Ocr Eintlu6 des mathematischen Modell s und die Anzahl der Mellstrecken auf die Genauigkeit der fetalen Gewichtsschatzung mittels Ultraschall E. P. l ssol

lntlucnce of Formula Type a nd Number of Ultrasound Me asurcme uts O il the Accuracy of Foetal \ Veight Estimation

The pro blem of foc ta l weight esti ma tio n has no t bee n sat isfa cto r ily so lved to da le . We stud ied q ua nt ita lively the in fluen ce of the mathemati cal approac h and the number of d istan ce measure me nts d iffere nt pa rt s of the foetal body. o n the accuracy o f prospec tive calculatio n of the actua l foet al we ight. or 2JO foetuses of kno wn gesta tio nal age \ VC mea su red via ultra sound I J lengt hs o f head . rump and extre mities d u ring the last th re e days be fo re delivery. 22 types of fo rm ulas were analysed. T o dec ide o n th e best mat hemat ical way o f ca lcula tio n we recal cul at ed all coefficients in a ll for m ulas for each stud y gro u p. In this way each fo rm ula ca n yield be st po ssib le re sults fo r the presen ted gro u p. Three fo r m ulas yie ld ver y go od re sults a lo gar ith m ic typ e usin g 7 mea su red distances. a nd 2 linea r types o r for m ulas using 10 a nd I I measured d istances. The sta nda rd devia tion s o f the d ifferen ces (calculat ed weight m inu s act ua l we ight ) ran ge fro m 216g to 219 g. T he frequ en cy of d iffe re nc es grea te r than ± 15 'X, o f th e ca lcula te d we ight ra nges between 3.0 l,\{t a nd 4.3'XI of the ca ses. Mi scalc ula tions of mo re tha n 700 g (ab so lutel y) ha ve not bee n no ted . In add itio n. five o the r formulas (log a rithm ic a nd linea r ty pe s wit h 5 to g mea suremen ts) ha ve yie lde d goo d results. Us ing 5 to X mea surem ents. the lo ga rithm ic typ es o f formu las a re bet ter tha n the linea r o nes. T he m ath em atica l typ es o r fo rmul as canno t ac hieve the im p ro vem ents resulti ng fro m a greate r number o fmeas ure me nts.


Z usammcnrass ung Da s Problem del' Scha tzung des ak tuc llcn [cta lc n Gcwichtcs ist noch nich t be friedi ge nd gclost, Es wird un tcrsucht , wic gro Bde l' Eiufl ub des ma them a l ischcn Berechnu ngsmod ells und di e An zah l de l' in del' Ultraschallfcto mctric ab gc griff c ncn Mcllstrc ckcn a uf die P riizision ist. Vo n 230 Fe ten wa ren ant ena tal 13 Mcli wcrt c er hohe n wo rde n. 22 Formel mod clle gcla ng te n zur Auswcrtung . U m di e Einfh issc, d ie d urch un tcrsch icdl ich c Pati entenkollek tive bcd ing t sind . nus zus ch licbcn, wurdcn a ile K oeffizie nlen fur d ie vo rficgc ndc Studic ngr up pc nell bcrc ch nct und erst da na ch di e Vergle ich e durchgcfiihrt. Sehr g ute Gc nau igkci tc n bc i de l' G cw ichtssc hiitz ung crrc ichic n 3 Fo rmeln (ein lo gari thm isch er An sa tz untel' Ve rwen d un g vo n 7 Mcustrcck cn und 2 linea rc A nsiitzc mit 10 und I I M cli st rcc kcn) . D ie Rcststaudardabwcichu nge n lagen zwische n 216 und 2 1() g. di e Rat e del' pro zentualen Abwcichun gcn ubcr 15 'Xt vo m Sc hiitzgcwicht bewcgte sich zw isc he n 3.0 % und 4. YXI. ab so lute Abwcichungcn lib el' 700 g trutcn nicht auf. Ais gut kann di e Pruzisio n vo n wcitc rcn 5 Formcln bczcichn ct wc rdc n (loga rit bmischc und linca rc Mod elle m it Einhezie h ung vo n 5-8 M eBwer ten) . Bei del' Ve rwen dun g vo n 5 his S M cbwc rtcn zeig te n sic h di e loga rithm isc he n Rcch cnmodelle den linea ren ubcrlcgcn. Da s rna thcmatischc Rechcnmodcll ist jc doch nicht in de l' Luge, d ie Verhcsserun gen d urc h Eiu bcz ich ung zusiitz lichcr M cli strcckcn zu kom pcn srcrcn .


[Effect of a mathematical model and number of measurements on accuracy in fetal weight estimation using ultrasound].

The problem of foetal weight estimation has not been satisfactorily solved to date. We studied quantitatively the influence of the mathematical approa...
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