Correspondence. ENTERIC FEVER AMONG NATIVES. To the Editor of the


Indian Medical Gazette

Sir,?As facts bearing on the prevalence of Enteric Fever among the native population are of great interest, I beg to send you the enclosed extract from the monthly return of sick in the Tezpur Jail for May. I would add that as the prisoners bathe in a tank which receives much of the drainage of the town, there is no difficulty in accounting for the occurrence of the case. Natives, it ia well known, never bathe without rinsing their mouths

September 1,



with the water they bathe in, and no doubt swallowing of it also. I remain, Yours truly, A. 0. 0. DeRenzy, Deputy Surgeon? General, Assam Circle. Shillong, the \Ath July, 1879.


Post-mortem examination of the body of Convict Sunibar who died in the Tezpur Jail, Assam, on the 18th May 1879, reported by Surgeon G. A. Wabbubton, M. B., Civil Surgeon, lezpur. " At the time of his death the convict had been 8 months and 22 days in jail ; his health on admission was bad. On the morning of 17th May he walked into hospital and complained to the Native Doctor that he had passed I saw him a few minutes after his a quantity of blood. admission, his extremities were then cold and pulseless, but he was quite conscious, able to speak, and complained of headache, buzzing in the ears, great thirst and considerable pain in the abdomen, particularly in the umbilical region. The patient's condition did not improve under treatment, and he died on the evening of the 18th, 32 hours aft?r admission. Post-mortem at 7 a. m. on 19th May.?Digestive system : mouth, pharynx and oesophagus healthy ; stomach congested towards its pyloric end, otherwise healthy. The mucous membrane of the lower third of small intestine was congested in patches except for the last six inches, where the congestion was continuous. In the lower part of the intestine were several ulcers corresponding to Peyer's patches The solitary glands in the lower part of the small intestine were enlarged and prominent, but not ulcerated ; amongst the contents of the small intestine (which were thin yellow, very offensive, and mixed wnh blood near the coecal valve) were 14 worms (ascaris


The large intestine.?Mucous membrane congested, particularly near the coecal valve and ascending colon, hut not ulcerated. The intestine contained a large quantity of blood. The mesenteric

glands were enlarged, the spleen was slightly enlarged, but all the other organs,?brain, heart, 1 ungs, liver and kidneys?were healthy.


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