PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 032505 (2014)

Elastic octopoles and colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals S. B. Chernyshuk,1 O. M. Tovkach,2 and B. I. Lev2 1

Institute of Physics, NAS Ukraine, Prospekt Nauki 46, Kyiv 03650, Ukraine 2 Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, NAS Ukraine, Metrologichna 14-b, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine (Received 13 May 2013; revised manuscript received 7 October 2013; published 14 March 2014) We propose a simple theoretical model which explains the formation of dipolar two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals. The colloidal particles are treated as effective hard spheres interacting via their elastic dipole, quadrupole, and octopole moments. It is shown that the octopole moment plays an important role in the formation of 2D and 3D nematic colloidal crystals. We generalize this assumption to the case of an external electric field and theoretically explain a giant electrostriction effect in 3D crystals observed recently. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.032505

PACS number(s): 61.30.−v, 42.70.Df, 47.57.J−, 64.70.pv

Nematic liquid crystal (NLC) colloids have attracted significant research interest during recent decades. Particles suspended in a liquid crystal host cause director field distortions which give rise to a new class of elastic interactions. These long-range anisotropic interactions result in different colloidal structures: one-dimensional (1D) linear chains [1,2], inclined chains with respect to the director [3,4], and 2D nematic colloidal crystals [5–9]. Recently a 3D colloidal crystal was experimentally observed for the first time [10]. Small director deformations as well as the electric field potential are governed by the Laplace equation. Thus the theoretical understanding of the elastic interactions is based on multipole expansion of the director field deformations and has deep electrostatic analogies. Until now axially symmetrical particles were considered to have only dipole and quadrupole elastic terms [11–18]; it was assumed that higher-order elastic terms could be neglected. At the same time high-order electric moments play an important role in different areas of physics. For instance, octopole moments have significant importance in nuclear physics and in intermolecular interactions. For example the methane molecule CH4 has zero dipole and quadrupole moments and nonzero octopole electric moment [19]. In general any pearlike charge distribution has nonzero octopole moment. The hedgehog director configuration also has a pearlike form, so it is natural that the octopole elastic moment should be manifested in elastic colloidal interactions. In the present paper we show that this is true. Let us now consider an axially symmetrical particle in a NLC. The immersed particle induces deformations of the director in the perpendicular directions nμ , μ = x,y, and make the director field n ≈ (nx ,ny ,1). The bulk energy of deformation may be approximately written in the harmonic form:  K Fhar = (1) d 3 x(∇nμ )2 2 with Euler-Lagrange equations of Laplace type: nμ = 0.


Then the director field outside the particle in the simplest case has the form nx (r) = p rx3 + 3c xz ,ny (r) = p ry3 + 3c yz with r5 r5 p and c being the dipole and quadrupole elastic moments. 1539-3755/2014/89(3)/032505(5)

The correction to the bulk energy is Fanhar =  anharmonic  3 K K 2 2 3 2 d d x(∇n ) ≈ x(∇n z ⊥ ) which changes the Euler2 8 Lagrange equations to nμ + 12 nμ n2⊥ = 0.


If the leading contribution to nμ is the dipolar term then the anharmoic corrections are of the form rμ /r 7 and high-order terms of order up to 1/r 5 can effectively influence the shortrange behavior and should be equally considered. In the general case, the solution of the Laplace equation for axially symmetric particles has the form nμ =

N  l=1

1 al (−1)l ∂μ ∂zl−1 , r


where al is the multipole moment of order l and 2l is the multipolarity; N is the maximum possible order without anharmonic corrections. For the dipole particle N = 4. So a1 = p is the dipole moment, a2 = c is the quadrupole moment, a3 is the octopole moment, and a4 is the hexadecapole moment. In order to find the energy of the system particle(s) + LC, it is necessary to introduce some effective free energy functional Feff so that its Euler-Lagrange equations have the above solutions (4). In the one-constant approximation with Frank constant K the effective functional has the form ⎧ ⎫  N ⎨ (∇n )2 ⎬  μ Feff = K d 3 x − 4π Al (x)∂μ ∂zl−1 nμ , (5) ⎩ 2 ⎭ l=1 with the Euler-Lagrange equations nμ = 4π

N  (−1)l−1 ∂μ ∂zl−1 Al (x),



where Al (x) are multipole moment densities, μ = x,y, and repeated μ means summation on x and y, such as ∂μ nμ = ∂x nx + ∂y ny . For the bulk NLC the solution has the known form  N  1 (−1)l ∂μ ∂zl−1 Al (x ). (7) nμ (x) = d 3 x |x − x | l=1


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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 032505 (2014)

If we consider Al (x) = al δ(x) this really yields the solution (4). This means that the effective functional (5) correctly describes the interaction between the particle and the LC. Np particles in the NLC, so that Al (x) = Consider i i al δ(x − xi ), i = 1–Np . Then substitution (7) into Feff (5) results in Feff = U self + U interaction where U self = i Uiself ; here Uiself is the divergent self-energy. The interaction energy U interaction = i 2rc , U l,l  =1 al al  (−1) r l+l  +1 Pl+l  (cos θ ), = 4π K ∞, r  2rc , (9)


Here unprimed quantities al are used for particle i and primed al for particle j , r = |xi − xj |, θ is the angle between r l+1 and z, and we used the relation Pl (cosθ ) = (−1)l r l! ∂zl 1r for Legendre polynomials Pl . This is the general expression for the elastic interaction potential between axially symmetric colloidal particles in the bulk NLC, with the high-order elastic terms taken into account. In what follows below for dipole particles we suppose a4 = 0 and N = 3, so that the particles have nonzero dipole, quadrupole and octopole moments (a1 ,a2 ,a3 ). This formula was first obtained in [20], where it was used for the description of the interaction between beads with planar anchoring and boojums director configuration. It was found there that the moments a4 and a6 (N = 6 for quadrupole particles) give the angle θmin = 34.5◦ between two contact beads, which is close to the experimental value of θmin = 30◦ [3]. Of course there is always the nearest zone, where formula (8) is not applicable [20]. This is the coat zone (see Fig. 1), where topological defects are concentrated and anharmonic terms are essential. The average equilibrium distance b between the centers of the dipole particles in the chain (taken from different experiments as well as numerical calulations [7,10,21,22]) is b = 2.44r0 and, consequently, the radius of the coat is rc = 1.22r0 . But these results do not allow us to determine uniquely where the center of the coat is located.

FIG. 1. (Color online) 1D colloidal structure. Particles with parallel dipole moments aggregate in linear chains along n0 , b ≈ 2.4r0 [21,22]. Each particle is surrounded by a coat containing strong director deformations which cannot be described by the multipole expansion.

a2 = and a3 = are the dipole, where a1 = quadrupole, and octopole elastic moments, respectively. Suppose first that the octopole moment is zero, a3 = 0. In the paper [21], the authors used iron particles with dipole director configuration and made precise direct measurements of the elastic forces due to the balance between the elastic and magnetic forces in the equilibrium position. They found αexpt = 2.05 and βexpt = 0.2 ± 0.1. At the same time in [11] it was theoretically found from the special dipole Ansatz that αtheor = 2.04 and βtheor = 0.72. Here is very good correspondence for the dipole moment and very bad for the quadrupole moment, although the same value βtheor = 0.72 was obtained for two different Ans¨atze in [11]. Why? We think that the reason is the neglect of the octopole moment. The dipole-octopole interaction is exactly the same as the quadrupole-quadrupole interaction UQQ + UdO = θ) (a2 a2 − a1 a3 − a3 a1 ) 24P4r(cos for axially symmetric particles. 5 If we suppose that the authors of [11] correctly found the quadrupole moment β = 0.72, then we can estimate the octopole moment from a comparison with the results of [21]: 2 2 βexpt ≈ βtheor − 2αγ , so that γ ≈ 0.12. More precisely we can fit Noel et al.’s results with expression (9) and easily find that γ = 0.157. Then the difference between the two curves(α,β,γ ) = (2.05,0.2,0) and (2.04,0.72,0.157) is lower than 0.3% for all the experimental points (see Fig. 2). Now let us consider antiparallel dipoles in a homeotropic cell (a1 = −a1 and a2 = a2 ). As reported in [10] such particles αr02 ,

−βr03 ,

γ r04

FIG. 2. (Color online) The attractive part of the elastic force between two parallel dipoles. The points depict the experimental results from [21]. The solid red line corresponds to the case αexpt = 2.05, βexpt = 0.2, and γ = 0. The dashed blue line corresponds to the coefficients αtheor = 2.04, βtheor = 0.72, and γ = 0.157. The inset shows the selected region on a larger scale.



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 032505 (2014)

FIG. 4. (Color online) Schematic representation of a quasi-bodycentered Bravais lattice of a 3D colloidal crystal. The lattice constants are A = (3.2 ± 0.1)r0 , B = (2.3 ± 0.2)r0 , and = (1.3 ± 0.1)r0 [10]. Due to such a dense packing the central particle interacts only with its nearest neighbors located at the vertices.

FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) A zigzag vertical cross section of a quasi-2D checkerboard colloidal crystal formed by particles with antiparallel hedgehog ordering in a homeotropic cell, with a ≈ 2.3r0 and θmin ≈ 60◦ [10]. (b) 2D structure formed by antiparallel linear chains in the planar cell. The lattice constants are a = 2.54r0 , b = 2.46r0 , and θmin = 61◦ [7]. Note that in such a structure the hedgehogs transform into small rings.

form a quasi-2D checkerboard colloidal crystal. Fluorescent confocal polarizing microscopy (FCPM) provides a vertical cross section which has a zigzag form with interparticle distance a ≈ 2.3r0 and azimuthal angle θmin ≈ 60◦ [see Fig. 3(a)]. To explain this structure we must minimize the energy (9) over two variables: r and θ . A simple calculation for (α,β,γ ) = (2.05,0.2,0) gives θmin = 83.3◦ for the symmetric coat and θmin = 85.8◦ for the asymmetric coat. Obviously, these values are far from reality. Repeating the same for antiparallel dipoles with (α,β,γ ) = (2.04,0.72,0.157) (note that here a1 = −a1 , a2 = a2 , and a3 = −a3 ) it is easy to see that θmin = 66.2◦ for the asymmetric and θmin = 63◦ for the symmetric coat, which is consistent with the experimental value 60◦ [10] (see Table I). In addition to this 2D structure, a 2D hexagonal crystal formed by antiparallel dipolar chains in the planar cell has been observed [see Fig. 3(b)]. Treating the energy of such a system as the sum of the pair interaction energies (9) with (α,β,γ ) = (2.04,0.72,0.157), we can find the lattice

parameters a = b = 2.44r0 and θmin = 64.2◦ . If we assume the asymmetric coat then a = 2.52r0 , b = 2.44r0 , and θmin = 67◦ . These parameters are in agreement with the experimental values a = 2.54r0 , b = 2.46r0 , and θmin = 61◦ [7] (see Table I). Recently Nych et al. reported the experimental observation of a 3D colloidal crystal with tetragonal symmetry (see Fig. 4). The lattice constants were recorded directly from the FCPM images and found to be Aexpt = (3.2 ± 0.1)r0 , Bexpt = (2.3 ± 0.2)r0 , and expt = (1.3 ± 0.1)r0 [10]. To simplify our calculations we suppose that in such a densepacked structure every particle interacts only with its nearest neighbors. Then again minimizing the energy of the lattice for the symmetric coat and (α,β,γ ) = (2.04,0.72,0.157), we find Atheor = 3.07r0 , Btheor = 2.44r0 , and theor = 1.1r0 . For the asymmetric coat and the same (α,β,γ ), the lattice constants are Atheor = 3.22r0 , Btheor = 2.44r0 , and theor = 1.09r0 (see Table I). We use the multipole coefficients for the hyperbolic hedgehog configuration, but in the 2D and 3D structures the hedgehogs open up into small rings and probably this can alter the coefficients (α,β,γ ) slightly. Although a detailed study of these alterations is beyond the scope of the present paper, it should be noted here that the parameters of the structures depend weakly on small changes of α, β, and γ . A 3D colloidal crystal in a NLC with positive dielectric anisotropy exhibits the so-called giant electrostriction, i.e., lateral shrinking under the action of an electric field applied along n0 [10]. The influence of the electric field on the colloidal interactions was discussed earlier in [17]. There it was shown that in a bulk nematic with  > 0 the field gives rise to exponential screening of the multipole interactions.

TABLE I. Comparison between experimental and theoretical parameters of the colloidal structures. Structure 2D (chess) 2D (hex) 3D

Symmetric coat

Asymmetric coat


θmin = 63◦ , a = 2.44r0 θmin = 64.2◦ , a = b = 2.44r0 A = 3.07r0 , B = 2.44r0 , = 1.1r0

θmin = 66.2◦ , a = 2.52r0 θmin = 67◦ , a = 2.52r0 , b = 2.44r0 A = 3.22r0 , B = 2.44r0 , = 1.09r0

θmin ≈ 60◦ , a ≈ 2.3r0 θmin = 61◦ , a = 2.54r0 , b = 2.46r0 A = 3.2r0 , B = 2.3r0 , = 1.3r0



PHYSICAL REVIEW E 89, 032505 (2014)

FIG. 5. (Color online) Lateral shrinking of a 3D colloidal crystal under an electric field applied along n0 . The solid lines correspond to the theoretical calculations with the parameters of E7: dielectric anisotropy  = 13.8, elastic constant K = 13.7 pN, the cell thickness L = 25 μm. The particles’ radii r0 = 2.16 μm. The points depict experimental results from [10].

The energy of the pair interaction in this case has the form [17,20] ⎧ 3  ⎨ U − al al ∂μ ∂μ ∂zl−1 ∂zl −1 G(x,x ), r > 2rc , = l,l  =1 ⎩ 4π K ∞, r  2rc , (10) where ∂μ ∂μ = ∂x ∂x + ∂y ∂y , G(x,x ) = exp[−|x − x |/ξ ]/ |x − x | is the Green’s √ function for a bulk nematic in an electric field, and ξ = E1 4π K0  is the electric coherence length. Obviously, in some way the field should affect the particle coats as well so that rc = rc (E). The simplest assumption that we can make about it is the following. If  > 0, the nematic molecules have a tendency to align along the field direction. Thus we have a competition between this aligning and the anchoring on the particle surface. Clearly, the further from the surface we are and the smaller the elastic constant K is, the more easily the molecules can be reoriented. In the language of mathematics, −

x dx ∝ , dE K


where x = rc − r0 . From the dimensional analysis it follows that (11) can be rewritten as

dx 4π 0  − = ηr0 dE, (12) x(E) K where η is some dimensionless parameter. Finally, taking into account that x(E = 0) = 0.22r0 we arrive at rc = r0 (1 + 0.22e−ηr0 /ξ ).


It is well known [23] that a transition from the hedgehog to the Saturn ring configuration occurs at the field strength r0 /ξ = 3.3. In the experiments we are talking about r0 /ξ < 3.3 and the symmetry of the director field remains dipolar. Due to this we can assume that the particle coat does not shrink along the defect axis (along n0 ). This means that the coats, in fact, are not spheres but are rather prolate spheroids and the lattice “height” B hardly depends on E. Taking this into account and minimizing the energy of the lattice over A and one can find the lattice “width” A as a function of the field strength. The results of these calculations are shown in Fig. 5. It reveals that the concept of the asymmetric coat with η ≈ 1.5 is preferable, because it gives proper results for both the absolute and the relative shrinking. It is worth noting that the giant electrostriction is not a result of the coat compression only. It arises also from changes of the long-range interaction potential. Indeed, if we assume the opposite, we will easily find that decrease of A cannot be greater than 21%. Thus, the observed effect of giant electrostriction in a 3D colloidal crystal is a consequence of two factors. In conclusion, we have shown that the elastic octopole moment plays an important role in the formation of 2D and 3D dipolar colloidal crystals. It is found that the elastic octopole moment a3 = γ r04 in the hedgehog director configuration has the approximate value γ = 0.157. This value can explain the characteristics of all dipolar 2D and 3D colloidal structures, treating the colloids as effective hard spheroids interacting via their elastic dipole, quadrupole, and octopole moments. Generalization of this idea to the case with an external field present might explain the effect of giant electrostriction observed recently.


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Elastic octopoles and colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals.

We propose a simple theoretical model which explains the formation of dipolar two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) colloidal structures in nematic liq...
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