Title of article:Why more mothers die Confidentialenquiries into institutional maternaldeathsin the SouthernRegionof Malawi,2001 Y.E.C. Ratsma,K Lungu,J.J,Hofman,5.A. White In a recent of MMJ, the abovepaper carried a Fig. 1 that was not complete. The correct figure and caption are reprinted here with apologies.Eds.

Figure1. Majorcausesof maternalDeath,2001 (93%of 312 maternatdeaths) amnionitis& postpartumsepsis

Figure 1 depicts the top thirteen causesof maternal death(93% of all maternal deaths)in the sample, highlighting the contribution of direct obstetric and indirect deaths. Puerperal sepsis exceededall other causesof maternal death. Half of postparfum sepsis-related deaths occured after caesareandelivery. There were also high proportions of direct deaths from obstructed labor and ruptured uterus, and from obstetric hemorrhage.There were high proportions of indirect deathsfrom anemia and AIDS. STUDYAREA: Data were collected from 9 district hospitals, 8 mission hospitals

RIU& obstructed labour

andffi;g, fi* lHd,$lid; #ii#l*m$*#dil*rtn$;#i ef*.atb.#d-i #,#ffiiwE tdBa"fi-fii#i{r#ffi Ifi,,i r##+ffii*'*" *i

obsteric haemorrhage anaemia ndirect


: direct

meningitis abortion complication


PET& eclampsia

DATA'COLLECTION: Iii:iltu$:$,6#li l.'i'f1iffiil,,ffiih*"*#rt*ldii*a$j:i,riffi iff l e i,i.$" ffi*i..tjl.i d,,r#,l. #11,f#F-t#E itffii:sdi:iffi"6i'ii## ime-l**r. i#$*iiWilffiil $ffii*rii ,-iiaihls$.e,,,ii Paili ;ilii.#e.F# #tp,*lf#:is!: B ilif6ffiFii#liffis$l#.9fii:1 rpl rc$ iliitpFli s.r+l

1i,fl ew",{1*1p,,31iiif 66iiii$$H#rfe.pffi hHii$$$l#{+:i$., ii

Initiative. Sta,ffwho had participated in the care completed by a committee that had to reach consesuson the avoidable factors and on the quality of care. These hospitals were requested to send a copy of their MDA records for the year 20Al to the SMP.

malaria retainedplacenta pneumonia ectopic pregnancy anaesthetic accident 5101520 percentage

Pleasenote that the above highlightedpassagewas erroneously omitted in our last edition of MMJ - Vol | 7 (3). The passage\,vouldhave read as above.We sincerelyregret any inconveniences.

Malawi Medical Journal

Erratum: Title of article: Why more mothers die - Confidential enquiries into institutional maternal deaths in the Southern Region of Malawi, 2001.

[This corrects the article on p. 73 in vol. 17.]...
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