Esophageal Motor Function Technical Aspects of Manometry C. Prakash Gyawali,


Amit Patel,


KEYWORDS  High-resolution manometry  Clouse plot  Esophageal motor function  Dysphagia KEY POINTS  High-resolution manometry (HRM) affords easier identification of anatomic landmarks and esophageal motor patterns, shorter duration of procedures, uniform analysis parameters, and better comprehension for learners in comparison with conventional manometry.  HRM is used to evaluate esophageal motor function in patients with esophageal symptoms unexplained after endoscopy or contrast studies, to assess esophageal peristalsis before foregut surgery, and to localize the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) for placement of pH and pH-impedance catheters.  Aberrancies in catheter positioning, such as failure to traverse the LES or the diaphragm, and equipment-related artifacts, such as thermal drift or sensor malfunction, should be recognized and rectified appropriately.  The technician performing the HRM study needs to be able to reassure the patient, identify esophageal landmarks and motor patterns, understand critical and noncritical imperfections, and modify the study accordingly.


Esophageal manometry consists of measurement of pressure events in the esophagus following test swallows, represented as timing and amplitude of pressure events.1 Esophageal intraluminal pressures are converted to an electrical signal that can be recorded, amplified, and displayed as pressure tracings at each recording location along the esophagus. Initial conventional manometry systems consisted of an array of unidirectional recording sites distributed at predefined locations along the length of a catheter placed in the esophageal lumen. Line tracings of pressure events were displayed in a stacked format from proximal to distal esophagus, and proximal stomach. The characteristics of the pressure events designated whether

Division of Gastroenterology, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8124, Saint Louis, MO 63110, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Gastrointest Endoscopy Clin N Am 24 (2014) 527–543 1052-5157/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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the esophageal body, an esophageal sphincter, or the gastric baseline was addressed by each recording site.1 High-resolution manometry (HRM) represents a paradigm shift from conventional manometry in that multiple circumferential pressure sensors are used and topographic plots of esophageal pressure data are generated. These plots can be viewed as colored contour maps on which each color represents a pressure value. The close spacing of sensors allows better sampling of esophageal intraluminal pressures as a continuum throughout the esophagus and its sphincters, rather than as point samples at predefined distances as used with conventional manometry.2,3 Computerized software programs fill points in between pressure recordings with best-fit data to create smooth color-contour plots of esophageal peristalsis, now uniformly termed Clouse plots in honor of Ray Clouse who pioneered the technology (Fig. 1).2,4 Advantages of HRM over conventional manometry include easier identification of anatomic landmarks, shorter duration of data acquisition, more specific assessment of sphincter function, and easier recognition of motor patterns.1 INDICATIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS

HRM represents the test of choice to evaluate esophageal motor function. The primary value of HRM remains the identification of esophageal outflow obstruction from a motor process such as achalasia. The benefit stems primarily from the fact that software tools have been designed to extract nadir pressures during expected lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxation during a test swallow. Of these, the integrated relaxation pressure (IRP), which extracts 4 seconds of continuous or discontinuous nadir pressure, performs the best.5 The sensitivity of IRP as an HRM tool for the diagnosis of achalasia has been well documented in comparisons with point-pressure sensors

Fig. 1. Clouse plot showing a normal peristaltic sequence following a test swallow. The x-axis represents time, the y-axis represents length along the esophagus, and contraction amplitudes are depicted as color contours, with warmer colors representing higher amplitudes. High-resolution manometry has demonstrated esophageal peristalsis to consist of a chain of relaxing sphincters (LES, lower esophageal sphincter; UES, upper esophageal sphincter) and contracting segments (segment 1: skeletal muscle; segments 2 and 3: smooth muscle), separated by pressure troughs.

Technical Aspects of Manometry

and sleeve sensors.5 In addition, motor mechanisms involved in postfundoplication dysphagia can be evaluated using HRM. HRM is frequently performed for assessment of esophageal symptoms not fully explained by endoscopic or radiologic studies (Box 1). Both hypermotility disorders (spastic processes such as distal esophageal spasm or jackhammer esophagus) and hypomotility disorders (aperistalsis, frequent failed peristalsis) may be identified in these settings. HRM assessment of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) may complement other modalities of assessment of pharyngeal and proximal esophageal peristalsis and function. The most frequent use of esophageal manometry is in localization of the proximal border of the LES for placement of pH and pH-impedance probes. High-grade oropharyngeal or esophageal obstruction from a structural process could preclude placement of the motility catheter, and constitute an absolute contraindication to esophageal motor testing. Patients on chronic anticoagulation are generally asked to hold their anticoagulants for 3 to 5 days because of the risk for epistaxis. The indication for the procedure should be carefully assessed in patients with profound disorders of coagulation and those with significant risk of aspiration (although dry swallows could be obtained in the latter setting). Other indications and contraindications for esophageal manometry are summarized in Box 1. Box 1 Indications and contraindications for esophageal motility testing Indications Transit symptoms (dysphagia, regurgitation) with no structural process identified on endoscopy and/or barium contrast studies Abnormal esophageal emptying identified on endoscopy and/or barium contrast studies Esophageal symptoms (chest pain, regurgitation, heartburn) with no structural explanation and no benefit from empiric acid suppression Transit symptoms following foregut surgery, especially fundoplication Transit symptoms following bariatric procedures, especially laparoscopic band placement Localization of the lower esophageal sphincter for placement of pH and pH-impedance probes Assessment of esophageal peristaltic function before fundoplication Dysphagia localized to the proximal esophagus and upper esophageal sphincter Contraindications Absolute Esophageal obstruction from an infiltrating process such as a tumor Abnormal nasal passages preventing catheter insertion Abnormal oropharyngeal anatomy Frank aspiration with water swallows (dry swallows can be obtained) Significantly abnormal coagulation parameters Relative Patients on chronic anticoagulation (anticoagulants can be held for 3–5 days) Inability to swallow on command (dry swallows can be obtained) Inability to tolerate the catheter (catheter can be sometimes placed at endoscopy, while sedated, if procedure is absolutely necessary)



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THE PROCEDURE Equipment Preparation

HRM catheters are made by several manufacturers, and can be either solid-state or water-perfused. Manufacturer instructions need to be followed for catheter calibration before initiation of the study. Water-perfused catheters need to be flushed with degassed water, and pressure measurements calibrated to the zero position, which is, the level of the esophagus with the patient lying on the stretcher.6 With solidstate catheters, pressure calibration is performed before each study by applying known pressure to pressure sensors to ensure pressure readings are accurate; this is typically an automated process using a pressurized chamber into which the catheter is inserted.1 Because solid-state sensors can be affected by temperature, intermittent calibration using a water bath at 37 C is recommended, so that a pressure correction can be calculated for pressures recorded at body temperature when calibration is performed at room temperature. This thermal compensation is applied at the end of the procedure.7 Supplies needed for esophageal manometry include syringes with distilled or tap water for test swallows, a cup with a drinking straw containing water, a kidney tray and towels in case the patient retches or vomits, cotton-tipped swabs, KY jelly for catheter lubrication, lidocaine jelly for topical anesthesia of the nasal passages, and tape for securing the catheter after intubation. If viscous or solid boluses are to be administered, appropriate food items (eg, viscous jelly, yogurt, bread, marshmallows) need to be at hand. Some manufacturers of HRM catheters recommend using a protective sheath over the solid-state catheter to simplify disinfection protocols between procedures; these cannot be used with catheters containing impedance sensors.1 Patient Preparation

Esophageal manometry is best performed in a well-lit room with a comfortable ambience. The patient changes into a gown that covers the chest and torso. Preprocedure symptom questionnaires and requisition forms are completed as the catheter and equipment are readied. The HRM operator first explains the procedure to the patient, and describes why the procedure is being performed. The operator reassures and engages the patient, describes what the patient can expect, and uses distractive measures in case there is oropharyngeal discomfort or gagging.8 Knowledge of anatomic abnormalities, such as hiatal hernia, suspicion of a dilated esophagus, and prior foregut surgery, may assist in preparing for and performing the procedure.9 Patients should have nothing to eat or drink for at least 6 hours (clear liquids for 2– 3 days may be needed if achalasia is suspected) before the HRM study to prevent aspiration of gastric or esophageal contents. Medications that affect esophageal motility (caffeine-containing medications, prokinetics, nitrates, calcium-channel blockers, anticholinergics, opiates, and tricyclic antidepressants) are best avoided whenever possible, and should be decided on a case-by-case basis in the context of the clinical indication for the study and potential impact on patient management. Allergies to analgesics must be documented, as topical anesthesia with lidocaine spray and/or viscous lidocaine is used in the nasal passages in many centers to minimize discomfort and maximize the success of nasal intubation.1 Patient Positioning

The esophageal motility catheter is best inserted with patients sitting upright and facing the operator. The head is tilted up slightly to allow the operator to visualize the

Technical Aspects of Manometry

nasal passages before insertion. After adequate positioning of the catheter, the patient is asked to lie down in a supine position, as esophageal peristalsis is traditionally assessed without the effect of gravity on bolus transit. Furthermore, with conventional manometry using pneumohydraulic pumps, pressure needed to be zeroed to the position of the catheter, which required a horizontal position. The head end of the bed is typically tilted upward by 10 to 15 , and the patient is asked to lean slightly to the left to assist with swallowing of water boluses that are squirted into the mouth.1,10 Upright patient positioning is now possible using HRM, as zeroing of pressure to patient position is not necessary. The upright, seated position may be better tolerated by patients with severe esophageal dysmotility, thereby minimizing the risk of regurgitation and aspiration in comparison with the supine position. Normative upright pressure values exist, and have been compared with the supine position.11 Peristalsis is more coordinated and vigorous, with a slower contraction front velocity in the supine position.11 Motor diagnoses are reported to be generally concordant in more than 70% of cases between supine and upright positions; discordant cases were mostly accounted for by an excess of hypomotility disorders in the upright position.12 However, numeric reduction in IRP and contraction vigor is seen in the sitting position, with others reporting reclassification of esophageal outflow obstruction in approximately 10%, leading some investigators to suggest performing up to 5 swallows in the upright position in most patients. Catheter Insertion

A cup containing water, with a straw for sipping, is provided to the patient, as swallowing of water during catheter advancement reduces patient discomfort. The catheter tip is lubricated and passed through the nasal passages with the chin tilted slightly upward. When the patient feels the catheter at the back of the throat, the neck can be flexed and the catheter inserted into the esophagus while the patient takes small sips of water to maintain relaxation of the UES and, subsequently, the LES.1 Having patients open their mouths, watch the Clouse plots on the screen, or squeeze a soft ball can help focus attention away from discomfort or gagging.9 Catheter Positioning

When properly positioned, the HRM catheter extends from the pharynx to the stomach, with at least 1 sensor in the pharynx and 3 sensors in the stomach. In the normal setting, the UES and LES/esophagogastric junction (EGJ) are visible as 2 bands of pressure (Fig. 2). The HRM operator is trained in identification of anatomic landmarks, including the UES, LES, and diaphragmatic crural impression. The diaphragmatic crural impression together with the LES constitutes the EGJ. The location of the diaphragmatic crura can be assessed by identifying pressure inversion with respiration; intrathoracic pressure is more negative during inspiration, whereas intra-abdominal pressure is more negative during expiration (see Fig. 2). If the diaphragmatic crural impression is not easily identified, the patient can be asked to take a deep breath, which will magnify these pressure changes. If the EGJ is not traversed by the HRM catheter, these pressure changes with breathing will not be seen; instead, a “butterfly” or mirror image may be seen, indicating that the catheter is curled up in the esophagus and requires repositioning (Fig. 3). Separation between the LES and diaphragmatic crura indicates the presence of a hiatus hernia. If a pressurization pattern is seen that extends from the contraction front all the way to the bottom of the screen, air may be present in the catheter sheath if the Given HRM system is being used. The operator should remove the catheter and replace the sheath if the tracing looks unusual.



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Fig. 2. Relationships between LES and esophagogastric junction (EGJ). (A) Normal EGJ (type I), with overlapping LES and diaphragmatic crura, and no separation between the two. (B) Type II hiatus hernia (HH) in which LES and diaphragmatic crura are not overlapping, but separation is less than 2 cm. (C) Type III: separation between LES and diaphragmatic crura; in this instance, the diaphragmatic crura have not been traversed. (D) LES is not traversed. When in doubt, this can be recognized when the patient is asked to swallow. D, diaphragm; E, esophagus.

Fig. 3. Butterfly patterns generated by curling of the catheter in the esophagus or within a hiatus hernia. Arrows point to site where the catheter curls back up. (A) The catheter is curled up in the esophageal body in a patient with achalasia, with mirroring of esophageal body contraction above and below where the catheter curls. (B) The catheter traverses the LES and curls up within a hiatus hernia, with retrograde movement back up into the esophagus through the LES.

Technical Aspects of Manometry

An inability to traverse the LES is a critical imperfection that needs to be recognized by the HRM operator in real time. Although this difficulty occurs most often in achalasia, the diagnosis of achalasia may still be made with similar frequency (up to 94%) as with perfect studies if the clinical context and other tests are reviewed.13 Straightening and lengthening the esophagus by asking the patient to stand up, repositioning the catheter, or having the patient gulp water (which may allow the LES to relax) may help maneuver the catheter through the LES.9 Regardless, several maneuvers can be used to attempt to traverse the LES (Box 2). By contrast, not traversing the diaphragmatic crura is a noncritical imperfection. This difficulty typically occurs with large hiatal hernias. In this setting, if the LES is traversed there remains a small risk that LES metrics may be inaccurate if there is pressure compartmentalization within the hiatal hernia. However, esophageal body peristalsis and LES function can typically be ascertained adequately.9 Insertion with the patient standing up may assist with traversing the diaphragm, as the hiatus hernia may reduce in this position. Alternatively, placing the HRM catheter under endoscopic guidance can be considered. Once the resting pressures generated by the UES and LES are identified, the catheter is fixed in place by taping to the nose, and the patient is allowed to accommodate to the HRM catheter before initiating the study. This interval avoids artificial elevations of resting UES pressure and repeated dry swallowing.10 TECHNIQUE Landmark Phase

Once the patient is comfortable with the manometry catheter in place, the standard manometry protocol begins with a baseline recording without swallow artifacts (typically 30 seconds in duration) to assess the resting characteristics of the UES and LES (landmark phase). Sometimes a patient swallows so frequently that the basal landmark phase cannot be optimally recorded (Fig. 4). In these instances of patients who are intolerant of the HRM catheter whereby a swallow-free and artifact-free landmark phase cannot be obtained within the first 5 minutes of the study, the landmark phase can be obtained at a convenient time later in the study, shortening the study duration without compromising quality.14 Adequate Swallows

A series of ten 5-mL room-temperature water swallows are administered in the supine position, at least 20 to 30 seconds apart.1,6 This interval between swallows allows the resting LES pressure to return to baseline and avoids artifacts from swallow-induced suppression of esophageal motor activity (deglutitive inhibition).15 The current interpretation algorithms are based on 10 water swallows, as dry swallows do not generate

Box 2 Placement of the motility catheter across the esophagogastric junction  Catheter is advanced with patient standing up  The patient raises arms above the head  A 45 to 90 twist is applied counterclockwise on the catheter  The patient takes repeated gulps of water  The catheter is placed under endoscopic guidance



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Fig. 4. Placement of the landmark phase. Although the landmark phase is typically placed at the beginning of the study, this may not be possible in anxious patients who may gag or not be able to refrain from swallowing to obtain the basal recording. In such instances, the patient may be more relaxed at the end of the study, when the landmark basal period can be recorded.

a swallow sequence similar to a wet swallow. Belching, gagging, double swallows, secondary peristaltic sequences, and transient LES relaxations also generate artifacts that the HRM operator needs to recognize; swallows in the vicinity of these artifacts should be rejected and new swallows obtained (Fig. 5). The Chicago Classification algorithm for characterizing esophageal motor disorders is based on 10 water swallows in the supine position.16 However, a lesser complement of adequate swallows can be tolerated, and interpretation is possible if at least 5 to 7 swallows are adequate. In a series of 2000 HRM studies, less than 7 evaluable swallows were seen in 12% of studies,13 which did not compromise diagnoses of major motor disorders if the clinical context was applied. However, in another cohort of patients studied by this same group, as few as 5 swallows were adequate for reaching a diagnostic conclusion, except for diagnoses for which the number of swallows with abnormalities mattered.17

Fig. 5. Artifacts that may compromise a manometry study. (A) Dry swallows may not generate a normal peristaltic sequence even in normal healthy individuals, and should be rejected in favor of wet swallows 20 to 30 seconds apart. (B) Transient LES relaxations can occur during a manometry study, and need to be recognized by the operator so that test swallows are not performed within 20 to 30 seconds. Transient LES relaxations may be associated with belching or secondary peristaltic sequences. (C) Double swallows may generate disorganized peristaltic sequences, and should also be rejected.

Technical Aspects of Manometry

Provocative Maneuvers

Provocative maneuvers are increasingly applied to clinical HRM. The simplest of these measures include multiple rapid swallows (MRS) (five 2-mL water swallows 5 cm in the peristaltic contour)  Alternative swallow position metrics, interpretation  Alternative bolus consistency metrics, interpretation  Provocative measures, interpretation  Bolus transit (when impedance is combined with manometry)  Final diagnosis based on Chicago Classification  Interpretation of symptoms and clinical implications



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proportions of peristaltic, premature, and failed swallows. Sphincter relaxation during test swallows is reported, particularly LES relaxation, designated as the mean IRP. Esophageal body metrics are reported in terms of DCI and DL. It is important to add a descriptive element, reporting contraction wave abnormalities, breaks in the peristaltic contour, and proximal skeletal muscle contraction, as minor abnormalities in motor function may be lost during the averaging process of deriving HRM metrics. Use of HRM metrics in designating motor diagnoses is described elsewhere in this issue. Finally, findings on alternative swallow positions (eg, upright swallows), alternative test boluses (viscous, solid), and results of provocative testing are described. The implications of these findings on eventual diagnosis may require further interpretation and description in the final report. Follow-Up

Esophageal manometry comprises only 1 component of esophageal function testing, and information obtained from esophageal manometry needs to be interpreted in the context of patient symptoms and results on complementary tests. Upper endoscopy and barium contrast studies are frequently used in conjunction with esophageal manometry, particularly in identifying mucosal inflammatory processes, obtaining anatomic details, or diagnosing structural restrictive processes in the esophagus.1 Endoscopic ultrasonography is increasingly being used to rule out infiltrative processes at the EGJ, especially when esophageal outflow obstruction is identified. Impedance planimetry or a functional luminal imaging probe can provide further information on esophageal and EGJ compliance. Clinical Implications

The finding of an abnormally high IRP indicates abnormal transit across the LES or EGJ, and requires some form of management directed at improving transit across the EGJ in the presence of compatible symptoms. Although abnormal IRP characterizes achalasia when esophageal body peristalsis is absent or premature, this finding prompts further evaluation for structural or infiltrative processes in the setting of atypical features. When achalasia is diagnosed, subtyping based on presence or absence of pressurization and premature contractions helps predict treatment outcome, as described by Pandolfino and colleagues.26 At the other end of the spectrum, a structurally deficient EGJ (hypotensive LES, presence of a hiatus hernia) may predict significant gastroesophageal reflux that sometimes triggers surgical repair. Clinical implications of absent or severely compromised esophageal body peristalsis relate to abnormal bolus transit, resulting in transit symptoms such as dysphagia, and abnormal reflux clearance resulting in prolonged acid exposure times. A standard 360 fundoplication may result in dysphagia, and only a 270 partial fundoplication is possible in these circumstances. Lesser degrees of hypomotility may manifest as varying proportions of ineffective peristalsis27; in these instances, provocative testing may identify peristaltic reserve when esophageal body contraction normalizes following the provocative maneuver.18 Exaggerated esophageal body peristalsis may be associated with perceptive symptoms such as chest pain, and sometimes transit symptoms such as dysphagia. Clinical implications depend on the dominant symptom being investigated: perceptive symptoms may improve with neuromodulators and treatment of noxious triggers such as reflux, whereas transit symptoms may require smooth-muscle relaxants or measures to disrupt smooth-muscle contraction (eg, extended myotomy).

Technical Aspects of Manometry

OUTCOMES Reproducibility

When HRM studies were repeated on 2 consecutive days in 20 healthy volunteers, concordance was high for anatomic parameters such as UES basal pressure, transition-zone length, LES basal pressure, LES postswallow residual pressure, and distal esophageal contraction amplitude. There was intermediate concordance for parameters of function, such as DCI, IRP, and proximal contraction amplitude, which varied swallow-to-swallow and day-to-day, but the overall pattern did not seem to significantly change.28 Inherent variations in motor contraction parameters have been recognized to occur between swallows in healthy controls and patients with esophageal symptoms, and may be partly related to swallow volume and refractory state of esophageal smooth muscle following swallows.29 The clinical significance of some of these variations can be further addressed with provocative testing. HRM therefore has good reproducibility under standard test conditions. Comprehension and Retention

The image-based paradigm of HRM lends itself well to comprehension of esophageal motor function. After a short tutorial, novice and intermediate learners of esophageal physiology and pathophysiology (medical students, internal medicine residents, and gastroenterology fellows) consistently preferred HRM to conventional line tracings. On assessment of diagnostic accuracy for broad groups of esophageal motor disorders immediately after the tutorial and again 4 months later, there were consistent gains with HRM over conventional line tracings at both data points.30 Others have demonstrated similar benefits from the spatiotemporal Clouse plot,31 which lends itself to pattern recognition, especially of well-developed motor patterns such as achalasia and aperistalsis. CURRENT CONTROVERSIES Artifacts Equipment-related artifacts

Because the HRM catheter is pressure calibrated at room temperature but pressure acquisition is performed at body temperature, there can be differences in recorded and reported pressures with a median temperature difference (or thermal effect) of 7 mm Hg.7 Two measures can help in correcting this discrepancy. First, a compensation factor can be obtained by immersing the HRM catheter in a water bath at body temperature (37 C at 2-cm depth). Second, a thermal compensation maneuver can be performed after each study, whereby the catheter is held up in mid-air after extubation and the thermal compensation software algorithm tool is used with the cursor positioned during this period of the recording. An issue with prolonged studies of greater than 20 to 30 minutes in duration is that recorded pressures are susceptible to thermal drift. This drift is linear and only partially corrected by the thermal compensation maneuver. Instead, a linear correction may need to be applied for prolonged HRM studies to more fully correct for this phenomenon.7 Electronic equipment may be subject to malfunction, especially if leaks are present in the catheter and bodily fluids or cleansing solution get into the catheter assembly. Unusual pressure differentials may be seen throughout the recording at one unique level. If only 1 noncritical sensor malfunctions, it can be turned off using a menu function, and the software algorithm will then average pressures from the adjacent 2 sensors to retain a smooth contour in the Clouse plot. If the location of the aberrant sensor is across a sphincter, recorded pressures and metrics may not be accurate, and the HRM catheter will likely require servicing or replacement.



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Vascular and respiratory artifacts

Interpretation may be affected by prominent artifacts from other structures, especially the heart.32 Two levels of cardiac impression are typically seen, one in the mid-esophagus from the aortic arch and another more distally from the left atrium. Respiratory artifacts can consist of alternating bands of pressure to coincide with the respiratory cycle, especially in patients with tachypnea or obstructive pulmonary disease. When vigorous respiration coincides with the peristaltic sequence, artifacts can be generated that can suggest repetitive contraction of esophageal smooth muscle.33 Cardiac artifacts may be reduced by asking patients to tilt slightly to the left while supine, allowing the cardiac structures to fall away from the esophagus (Fig. 6). Respiratory artifacts are more difficult to resolve, but patients can be allowed to relax, which can reduce respiratory rate. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS High-Resolution Impedance Manometry

Modern manometry catheters have the option of embedding impedance rings between pressure sensors, which allows assessment of bolus transit concurrent with pressure measurement. Typically, saline boluses are used in such studies to allow better visibility on impedance contour plots. High-resolution impedance manometry (HRIM) has been used to determine the effectiveness of peristalsis in relation to bolus transit.1 Using this technology, bolus transit has been demonstrated to be complete with contraction amplitudes as low as 20 mm Hg, as long as no large breaks (>5 cm) exist in the peristaltic contour.34 The clinical utility of this technology in predicting symptoms or in directing patient management beyond information that can routinely be obtained from HRM alone continues to be evaluated. One area wherein HRIM has demonstrated clinical usefulness is in predicting bolus transit across the EGJ following therapy for achalasia. The column of water in the esophagus 5 minutes after a 200-mL water challenge has been demonstrated to correlate well with the barium column at a similar time frame on a timed upright barium study in patients with achalasia, suggesting that HRIM could replace timed upright barium studies in evaluating the efficacy of LES disruption in achalasia.35 Three-Dimensional Manometry

Increased sensor density over a distal 9-cm segment on an HRM catheter allows mapping of the 3-dimensional structure of both sphincters (UES and LES) and the EGJ.36,37 This technology has been used successfully in the assessment of anorectal sphincter morphology and physiology. Such 3-dimensional mapping may provide

Fig. 6. Vascular artifact, seen as a band of pressure fluctuating at the same rate as the pulse. The patient was tilted slightly to the left, which allowed the heart to shift away from the esophagus. This action resolved the artifact.

Technical Aspects of Manometry

more detailed assessment of LES relaxation and EGJ morphology, although it is unclear whether this additional information translates into better clinical utility. Further research is needed. SUMMARY

HRM represents a significant advance in esophageal function testing. Real-time images allow accurate identification of esophageal landmarks by the operator, eliminating the stationary pull-through maneuver and shortening the duration of the manometry procedure. Abnormal LES relaxation is diagnosed with high accuracy. Supine wet swallows continue to be used for standard analysis, but upright swallows and provocative maneuvers may augment recognition of motor processes. Although automated analysis using software tools has improved interpretation, the operator needs to oversee accurate depiction of landmarks and peristaltic parameters. The incorporation of impedance technology allows bolus visualization, and increased sensor density (3-dimensional manometry) has the potential to improve the evaluation of sphincter function under certain circumstances. REFERENCES

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Technical Aspects of Manometry

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Esophageal motor function: technical aspects of manometry.

High-resolution manometry (HRM) has advanced the understanding of esophageal peristaltic mechanisms and has simplified esophageal motor testing. In th...
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