Bid. Her. (1992), 67, p p . 199-284 Printed in Great Britain

EFFECTS OF GREEN LIGHT O N BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS BY R I C H A R D M. KLEIN Botany Department, University of Vermont, Burlington, V T 0 540j, U S A (Received 24 June 1991; revised I 3 December 1991 ; 6 March 1992; accepted 10 March 1992) CONTENTS

I . Introduction


11. Physics and meteorology of green light . . . . . ( I ) Solar radiation . . . . . . . . . ( 2 ) Penetration of light into water . . . . . . ( 3 ) Penetration of light into animal tissues . . . . (4) Penetration of light into plant tissues , . . . I l l . Responses of aneural animal systems ( I ) Protozoans . _ _ _ _ _ . . ( 2 ) Blood and cells . . . . . . . . . I\'. Photoreceptors controlling nerve responses , . . . V. Phototactic and phototropic movements . . . . . ( I ) Phototasis and phototrophism in the absence of visible locomotor ( 2 ) Phototasis in organisms possessing locomotor structures . \'I. Chromatic adaptation in algae , . . . . . ( I ) Phycobilin pigments . . . . . . . . ( 2 ) Chromatic adaptation . . . . . . . ( 3 ) Molecular aspects of adaptation . . . . . (4) Ecological significance of chromatic adaptation . . V I I . Vegetative growth and development in plants . . . . ( I ) Llicroorganisms ( 2 ) Non-flowering embryophytic plants (3) Gymnosperms and flowering plants V I I I . Reproductive growth and development in plants ( I ) Fungi . . . . . . . . . . ( 2 ) Flowering plants _ _ _ _ _ . . IX. Metabolism in plants _ . . . . . . . ( I ) Respiration _ _ . . . . . . . ( 2 ) Pigment synthesis ( 3 ) Photosynthesis . . . . . . (4) LIembranes , . . . . . X, Evaluation of green light photoreceptors ( I ) Carotenoids . . . . . . . ( 2 ) Flavins . . . . . . . . ( 3 ) Porphyrins and tetrapyrroles . . . . (4) Phytochrome . . . . . . . . . X I . Summary . . . . . . . . . . X I I . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . X I I I . References . . . , . . . . . . I

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.21 I


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201 20 1

20 I


21 I

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structures . . . . . . . . .

214 22 I


22 I




229 229






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233 235 236 239 239 242











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243 245 245






248 248 250 25 1 252

253 254

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256 259 262





I. I N T R O D U C T I O N

Publication of a review implies that the topic has attained sufficient maturity to warrant an attempt to integrate available research, to evaluate concepts and to develop



150 >

z W

2 100 ._ c m a,


50 400




Wavelength ( n m )



Aleraged spectral energy distribution f o r : (1. zenith skq ; b, s u n - s k y on a horizontal plane: c. overcast s k y ; d, direct sunlight. ( F r o m Taylor & Kcrr, 1 9 4 1 . )

heuristic models. T h e timespan covered may be brief - yearly reviews are common in rapidly-moving fields or a review may be a retrospective, covering a long period of research activity. T h e topic at hand does not fit these models. Study of responses to green light is not integrated, it is certainly not mature and it is not rapidly evolving. There is probably no unifying theory binding the disparate studies into a cohesi1.e \\.hole. T h u s , one is justified in asking why there should be B review on the biological responses to green light. T h e rejoinder is provided by mountain climbers whose answer to a similar question is ‘Because it is there.’ T h e human-visible electromagnetic spectrum - light is dominated by wavelengths that fall roughly into the green range, extending from ca. joo n m in the blue-green to about 570 n m in the yellow-green (Gates, 1980). Assuming 40’ north latitude and I O O klx of combined direct sunlight and skylight, close to half the radiant flux from 390 to 720 n m as iV mP2and a quarter of the quantum flux as / t E m P 2s-l is green or greenish light. Responding to this broad wavelength band are pigments whose biological roles have been investigated for kvell over a century. Among these, the visual pigments have been examined most extensively (cf. Fein & Szutz, 1982; Applebury & Hargrave, 1986); vision will not be considered here. Photodynamic actions (Moreno, Pottier & Truscott, 1988) will also be excluded as will some other systems whose photochemistry and photobiology are well defined such as the green light absorbing, rhodopsin-related pigments of Halobacterium (Traulich e t al., 1983). T h i s review will focus on plant and animal green-light photosystems about which relatively little is known. Reports falling within the scope of the review are \videly scattered throughout the literature with virtuall>-no integration e\’en among related organisms. There is, in fact, no evidence that remotely suggests a commonality among green light responsive pigment systems, the physico-chemical mechanisms of radiation absorption or the biological responses occasioned by reception of the radiation. There are perils inherent in reviewing green-light photobiology. hZany reports, particularly those published in the early decades of this century, utilized apparatus and methods recognized today as being inadequate. Radiation sources, filters, and/or measurements of flux are suspect and quantitative, statistically-validated results are ~


Eflects of green light on biological systems


rarely seen. Nevertheless, there is ample internal evidence that most, if not all, of these reports contain at least a core of reality and provide an interested reader with a comprehensive overview of the amazingly broad range of biological responses to green light that may serve to spark interest in the topic. I t is difficult to organize the avaiIable information. Maily organisms and many different responses have been studied and only rarely have these studies been placed into a context that is applicable to the behaviour of the organism. T h u s , this review is more of a compilation or compendium than an integrated survey. While it would have been conceptually more valuable to group green light responses by photochemical categories, the paucity of information on the chemical nature of most of the photoreceptor pigments precluded such an organization. Hence the use of a response approach, e.g. phototaxis, growth and development, etc. Only with additional research, will a more satisfying review be possible. 11. PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY OF GREEN LIGHT

( I ) Solar radiation

Solar radiation has a spectral distribution that closely follows Planck's Law where :



217hc2 h5[exp (hc/hK,)-']


Maximum spectral emittance is at 480 n m for a 6000 K source, the approximate radiant temperature of the sun's surface (Gates, 1965). T h e average colour temperature of direct, unimpeded sunlight is about 5800 K in midsummer and ca. 5500 K in winter. Diffuse radiation increases the colour temperature to 6500 K and overcast skylight raises the temperature to 6950 K (Fig. I ) . North skylight temperatures are a 10000K with no significant change in the spectral energy distribution between 520 and 600 n m (Taylor & Kerr, 1941). Solar radiation is extensively filtered before reaching the earth's surface. As are other wavelengths, green wavelengths are attenuated by Rayleigh and Mie scattering (Taylor & Kerr, 1941). T h e spectral energy distribution varies with solar angle, time of the year, air mass (the ratio of slant path of solar light to vertical path length through the atmosphere) (Fig. 2) and atmospheric clarity as affected by cloud cover, smoke, water vapour content and elevation (Fig. 3 ) . Radiant flux may vary by a factor of 10 with changes in ambient conditions, but shapes of the curves remain qualitatively similar (Smith, 1982, 1986). Midsummer irradiances on cloudless days range from 20 to 30 mJ m-' (500-700 cal-') as a function of solar elevation and atmospheric transparency (Ross, I 975). I n the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) range (400-700 nm), direct radiation is close to 40 0 4 of the total, and is reduced by half on a fully overcast day (Ross, 1975). Green wavelengths are usually scattered less than either red or blue, although this depends on solar angle and the sizes and distribution of scattering particles (Taylor & Kerr, 1941). (2)

Penetration of light into water

T h e distribution of various wavelengths as light penetrates into water has been extensively analysed. Molecular scattering by dissolved salts follows Rayleigh scattering, i.e. is proportional to the wavelength raised to the power of -4 (Morel,


202 I






1 .o


3 0.5




1 P'ig.



500 600 700 Wavelength (nrn)


Spectral energ? d i s t r i b u t i o n of full, dircct solar irradiation as a f u n c t i o n o f air mass.





(111 :I


siirl;i, haemoglobin, reducing internal transmittance of green Lvavelengths (Fig. 8). In mammals, attention has focused on reflectance of skin and penetration into the brain. Rallowitz & Avery ( I 970) reported that skin reflectance, proceeding from 3 5 0 nm in the near-U\' (U\--4) to the far red at 700 n m , shoiied a peak betkveen 490 and 5 2 0 nm. T h e reflectance curve was similar in lightly and head!- pigmented skins except that in heavily melanized skins the reflection peak was at or belo\\ 490 nm. Infants reflect less radiation in the 460-600 n m band for reasons not understood. Hardy, Hammel & Nlurgatroyd (1956) found a light scattering peak in human skin at .joo nm due to the presence of pigment granules. Penetration into internal organs or muscle has rcceived little attention, although it is assumcd that littlc light is pi- nt in the internal organs. T h i s may not be true for the abdomen area; light reaching a foetus ma?- have still unknown effects. Of particular medical interest is the penetration of light into mammalian brains \\.here the pineal contains photoreceptors with absorption peaks in the j2.j-56-j rim range (Ganong et a l . , 1963; Hartwig & Baumann, 1974; Eldred & S o l t e , 1978). Van ljrunt rt a / . (1964) and Viggian, Giesla & Kusso (1968) found that rat skulls transmit

EfSects of green light on biological systems


Table 2 . Effect on canopy shade on percentage distribution of wavelength bands of visible radiation at the soil surface beneath the canopy. After Smith (1986) Photon flux as percent of totdl flux


nux .+oo-800 n m

Sunlight dboxe canopx Sunlight a t soil surface


700 60


~ O O - ~ OnOm

21 l'o 0

04 i ) o





0 Ij

600-700 nm

26 ' c j

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Effects of green light on biological systems.

Green light (510-565 nm) constitutes a significant portion of the visible spectrum impinging on biological systems. It plays many different roles in t...
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