EFFECT OF PROPHYLACTIC COLCHICINE THERAPY ON LEUKOCYTE FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER CHARLES A. DINARELLO, MICHAEL J. CHUSID, ANTHONY S. FAUCI, JOHN I. GALLIN, DAVID C. DALE, and SHELDON M. WOLFF Patients with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) who were part of a double-blind trial of daily colchicine as prophylaxis for their disease had leukocyte functions studied while receiving colchicine or placebo. Leukocytes taken from these patients while on prophylactic doses of colchicine produced normal quantities of leukocytic pyrogent ingested bacteria normally, and migrated normally in chemotactic chambers. In addition these patients had normal numbers of circulating T and B lymphocytes as well as normal blastogenic responses of their peripheral lymphocytes to mitogenic stimuli. The patients on colchicine, however, had significantly fewer neutrophils and monocytes accumulating at skin-window sites 24 hours after the initial abrasion. Because the early phase of the skinwindow response was normal in these patients, the decreased late response may be related to a failure to amplify the initial inflammatory reaction. The reduced capacity

to generate a normal inflammatory response may account for the failure of these patients to develop full attacks while taking colchicine.

From the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Charles A. Dinarello, M.D.: Senior Investigator, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH); Michael J . Chusid, M.D.: Clinical Associate, LCI, NIAID. NIH; Anthony S . Fauci, M.D.: Head, Clinical Physiology Section, LCI, NIAID, NIH; John I. Gallin, M.D.: Senior Investigator, LCI, NIAID, NIH; David C. Dale. M.D.: Senior Investigator, LCI. NIAID. N I H (presently Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington); Sheldon M. Wolff, M.D.: Clinical Director and Chief, LCI, NIAID, NIH. Address reprint requests to Charles A . Dinarello. M.D.. NIH, Building 10, Room IIBI5, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. Submitted for publication August I I , 1975; accepted October 30. 1975.


Arthritis and Rheumatism, Vol. 19, No. 3 (May-June 1976)

Daily colchicine has recently been shown to be highly effective in preventing the attacks of familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) in patients with this disorder (l,2). Although there is evidence that colchicine interferes with cell migration and the metabolic processes of phagocytosis when the drug is added in vitro to human leukocytes (3-6), the mechanism of colchicine’s action in F M F remains unknown. During a doubleblind trial using colchicine (0.6-1.8 mg/day) in patients with FMF, the patients’ leukocytes were studied while they were taking either colchicine or placebo to determine any functional change induced by the drug in this disease.

Production of Leukocytic Pyrogen. Peripheral leukocytes separated by dextran sedimentation of whole blood were incubated with heat-killed Staphylococcus albus (30 bacteria: I leukocyte), Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS), and 10% normal human AB serum. After phagocytosis the leukocytes were resuspended in HBSS and incubated overnight at 37°C. Supernatants from these overnight incubations were injected intravenously into rabbits and rectal temperatures were recorded every 10 minutes (7). The peak rise in rectal temperature above baseline was recorded and used for statistical analyses. Phagocytic Uptake of “C-labeled Staphylococcus Aureus. “C-labeled heat-killed S aureus was incubated with

6 19

peripheral neutrophils from patients or controls in a ratio of 5-7 polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) for each bacterium. Phagocytosis occurred in the presence of human AB serum (10%) and HBSS on a rotating rocker at 37°C. Iced HBSS was added after 20 minutes to inhibit phagocytosis. Centrifugation of the incubation mixture at I 0 0 g and subsequent washings separated nonphagocytized bacteria from leukocytes and ingested bacteria. All experiments were done in triplicate. A previous study demonstrated that the amount of radioactivity present in the washed leukocyte pellet was indicative of the degree of phagocytosis as estimated by microscopic assay (8).

Lymphocyte Studies. Lymphocytes were separated from heparinized blood by the Hypaque-Ficoll method (9). The proportion of thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes was determined by the sheep red blood cell rosetting technique (10) whereas the proportion of bone-marrow-derived (B) lymphocytes was determined by the complement receptor (EAC) rosette method ( 1 1). The in vitro lymphocyte blastogenic responses to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) were studied using incorporation of tritiated thymidine (12). Neutrophil Migration in Vitro. Directed migration and random migration of neutrophils were studied by the T r labeled leukocyte double micropore filter technique (13). For this technique leukocytes are labeled with "Cr and placed in a modified Boyden chamber containing two 5-pm micropore filters (Millipore Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts). After 3 hours of incubation at 37°C in 5% CO, and 100% humidity, the neutrophils traversed the upper and migrated into the lower micropore filter. After adjusting for the specific activity of the and for variability of the 61Crincorporation by the leukocytes, chemotaxis was expressed as corrected counts per minute in the lower filter (cor cpm in LF). For chemotactic studies endotoxin-activated whole serum from normal subjects was used as the chemotactic stimulus (14); for random migration studies buffer was used in the lower compartment of the chemotactic chamber (3). Quadruplicate chambers were used for each experimental condition and the means of different experiments were compared using the Student's r test. Cutaneous Inflammatory Responses. An area of skin on the volar surface of a forearm, approximately 3 x 3 mm, was abraded with a scalpel blade. A sterile, glass coverslip was placed on the abraded area and secured with tape. The coverslips were changed 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 24 hours after abrasion, air-dried, and stained with Wright's stain. At the time of these tests the investigator was unaware of whether the patients were receiving placebo or colchicine. To measure the response, a 1x1-mm area of the most cellular field of each coverslip was photographed a t 50 X magnification; the number of cells in the field was counted by an examiner unaware of the circumstances of the test. Two hundred cell differential counts were also made for each slide. For 10 normal subjects and I 1 patients on and off colchicine, the geometric mean number of neutrophils and monocytes present at each time point was calculated. The geometric mean was used to decrease the influence of extreme 'observations because of the inherent variability of this test. The mean values were compared using the Student's t test.

RESULTS Leukocyte Pyrogen Production Eight patients taking two or three colchicine (0.6 mg) tablets per day for 2 weeks to 1 year were studied. Leukocytes obtained from these 8 patients while on colchicine produced normal amounts of pyrogen. In 34 rabbit assays the mean ( f S E M ) of the peak fever (rise above baseline temperature) in the colchicine group was 0.64"C f 0.05, and in 50 determinations in the control group the mean was 0.65"C f 0.08. Five patients were also studied while participating in a double-blind trial in which patients served as their own control (1). The mean peak fever from supernates of leukocytes from patients taking colchicine was 0.49"C & 0.06 and from patients taking placebo 0.65"C f 0.05. When a paired t test was used, this difference was not significant (P > 0.5).

Phagocytosis Six patients on colchicine therapy for periods of 2 weeks to over 1 year were studied. As shown in Table 1, phagocytic uptake of labeled S aureus by leukocytes from patients on colchicine Was not different from that of normal controls. The mean (* SEM) percent uptake of S aurew after 20 minutes was 54.3% f 4.0 in patients taking colchicine and 5 1.9% f 2.5 for concurrently studied controls. This difference was not significant.

Lymphocyte Studies The F M F patients receiving colchicine had total lymphocyte counts, proportions, and total numbers of circulating T and B lymphocytes that were no different from controls. The mean (f SEM) in vitro lymphocyte blastogenic responses expressed as difference between stimulated and unstimulated (control) cultures (A cpm) in the colchicine group were 202,442 f 34,747 cpm, 19 1,7 13 f 24,712 cpm, and 94,136 f 17,947 cpm for PHA, Con A, and PWM respectively. The values in the normal control group were 204,013 f 20,764 cpm, 150,127 f 20,118 cpm, and 78,477 f 11,971 cpm for PHA, Con A, and PWM respectively. There were no differences between the two groups with any of the mitogens studied (P > 0.2). In 2 patients who underwent lymphocyte studies both before and 1 to 3 months after initiation of colchicine therapy, there were no significant differences in any of the above lymphocyte studies.



Neutrophil Migration in Vitro Leukocyte migrations in 9 patients taking colchicine were compared to those of 15 control subjects, including 4 patients taking placebo. As shown in Table 2, after 3 hours of incubation, no cellular abnormality of neutrophil chemotaxis or random migration was detected in cells obtained from F M F patients taking placebo (P > 0.05, t test). Similarly there was no detectable defect in the kinetics of in vitro random or directed neutrophil migration in the chemotactic chambers after 1 or 2 hours.

Cutaneous Inflammatory Responses in Vivo Skin-window responses were studied in 1 1 patients with F M F both on and off colchicine. The patients on colchicine had been on this therapy for at least 1 week. Compared to normal subjects, F M F patients off colchicine had normal skin-window responses (Figure 1). In FMF patients on colchicine the first 9 hours of the response were similar to those in normal controls; however after 9 hours the response was reduced (Figure I ) . The geometric mean number of neutrophils and monocytes at 24 hours was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) when compared to both normals and FMF patients off colchicine (Table 3).

DISCUSSION Attacks of FMF have clinical characteristics very similar to those of an acute inflammatory process, and this fact has been confirmed histologically with tissues removed at the time of the attack (16). Although there has been some speculation that F M F is an inborn error of metabolism (17), the inducing agent or mechanism of the acute attack remains unknown. Nevertheless daily colchicine is highly effective in preventing these attacks and hence may be important in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease. In a previous report the present authors noted that patients with F M F often had premonitory symptoms of an attack, but while the patients were taking daily colchicine these early symptoms rarely progressed into a full attack ( I ) . This finding suggested that the underlying excitatory process in F M F remained intact in these patients but that colchicine prophylaxis abated further development of the attack process. I n this report an attempt was made to correlate the therapeutic efficacy of colchicine in preventing these attacks with changes in host leukocyte function. There is ample evidence that colchicine rapidly binds to the pro-

Table 1. Phagocytosis by Granulocytes from Colchicine-treated Patients Phagocytosis (% uptake ofSaureus) Patient

Patient Uptake

Normal Uptake*


51.8 68.6 58.5 57.8 39.3 49.6 54.3 f 4.0t

48. I 61.1 51.4 51.4 46.6 52.3 51.9 f 2.5t

sw RiS RoS


GS Mean f S E

*Each patient was studied concurrently with a normal control subject. ?Significance level of difference between patients and normals, P > 0.20, paired I test.

tein subunits that form microtubules in cells (18,19). Thus leukocytes were obtained from patients taking therapeutic doses of the drug and then their cells were studied in vitro. Changes in the ability of leukocytes from patients on colchicine either to release leukocytic pyrogen or to ingest staphylococci could not be demonstrated. In addition there was no detectable change in numbers of circulating T and B lymphocytes. It is well known that in vitro colchicine interferes with cell division (20). In the present colchicine-treated patients, the blastogenic responses of lymphocytes to three commonly used mitogens were normal. This result may be related to the fact that the presence of the drug is required in vitro to interfere with the process of division in cell cultures. Despite the fact that the impairment of cell locomotion by colchicine has been repeatedly demonstrated (3,4), in the present study both random and directed migration of neutrophils obtained from patients on colchicine were normal. It should be emphasized that in the previous studies (3,4) this impairment occurred only when there were high concentrations of the drug in the incubating medium. The present study using the skin-window test was

Table 2. Efect of in biuo Colchicine on in Vitro Granulocyte Migration Granulocyte Source Normal ( I I)t FM F Placebo (4) Colchicine (9)


Random Migration*

2288 f 281

223 f 26

2029 f 219 2406 f 28 I

209 f 28 296 f 44

*Mean f SE, cor cpm in L F after 3 hours of chamber incubation. ?Number of different subjects studied in parentheses.


62 1

able to demonstrate altered inflammatory responses in patients with F M F taking colchicine as compared to normal subjects or F M F patients taking a placebo. The abnormal responses were characterized by a reduction in the numbers of both neutrophils and monocytes accumulating at 9 to 24 hours after the initial stimulus. The authors believe that these observations are reliable because these tests were performed by an investigator who was blinded to the patients’ therapy and because cell responses were counted by a technician who was unaware of the circumstances of the tests. Both neutrophils and monocytes migrated in normal numbers during the early phase of the skin-window responses, both on and off colchicine. This finding suggests that the inflammatory stimulus was similar in both groups. It also suggests that reduced leukocyte adherence to the glass coverslips was not an artifactual reason for the results observed, although other investigators have shown that colchicine does reduce leukocyte adherence to glass and nylon (21,22). The abnormal late phase of the skin-window responses with colchicine therapy may be related to an impairment of the generation of certain factors that amplify the acute inflammatory response. Neutrophil immobilizing factor (23), a complement-activating substance (24,25), a neutrophil chemotactic factor (26,27), and a mononuclear cell chemotactic factor (28) have been demonstrated to exist preformed in neutrophils. These and other factors are probably released as a consequence of phagocytosis and degranulation and may play a role in the amplification and localization of the inflammatory process. Because colchicine decreases neutrophil degranulation (29), it may also modify release of cellular factors amplifying the acute inflammatory response. This failure to mobilize cellular factors associated with the amplification of the inflammatory response may account for both the diminished skinwindow response at 24 hours as well as the failure of progression of FM F attacks in patients taking colchicine.



Normal I101 FMF 1111


FMF on Colchicine 1111







On Off On Off

Geometric Mean of Cells Counted

47.0 118.9 157.7 472.0,


Fig 1. The effect of daily colchicine on the skin-window response in patients with FMF. The numbers of individuals studied are in parentheses. Asterisked values are those that are significantly different (P < 0.05) from other measurements at the same time interval.

Table 3. Comparison of Skin- Window Responses at 24 Hours in FMF Patients on and offDaily Colchicine Colchicine



Mean Log,,,*

3.9 4.8 5.I 6.2

Standard Error

+0.4 f0.3 M onocytes f0.5 f0.3 *The logarithm (e) is used to reduce the influence of extreme observation of these data (15).



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Effect of prophylactic colchicine therapy on leukocyte function in patients with familial Mediterranean fever.

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