Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1991: 35: 6 16-620

Effect of aminophylline or physostigmine on recovery from nitrous oxide-enflurane . anaesthesia J. K E S E C I O G L U J.' ~RUPREHT', ~, L. TELcI", M. DZOLJIC' and W. ERDMANN' 'Department of Anaesthesiology, Erasmus University and University Hospital Dijkzigt, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and 'Departmrnt of Anacsthesiology, University of Istanbul. Faculty of Medicine. Istanbul, Turkey

If facilities for recovery are limited, shortening the recovery time from general anaesthesia is important. A comparative study on the eflect of 3 m g . kg-' aminophylline or 0.04 mg. k g - ' phy-sostigmine on duration and quality of the recovery lime from nitrous oxide-enflurane anaesthesia is presented. 'I'hree groups of 35 patients were observed, placelm being included for comparison in this double-blind study. Without treatment, rerovery from nitrous oxide-enflurane inhalation anaesthesia lasted 18.8 5.80 min. Aminophylline ronsiderably shortened the recovery lime (12.06f 3.52 min), whereas physostigrnine did not [ 18.97 9.18 min). I n the physostigmine group, however, a remarkably ralm recovery and early rrturn of protective rellexrs was observrd. Although arninopliylline shortens the recovery time, due to earlier incidence of pain and other disturbances, it rannot be re( ommended for general improvement of recovery, wherras physostigmine clearly improves the quality of rem\ ery from nitrous oxide-enflurane anaesthesia. Recrivrd 2 August 1990, accepted for publication 25 January 1991


Effect of aminophylline or physostigmine on recovery from nitrous oxide-enflurane anaesthesia.

If facilities for recovery are limited, shortening the recovery time from general anaesthesia is important. A comparative study on the effect of 3 mg...
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