Energy Balance in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1 , 2



For many years it has been recognized that a gradual and significant weight loss occurs in a substantial number of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) during the natural course of their illness (1-5). The impact of depletion of body cell mass in COPD may have far-reaching consequences. Several studies have shown an increased incidence of cor pulmonale, heart failure, and mortality in weight-losing patients (2-5). Recently it was demonstrated that nutritional state measured by body weight (as a percentage of ideal weight, IBW07o) influenced mortality independently of the degree of airflow obstruction (6). Furthermore, studies have shown positive associations between measures of nutritional state and submaximal exercise performance (7) and maximal exercisecapacity (6, 8). At present the cause of progressive weight loss in patients with COPD is not well understood. Several potential mechanisms have been hypothesized, including an impaired gastrointestinal function, a decreased dietary intake, an adaptive mechanism, a hypermetabolic state, a limited cardiac output and decreased capillary bed, and psychosocial factors (9). These factors can be roughly divided into two groups: those regarding energy input and those regarding energy output. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of increased energy expenditure and decreased dietary intake to weight loss in patients with stable COPD. Methods Patients COPD patients admitted to a pulmonary rehabilitation center for general physical training were studied. Patients exhibiting an inc crease in FEV, > 10010 after inhalation of a ~2-agonist or patients suffering from cancer, unstable cardiac condition, active gastrointestinal abnormalities, recent surgery, severe endocrine disorders, or obesity (IBW > 120%) were excluded from the study. To preclude a possible confounding effect of acute exacerbation of their disease only patients with stable COPD were studied. All subjects were informed of the nature of the study, and 1248

SUMMARY A substantial number of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonry disease (COPO) suffer from gradual and significant weight loss during the natural course of their Illness. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of resting energy expenditure (REE) and energy Intake (E-Intake) to weight loss In 80 patients with stable COPO:age (mean ± SEM) 65 ± 3 yr and FEY, 1.0 ± 0.1 L. A total of 39 patients exhibited a continued weight loss In the previous year. REE measured with a ventilated hood system was significantly (p < 0.005) higher in weight-losing compared to weight-stable patients when values were normalized for predicted metabolic rate (117 ± 3 and 108 ± 2%, respectively) or kg fat-free mass using bioelectrical Impedance (FFM-BI): 35.0 ± 0.8 and 31.8 ± 0.6 kcal/kg, respectively). Normalized values of E-Intake were not significantly different between weight-losing and weight-stable patients. REElFFM-BIcorrelated significantly with FEY, (r 0.22, P < 0.05), maximal Inspiratory mouth pressure (P1max; r 0.35, P < 0.001), and E-lntake/FFM-BI (r 0.48, P < 0.001). Classification In three SUbgroups by severity of disease, (1) FEY, > 35%, (2) FEY, .. 35%, and (3) Pao. < 7.3 kPa,revealed a higher prevalence of weight loss in the more compromised groups and a significantly decreased (p < 0.05) E-rntake In the hypoxemic patients. A gradual depletion of percentage Ideal body weight (p < 0.001), mldarm circumference (p < 0.01), mldarm muscle circumference (p < 0.001), and creatinine height Index (p < 0.001) and a decrease In respiratory muscle strength (p < 0.005) were associated with Increasing severity of disease. Our results indicate that a failure of an adaptive response to undernutrition and an Inadequate dietary Intake for energy expenditure are two contributing factors to weight loss In COPO.




AM REV RESPIR DIS 1991: 143:1248-1252

written consent was obtained from each participant. The procedures followed were in accord with the Helsinki Declaration, and the study was approved by the ethics committee of our university.

Pulmonary Function Tests FEV, and inspiratory vitalcapacity (IVC)were measured with a wet spirometer; the highest value of at least three spirometric maneuvers was used. FEV, and IVC were expressed as a percentage of the reference value (10). Arterial blood gases weredrawn by puncture of the brachial artery at rest while breathing room air. Arterial oxygen tension (Pao2) and carbon dioxide tension (Paco,) wereanalyzed on a blood gas analyzer (Radiometers ABL 330; Copenhagen, Denmark). Inspiratory muscle strength (PIrnax) was assessed by determining maximal inspiratory mouth pressures according to the technique described by Black and Hyatt (11). The best of three determinations was used in subsequent calculations. Resting Energy Expenditure Resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured by indirect calorimetry using a ventilated hood system. The hood consisted of clear plexiglass and had a volume of 30 L. Gas analyses were performed using a paramagnetic oxygen analyzer (Servomexs) and an infrared carbon dioxide analyzer (Mijnhardt UG51~). Dry gases weremeasured and the results converted to standard temper-

ature and pressure. Flow through the canopy was kept constant during measurements and was adjusted to the body weight of the patient. System control and calculations were performed on a microcomputer. The system was calibrated at the start and at the end of the experiment. The measurements weredone in the early morning at complete rest, in a supine position, after an overnight fast. Gasexchange data were collected every 10 s over a 3D-min period at steady state. The abbreviated Weir equation (12) was used to calculate resting energy expenditure. Agreement of measurements on two consecutive days was excellent(n = 14;mean difference = 36 kcal, 95010 confidence interval 11 to 61 kcal; unpublished data).

Dietary Intake Dietary intake of the period before admission was estimated with the diet history method (DH) with cross-check (13). All interviews tRecieved in original form October 10, 1989 and in revised form August 21, 1990) 1 From the Departments of Pulmonary Diseases, Surgery, and Human Biology, University of Limburg, Maastricht, and the Asthma Centre Hornerheide, Horn, The Netherlands. 'Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to A. M. W. J. Schols, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, University Hospital Maastricht, P.o. Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands.



were performed by the same trained dietician within the first week after admission to the center and coded for computer nutrient analysis. The nutrient data base was derived from the Dutch food composition tables (14). The applicability of this method was verified prospectively in 57 patients. The patients completed 16dietary records (DR) randomly spread over their 8-wk stay in the pulmonary rehabilitation center. The DR were compared with estimated dietary intake at the end of this period using the diet history method. Average ± standard error of the mean (SEM) intake of 16DR (1814 ± 108kcal) was not significantly different from the DH (1899 ± 117 kcal).

Nutritional State Because there is not yet a single generally accepted, noninvasive measure of body composition, several independent measurements were performed and compared. Body height (Ht) was measured with the subject standing barefoot and determined to the nearest 0.5 em (Lameris WM 715®; Brenheler, The Netherlands). Body weight (BWt) wasmeasured with a beam scale without shoes in light clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg (SECA®, Seca, Germany). Frame size (small, medium, or large) was calculated from wrist circumference. Body weight was expressed as a percentage of ideal body weight (I BWlIfo). Ideal body weight was determined as the midpoint of the weight range for a given height and frame size from the 1983 Metropolitan Life Insurance tables (15).Mid-upper arm circumference (MAC) of the right arm was taken with a flexible measuring tape (16). Skinfolds were measured in triplicate to the nearest 0.2 mm with a Harpenden'" skinfold caliper (17). All anthropometric measurements were performed by the same research assistant. Arm muscle circumference (MMC) was derived by computation as follows (18): MMC = MAC (em) - In x triceps skin fold (mmj], Actual MAC and MMC values were compared with standard values for age and sex (16, 18) and the data expressed as a percentage of standard (MMC% and MAC%). Body fat content was estimated from the sum of skinfold thicknesses at four sites, bicipital, tricipital, subscapular, and suprailiac, using the Durnin tables (19). Fat-free mass (FFM-ANTHR) was calculated by subtracting the fat content from BWt. In addition, fat-free mass was measured by the relativelynew bioelectrical impedance (HI) technique. The principle of this method is based upon the conductivity of an electrical sinusoidal alternating current (800 IJA and 50 Hz) through body fluids. Conductivity is higher in the fat-free mass, which contains all body fluids and electrolytes, than in fat mass (20). BI was measured using a right-sided four-surface-electrode technique (BIA 101, RJL systems'",Detroit, MI) (21). Fat-free mass (FFM-BI) was calculated using the following regression equation: FFM-BI (kg) = 2.38 + (0.58Ht'/resistance) + (0.23BWt). For this

formula REE = 2.5 kg and r 2 = 0.88. This prediction equation was derived from a study in our own center that validated body composition by the bioelectrical impedance method with deuterium dilution as a reference method in 32 patients with stable COPD (22). Skeletal muscle mass was estimated from the creatinine height index (CHI), which was calculated by dividing the 24-h creatinine excretion of the patient by a reference value based on IBW% (23). Serum concentrations of albumin and prealbumin were analyzed by radial immunodiffusion on an automated system (Cobas Mira@; Hofmann La Roche, Switzerland). Other relevant data regarding disease history, pattern and duration of weight loss, smoking behavior, and medication were obtained by a standardized medical questionnaire completed by the pulmonary physician. All measurements were performed 1wk after admission to the center when medication was optimalized and therapeutic serum theophylline levels (8 to 15 mg/L) were attained.

Statistical Analysis Tho patients who refused measurement of REE and four patients who were on a selfimposed energy-restricted diet were excluded from analysis. To determine the relative contribution of increased REE and decreased E-intake to weight loss, the patients (n = 80) were categorized in a weight-stable and a weight-losing group. The weight-losing group consisted of patients with a history of significant continued weight loss within 12 months preceding admission. Weightloss was considered significant when the decrease in BWt amounted to 7% or more of the usual stable body weight. REE was expressed per kilogram of BWt (REE/BWt), per kilogram of fat-free mass (REE/FFM), and as a percentage of predicted resting metabolic rate using the Harris-Benedict equations (REEl HB) (24) to normalize data for group comparison. These measures were related to pulmonary function, smoking behavior, and type and doses of maintenance medication by linear regression analysis and chi-square analysis. Furthermore, the patients were classified by degree of airflow obstruction and Pao2. The mean group value was taken as a cutoff point for FEV,. Chronic hypoxemia was defined as a Pao2 < 7.3 kPa according to the criteria of the American Thoracic Society (25). The total group of patients was then divided as follows: Group 1: FEV, (n = 33) Group 2: FEV, (n = 29) Group 3: FEV, (n = 18)

> 35%

and Pao2


7.3 kPa


35% and Pao2


7.3 kPa


35% and Pao2 < 7.3 kPa

The Mann-Whitney U test and the KruskalWallis test were applied to test statistical significance of differences between groups. Significance was determined at the 5% level. All values are expressed as mean ± SEM.


A description of the study group is given in table 1. The study group represented elderly COPD patients with a marked airflow obstruction. According to IBWOJo patients were normal to underweight. Mean group values for anthropometric measures and creatinine height index were below predicted normal values. FFM-ANTHR correlated highly significantly with FFM-BI (r = 0.88, p < 0.(01), but FFM-ANTHR values were significantly higher (p < 0.001). Serum proteins were within the normal range, although a substantial number of patients (n = 22) had subnormal albumin levels « 35 g/L), Maintenance medication in nearly all patients included theophylline, 13,agonists, and inhaled or oral corticosteroids. A considerable number of patients (39 of 80, 49%) reported continued weight loss (table 2). In 17 patients the onset of weight loss was within 6 months before admission to the rehabilitation center. The average current BWt in the weight-losing group was 8 kg (12%) below the initial stable BWt. Actual BWt was significantly different from the stable weight group (57.0 ± 1.6 and 66.5 ± 1.5 kg, respectively; p < 0.001). FFM was also significantly lower in the weightlosing group (43.3 ± 1.3 and 47.4 ± 1.2 kg, respectively; p < 0.05). Absolute values of dietary intake were significantly lower in the weight-losing patients, whereas absolute values of REE were not different from the weight-stable patients (table 2). However, when expressed per kilogram of BWt or as a percentage of predicted basal metabolic rate (REE/HB) REE was significantly higher in the

TABLE 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY GROUP Age, y Sex Male Female Height, m Body weight, kg FFM-ANTHR, kg FFM·BI. kg IBW%,% CHI, % MAC, % MMC, % Albumin, gIL Prealbumin, gIL IVC,% FEV" % Pao" kPa PaCO" kPa Pl max, kPa

65 (0.8) 66 14 169.7 (0.9) 62.0 (1.2) 50.5 (1.0) 45.4 (0.9) 93.0 (1.3)

72.8 (2.3) 84.7 (1.1) 98.0 (1.3) 35.8 (0.2) 0.29 (0.0) 69 (2.2) 35 (2.0) 8.9 (0.2) 5.5 (0.1) 4.2 (0.2)

• All values are expressed as mean (SEM) except for sex.




Energy Balance

Weight Losing (n = 39)

Energy intake (E intake) E·intake, kcal/24 h E·intake/BWt, kcal/kg/24 h E-intake/FFM-BI, kcal/kg/24 h E-intake/FFM-ANTHR, kcal/kg/24 h E-intake/HB, %

1,786 (84)' 31.7 (1.5) 42.0 (1.9) 38.1 (1.7) 141 (6)

1,995 (65)t 30.7 (1.2) 43.0 (1.7) 38.4 (1.7) 146 (5)

Resting energy expenditure (REE) REE, kcal/24 h REElBWt, kcal/kg/24 h REElFFM-BI, kcal/kg/24 h REElFFM-ANTHR, kcal/kg/24 h REE/HB, % E-intake/REE, %

1,492 (36) 26.4 (0.6) 35.0 (0.8) 31.9 (0.8) 117 (3) 119 (5)

1,494 (31) 22.7 (0.5):1: 31.8 (0.6)§ 28.3 (0.6):1: 108 (2)§ 134 (5)t

• Mean (SEM).

t p < 0.05. P < 0.001. Ii p < 0.005.



REE/BWt E-intake/BWt E-intake/FFM-BI E-intake/FFM-ANTHR IVC FEV,


0.06 -0.31' -0.13 0.22:1: -0.33*

Pao. PaCO.

Pl max • p p




0.10 -0.25t -0.08 0.16 -0.35*

0.10 -0.21:1:

-0.08 0.15 -0.35*

< 0.001.

< 0.01.

*< P



ANTHR (table 2). REE/BWt correlated significantly with FEV 1 (P < 0.001), Pac02 (p < 0.05), and P1max (p < 0.001). REE/FFM correlated significantly with Pl max (p < 0.001) but less with FEV 1 (p < 0.05; table 3). Both measures also correlated highly significantly with E-intake (p < 0.001; table 3). No relationship between resting metabolic rate or type or dose of maintenance medication was established. Resting metabolic rate also was not significantly different between smoking (n = 17; REE/FFM-BI = 34.6 ± 1 kcallkg) and nonsmoking patients (n = 63; REE/FFM-BI = 33.1 ± 0.6 kcallkg). Classification by FEV 1 and Pao, revealed no differences in age between the groups (table 4) but a gradual decline in pulmonary function. In the most compromised group more patients suffered from weight loss and a more pronounced negative energy balance. A decreased E-intake (P < 0.05) in the hypoxemic patients relative to the normoxeInic patients is shown in figure 1. A gradual significant decline in body weight (p < 0.001), midarm circumference (P < 0.01), midarm muscle circumference (p < 0.005), and creatinine height index (P < 0.001; expressed as percentage of predicted normal values) with increasing severity of disease is shown in figure 2. Serum levels of prealbumin and albumin were lower in hypoxemic relative to normoxemic patients (P < 0.05; figure 3).




Physical characteristics Age, yr Height, cm Body weight, kg FFM·BI, kg FFM-ANTHR, kg Weight loss, n Pulmonary function IVC, % predicted FEV, , % predicted Pao., kPa Paco., kPa Pl max, kPa • Values expressed p < 0.05. P < 0.001. lip < 0.005.


1 (n = 33)

2 (n = 29)

3 (n = 18)

66 (2)' 167 (2) 65.3 (2.4) 46.7 (1.3) 52.0 (1.8) 9/33

63 (1) 171 (2) 61.1 (2.0) 45.1 (1.6) 50.5 (1.5) 16/29

65 (1) 171 (1) 57.3 (1.9)t 43.6 (1.7) 48.0 (1.8) 14/18:1:

79 (5) 51 (2) 9.7 (0.3) 5.2 (0.2) 5.0 (2.1)

66 (3) 25 (1) 9.2 (0.2) 5.4 (0.1) 4.0 (0.3)

52 (3):1: 20 (1):1: 6.8 (0.1):1: 6.3 (0.3)§ 3.4 (0.3)§

mean (SEM), except for weight loss.



weight-losing patients whereas dietary intake was not different from that in the stable weight group. This difference in resting metabolic rate between weight-

losing and weight-stable patients, remained highly significant when the values were expressed per kilogram of FFM-BI or per kilogram of FFM-

Several potential mechanisms have been suggested to explain weight loss in COPD. Weight loss can occur when the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure is disturbed. This implies that all suggested factors are interrelated and therefore must be studied concurrently. It further implies that it is not possible to investigate potential causative factors in one typical patient or even in a small group, particularly if a significant measurement error is expected. We studied at a single time point the relative contribution of increased energy expenditure and decreased dietary intake to weight loss in a large number of patients with stable COPD.

Energy Expenditure Total energy expenditure comprises resting metabolic rate, diet-induced thermogenesis, and activity-induced thermogenesis. It is difficult to furnish a complete energy balance, because as a result of methodologic limitations reliable data











1000 2


group Fig. 1. Energy intake (E-intake) (stripedbars) and resting energy expenditure (REE) (cross-hatched bars) grouped by severity of disease. Significance of differences between the groups is indicated in the figure. Asterisk indicates p < 0.05.


both on thermodynamic action of food (26) and on spontaneous physical activity (27) cannot yet be reliably obtained. In this study we addressed resting energy expenditure, the major determinant of total energy expenditure. We found that valid and highly reproducible measurements of REE in patients with COPD can be performed with a ventilated hood system. Despite a stable clinical condition, a considerable number of our patients exhibited an increased REE compared with predicted basal metabolic rate (23). An elevated REE relative to predicted needs has been reported previously by many investigators (28-31). REE/HB in the weight-losing patients also corresponded strikingly with previous reported results (29) in 10 COPD patients with recent weight loss (117 and 116070, respectively).

100 gO

Body Composition and Energy Expenditure



Energy balance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

A substantial number of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) suffer from gradual and significant weight loss during the natural ...
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