Effect of cigarette smoking on periodontai healing foi lowing surgical therapy

Hans Preber and Jan Bergstrom Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Preher H and Bergstrom J: Effect of cigarette smoking on periodontal healing following .surgical therapy. J Clin Periodontol J990; 17: 324-328.

Abstract. The influence of cigarette smoking on the outcotne of surgical therapy was investigated in 54 patients, 24 of whom were smokers. The patients had moderate to severe periodontitis with persisting diseased pockets after nonsurgical therapy. The surgical modality used was the rnodified Widman flap operation and the pockets under scrutitiy were those with an initial probing depth of 4-6 tnm. Re-examination was made 12 months following the completion of surgery. The probing depth reduction at the 12-month follow-up was 0.76 + 0.36 mm (meari + SD) in smokers as compared to 1.27 + 0.43 mm in non-smokers. The difference was statistically significant (P4 mtn) and a repeatedly low plaque index ( 0.05 >0.05 0.05

Figures within parentheses refer to the smokers, excluding 4 patients with plaque index >0.6, « = 20.

(baseline) and 12 months after surgery. The evaluation of changes in probing depth was limited to sites with an initial probing depth of 4-6 mm. The number of teeth remaining, the number of pockets and the mean probing depth in the two subgroups at baseline are presented in Table 1. The number of pockets per patient according to probing depth class is presented in Table 2.

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non-smokers was performed using the Student /-distribution. In all analyses, the patient constituted the unit. Multiple regression analysis was carried out with probing depth reduction as dependent variable and with initial smoking habit and plaque index as predictors. The GLIM programme package was used (Baker & Nelder 1978). Significance was accepted at a /i-level , I j Non-smokers Fig. 3. Frequeney of pockets 4—6 mm exhibiting improved or impaired probing depth 12 months following periodontal surgery. Pooled poekets according to initial probing depth. IMPAIRED

Smoking and periodontal surgery tors which should be considered when interpreting the results, such as blindriess of observations. It is probably not feasible to make the clinical recordings blind with respect to smoking. In order to avoid this fallacy, the clinical examination was performed by observers who were not aware that smoking was one aspect under scrutiny. Therefore, the present results sustain the view that smoking may interfere with the therapeutical outcome following periodontal surgery. Our observations may reflect interference with primary healing events or be considered as evidence of recurrence of disease. Further investigation both in the shortterm and long-term perspective is required for substantiation of an adverse effect of smoking on periodontal healing. Acknowledgements

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Statistical advice of Professor G. Eklund. Department of Cancer Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Financial support was received from Praktikertjanst AB, Stockholm. Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss des Zigareltenraiichens auf die Heilung des Parodont nach chirurgiseher Therapie Bei 54 Paticnten, unlor denen sich 24 Raucher befanden, wurde der Einfluss des Zigarettenrauchens auf den Erfolg chirurgiseher Therapie untersueht. Naeh eingangs vorgenommener, nieht-ehirurgischer Therapie lag bei diesen Patienlen massige bis scliwere Parodonlitis mit persistierenden erkrankten Tasehen vor. Die modifizierte Lappenoperation naeh Widman wurde als, in diesen Fallen indizicrtes, chirurgisches Verfahren angcwandt und bei den zu behandelnden Taschen war die ursprungliche Sondierungsliefe 4-6 mm. 12 Monalc nach dem Abschluss der chirurgischen Behandlung wurde eine Wiederholungsunlersuchung vorgenommen. Die Reduktion der Sondierungsliefen bei der Folgeuntersuchung naeh 12 Monaten belrug bei den Rauchern 0.76 + 0.36 (Miltelwerl + SD), was im Vergleich mil 1.27 + 0.43 bei Nichlrauchern gesehen werden muss. Dieser Untersehied war stalistisch abgesichert (/!< 0.001) ct persistait meme lorsque le facteur plaque ctait pris en consideration. Les resultats indiquent que fumer peut entraver le processus de guerison parodontale.

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Effect of cigarette smoking on periodontal healing following surgical therapy.

The influence of cigarette smoking on the outcome of surgical therapy was investigated in 54 patients, 24 of whom were smokers. The patients had moder...
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