Etiology and Treatment of Urolithiasis Charles Y. C. Pak, MD • Nephrolithiasis is a heterogeneous disorder, with varying chemical composition and pathophysiologic background. Although kidney stones are generally composed of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate, they may also consist of uric acid, magnesium-ammonium phosphate, or cystine. Stones develop from a wide variety of metabolic or environmental disturbances, including varying forms of hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia, undue urinary acidity, hyperuricosuria, hyperoxaluria, infection with urease-producing organisms, and cystinuria. The cause of stone formation may be ascertained in most patients using the reliable diagnostic protocols that are available for the identification of these disturbances. Effective medical treatments, capable of correcting underlying derangements, have been formulated. They include sodium cellulose phosphate, thiazide, and orthophosphate for hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis; potassium citrate for hypocitraturic calcium nephrolithiasis; acetohydroxamic acid for infection stones; and D-penicillamine and a-mercaptopropionylglycine for cystinuria. Using these treatments, new stone formation can now be prevented in most patients. © 1991 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. INDEX WORDS: Nephrolithiasis; hypercalciuria; hypocitraturia.


EPHROLITHIASIS is a common disorder. Approximately 500,000 Americans suffer from stone episodes yearly, and up to 12 million Americans will develop stones in their lifetime. It is customarily believed that the southeastern United States is a "stone belt," with a high concentration of stone disease. However, a recent study, has shown that stone-forming patients residing in the stone belt carry environmental and metabolic risk factors identical in severity and frequency to those of patients residing elsewhere in the United States. I Stone disease is a surgical as well as a medical problem. When stones cause obstruction of the urinary tract, intractable pain, or bleeding, surgical removal may become mandatory. A medical prophylactic program is also indicated, since nephrolithiasis is characterized by a high rate of recurrence. Major progress has been made recently in the techniques of stone removal and in the medical prevention of new stone formation. The introduction of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsi

has considerably reduced the morbidity of stone removal, often eliminating the need for surgery. Pathophysiological disturbances responsible for or associated with stone formation have been largely clarified. 3 It is now possible to prevent recurrence of stones in most patients, using a variety of treatment programs directed at correcting the underlying disturbances. Improvements in methods of stone removal have not diminished the need for the application of an effective prophylactic program. Despite this progress, many practicing physicians lack sufficient skills to apply an appropriate preventive program rationally. It is the objective of this review to provide them with a background knowledge that would be useful in the management of patients with stones. First, a detailed discussion of pathophysiology of nephrolithiasis will be given, since its understanding is critical for the selection of appropriate therapy. Second, practical guidelines in the diagnostic categorization of different causes of stones will be provided. Last, various therapeutic options for the prevention of stone formation will be discussed.

From the Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX. Supported by US Public Health Service Grant No. POlDK20543. Address reprint requests to Charles Y. C. Pak, MD, Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235-8885. © 1991 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 0272-6386/91/1806-0002$3.00;0



Kidney stones are heterogeneous with respect to chemical composition4 and pathophysiological background responsible for stone formation. 3 Most stones are calcareous. Such calcium-containing stones are composed of calcium oxalate, hydroxyapatite, and much less commonly brushite (CaHP04 • 2H 20) (Table 1). Less common are noncalcareous stones composed of uric

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol XVIII. No 6 (December). 1991: pp 624-637



Table 1. Stones Composition and Corresponding Pathophysiology

Calcareous stones Calcium oxalate Hydroxyapatite Brushite Noncalcareous stones Uric acid Struvite Cystine Triamterene 2,8-dihydroxyadenine Silica

Relative Occurrence (%)



Hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia, undue urinary acidity, hyperuricosuria, hyperoxaluria Hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia, hyperuricosuria Hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia, hyperuricosuria

20 2

7 7

3 5 mmol/d [>200 mg/d]) on both restricted and random diets. Absorptive hypercalciuria type II has an exaggerated calciuric response to an oral calcium load, but normal urinary calcium on the restricted diet. Fasting hypercalciuria in the setting of normocalcemia does not prove the presence of renal hypercalciuria. Serum PTH must be elevated as well to diagnose renal hypercalciuria. Parathyroid function is normal in fasting hypercalciuria with normal serum PTH. Hyperuricosuria (> 15.0 mmol/d [>600 mg/d]) is present with calcium stones in hyperuricosuric calcium nephrolithiasis. Hypocitraturic calcium nephrolithiasis in the pure presentation refers to the condition in which hypocitraturia (urinary citrate < 1.7 mmol/d [6.8) in the absence of infection of the urinary tract. Incomplete renal tubular acidosis is characterized by normal serum electrolytes, but an impaired ability to acidify the urine following ammonium chloride load. Both complete and incomplete forms may be associated with hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia, calcium nephrolithiasis, and nephrocalcinosis. Stone

Table 2. Diagnostic Criteria

Serum calcium Phosphate PTH Urinary calcium Fasting 1-g calcium load 24-h (restricted diet) Oxalate Uric acid Citrate pH









Idiop Hypocit





















t t


t t t

t t t

t t t

t t t













t t t


t t t








t t



NOTE. Pure presentations are depicted. Abbreviations: AH-I, absorptive hypercalciuria type I; AH-II, absorptive hypercalciuria type II; RH, renal hypercalciuria; PHPT, primary hyperparathyroidism; PL, renal phosphate leak; 1,25, primary 1,25-(OH)2vitamin D excess; EH, enteric hyperoxaluria; HUCN, hyperuricosuric calcium nephrolithiasis; Idiop Hypocit, idiopathic hypocitraturia; RTA, distal renal tubular acidosiS; GD, gouty diathesiS; N, normal; t, increase; t, decrease.


analysis typically shows preponderance of hydroxyapatite with calcium oxalate as a minor constituent. Chronic diarrheal states capable of producing hypocitraturia and calcium nephrolithiasis include ileal disease or ileal resection, gastrectomy, ulcerative colitis, and colectomy. The degree of hypocitraturia is generally proportional to the severity of intestinal fluid loss. In severe diarrheal states, urinary citrate may be very low «0.3 mmoljd [ 7.5). Struvite stones are radiopaque and sometimes may attain a large (staghorn) size; they usually occur as mixtures with calcium carbonate apatite or less commonly with calcium oxalate. Simple Evaluation

A multichannel blood screen should be performed to identify primary hyperparathyroidism (from hypercalcemia), renal phosphate leak (from electrolytes), and gouty diathesis (from hyperur-


icemia). A fresh spot urine sample should be cultured for urea-splitting organisms and examined for pH (with a pH electrode). A qualitative examination of urine for cystine provides a clue to the presence of cystinuria. Available stone should be analyzed for stone composition. A careful history should be taken for predisposing conditions, medications, dietary aberrations, and insufficient fluid intake. MEDICAL THERAPY OF NEPHROLITHIASIS

Conservative Management

The primary objective of medical treatment is the prevention of recurrent stone formation. All patients with stones should be offered a conservative treatment program. It alone may' be necessary in patients with mild disease, those with a single stone episode, or those without metabolic disturbance. It should always accompany specific drug therapies in patients with more severe recurrent disease. Fluid intake should be sufficient to assure a minimum urine level of 2 L/d. Dietary sodium restriction (100 mEq/d) is recommended, since a high sodium intake increases urinary calcium, lowers citrate, promotes sodium urate-induced calcium oxalate crystallization, and blunts hypocalciuric response to thiazide. Oxalate restriction is useful in all patients with calcium oxalate stones, and is essential in patients taking sodium cellulose phosphate or in those with intestinal hyperabsorption of oxalate (enteric hyperoxaluria). Dietary calcium restriction is recommended in absorptive hypercalciuria (unless bone loss is present) and in primary hyperparathyroidism with intestinal hyperabsorption of calcium. A moderate restriction of animal proteins may be useful, especially in the presence of hyperuricosuria orhypocitraturia. Specific Treatment

A more specific medical treatment is indicated in patients who continue to form stones or who are recalcitrant to conservative therapy. Treatment of each metabolic condition will be discussed (Table 3). Primary hyperparathyroidism. Parathyroidectomy is the optimal treatment. There is no established medical treatment for the nephrolithiasis of this condition. Although orthophosphates have been recommended for disease of mild to


ETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF UROLITHIASIS Table 3. Treatment Programs Indication Primary hyperparathyroidism

Absorptive hypercalciuria type I


• Urinary Ca 4- 1.25-(OH),O



• Urinary Ca t Urinary citrate and pyrophosphate • Intestinal Ca absorption • Urinary Ca = Intestinal Ca absorption Urinary Ca (transient) 4- Urinary citrate +Intestinal Ca absorption 4- Urinary Ca +Urinary Ca (sustained) +Intestinal Ca absorption +1.25(OH)2D +Intestinal Ca absorption +Urinary Ca t Urinary citrate and pyrophosphate .. Urinary uric acid

Potassium citrate


• Oxalate intake Potassium citrate

• Urinary t Urinary t Urinary t Urinary

Sodium cellulose phosphate Thiazide Low Ca diet

Absorptive hypercalciuria type II Renal hypercalciuria


Renal phosphate leak


Hyperuricosuric Ca nephrolithiasis

Enteric hyperoxaluria

Masgnesium gluconate Calcium citrate Hypocitraturic Ca nephrolithiasis

Potassium citrate

Gouty diathesis

Potassium citrate


Penicillamine or MPG

Infection stones

Acetohydroxamic acid

Abbreviations: • • decrease;

Physicochemical Action

Physiological Action




Urinary citrate

oxalate citrate pH Mg

Urinary citrate

t Urinary pH

t t

urinary citrate Urinary pH +/= Urinary Ca Urinary pH +Undissociated uric acid Urinary citrate Mixed disulfide with cysteine +Urinary cystine Urease activity

t t

+ +NW +pH'

+Urinary saturation of calcium salts • Promoter activity • Urinary saturation of Ca oxalate Inhibitor activity • Urinary saturation of Ca oxalate • Ca phosphate saturation +Urinary saturation of Ca salts


.. Urinary saturation of Ca oxalate and Ca phosphate • Urinary saturation 01 Ca salts

+Urinary saturation of Ca oxalate t

Inhibitor activity

.. Urate-induced crystallization 01 Ca salts +Urinary saturation of 'Ca oxalate +Urate-induced crystallization of Ca salts +Urinary saturation of Ca oxalate .. Urinary saturation of Ca oxalate t Inhibitor activity .. Urinary saturation 01 Ca oxalate


Inhibitor activity

+Urinary saturation t

Inhibitor activity


Urinary saturation of uric acid

+Ca oxalate crystallization

+Urinary saturation of cystine

+Urinary saturation of struvite

+. increase; =. no change.

moderate severity,39 their safety and efficacy have not yet been proved. The use of estrogen in postmenopausal women with this condition has shown some promise. 4o A medical approach should be applied only when parathyroid surgery cannot be undertaken. Absorptive hypercaiciuria. There is no treatment that corrects the basic abnormality of increased calcium absorption. When administered orally, sodium cellulose phosphate binds calcium, inhibits calcium absorption, and lowers urinary calcium. 41 However, it may also lower urinary magnesium (by binding magnesium) and enhance oxalate excretion (by reducing complexation of oxalate by divalent cations). Thiazide is ineffective in restoring normal calcium absorption. Thus, hypocalciuric action, disclosed during first 2 years of treatment, may become attenuated thereafter.

The following guidelines in the use of these two agents are recommended until more selective therapies are found. Sodium cellulose phosphate is appropriate for patients with severe absorptive hypercalciuria type I (urinary calcium> 8.75 mmol/d [>350 mgjd]) and for patients resistant to or intolerant of thiazide therapy. In patients at risk for bone disease (growing children, postmenopausal women, or elderly men), thiazide is the first choice. When thiazide becomes ineffective in lowering urinary calcium, this treatment may be temporarily substituted by sodium cellulose phosphate or orthophosphate (for -6 months). Restoration of hypocalciuric response to thiazide may then ensue, permitting resumption of thiazide therapy. Potassium citrate (eg, 15 to 20 mEq twice a day) should be given along with thiazide (eg, trichlormethiazide 4 mgjd) to prevent hypokalemia and to augment citrate excretion.42


In absorptive hypercalciuria type II, a low calcium diet (10 to 15 mmol/d [400 to 600 mg/d]) and a high fluid intake (sufficient to maintain urine output >2 L/d) are appropriate, since normocalciuria can be restored by dietary calcium restriction alone and because increased urine volume reduces urinary saturation of calcium oxalate, brushite, and monosodium urate, and inhibits spontaneous nucleation of calcium oxalate. Renal hypercalciuria. Thiazide is the treatment of choice. This agent corrects the renal leak of calcium directly by augmenting calcium reabsorption in the distal tubule and by causing extracellular volume depletion, which stimulates proximal tubular reabsorption of calcium. The ensuing correction of secondary hyperparathyroidism restores to normal serum 1,25-(OH)zvitamin D and intestinal calcium absorption. 17 These effects are shared by hydrochlorothiazide (50 mg twice a day), chlorthalidone (50 mg/d), and trichlormethiazide (4 mg/d). Trichlormethiazide is generally best tolerated. Potassium citrate supplementation (15 to 20 mEq twice a day) is recommended to prevent hypokalemia and attendant hypocitraturia. Concurrent use of triamterene, a potassium-sparing agent, should be undertaken with caution because of the possibility of triamterene stone formation. 43 Amilioride may be used with thiazide, since it may also exert a hypocalciuric action, exaggerate the hypocalciuric action of thiazide, and may prevent hypokalemia. 44 However, amiloride does not augment citrate excretion, and may cause hyperkalemia if potassium supplements are also given. Thus, in patients with hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis and hypocitraturia, in whom the use of potassium citrate is contemplated, it is probably wise to use thiazide alone without a potassium-sparing diuretic. Renal phosphate leak. Orthophosphate (neutral or alkaline salt of sodium and/or potassium, 0.5 g phosphorus three to four times per day) appears to be a logical treatment because of its potential for inhibiting 1,25-(OH)zvitamin D syntheSiS. II ,4S Indomethacin (25 mg three times a day) may control hypercalciuria in documented PGEz excess. In other miscellaneous conditions, thiazide with potassium citrate is probably appropriate.

Nonhypercalciuric Calcium Nephrolithiasis Renal tubular acidosis (distal). Potassium citrate therapy is capable of correcting both metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia. 46 Moreover, it


may restore normal urinary citrate, although large doses (up to 120 mEq/d) may be required in severe acidotic states. Urinary calcium typically declines with the correction of acidosis. The overall increase in urinary pH is small, since urinary pH is high to begin with; the urinary pH is generally less than 7.5 during treatment unless a urinary tract infection is present. Thus, potassium citrate treatment produces a sustained decline in the urinary saturation of calcium oxalate (from reduction in urinary calcium and rise in citrate complexation of calcium). The urinary saturation of calcium phosphate does not increase because the rise in phosphate dissociation is relatively small (due to a modest increase in pH) and is adequately compensated. by a decline in ionic calcium concentration. Moreover, inhibitor activity against the crystallization of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate is augmented due to the direct action of citrate. The decrease in urinary calcium is generally accompanied by an increase in intestinal calcium absorption, averting bone 10ss.47 Chronic diarrheal syndrome. In patients with mild to moderate severity of intestinal fluid loss in whom hypocitraturia is not severe (urinary citrate in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 mmol/d [100 to 300 mg/d]), potassium citrate (40 to 60 mEq/d in three to four divided doses in a liquid form) is generally effective in restoring normal urinary citrate and pH. Urinary calcium generally remains low. In those with severe hypocitraturia (with urinary citrate < 0.5 mmol/d [500 mgjd]), in whom conservative management alone is not likely to be effective, penicillamine therapy (together with conservative measures) may be begun. Penicillamine shares with cysteine a free sulfhydryl group. Thus, it undergoes thioldisulfide exchange with cystine to form penicillamine-cysteine disulfide, which is much more soluble than cystine. Following oral administration, a sufficient amount of penicillamine can be excreted in urine to complex cysteine and thereby lower cystine excretion. Unfortunately, penicillamine therapy is associated with frequent, and sometimes severe, side effects, including nephrotic syndrome, dermatitis, and pancytopenia. Alpha-mercaptopropionylglycine (MPG) shares with penicillamine similar biochemical and clinical action. 50 However, it has a lower toxicity profile than penicillamine. Injection Stones Iflong-standing control of infection with ureasplitting organisms can be achieved, new stone formation may be averted, and some existing



stones may be dissolved. Unfortunately, such control is difficult to obtain with antibiotic therapy. If a struvite stone is present, it is difficult to eradicate infection completely because the stone may harbor the organisms within its interstices. Even if "sterilization" of urine can be achieved by antibiotic therapy, reinfection could occur from organisms harbored by the stones. For this reason, surgical removal of the struvite stones is usually recommended. Acetohydroxamic acid, a urease inhibitor, reduces urinary saturation of struvite by preventing the formation of ammonium and hydroxyl ions. 51 It may prevent stone growth and sometimes cause dissolution of existing stones. However, it may cause hemolytic anemia, thrombophlebitis, and

nonspecific neurological symptoms (disorientation, tremulousness, and headache). Guidelines for Follow-Up

A careful follow-up is mandatory after initiation of therapy, in order to gauge treatment response and to detect side effects of therapy. We recommend that patients be routinely monitored every 4 months initially. At each visit, a careful history should be taken for stone episodes, complications of treatment, and compliance to drug therapy or dietary recommendations. Key urinary risk factors should be measured. When a satisfactory control is obtained, patients can be monitored less frequently (eg, every 6 to 12 months).

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Etiology and treatment of urolithiasis.

Nephrolithiasis is a heterogeneous disorder, with varying chemical composition and pathophysiologic background. Although kidney stones are generally c...
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