cell carcinoma scattered cells and cell

groups. Early gastric carcinoma II b (m) diffuse type

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vanced cancers published by Lauren (5). However, it is noticeable that the diagnosis of both types of EGC is made a decade later, respectively (Tab. 1). This may perhaps be explained by the fact that there is a longer life

Evaluation of histological classification in early gastric cancer



diffuse type - intestinal type



10Age distribution of two histological types in 300 early gastric Fig. 3

cancers. (17 cases of mixed type are not included) Table







70- age


Mean age Peak


Intestinal Type Diffuse Type Intestinal Type Diffuse Type

Advanced Carcinoma (n = 1344) (1945-1964 Lauren)

Early Gastric Cancer

55.4 47.7

66.0 56.0

60-69 50-59

70-75 60-65

(n =


(1969-1978, own cases)

Mean age and peak age in diffuse and intestinal type. Comparison between early gastric cancer and advanced carcinoma.

chronic atrophic gastritis, with and without

changes in the gastric stump are at least partly

intestinal metaplasia (1). A collective evaluation of chronic atrophic gastritis as a precancerous lesion is therefore not only problematic, but may be dangerous with respect to the therapeutic consequences (7).

a factor in the pathogenesis of malignancies of the stomach. The coincidence of benign hyperplasiogenic polyps with tumors can not

Lesions with high risk

Analysis of stomach at risk yields another probable reason to consider a different pathogenesis for the two types. The cancer to be expected in patients with pernicious anaemia would be of the intestinal type. This is associated with chronic atrophic gastritis of

the entire mucosa of the fundus. Quantitatively speaking, this may be termed precancerous". The resected stomach may be seen

yet be explained, and there is likewise no answer regarding the question of Ménétrier's syndrome in our small number of cases. Deviations from single circumscribed findings seem to be of great therapeutic and prognostic importance. Lesions covered by our study are double early cancers, early gastric cancer together with a borderline lesion, multicentric

localisation, that is, various cancerous foci relatively far apart, and finally, the tumor spreading without continuous infiltration, a fact one can recognize only after microscopic

under the same aspect, albeit with some reser-

examination. The last two types of lesions most frequently develop recurrences in the

vations, for it is thought that the atrophic

gastric stump (3).

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K. Elster: Evaluation of histological class fication in early gastric cancer

Table 2

early gastric carcinoma Diff.-Type (n = 122) Int.-Type (n = 151)

chronic atrophic gastritis with or without intestinal metaplasia


severe superficial gastritis





mild or moderate superficial gastritis
















Frequency and severity of gastritis in tumor-distant fundic mucosa

One of our case findings demonstrated how

important it


that, whenever biopsy has

References 1

revealed a signet ring cell carcinoma, the sur-

geon should resect with a great margin of safety, not only proximally, but also into the duodenum.



Elster, K., S. Reiss, K. Heinkel: Histotopographische Untersuchungen tiller die intestinale Metaplasie im Karzinomund Ulkusmagen Z. Gesamte Inn. Med. 15 (1960) 1035 Elster, K.: Biopsie und Cytologie (in der Diagnostik und Therapie chirurgischer Erkrankungen) Langenbecks Arch. Chir. 345 (Kongregbericht 1977) 313 Elster, K., A. Thomasko: Klinische Wertung der histologi-

In spite of this finding, which may adversely affect the prognosis, the cumulative

schen Typen des Magenfrühkarzinoms Eine Analyse von 300 Fällen. Leber, Magen, Dann 8, Nr. 6 (1978) 319 4 Elster, K., E. Seifert: Magenfriihkarzinom. In: Th. Gheorghiu (Hrsg.): Das gastroenterologische Kompenchum. Witzstrock, Baden-Baden Brüssel Kiiln New York (1979)

survival rate from the 215 cases which we


Survival rate

followed up, corrected for age, was 98% (+ 2% 8%). There were no significant differ-

ences between the two histological types under discussion (4). The value of such an analysis of early gas-

tric cancer lies not only in the aspect of the clinical morphology and its practical meaning for diagnosis, therapy and prognosis, but also especially in the deepening of our knowledge of the pathogenesis.

Lauren, P.: The two histological main types of gastric carcinoma: diffuse and so-called intestinal type carcinoma.

An attempt at a histo-clinical classification. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. 64 (1965) 31 6 Ming, S.-C.: Gastric carcinoma. A pathobiological classification. Cancer 39 (1977) 2475 7 Rtisch, W., K. Elster: Gastrointestinale Prakanzerosen. In: Th. Gheorghiu (Hrsg.): Das gastroenterologische Kompendium. Witzstrock, Baden-Baden Brüssel Köln New York (1977)

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Evaluation of histological classification in early gastric cancer (an analysis of 300 cases).

203 Endoscopy 3 (1979) 203-206 Evaluation of histological classification in early gastric cancer (An analysis of 300 cases) K. Elster, W. Carson, A...
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