Effect of medicinal plants on wound healing. Arie Budovsky1, Ludmila Yarmolinsky1,2, Shimon Ben-Shabat2* 1

Judea Regional Research and Development Center, Carmel, 2Department of Biochemistry

and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BeerSheva, Israel. Corresponding Author Shimon Ben-Shabat, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department Of Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev P.O. Box 653 Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel. Tel: 972-8-647-9354 ; 972-8-647-7363 Fax: 972-8-647-2984 E-Mail: [email protected]

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ABSTRACT In the United States alone chronic wounds affect 6.5 million patients. It is expected that the number of chronic wounds will increase worldwide due to the increase in age-related conditions and pathologies such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. An estimated excess of US$25 billion is spent annually on treatment of chronic wounds, and the burden is rapidly growing due to increasing health care costs, an aging population, and a sharp rise in the incidence of diabetes and obesity worldwide. While current therapeutic agents have generally inadequate efficacy and number of serious adverse effects, the medicinal plants have been used in medicine since ancient times and are well known for their abilities to promote wound healing and prevent infection without grave side effects. Thus, herbal therapy may be an alternative strategy for treatment of wounds. The purpose of this review is to provide the verified data on the medicinal plants of the world flora with wound healing activity including the biologically active substances belonging to these herbal preparations, and describe in detail the various cellular and molecular mechanisms of their actions.

Keywords: Wound healing-plant extracts- phytochemicals- alkaloids- flavonoids-terpenesglycosides

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1. Introduction Out of estimated 250,000 flowering plant species in the world (1), 15% have been evaluated phytochemically and only 6% have been screened for biological activity (2). While a relatively small portion of all plants have been used as medicinal agents, their importance should not be undermined as almost 65% of the world’s population has incorporated them into their primary modality of health care (3). Remarkably, about one-third of all traditional herbal medicines are intended for treatment of wounds or skin disorders, compared to only 13% of modern drugs (4). Of note, the beneficial effects of plant extracts on skin wound healing (WH) has also gained support from several experimental studies (5-11). Given that in the United States alone chronic wounds affect 6.5 million patients, and that that the number of chronic wounds is likely to grow worldwide due to the increase in age-related conditions and pathologies such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases (12), any therapeutic intervention aimed at facilitating the WH processes should not be disregarded. Here, we present a systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on the pro-WH activity of herbal extracts and plant derived chemicals from all corners of the World.

2. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of wound healing process. WH is a complex biological process consisting of a synchronized chain of molecular events aimed at repairing the damaged tissue and restoring its protective barrier function (13). In general, the wound repair occurs in almost all tissues after exposure to any kind of destructive stimulus. This is particularly relevant for the skin – an organ that sustains insult and injury throughout life. Wounds are physical, chemical or thermal injuries which result in breaking of skin integrity.

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In all organs of mammals, the normal response to injury occurs in three overlapping but distinct classical stages: inflammation, new tissue formation, and remodeling (14). Tissue damage leads to immediate activation of the coagulation cascade, inflammatory pathways and immune system in order to prevent blood fluid loss, to remove dead tissues and to neutralize invading pathogens (15). During and after formation of the platelet plug and deposition of fibrin matrix, neutrophils infiltrate the wound site. After 2–3 days, monocytes appear in the wound and differentiate into macrophages which coordinate the next phase of wound repair (16). The second stage of WH occurs 2–10 days after injury and is characterized by cellular proliferation and migration of different cell types, migration of keratinocytes over the injured dermis. In parallel to this migration angiogenesis starts as newly emerging capillaries replace the fibrin matrix and the granulation tissue. Angiogenesis is positively stimulated by various growth factors such as VEGFA and FGF2 (17). Along with the keratinocytes, fibroblasts migrate to the tissue repair zone and upon stimulation by macrophages turn into myofibroblasts (18). In turn, myofibroblasts bring the edges of the wound closer to one another and in cooperation with fibroblasts produce extracellular matrix creating the scar tissue (19). A key pleiotropic cytokine TGFβ1 secreted by fibroblasts stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts and their trans-differentiation to myofibroblasts (20). The final stage of WH (remodeling) begins 2–3 weeks after injury and may last for a year or even more. In the framework of the remodeling, the inflammatory response is downregulated as most of the cells involved in the previous stage of wound repair undergo apoptosis, and the dead cells are replaced by collagen and other extracellular-matrix proteins (21).

The complexity of the wound repair process on the molecular level stems from the fact that modulation of hundreds of genes (gene deletion, full or partial loss-of-function mutations or gene overexpression) in mice and other model organisms result in either delayed or

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accelerated WH (22). Among these genes are many growth factors, pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Expression of these pro-inflammatory mediators (e.g. IL6 and IL8) may stand behind scar formation and fibrotic processes in adults, while their absence in newborns may promote perfect scarless WH (reviewed in 23). These deviations from regular WH could lead to diverse age-related pathological conditions, from slow or ineffective tissue repair to fibroproliferative responses (“the so called never healing wounds”) (24, 25). While formation of scars and fibrotic responses are from complete tissue regeneration, the incomplete WH in adults may hold some evolutionary advantage as quick restoration of tissue homeostasis is vital for the protection of the organism from pathogen invasion (26). In any case, several growth promoting and survival pathways become activated during WH in adults. Signal cascade activated by TGFβ1 and mediated by the SMAD and Wnt dependent pathways enhances scarring (in particular, in case of the cutaneous WH), while the expression of TGFβ1 is transient in the skin of the neonates (reviewed in 23). In support of this notion are the studies on the TGFβ1 knock-out mouse which showed that these mice have defects in the proliferative phase of WH as at 10 days after incisional injury there was reduced granulation of the tissue and reduced collagen deposition (27). On the other hand, overexpression of TGFβ1 in keratinocytes led to upregulation in the type I collagen expression and increased deposition of the scar tissue (28). Of note, fibroblasts from both hypertrophic scars and keloids consistently overexpress proteins involved in TGFβ signal transduction (29). Thus, a prolonged and/or excessive secretion of TGFβ1 in the wound area may redirect the regular process of WH towards fibrosis (30, 31, 32). The hyper-activation of the Wnt pathway by TGFβ1 stands behind excessive scarring reminiscent of keloids and hypertrophic scars in transgenic mice that constitutively express the β-catenin (33). In contrast, animals with the conditional deletion of β-catenin, display much smaller wounds and have fewer fibroblasts in their granulation tissue (34). Modulation of the

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TGFβ molecules can also bring beneficial effects. Neutralization of the TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 molecules by administration of antibodies to incisional rat wounds resulted in a significant reduction of extracellular matrix deposition and subsequent scarring (35). The same effect was achieved by applying recombinant TGFβ3 to the wound area (35). Thus, manipulations and interventions aimed at modifying the activity and level of WH/fibrosis associated proteins might lessen or even abrogate scar tissue generation along with creating conditions for successful WH.

Anti-platelet agents, aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs are the most prescribed in the coagulation phase (36). Glucocorticoids are also used in many cases, they inhibit production of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) (37), but they may promote wound infection (38) and have side effects on central nervous system (39), so administration of antibiotics and antiseptics is necessary. Some chemotherapeutic drugs are widespread in order to inhibit cellular metabolism, rapid cell division, and angiogenesis, but they significantly decrease functions of the immune system, and often cause excessive bleeding at the wound site (38). Current treatments for delayed WH (old age, diabetes or radiation exposure), excessive healing (hypertrophic and keloid scars) and fibroproliferative diseases include neutralization of pro-inflammatory mediators (25), silicone and pressure dressings (40), vitamin E supplementation (41), administration of corticosteroids (42), 5-fluorouracil (43), bleomycin (44), and others, reviewed by (45). While meeting some success, these treatments and pharmacological interventions still have various adverse effects. In fact, single-agent therapies, such as administration of a growth factor, have only a moderate impact on WH, most probably because of the considerable complexity of the wound repair process and redundancy in associated components and pathways. Since no “magic bullet” has been found so far to treat abnormal WH and related processes, we should not neglect herbal

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agents that might on one hand accelerate wound closures and on the other one might reduce fibrosis. From this point of view, the application of whole, fractionated plant extracts, or even selected compounds of herbal origin could be highly advantageous as herbaceuticals may have multiple targets, thus indicating the possibility of pleiotropic beneficial effects on WH (4).

3. Medicinal plants of the world flora with wound healing activity. Medicinal plants have been widely acknowledged in medicine since ancient times, at least for 60 000 years (46). Many ancient civilizations used plants for stimulation of WH. For example, ancient Egyptians used Aloe vera Mill in treating wounds as early as 1500 B.C (47). Many experimental and clinical studies demonstrated WH properties of the Aloe vera Mill gel and latex which were obtained from a mucilaginous tissue of its leaves (48). The possible mechanisms by which the gel helped wound healing included keeping the wound moist, increased epithelial cell migration, more rapid maturation of collagen, and reduction in inflammation (49); increased collagen synthesis (50, 51); increase in synthesis of hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate in the granulation tissue of the healing wound (50) and increased blood supply as a result of improved oxygenation (52). Mannose rich polysaccharides of Aloe vera Mill gel enhanced TIMP-2 gene expression, collagen, NAGLA and NAGA synthesis during the skin wound repair of rats (53). Although Aloe vera Mill is an outstanding example of well-studied wound-healing plant, many of its active phytochemicals have not been identified yet. Leaves extracts of other species of Aloe such as Aloe literalis Baker (54), Aloe arborescens Mill, Aloe excelsa Berger and Aloe ferox Mill have also significant WH properties (55).

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The WH activity of 13 Verbascum species was assessed in vivo using two models (linear incision and circular excision); V.olympicum Boiss, V. stachydifolium Lam and V. uschackense Lam had the highest activities on the both wound models and the methanolic extracts of V. latisepalum Boiss, V. mucronatum Lam and V. pterocalycinum var. mutense demonstrated promising pro-WH potential (10). Although mechanisms of pro-WH actions of the Verbascum species remain unknown, some active phytochemicals were determined in the case of V. mucronatum Lam (56).

While it is known that various combinations of extracts may be highly beneficial, few researches have been devoted to studying the synergistic interactions between the active extracts and other phytochemicals. Nevertheless, it was shown that ethanol based mixed extract of Curcuma longa L., Areca catechu L., Oryza sativa L., and Garcinia mangostana L. had very low toxicity along with good pro-WH properties in vitro (57). Extract from the mixture of Radix astragali Schishkin and Radix Rechmanniae Libosch in the 2:1 ratio promoted keratinocyte proliferation by regulating expression of growth factor receptors (58). Another factor regulating the WH potential of botanicals is the exposure of plants to the stressful conditions. It is known that plants under stress are able to produce more bioactive compounds. For example, Phlomis viscosa Poiret grown in stressful phytogeographic zone in Judea region (Israel) demonstrated high pro-WH activity (59). Altogether, in the framework of this manuscript, we have collected data on different kinds of wound-healing promoting plant extracts (aqueous, ethanolic, methanolic and so on) from various plant organs (roots, stems, leaves, buds, flowers, fruits, and so on). The major findings related to WH activities of herbal extracts are summarized in Table 2. Only crude extracts were included in Table 1 as the active compounds which are responsible for the WH properties of these plants have not been isolated, purified and identified yet.

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4. Plant phytochemicals with wound healing activity A wide variety of bioactive constituents of different structures stands behind the therapeutic activity of the medicinal plants: polyphenols (flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, tannins, stilbenes and coumarins);

terpenes, sulfur-containing compounds (sulfides and

glucosinolates), carotenoids, saponins, furils, alkaloids, polyines, thiophenes, different sugars, fatty oils, resins, phytosterols, proteins, peptides and etc (60). In particular, review of Ghosh and Gaba (61) analyzes WH properties of several plant compounds including flavonoids, quinones, phenolic acids, phenyl propanoids, terpenoids, tannins and sugars demonstrating that the main effects of these active compounds of plants were connected to their antimicrobial activity, antioxidant properties and their abilities to enhance cell proliferation, collagen production and DNA synthesis. It is reasonable to expect that the majority of plant phytochemicals have a great wound-healing potential, however in many cases their active molecules have not been identified yet, and little is known about their modes of action. Among plant phytochemicals, WH promoting activity of alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes and glycosides is better researched than that of other bioactive plant constituents. Therefore, we present data on the more studied phytochemicals.

4.1. Alkaloids Alkaloids are nitrogen-containing phytochemicals isolated and identified from plants. Some alkaloids have an important role in the process of WH. Many alkaloids are considered as very toxic phytochemicals. For example, nicotine is found in the nightshade family of plants (Solanaceae). Nevertheless, it can improve WH and accelerate angiogenesis in small doses (62) due to stimulating many intracellular processes. Specifically, nicotine binds to the nAChR and increases intracellular level of calcium (63).

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The effects of the Aconitum baikalense Turcz alkaloids (mesaconitine, hypaconitine, songorine, napelline, and 12-epinapelline N-oxide) (Figure 1) on functional activity of fibroblast precursors were studied in vitro (64). Exposure to some of these alkaloids (songorine, napelline and hypaconitine) led to direct stimulation of the fibroblast precursors and to higher production of growth factors by the skin stromal cells (65). Another alkaloid taspine (Figure 2) found in various plants including Magnolia, enhanced WH by increasing the autocrine activity of TGF-beta1 and EGF on fibroblasts (66).

4.2. Flavonoids Flavonoids are oxygen-containing aromatic compounds which WH properties are wellknown. These compounds are able to promote the rapid WH due to their antimicrobial, antioxidant and astringent properties (67). Quercetin, found in variety of plants, stimulated incorporation of collagen matrices in case of dermal WH (68). Mixture of flavonoids (quercetin, isorhamnetin and kaempferol), obtained from Hippophae rhamnoides L, improved collagen deposition and maturation, and decreased COX-2 level (69). Later, the WH properties of this plant were also attributed to the gallic acid which stimulated the increase in ascorbic acid contents which in turn is important for collagen metabolism (70). Additional quercetin based flavonoid mixture (quercetin-3-O-[(6-caffeoyl)-β-glucopyranosyl (1 → 3) αrhamnopyranoside]-7-O-α-rhamnopyranoside,


glucopyranosyl (1 → 3) α-rhamnopyranoside]-7-O-α-rhamnopyranoside and quercetin-3-Omethyl) isolated from the aerial parts of the fern Ophioglossum vulgatum L. proved to be active in a scratch-wound healing assay on keratinocytes through intracellular calciumdependent, ERK1/2 MAP kinase dependent mechanism (71). Furthermore, quercetin 3-Oglucoside isolated from the leaves of Sambucus ebulus L was determined as one of the active components of the WH as determined by animal experiments. Specifically, this agent enhanced re-epithelization (9).

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Another flavone - 2-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl-5; 7—dihydroxy-chromen-4 is an active constituent of the Indian pro-WH plant, Pedilanthus tithymaloides L. It promotes WH by accelerating epithelization, scavenging of free radicals, and inhibiting several mediators of inflammatory pathways including the NF-κB activity (72). It was also found that Vicenin-2 flavonoid (isolated from crude methanol extract of food plant Moringa olifera,) was able to enhance the proliferation and viability of human fibroblast cells in vitro which led to subsequent faster WH (73).

Various Hypericum species plants are acknowledged as popular folk remedies for stimulation of WH. Examination of Hypericum scabrum L and Hypericum perforatum L oil extracts for the WH activity showed that the latter plant and its flavonoids (hyperoside, isoquercitrinrutin and epicatechin) indeed are pro-WH (8).

Another popular folk remedy is Silybum marianum L, as investigations into silibinin from Silybum marianum revealed its ability to promote a faster WH process by regulation of STM1 gene (encodes stromelysin-1 which belongs to the metalloproteinase family and has an important role in WH) expression, acetyl hexoseamonine and collagen production (74).

While in case of various flavonoids the mechanism of action is still obscure, studies of 4’,6,7trimethoxyisoflavone (Figure 3), isolated from the Euchresta formosana Ohwi, showed that this flavonoid increased rate of WH by promoting migration, but not proliferation of keratinocytes through induction of NADPH oxidases (NOXs) (the expression both at the mRNA and protein levels was examined) (75).

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4.3. Terpenes Terpenes are large classes of organic compounds, produced by a variety of plants, which to a great extent exist in form of essential oils. Gentiana lutea L contains several various terpenes including gentiopicroside, sweroside and swertiamarine which synergistically promote WH stimulating collagen production and the mitotic activity of embryonic fibroblasts (Figure 4) (76). Many other monoterpenes also have beneficial effects on skin WH including ajugol (56), borneol (77), catalpol (56, 78), thymol (79), genipin (80), lasianthoside (56), alphabisabolol (80), alpha-terpiniol (81), and aucubin (56, 82), but the precise mechanisms of their actions are mostly not known. Pro-WH properties of borneol might be associated with its ability to suppress the proinflammatory cytokines at the mRNA level (83). Thymol pro-WH activity could be explained by modulatory effect on the fibroblast metabolism and collagen synthesis (79).

With regard to the more complex terpenes, two lupane triterpenoids from Paullinia pinnata L. 6beta-(3'-methoxy-4'-hydroxybenzoyl)-lup-20(29)-ene-one, and 6beta-(3'-methoxy-4'hydroxybenzoyl)-lup-20(29)-ene-ol had a significant fibroblast stimulatory activity (84). The triterpene oleanolic acid (isolated from Viscum album L) influenced migratory activity of NIH/3T3 Fibroblasts and Hecate Keratinocytes. This in turn accelerated wound closure. Nevertheless, mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of these glycosides remain to be investigated (85). The triterpeniod compounds (asiatic acid, asiaticoside, madecassic acid and madecassoside) isolated from Centella asiatica L promoted WH through induction of expression of genes involved in angiogenesis and the remodeling of extracellular matrix, as well as diverse growth factors (86). In particular, madecassoside’s and asiaticoside’s pro-WH activities could be associated with increased collagen synthesis mediated via activation of the TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway (87, 88). Other known monoterpene derivatives showing

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beneficial effects on intestinal WH are the cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa L. It was found that tetrahydrocannabinoid (THC) enhanced epithelial wound closure (89). Cannabidiol (CBD) the non-psychoactive compound in Cannabis sativa L is also well known for its beneficial effects on intestinal inflammation as well as reducing cytokine release and promoting WH (90,91).

4.4. Glycosides Glycosides are conjugates of sugars with small organic molecules which can be classified by the glycone groups, types of glycosidic bonds, and by the aglycone groups. A classification by the aglycone group is the most useful one as there are several approaches to this classification (92, 93). Many WH associated glycosides have already been mentioned in previous chapters, in particular the flavonoid glycosides.

Many plants are renowned for their pro-WH glycosides. For example, the mixture of the galactoglycerolipids from the fern Ophioglossum vulgatum L. (dominant compound 1,2-di-Olinolencyl-3-O-B-D-galacto-pyranosyl-glycerol) had pro-WH activity and mechanism of their action was similar to that of the flavonoid glycosides (94). Mixture of 11 saponin glycosides from Panax ginseng promoted re-epitalization of the skin wounds in animal models, enhanced collagen synthesis in skin fibroblasts through phosphorylation of Smad 2 protein, and inhibited inflammatory processes at the early phases of WH (95). Compounds from genetically modified flax seeds with high glycoside content (secoisolariciresinol diglycoside, p-coumaric acid glycosides, ferulic acid glycoside, and caffeic acid glucosides) enhanced proliferation and migration of normal human dermal fibroblasts as determined by the wound scratch assay (96). Two steroidal glycosides from Lilium longiflorum Thunmb ((22R,25R)spirosol-5-en-3β-yl


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glucopyranoside, and (22R,25R)-spirosol-5-en-3β-yl-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-2)-[6-Oacetyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-4)]-β-D-glucopyranoside) which have very similar structures (figure 5) could influence the fibroblast migration, NO production and TGF-β receptor I mRNA expression (97). It is interesting to note that the analysis of these compounds in different organs of L. longiflorum demonstrated their highest concentrations in flower buds (acknowledged in folk medicine as WH-remedy) and lower stems (98).

Phenylpropanoid glycosides are widespread phytochemicals of many plants from Asteraceae, Labiateae, Liliceae, Oleaceae families. For example, Verbascum mucronatum is rich in various glycosides including pro-WH one called verbascoside (56). It was shown that this phenylpropanoid glycoside is able to enhance hepatocyte growth factor production in human dermal fibroblasts (99). The WH properties of this compound are connected to its chemical nature ensuring stronger affinity for negatively charged membranes composed of phosphatidylglycerol (100). Verbascoside was also shown to possess pro-WH properties in conjunction







biotechnologically from Syringa vulgaris L and Ajuga reptans L plant cell cultures) (101) and with luteolin-7-O-glucoside (found in methanol extract of Buddleja globosa Hope) (102).

5. Human targets of herbal pro-WH compounds It is reasonable to suggest that the biological effects of the plant chemicals are to a great extent associated with their protein targets. With this in mind, we have first extracted the data on reported pro-WH compounds available in scientific literature, and then determined the proteins interacting with these chemicals, using the STITCH database - . http://stitch.embl.de/ (103-105) which contains a consolidated set of chemicals assigned with PubChem ID number along with their interactions with proteins (physical interactions).

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Out of more than 30 pro-WH compounds discussed in this work, almost half targeted genes associated with WH modulation (106, 107). Remarkably, 110 out of 207 of the above mentioned WH associated genes were targeted in a pleotropic and synergistic manner by the pro-WH herbal compounds including flavonoids such as curcumin, epicathechin gallate, resveratrol, and quercitin among others. The selected compounds and their respective targets were organized in Table 2 which also includes short description of the targets’ relevance to the WH process. Thus, the pro-WH effects of the described compounds are mediated by their direct involvement in the core WH processes. Subsequently, these interactions and their impact on human proteome/interactome should be a point of future investigations.

6. Clinical trials Although the benefit of medicinal plants and their compounds is confirmed by various experimental studies, few clinical trials are known. In contrast to 62 experimental studies, only 3 human clinical studies were mentioned in literature (108). These studies focused on the effect of medicinal plants on WH of burns as they investigated effect of Aloe vera gel. However, the authors could not reach definite conclusions due to the small number of patients and low methodological level. Nevertheless, the positive effects of dressing with Aloe vera gel on cesarean WH was shown in prospective randomized double-blind clinical trial (109). Another clinical study showed that using Aloe vera and Calendula ointment significantly increased the speed of episiotomy WH (110). Successful clinical trials are summarized in Table 3.

Conclusions This review demonstrates that a wide plethora of medicinal plants from all over the World and the phytochemicals that they contain (alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes, glycosides) have

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beneficial pro-WH properties both in in vivo and in vitro various models. Thus, they seem to be promising candidates for developing new WH drugs targeting the WH associated human proteins. In case of other phytochemicals, it may be too early to reach such a conclusion since their purification and identification have not yet been completed, and their modes of actions were not investigated. For example, aqueous extract from Ananas comosus L (pineapple) crown leaves demonstrated beneficial pro-WH properties which were associated with activity of several proteins which structure and modes of action still remain unknown (111). It is important to stress that the obvious weakness of current state of research is incomplete understanding of mechanisms behind pro-WH activity of many herbal compounds. Based on the above-mentioned studies, we conclude that the majority of the investigated plant extracts contain at least several compounds responsible for their pro-WH activity, and thus their synergistic and pleiotropic activity should be the focus of future investigations.

Abbreviations B.C Before Christ FGF2 Basic fibroblast growth factor EGF Epidermial growth factor FGF2 Fibroblast growth factor 2 HIF-1 Hypoxia-inducible factor IL6

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Interleukin 6 IL8 Interleukin 8 NADPH oxidase Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase NAGA n-acetyl glucosamine NAGLA n-acetyl galactosamine NF- kB nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells NOX NADPH oxidase protein family ROS Reactive oxygen species SMAD Intracellular proteins that transduce extracellular signals from transforming growth factor beta ligands to the nucleus STM1 Stromelysin-1 gene TGFβ1 Transforming growth factor beta TIMP-2 metallopeptidase inhibitor 2 VEGFA

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Vascular endothelial growth factor A WH Wound healing Wnt Group of signal transduction pathway

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remodeling, but does not affect skin morphogenesis. EMBO J.1999; 18(17 Suppl):465768. 143. Shinozaki M, Okada Y, Kitano A, Ikeda K, Saika S, Shinozaki M. Impaired cutaneous wound healing with excess granulation tissue formation in TNFalpha-null mice. Arch Dermatol Res 2009; 301(7 Suppl):531-7. 144. Tyner SD, Venkatachalam S, Choi J, Jones S, Ghebranious N, Igelmann H, Lu X, Soron G, Cooper B, Brayton C, Park SH, Thompson T, Karsenty G, Bradley A, Donehower LA. p53 mutant mice that display early ageing-associated phenotypes. Nature 2002; 415:45-53.

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Table 1 WH properties of plant extracts Plant (Scientific name) Achyranthes aspera L

Plant organs

Type extract



Acorus calamus Leaves L


Allamanda cathartica L Alternanthera brasiliana L





Atropa belladonna L

Overground parts


Calendula officinalis L Carissa spinarum L Cedrus deodara Roxb Citrus tamurana Hort ex Datura alba L Hibiscus rosa sinensis L





Overground parts








Overground parts? Leaves


Inula viscosa L Justicia flava L


of Mechanism action

of References

Up-regulated expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and 9) Inhibition of the expression of inflammatory mediators at the mRNA level Increased collagen turnover Collagen deposition, fibroblast proliferation, angiogenesis, and development of basement membrane Induction of fibronectin and galectin-1 rich ECM formation in vitro and in vivo. Angiogenesis

(112, 113)

(114, 115)

(116) (117, 118)


(120, 121)

Increasing collagen level Unknown


Transcriptional regulation of fibroblasts Expression MMP9 Increase DNA, total protein and total collagen Unknown


Improving angiogenesis,

Wound Repair and Regeneration This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


(125) (126)

(127) (128)

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Lannea welwitschii (Hiern) Engl.



Parietaria diffusa Mert. & Petiveria alliacea L

Overground parts? Overground parts?.


Punica granatum L

Fruit skin

Pyrostegia venusta Miers


Rubus sanctus Overground Schreber parts

Schinus L

molle Overground parts

Tephrosia purpurea L

Overground parts

Typha elephantine Roxb Watheria douradinha Saint-Hilaire


Zeyheria tuberculosa Buman

Overground parts.


collagenation and reepithelialization Improving (128) angiogenesis, collagenation and reepithelialization Unknown (127)


Decrease NF-cB activation, influence on elastase Methanol During early WH phase increasing TNF-α and IL-6 level Methanol During early WH phase increasing TNF-α and IL-6 level n-hexane, Speeding up the chloroform, proliferation ethyl acetate phase and methanol Schmidt et al, Decrease NF-cB 2009 activation, influence on elastase Ethanol Increase in fibroblast cells, collagen fibres and blood vessels formation Methanol Increasing collagen formation Ethanol, Decrease NF-kB hexane activation, influence on elastase Ethanol Unknown

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Table 2 Selected targets of pro-WH herbal compounds

Herbal compounds


Relevance of the target to WH




Akt1 is associated with assembly of (135)

Epicathechin gallate

collagen in skin wounds and around the


blood vessels. Wounds in Akt1 (-/-) mice,



but not in


(-/-) mice,


Kaempferol, Nicotine

characterized by reduced vascular area as


well as impaired vascular maturation as


evidenced by reduced smooth muscle cell recruitment.






re- (136)

Epicathechin gallate

epithelialization as the KO mice had


impaired wound angiogenesis.

Quercetin Asiaticoside,


WH was severely delayed in the KO mice, (137)

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Epicathechin gallate,

wider than wild-type for the first 2 wk


after injury. Re-epithelialization of the


Col1a1(r/r) wounds took 7 d longer than in the wild-type. The Col1a1(r/r) wounds had a prolonged early inflammatory response.



Epicathechin gallate

Modifies both normal and wound-induced (138) epidermal proliferation

Quercetin, Resveratrol, Silibinin Curcumin,


Gsk3b-conditional-KO mice (Gsk3b-CKO (139)

Epicathechin gallate







excessive scarring compared with control





mice. In addition, Gsk3b-CKO mice showed elevated collagen production, decreased cell apoptosis, elevated levels of profibrotic alpha-SMA, and increased myofibroblast formation during wound healing. Curcumin,





occurred (140)

Epicathechin gallate

significantly faster in HIF-1alpha KO


mice than in WT mice. Wounds of KO

Resveratrol, Silibinin






neutrophils and macrophages, but more activated keratinocytes, consistent with accelerated re-epithelialization. Curcumin,


IL-6-deficient transgenic mice (IL-6 KO) (141)


displayed significantly delayed cutaneous

Epicathechin gallate,

wound healing compared with wild-type


control animals, requiring up to threefold


longer to heal. This was characterized by


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decreased inflammation, and granulation tissue formation. Curcumin,


KO mice, whose epidermal and follicular (142)

Epicathechin gallate,

keratinocytes lack functional Stat3, were

Nicotine, Resveratrol,

viable and the development of epidermis







However, hair cycle and wound healing processes were severely compromised. Curcumin,


Knockout promotes granulation tissue (143)

Epicathechin gallate

formation and retards re-epithelialization

Gallic acid, Nicotine, Quercetin Resveratrol, Silibinin Asiatic

acid, TRP53

The wound-healing assay showed a (144)


significant reduction in wound closure for

Epicathechin gallate,

the pL53 transgenic mice 4 days after


induction of a 3-mm punch biopsy in the


Resveratrol, Silibinin

dorsal skin

Table 3 Clinical trials dealing with the effect of medicinal plant products on WH. Herbal product tested

Outcome of the study

Aloe vera gel

Double-blind clinical trial 109 demonstrated



WH effect of the gel at 24 hours post cesarean

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Calendula One



two 110

experimental groups were investigated. of


Application product

significantly increased the speed of episiotomy WH.

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Figure legends Figure 1: Chemical structures of alkaloids isolated from Aconitum baikalense: (1-mesaconitine, 2-

hypaconitine, 3-songorine and 4-napelline) Figure 2: Chemical structure of Taspine - an alkaloid isolated from various plants of the Magnoliaceae family. Figure 3: Chemical structure of 4’,6,7-trimethoxyisoflavone. Figure 4: Chemical structures of Gentiopicroside, sweroside and swertiamarine isolated from Gentiana lutea Figure 5: Chemical structures of (22R,25R)-spirosol-5-en-3β-yl - O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-2)-β-Dglucopyranosyl-(1-4)-β-D-glucopyranosides isolated from Lilium longiflorum

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Figure 1:





























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Figure 2: OCH3 O





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Figure 3: OCH3 O H3CO



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Figure 4:



























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Figure 5: NH O


O Rham Glu

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Effect of medicinal plants on wound healing.

In the United States alone, chronic wounds affect 6.5 million patients. It is expected that the number of chronic wounds will increase worldwide due t...
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