Molecular Ecology (2015) 24, 1–17

doi: 10.1111/mec.12997

Editorial 2015 State of the journal Molecular Ecology continues to be among the most influential journals in ecology and evolutionary biology. According to the Eigenfactor metric, which measures the overall influence of a journal on science, Molecular Ecology ranks 2nd of 141 journals in ISI’s ecology category and 3rd among 46 evolution journals. Likewise, Molecular Ecology ranks 2nd among evolutionary biology journals according to Google Scholar’s h5-index, which rates journals by cumulative h-index over the past 5 years. As a consequence of the journal’s influence, as well as the efficiency of our editorial staff, Molecular Ecology is an attractive publication venue for authors. We received 1431 submissions in 2013 (including resubmissions), with an average time to decision of 32 days. Accepted articles are now made immediately available on the journal Website and assigned a DOI, so time to publication is short. Articles typically appear in the printed version of the journal 1–2 months after acceptance.

articles will appear in a Special Issue of Molecular Ecology in 2015.

Reviewers We wish to express our gratitude to our many referees, who are listed at the end of this editorial, for the donation of their time to the journal and to the discipline of molecular ecology.

Editorial issues Expanded word limits In 2014, we modified our manuscript word limit to exclude the reference list. In the past, authors sometimes met our article word limits by removing references to earlier studies. Exclusion of the reference list from the limit should eliminate the need for this practice, thereby enhancing the scholarship of articles published in Molecular Ecology.

Announcements Data archiving Molecular Ecology Prize The 2013 Molecular Ecology Prize was awarded to Professor Johanna Schmitt of the University of California, Davis, for her pioneering studies of plant adaptation. A biography of Johanna and her contributions to the field of molecular ecology can be found on page 18–21 of this issue.

Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy Symposium 2015 is the 50th anniversary of one of the most important books in evolutionary biology: The Genetics of Colonizing Species (1965) edited by Herbert Baker and G. Ledyard Stebbins. The volume was based on a symposium at Asilomar, California, the preceding year and initiated study of the genetics and evolution of invasive species. To revisit the historical legacy of the meeting and book, Molecular Ecology sponsored a symposium titled, Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy. The symposium was held at Asilomar from 13 to 15 August 2014 and featured a broad range of contributors who captured both the legacy of work on the genetics of colonizing species, and new contributions and perspectives. Associated

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The 1000th Dryad entry for a Molecular Ecology article appeared in June 2014 ( doi:10.5061/dryad.2s07s), and we are the first journal to reach this landmark. To date, these data sets have been downloaded over 53 000 times. The four most downloaded data sets are from Wang et al. (2013), Lozier (2014), Parchman et al. (2012) and Cowart et al. (2013), which have between 4500 and 1000 downloads each. We remain committed to ensuring that data are published alongside our articles: we strongly believe that our readership should have the opportunity to replicate the analyses in the article or retool the data to ask new questions. In line with promoting the availability of research data, our editorial board meeting this summer voted overwhelmingly in favour of removing the option to select a 1-year embargo for Dryad entries. Instead, authors wanting to embargo their data will need to contact the Managing Editor.

Policy regarding number of loci, populations and individuals We continue to receive phylogeographic articles that base their inferences on a single locus. These articles

2 EDITORIAL typically are not sent out for review, which can make authors unhappy. Thus, after consultation with the editorial board, we have strengthened policy with respect to standard phylogeographic articles and clarified what we mean by ‘exceptional circumstances’ (see revised policy below). 0

Policy regarding number of loci, populations and individuals We have been reluctant to formulate guidelines regarding the minimum number of independent loci, populations and individuals needed for publication in Molecular Ecology, largely because such guidelines would depend on the question being addressed, the kind of molecular markers and sequencing technologies employed, the geographic range of the focal taxa and the quality and quantity of DNA. Likewise, the guidelines would have to be modified on a yearly basis as standards of the field continue to rise. Thus, our main criterion is that sampling strategies and marker choices should be designed to best address the question motivating the study. However, unless there are exceptional circumstances, authors of single species phylogeographic studies must base their inferences on multiple loci: our editors and reviewers often question the reliability of inferences based on a single locus, and such manuscripts will typically not be sent out for review. Please contact the Managing Editor if you would like specific guidance on this policy’.

Highlights of 2014 The journal continues to serve as the intellectual home for the community of molecular ecologists through the Molecular Ecologist blog (http://www.molecularecologist. com/), symposia, our News and Views section, special issues and so forth. Below, we briefly discuss some of the scientific highlights from the past year.

From the Cover and News and Views This year so far we published 33 highly engaging perspective pieces on 35 remarkable studies, eight of which were From the Cover articles. The first issue of the year saw the publication of a meta-analysis that gathered data from 220 studies in 140 fish species as evidence that overharvesting of fish populations leads to significant reductions in heterozygosity and allelic richness that threaten the long-term health of this important resource (Pinsky & Palumbi 2014). Four more From the Cover articles focused on aquatic species. Baums et al. (2014) showed contrasting patterns of population structure between host and symbionts in coral reefs and suggest that this

diversity in host–symbiont pairings at the subspecies level is an unrecognized source of functional variation that might prove essential in response to stress. Albertson et al. (2014) mapped the genetic basis for continuous variation in body colour in cichlid fishes using RAD sequencing (Baird et al. 2008) and proposed an innovative metric to quantify the degree of integration in colour patterning across the body. Roesti et al. (2014) used the same RAD sequencing approach coupled with simulation work to show in pairs of marine and freshwater sticklebacks that parallel adaptation from standing genetic variation can leave an idiosyncratic signature of twin peaks of divergence around a valley of divergence centred on the adaptive loci. Finally, Bourret et al. (2014) investigated the genomic signature of the response to selection in two populations of Atlantic salmon during their year at sea. They showed that while conventional FST outlier genome scans did not detect any loci shared between the two populations, their novel multilocus test did, suggesting that it may be more sensitive to detecting weakly selected loci. FST outlier genome scans were also used in a further From the Cover article investigating the genetic basis of invasiveness (Vandepitte et al. 2014). This study combined genome-wide data in populations in the original range with historical herbarium samples collected around the introduction period and contemporary invasive populations and suggested that strong divergence in phenology in invasive populations started around the establishment phase of the invasive populations. Another From the Cover article by Sheng et al. (2014) used historical samples to clarify both the tempo and location of the diversification of hyenas and shows that it was more recent than previously suspected and that it unexpectedly occurred in Eurasia. Finally, Larson et al. (2014) document strikingly steep and congruent clines (across two transects) at >50 loci across a hybrid zone between two species of field crickets and suggest that these are likely closely linked to regions of the genome involved in reproductive isolation. Original articles on other topics were also highlighted in News and Views perspectives. Among such topics were invasion genetics (Martin et al. 2014), the ecological factors driving species diversification rates (Botero et al. 2014), the deterministic or stochastic nature of community composition (Brown & Jumpponen 2014), the natural history of an infamous amphibian pathogen (Rodriguez et al. 2014), genetic mapping of species differences (Franchini et al. 2014; Henning et al. 2014), the genetic basis of parasite load (Bolnick et al. 2014), gene flow and population divergence (Bosse et al. 2014; Martin & Feinstein 2014; Ruegg et al. 2014), the role of environmentally sensitive gene regulatory networks in the evolution of plastic phenotypes (Schneider et al. 2014) and adaptive evolution of plant cytoplasmic markers (Percy et al.

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EDITORIAL 2015 3 2014). The latter topic was also the focus of a review article this year in Molecular Ecology (Bock et al. 2014). Finally, several articles that were accompanied with a News and Views perspective provided methodological innovations that allow for a fresh look at fundamental problems in evolution and ecology. Among these, Lindtke et al. (2014) use paternity analysis to provide novel insights into the nature of tree species by suggesting that there is assortative mating in an hybrid zone between European species of poplars and that backcrosses to the parental species are rare as adults but common as seedlings; Kapun et al. (2014) provided a new approach to detect inversion polymorphisms in whole-genome data sets of pooled individuals and applied it to the study of classical inversion polymorphism clines in fruit flies; Levin & Parker (2014) presented a new approach to track the movement of parasite vectors and inferred that parasite vectors of a bird population are more likely switch hosts if they are not infected.

Reviews Invited Reviews and Syntheses provide an important avenue to highlight the state of play in key areas of molecular ecology, as well as laying out road maps for future directions to a broad audience. Thanks to the sterling efforts of Louis Bernatchez, our Reviews Editor, we have published sixteen of these articles in the past year. Syntheses have brought together data to explore a diversity of topics, ranging from environmental harshness correlations with intraspecific divergence (Botero et al. 2014) to phylogeography in marginal seas (Ni et al. 2014) to identity disequilibrium and its relation to empirical heterozygosity–fitness correlations (Miller & Coltman 2014). In addition, data were brought to bear on controversial issues such as the existence of genomic islands of speciation (Cruickshank & Hahn 2014) and MHC-based mating preferences (Kamiya et al. 2014). Similarly, our Invited Reviews have covered a wide range of topics. Several reviews have focused on different aspects of adaptive evolution such as adaptive divergence in fungi (Gladieux et al. 2014); adaptive value of cytoplasmic genomes in plants (Bock et al. 2014); and sexual selection and genetic colour polymorphisms in animals (Wellenreuther et al. 2014). Other reviews have addressed longstanding challenges in molecular ecology such as polyploid population genetics (Dufresne et al. 2014) and the relationship between genetic and species diversity in multispecies communities (Vellend et al. 2014). The largest fraction of reviews have critiqued analytical methodology, such as isolation by environment (Wang & Bradburd 2014); common quality control issues in high-throughput sequencing data (Zhou & Rokas 2014); new generation population

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demographic–genetic simulation software (Hoban 2014); multiple merger coalescent models (Tellier & Lemaire 2014); next-generation sequencing (NGS) bioinformatic approaches for de novo genotyping multigene families (Lighten et al. 2014); and molecular clock methods for estimating evolutionary rates and timescales (Ho & Duch^ene 2014).

Special issues Like reviews, special issues provide a useful way for the journal to highlight new developments in molecular ecology that we would like to see represented in the journal. In 2014, we published two high-profile special issues: Nature’s Microbiome (Russell et al. 2014) and Molecular Detection of Trophic Interactions (Symondson & Harwood 2014). Together, these special issues show how molecular and genomic approaches are transforming the field of community ecology. The special issue on Nature’s Microbiome builds on the recent recognition that symbioses are ubiquitous among life forms and that microbial symbionts, in particular, have been key sources of innovation during the diversification of eukaryotes. Molecular tools have accelerated our understanding of the roles and diversity of microbial symbionts by allowing nonmodel systems to be studied, especially hosts that cannot be propagated in the laboratory or glasshouse. Three topics are included in the special issue: 1 The ‘Dynamic Microbiome’ includes studies of the composition of symbiotic communities, including the microflora of amphibian skin (Kueneman et al. 2014), invasive Japanese barberry plants (Coats et al. 2014), sponge species and surrounding seawater (MoitinhoSilva et al. 2014), and the guts of burying beetles (Kaltenpoth & Steiger 2014), broad-headed bugs (Garcia et al. 2014), ants (Hu et al. 2014; Sanders et al. 2014), apes (Sanders et al. 2014), whiteflies (Jing et al. 2014), and ant- and termite-eating mammals (Delsuc et al. 2014). This section of the special issue also included studies of how symbiont communities respond to environmental changes, such as nitrogen augmentation (Dean et al. 2014), climate change (Gehring et al. 2014) and petroleum contamination (Oliveira et al. 2014), as well as studies of the stability and differentiation of microbial symbiotic communities across genetic and geographic distance (Altamia et al. 2014; Flot et al. 2014; Goffredi et al. 2014; Kikuchi & Fukatsu 2014). 2 The ‘Microbiome Function’ section focuses on the role of microbial symbionts as facilitators of host herbivory (Brown et al. 2014a; Hansen & Moran 2014; Humphrey et al. 2014; Liao et al. 2014; Lucey & Leadbetter 2014) and defence (Hamilton et al. 2014).

4 EDITORIAL 3 The ‘Interactive Biome’ is concerned within interactions among symbionts (Bakker et al. 2014; Engelmoer et al. 2014; Koch et al. 2014; Martinez et al. 2014), as well as the potential effects of symbionts on host genome evolution (Duncan et al. 2014). An important outcome of the special issue is the recognition that eukaryotes are collections of host and symbiotic microbial cells, a concept that redefines the notion of the individual. The issue also highlights how the adoption of ‘omics approaches’ is transforming studies of symbiotic communities by enabling fine-scale characterization of their diversity and interactions. The special issue on the Molecular Detection of Trophic Interactions focuses on the use of molecular approaches to document who is eating who. What is perhaps most noteworthy about the special issue is the widespread use of NGS approaches to study such questions (seven of 27 articles—Brown et al. 2014b Burgar et al 2014; Clare et al. 2014; Emrich et al. 2014; Krueger et al. 2014a,b; Sedlock et al. 2014; Thomas et al. 2014). While it was initially hoped that NGS data would allow quantitative estimates of prey species consumed, this does not seem to be possible with current technology due to factors such as degree of primer site homology, competitive PCR biases and variation in rates of digestion of different tissues (Thomas et al. 2014). When few prey species are present, it can be more cost effective to use species-specific primers (Raso et al. 2014;  c Jelaska et al. 2014). Also, qPCR Schmidt et al. 2014; Seri can be used to estimate the quantity of prey DNA (Eitzinger et al. 2014; Leal et al. 2014a; Lundgren & Fergen 2014; Redd et al. 2014), although such studies suffer from many of the same biases described above for NSG data (Greenstone et al. 2014). Several articles in the special issue discuss how to correct for such biases using feeding trials (Schmidt et al. 2014; Welch et al. 2014) or other approaches (Eitzinger et al. 2014; Wallinger et al. 2014). Of course, many fascinating natural history insights are reported in the special issue. For example, anemones and corals were found to digest their prey much more slowly than previously believed (Leal et al. 2014b), amphipods feeding at hydrothermal vents are highly omnivorous (Olsen et al. 2014), night-roosting big brown bats have an inordinate fondness for beetles (Clare et al. 2014), and male Cory’s shearwaters eat more sardines and less on chub mackerel than females. This special issue also features several novel applications of molecular diagnostics, such as using faecal DNA to detect both diet and gut parasites (Brown et al. 2014b),  c Jeltracking heavy metals through the environment Seri aska et al. (2014), estimating the intensity of competition

between predator species (Raso et al. 2014), determining the identity of both host and parasite from empty insect eggs (Gariepy et al. 2014) and empty aphid mummies (Varennes et al. 2014), and assessing the effectiveness of biocontrol agents (Greenstone et al. 2014; Lundgren & Fergen 2014; Schmidt et al. 2014). The future of DNA sequence-based studies of trophic ecology is bright. There is a continuing need for this type of information for both practical (e.g. wildlife management, biodiversity conservation, pest control) and scientific purposes (e.g. food web dynamics, community ecology). Sequencing technology continues to improve, while costs decline. Single molecule sequencing, in particular, promises to transform trophic ecology, possibly yielding the holy grail of trophic studies: accurate and unbiased identification and proportional representation of resource species in consumer diets (Andrews & Luikart 2014).

Conclusion All in all, we are very proud that Molecular Ecology has become the focal journal for our community, and we will always work to maintain that status. Of course, our success would be impossible without the excellent contributions of our authors, reviewers and editors, and we are very grateful for your efforts. We look forward to working with you all in 2015. Loren Rieseberg, Chief Editor, [email protected] Tim Vines, Managing Editor, [email protected] Jennifer Gow, Managing Editor, [email protected] Armando Geraldes, News and Views Editor, [email protected]

References Albertson RC, Powder KE, Hu Y, Coyle KP, Roberts RB, Parsons KJ (2014) Genetic basis of continuous variation in the levels and modular inheritance of pigmentation in cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5135–5150. Altamia MA, Wood N, Fung JM et al. (2014) Genetic differentiation among isolates of Teredinibacter turnerae, a widely occurring intracellular endosymbiont of shipworms. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1418–1432.

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EDITORIAL 2015 5 Andrews KR, Luikart G (2014) Recent novel approaches for population genomics data analysis. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1661–1667. Baird NA, Etter PD, Atwood TS et al. (2008) Rapid SNP discovery and genetic mapping using sequenced RAD markers. PLoS ONE, 3, e3376. Baker HG, Stebbins GL (1965) The Genetics of Colonizing Species. Academic Press, New York, New York. Bakker MG, Schlatter DC, Otto-Hanson L, Kinkel LL (2014) Diffuse symbioses: roles of plant-plant, plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions in structuring the soil microbiome. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1571–1583. Baums IB, Devlin-Durante MK, LaJeunesse TC (2014) New insights into the dynamics between reef corals and their associated dinoflagellate endosymbionts from population genetic studies. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4203–4215. Bock DG, Andrew RL, Rieseberg LH (2014) On the adaptive value of cytoplasmic genomes in plants. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4899–4911. Bolnick DI, Snowberg LK, Caporaso JG, Lauber C, Knight R, Stutz WE (2014) Major histocompatibility complex class IIb polymorphism influences gut microbiota composition and diversity. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4831–4845. Bosse M, Megens HJ, Madsen O et al. (2014) Untangling the hybrid nature of modern pig genomes: a mosaic derived from biogeographically distinct and highly divergent Sus scrofa populations. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4089–4102. Botero CA, Dor R, McCain CM, Safran RJ (2014) Environmental harshness is positively correlated with intraspecific divergence in mammals and birds. Molecular Ecology, 23, 259–268. Bourret V, Dionne M, Bernatchez L (2014) Detecting genotypic changes associated with selective mortality at sea in Atlantic salmon: polygenic multi-locus analysis surpasses genome scan. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4444–4457. Brown SP, Jumpponen A (2014) Contrasting primary successional trajectories of fungi and bacteria in retreating glacier soils. Molecular Ecology, 23, 481–497. Brown AMV, Huynh LY, Bolender CM, Nelson KG, McCutcheon JP (2014a) Population genomics of a symbiont in the early stages of a pest invasion. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1516–1530. Brown DS, Ebenezer KL, Symondson WOC (2014b) Molecular analysis of the diets of snakes: changes in prey exploitation during development of the rare smooth snake Coronella austriaca. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3734–3743. Burgar JM, Murray DC, Craig MD et al. (2014) Who’s for dinner? Highthroughput sequencing reveals bat dietary differentiation in a biodiversity hotspot where prey taxonomy is largely undescribed. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3605–3617. Clare EL, Symondson WOC, Fenton MB (2014) An inordinate fondness for beetles? Variation in seasonal dietary preferences of night-roosting big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). Molecular Ecology, 23, 3633–3647. Coats VC, Pelletreau KN, Rumpho ME (2014) Amplicon pyrosequencing reveals the soil microbial diversity associated with invasive Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii DC.). Molecular Ecology, 23, 1318–1332. Cowart DA, Huang C, Arnaud-Haond S, Carney SL, Fisher CR, Schaeffer SW (2013) Restriction to large-scale gene flow vs. regional panmixia among cold seep Escarpia spp. (Polychaeta, Siboglinidae). Molecular Ecology, 22, 4147–4162. Cruickshank TE, Hahn MW (2014) Reanalysis suggests that genomic islands of speciation are due to reduced diversity, not reduced gene flow. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3133–3157. Dean SL, Farrer EC, Taylor DL et al. (2014) Nitrogen deposition alters plant-fungal relationships: linking belowground dynamics to aboveground vegetation change. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1364–1378. Delsuc F, Metcalf JL, Parfrey LW et al. (2014) Convergence of gut microbiomes in myrmecophagous mammals. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1301– 1317. Dufresne F, Stift M, Vergilino R, Mable BK (2014) Recent progress and challenges in population genetics of polyploid organisms: an overview

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of current state-of-the-art molecular and statistical tools. Molecular Ecology, 23, 40–69. Duncan RP, Husnik F, Van Leuven JT et al. (2014) Dynamic recruitment of amino acid transporters to the insect/symbiont interface. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1608–1623. Eitzinger B, Unger EM, Traugott M, Scheu S (2014) Effects of prey quality and predator body size on prey DNA detection success in a centipede predator. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3767–3776. Emrich MA, Clare EL, Symondson WOC, Koenig SE, Fenton MB (2014) Resource partitioning by insectivorous bats in Jamaica. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3648–3656. Engelmoer DJP, Behm JE, Kiers ET (2014) Intense competition between arbuscular mycorrhizal mutualists in an in vitro root microbiome negatively affects total fungal abundance. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1584–1593. Flot J-F, Bauermeister J, Brad T et al. (2014) Niphargus-Thiothrix associations may be widespread in sulphidic groundwater ecosystems: evidence from southeastern Romania. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1405–1417. Franchini P, Fruciano C, Spreitzer M et al. (2014) Genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shape in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1828–1845. Garcia JR, Laughton AM, Malik Z et al. (2014) Partner associations across sympatric broad-headed bug species and their environmentally acquired bacterial symbionts. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1333– 1347. Gariepy TD, Haye T, Zhang J (2014) A molecular diagnostic tool for the preliminary assessment of host-parasitoid associations in biological control programmes for a new invasive pest. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3912–3924. Gehring C, Flores-Renteria D, Sthultz CM et al. (2014) Plant genetics and interspecific competitive interactions determine ectomycorrhizal fungal community responses to climate change. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1379–1391. Gladieux P, Ropars J, Badouin H et al. (2014) Fungal evolutionary genomics provides insight into the mechanisms of adaptive divergence in eukaryotes. Molecular Ecology, 23, 753–773. Goffredi SK, Gregory A, Jones WJ, Morella NM, Sakamoto RI (2014) Ontogenetic variation in epibiont community structure in the deep-sea yeti crab, Kiwa puravida: convergence among crustaceans. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1457–1472. Greenstone MH, Payton ME, Weber DC, Simmons AM (2014) The detectability half-life in arthropod predator-prey research: what it is, why we need it, how to measure it, and how to use it. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3799–3813. Hamilton PT, Leong JS, Koop BF, Perlman SJ (2014) Transcriptional responses in a Drosophila defensive symbiosis. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1558–1570. Hansen AK, Moran NA (2014) The impact of microbial symbionts on host plant utilization by herbivorous insects. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1473–1496. Henning F, Lee HJ, Franchini P, Meyer A (2014) Genetic mapping of horizontal stripes in Lake Victoria cichlid fishes: benefits and pitfalls of using dense linkage mapping in non-model organisms. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5224–5240. Ho SYW, Duch^ene S (2014) Molecular-clock methods for estimating evolutionary rates and timescales. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5947–5965. Hoban S (2014) An overview of the utility of population simulation software in molecular ecology. Molecular Ecology, 23, 2383–2401. Hu Y, Lukasik P, Moreau CS, Russell JA (2014) Correlates of gut community composition across an ant species (Cephalotes varians) elucidate causes and consequences of symbiotic variability. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1284–1300. Humphrey PT, Nguyen TT, Villalobos MM, Whiteman NK (2014) Diversity and abundance of phyllosphere bacteria are linked to insect herbivory. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1497–1515. Jing X, Wong ACN, Chaston JM et al. (2014) The bacterial communities in plant phloem-sap-feeding insects. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1433–1444. Kaltenpoth M, Steiger S (2014) Unearthing carrion beetles’ microbiome: characterization of bacterial and fungal hindgut communities across the Silphidae. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1251–1267.

6 EDITORIAL Kamiya T, O’Dwyer K, Westerdahl H, Senior A, Nakagawa S (2014) A quantitative review of MHC-based mating preference: the role of diversity and dissimilarity. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5151–5163. Kapun M, van Schalkwyk H, McAllister B, Flatt T, Schl€ otterer C (2014) Inference of chromosomal inversion dynamics from Pool- Seq data in natural and laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1813–1827. Kikuchi Y, Fukatsu T (2014) Live imaging of symbiosis: spatiotemporal infection dynamics of a GFP-labelled Burkholderia symbiont in the bean bug Riptortus pedestris. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1445–1456. Koch EJ, Miyashiro T, McFall-Ngai MJ, Ruby EG (2014) Features governing symbiont persistence in the squid-vibrio association. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1624–1634. Krueger F, Clare EL, Greif S et al. (2014a) An integrative approach to detect subtle trophic niche differentiation in the sympatric trawling bat species Myotis dasycneme and Myotis daubentonii. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3657–3671. Krueger F, Clare EL, Symondson WOC, Keiss O, Petersons G (2014b) Diet of the insectivorous bat Pipistrellus nathusii during autumn migration and summer residence. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3672–3683. Kueneman JG, Parfrey LW, Woodhams DC et al. (2014) The amphibian skin-associated microbiome across species, space and life history stages. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1238–1250. Larson EL, White TA, Ross CL, Harrison RG (2014) Gene flow and the maintenance of species boundaries. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1668–1678. Leal MC, Ferrier-Pages C, Calado R et al. (2014a) Coral feeding on microalgae assessed with molecular trophic markers. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3870–3876. Leal MC, Nejstgaard JC, Calado R, Thompson ME, Frischer ME (2014b) Molecular assessment of heterotrophy and prey digestion in zooxanthellate cnidarians. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3838–3848. Levin I, Parker P (2014) Infection with Haemoproteus iwa affects vector movement in a hippoboscid fly—frigatebird system. Molecular Ecology, 23, 947–953. Liao L, Wankel SD, Wu M, Cavanaugh CM, Girguis PR (2014) Characterizing the plasticity of nitrogen metabolism by the host and symbionts of the hydrothermal vent chemoautotrophic symbioses Ridgeia piscesae. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1544–1557. Lighten J, Van Oosterhout C, Bentzen P (2014) Critical review of NGS analyses for de novo genotyping multigene families. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3957–3972. Lindtke D, Gompert Z, Lexer C, Buerkle CA (2014) Unexpected ancestry of Populus seedlings from a hybrid zone implies a large role for postzygotic selection in the maintenance of species. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4316–4330. Lozier JD (2014) Revisiting comparisons of genetic diversity in stable and declining species: assessing genome-wide polymorphism in North American bumble bees using RAD sequencing. Molecular Ecology, 23, 788–801. Lucey KS, Leadbetter JR (2014) Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase and other metacleavage catabolic pathway genes in the ‘anaerobic’ termite gut spirochete Treponema primitia. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1531–1543. Lundgren JG, Fergen JK (2014) Predator community structure and trophic linkage strength to a focal prey. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3790–3798. Martin CH, Feinstein LC (2014) Novel trophic niches drive variable progress towards ecological speciation within an adaptive radiation of pupfishes. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1846–1862. Martin MD, Zimmer EA, Olsen MT, Foote AD, Gilbert MTP, Brush GS (2014) Herbarium specimens reveal a historical shift in phylogeographic structure of common ragweed during native range disturbance. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1701–1716. Martinez AJ, Weldon SR, Oliver KM (2014) Effects of parasitism on aphid nutritional and protective symbioses. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1594–1607. Miller JM, Coltman DW (2014) Assessment of identity disequilibrium and its relation to empirical heterozygosity fitness correlations: a metaanalysis. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1899–1909. Moitinho-Silva L, Bayer K, Cannistraci CV et al. (2014) Specificity and transcriptional activity of microbiota associated with low and high

microbial abundance sponges from the Red Sea. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1348–1363. Ni G, Li Q, Kong L, Yu H (2014) Comparative phylogeography in marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific. Molecular Ecology, 23, 534–548. Oliveira V, Gomes NCM, Almeida A et al. (2014) Hydrocarbon contamination and plant species determine the phylogenetic and functional diversity of endophytic degrading bacteria. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1392–1404. Olsen BR, Troedsson C, Hadziavdic K, Pedersen RB, Rapp HT (2014) A molecular gut content study of Themisto abyssorum (Amphipoda) from Arctic hydrothermal vent and cold seep systems. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3877–3889. Parchman TL, Gompert Z, Mudge J, Schilkey FD, Benkman CW, Buerkle CA (2012) Genome-wide association genetics of an adaptive trait in lodgepole pine. Molecular Ecology, 21, 2991–3005. Percy DM, Argus GW, Cronk QC et al. (2014) Understanding the spectacular failure of DNA barcoding in willows (Salix): does this result from a trans-specific selective sweep? Molecular Ecology, 23, 4737–4756. Pinsky ML, Palumbi SR (2014) Meta-analysis reveals lower genetic diversity in overfished populations. Molecular Ecology, 23, 29–39. Raso L, Sint D, Mayer R et al. (2014) Intraguild predation in pioneer predator communities of alpine glacier forelands. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3744–3754. Redd KS, Ling SD, Frusher SD, Jarman S, Johnson CR (2014) Using molecular prey detection to quantify rock lobster predation on barrens-forming sea urchins. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3849–3869. Rodriguez D, Becker C, Pupin N, Haddad C, Zamudio KR (2014) Longterm endemism of two highly divergent lineages of the amphibian-killing fungus in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Molecular Ecology, 23, 774–787. Roesti M, Gavrilets S, Hendry AP, Salzburger W, Berner D (2014) The genomic signature of parallel adaptation from shared genetic variation. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3944–3956. Ruegg K, Anderson EC, Boone J, Pouls J, Smith TB (2014) A role for migration-linked genes and genomic islands in divergence of a songbird. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4757–4769. Russell JA, Dubilier N, Rudgers JA (2014) Nature’s microbiome: introduction. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1225–1237. Sanders JG, Powell S, Kronauer DJC et al. (2014) Stability and phylogenetic correlation in gut microbiota: lessons from ants and apes. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1268–1283. Schmidt JM, Barney SK, Williams MA et al. (2014) Predator-prey trophic relationships in response to organic management practices. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3777–3789. Schneider RF, Li Y, Meyer A, Gunter HM (2014) Regulatory gene networks that shape the development of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a cichlid fish. Molecular Ecology, 23, 4511–4526. Sedlock JL, Krueger F, Clare EL (2014) Island bat diets: does it matter more who you are or where you live? Molecular Ecology, 23, 3684–3694.  c Jelaska L, Jurasovic J, Brown DS, Vaughan IP, Symondson WOC Seri (2014) Molecular field analysis of trophic relationships in soil-dwelling invertebrates to identify mercury, lead and cadmium transmission through forest ecosystems. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3755–3766. Sheng G-L, Soubrier J, Liu J-Y et al. (2014) Pleistocene Chinese cave hyenas and the recent Eurasian history of the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta. Molecular Ecology, 23, 522–533. Symondson WOC, Harwood JD (2014) Special issue on molecular detection of trophic interactions: unpicking the tangled bank INTRODUCTION. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3601–3604. Tellier A, Lemaire C (2014) Coalescence 2.0: a multiple branching of recent theoretical developments and their applications. Molecular Ecology, 23, 2637–2652. Thomas L, Kendrick GA, Kennington WJ, Richards ZT, Stat M (2014) Exploring Symbiodinium diversity and host specificity in Acropora corals from geographical extremes of Western Australia with 454 amplicon pyrosequencing. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3113–3126. Vandepitte K, de Meyer T, Helsen K et al. (2014) Rapid genetic adaptation precedes the spread of an exotic plant species. Molecular Ecology, 23, 2157–2164.

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EDITORIAL 2015 7 Varennes YD, Boyer S, Wratten SD (2014) Un-nesting DNA Russian dolls —the potential for constructing food webs using residual DNA in empty aphid mummies. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3925–3933. Vellend M, Lajoie G, Bourret A et al. (2014) Drawing ecological inferences from coincident patterns of population- and community-level biodiversity. Molecular Ecology, 23, 2890–2901. Wallinger C, Staudacher K, Schallhart N et al. (2014) How generalist herbivores exploit belowground plant diversity in temperate grasslands. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3826–3837. Wang IJ, Bradburd GS (2014) Isolation by environment. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5649–5662.

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Wang N, Thomson M, Bodles WJA et al. (2013) Genome sequence of dwarf birch (Betula nana) and cross-species RAD markers. Molecular Ecology, 22, 3098–3111. Welch KD, Schofield MR, Chapman EG, Harwood JD (2014) Comparing rates of springtail predation by web-building spiders using Bayesian inference. Molecular Ecology, 23, 3814–3825. Wellenreuther M, Svensson EI, Hansson B (2014) Sexual selection and genetic colour polymorphisms in animals. Molecular Ecology, 23, 5398– 5414. Zhou X, Rokas A (2014) Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of highthroughput sequencing data pathologies. Molecular Ecology, 23, 1679–1700.

8 EDITORIAL We are very grateful to the large number of individuals who have contributed to the field of molecular ecology by reviewing manuscripts for the journal. The following list contains people who reviewed articles for Molecular Ecology between 1 October 2013 and 30 September 2014. Marco Abbiati Maria Ana Aboim Alessandro Achilli Rachael V. Adams Rachel I. Adams Christina J. Adler Simon Aeschbacher Ingi Agnarsson Salvatore J. Agosta  Jon Agren Andres Aguilar Ramiro Aguilar Gabriela Aguileta Windsor Aguirre Nuria Agusti Robert Ahern Jackie Aislabie Sally N. Aitken Filipe Alberto Florian Alberto Craig Albertson Benedicte Albrectsen Miguel Alcaide Fernando Alda Sajid Ali Geraldine A. Allen Morten Allentoft Ana Almod ovar Jacob D. Alsdurf Inger G. Alsos S. Elizabeth Alter Diego F. Alvarado-S. Nadir Alvarez  Marta Alvarez-Presas Andreia Amaral Katherine Amato Anthony Amend William Amos Corey D. Anderson Eric C. Anderson Jill T. Anderson Jim B. Anderson Kirk E. Anderson Leif Andersson Carl Andre Marco Andrello Kimberly R. Andrews Carmelo Andujar Bernard Angers

Amy Angert Robert Anholt Nicola Anthony Janis Antonovics Ken P. Aplin Sharon Appleyard Lina Arcila Hernandez William R. Ardren Miguel Arenas Eszter Ari Stephane Aris-Brosou Peter Armbruster Jean-Francois Arnaud Sophie Arnaud-Haond Miquel Arnedo Brian J. Arnold Nils Arrigo Wolfgang Arthofer Marina Ascunce Catherine Attard Nadia Aubin-Horth Asta Audzijonyte Marie-Anne AugerRozenberg Jean-Christophe Auguet Didier Aurelle Brian J. Avery Julian D. Avery Peter Avis John Avise David Ayre Wieslaw Babik Niclas Backstrom Cecile F. E. Bacles Jin-Woo Bae Justin C. Bagley Michel Baguette Habibullah Bahar Wei-Ning Bai John F. Baines Allan J. Baker Michael Balke Niko Balkenhol Miguel Baltazar-Soares Claudia Bank Stephanie BankheadDronnet Sam C. Banks

Joshua Banta Marco Banterle Jose Miguel Barea Stuart Barker Ian Barnes Ross Barnett Timo Barraclough Benoit Barres Felipe S. Barreto Craig Barrett Rowan D. H. Barrett Rafael Barrientos David S. Barrington Daniel J. Barshis Inka Bartsch Andres Baselga Patrick Basset Cristiane BastosSilveira Ashley Bateman Christina Bauch Regina S. Baucom Iliana B. Baums Jason Baumsteiger Greg J. Baute Simon Baxter Till Bayer Eric Bazin Gemma Beatty Jean Beaulieu Jesper Bechsgaard D€ orthe Becker Penny A. Becker Andrew Beckerman Peter Beerli Jody Beers Albano Beja-Pereira Ricardo Beldade Mike Bell Rayna C. Bell D. Bellwood Frida Ben-Ami Merav Ben-David Tal Ben-Horin Rachel Ben-Shlomo Gary Bending Mandy Benke Clare M. H. Benskin Mary Berbee

Peter Berendzen Elena Berg Moises Bernal Daniel Berner Nibia Berois David Berry Cecile Berthouly Johanna Bertl Giorgio Bertorelle Nora Besansky Katharina Besemer Guillaume Besnard Francois Besnier Etienne Bezault Ke Bi Martin Bidartondo Yves Bigot Elisabeth M. Bik Holly Bik Trine Bilde Anna Maria Billing Christopher E. Bird Roberta Bisconti Leonora Bittleston Benjamin K. Blackman Christopher Blair Mary E. Blair Enrique Blanco Gonzalez Jose Luis Blanco-Pastor Frank Blattner Nicholas Block Michael G. B. Blum Dan G. Bock Ian Boechat Wieslaw Bogdanowicz Justin H. Bohling Emilie Boissin Daniel I. Bolnick Russell Bonduriansky Winnie Boner Pim Bongaerts Francois Bonhomme Gregory M. Bonito Camille Bonneaud Warren Booth Zbyszek Boraty nski Justin O. Borevitz Anthony Borneman

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EDITORIAL 2015 9 Kirsten I. Bos Mirte Bosse J. Bossenbroek Carlos Andres Botero Drion G. Boucias Amy Bouck Pierre Boudry Elizabeth G. Boulding Sarah Bourlat Audrey Bourret Vincent Bourret Pierre Boursot Koastas Bourtzis Abigail S. Bouwman Brian Bowen Rauri C. K. Bowie Jeff Bowman Walter Boyce Eric S. Boyd Stephane Boyer Laura M. Boykin Brian Boyle Goran Bozinovic Benjamin Brachi Brenda Bradley Trevor Branch Sara Branco Yaniv Brandvain Alberto Brassan Susan Brawley Timothy C. Bray Martin F. Breed Patricia Brekke Alan Brelsford Adrian C. Brennan Amanda Bretman Dustin Brisson Linda Broadhurst Colette Broekgaarden Thomas Broquet Carine Brouat Richard Broughton Andrew V. Z. Brower David S. Brown Mark J. F. Brown Rafe M. Brown Richard P. Brown Shawn P. Brown Jeremy Brownlee Michael W. Bruford Johanne Brunet Josef Bryja Robert W. Bryson Jr. Ann Bucklin

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Angus Buckling Marc Buee Richard J. A. Buggs Davide Bulgarelli Peter Bull Vincent Buonaccorsi Frank Burbrink Jaroslaw Burczyk Martha Burford Reiskind Theresa Burg Reinhard B€ urger Chris Burridge Cole Burton Artur Stanisław Burzy nski Peter Buston Roger Butlin John A. Byers Primitivo Caballero Adalgisa Caccone Carlos D. Cadena J. J. Calvete Arley Camargo Kristina M. Cammen Brandon E. Campitelli Letizia CamusKulandaivelu Daniele Canestrelli D. C. Cannatella Charles H. Cannon Franck G. Carbonero Hannah Carey Jean Carlier Matthew Carling David Caron Salvador Carranza Carlos Carreras Emma Carroll Bryan C. Carstens Tancredi Caruso Gary Carvalho Luiz M. Carvalho Magalie Castelin Jessica Castillo Jose Castresana Julian M. Catchen Michael Caterino Timothy Cavagnaro Javier A. Ceja-Navarro Chris L. Chabot Pierre-Luc Chagnon Geoffrey Chambers Lauren Chan

Chris Chandler Bill Chapco Demian D. Chapman Eric G. Chapman Joanne Chapman Mark Chapman Nadine C. Chapman Nathalie Charbonnel Sylvain Charlat Jing Che Jinming Chen Jun Chen Ming-Shun Chen Shuangyan Chen Yolanda H. Chen Changde Cheng Chris Cheng Jia’an Cheng Stephen Chenoweth Zac Cheviron Yu-Chung Chiang Lounes Chikhi Susan Chivers J. Howard Choat Lukas Choleva Bruno Chomel Rebecca Chong Philippe Christe Richard Christen Mark R. Christie Ka Hou Chu M. C. Chueca Myong Gi Chung Igor J. Chybicki Roberta Cimmaruta M. Ciosi Elizabeth L. Clare Lindsay V. Clark Keith Clay Kate Cleary Michael Clegg Sonya Clegg Kendall Clements Karina E. Clemmensen Conrad Cloutier Stephanie Cobbold Robert I. Colautti Don Colgan Jan Colpaert Tim Colston Hans-Peter Comes Steve Compton Scott Condie Leonardo Congiu

Tim Connallon Sofia Consuegra James M. Cook Marco Coolen Alan Cooper Jukka Corander Russ Corbett-Detig Vanessa Corby-Harris Mathilde Cordellier Erik E. Cordes Cinzia Corinaldesi Ammon Corl Amandine Cornille Charlie Cornwallis Cristian O. Coroian Maria N. Cortes Anne-Caroline Cosendai Aurelie Coulon Pierre-Emmanuel Courty Christian L. Cox Murray Cox Timothy Craig Kelly D. Craven Jacob Crawford Teresa J. Crease Bernard J. Crespi Charles D. Criscione Francois Criscuolo Erika Crispo Pierre-Andre Crochet Adam Cronin Annick Cros Katherine Crosby Thomas Crowther Katalin Csillery Yujun Cui Catherine I. Cullingham Zachary W. Culumber Cameron Currie Chris Curtin Asher D. Cutter Till Czypionka Cecilia D’Angelo Rodrigo da Silva Costa Anders Dahlberg Thanos Dailianis Kasso Da€ınou Love Dalen Anne C. Dalziel Jacob Damgaard Tim Daniell Ellen L. Danneels

10 E D I T O R I A L Hugo Darras Gilles Dauby John W. Davey Marie Louise Davey Seana Davidson William S. Davidson Sarah W. Davies Simon Davy Ian K. Dawson Michael Dawson Julia J. Day Elvira de Eyto Carlotta De Filippo Hanne De Kort Amanda De la Torre Guillaume de Lafontaine Giulio De Leo Maria De Luca Juliette de Meaux Thierry De Mee^ us Stephane de Mita Damien M. de Vienne Pierre De Wit Lucienne Claudine de Witte Jurrien Dean Paul V. Debes Melissa DeBiasse Svetlana Dedysh Jacquelin DeFaveri Patrick Degnan Sandie Degnan Peter Deines Kevin C. Deitz Tony Dejean Randall DeJong Alice B. Dennis Robert D. Denton Robert Denver Frantz Depaulis Stephane Derocles David Des Marais Yves Desdevises Marie-Laure DesprezLousteau Thomas J. Devitt Kyle Dexter Randy DeYoung Joseph D. DiBattista Bobette R. Dickerson Steve DiFazio Michelle F. DiLeo

Jesse Dillon George Dimopoulos Dylan Dittrich-Reed Andrea L. Dixon Christoph Dobes Susanne Dobler Margaret F. Docker Julian Dodson Cam Donly Roi Dor Angela E. Douglas Michael E. Douglas Claudie Doums Wes Dowd Claudia Drees Sergei V. Drovetski Shane G. DuBay Sylvain Dubey Gabrielle Dubuc Messier Rachael Y. Dudaniec Michele Dudash Jeff Dudycha Michelle A. Duennes Christophe Dufresnes Alex J. Dumbrell Peter Dunn Stacey J. Dunn Isabelle Dupanloup Stephane Dupas Julian R. Dupuis Jean-Dominique Durand Walter Durka Yann Dussert Cyril Dutech Linda Duval Rodney Dyer Angela M. Early Tony Echelle Andrew Eckert Arwyn Edwards Owain Edwards Scott P. Egan Keith Egger Lori S. Eggert Luis Enrique Eguiarte Dorothee Ehrich Pernille B. Eidesen Bernhard Eitzinger Christophe Eizaguirre Eduardo Eizirik

Robert Ekblom Barbara Ekbom Abdelhamid El Mousadik Jon Eldon Nicholas Elliot Norm Ellstrand Sarah Elmendorf Kathryn R. Elmer Brent Emerson Kevin Emerson Nancy C. Emery Nancy Endersby Jer^ ome Enjalbert Richard Ennos Ananias Escalante Erin K. Espeland Anahi Espindola Arnaud Estoup Ron Etter Vassiliki I. Evangelou Guillaume Evanno Ben J. Evans Jay D. Evans Melissa Evans Meredith V. Everett Michael B. Evgen’ev Allowen Evin Laurent Excoffier Adam Eyre-Walker Ron I. Eytan Tatsuhiro Ezawa Bruno Fady Dan Faith Shaohua Fan Meiying Fang Shu Fang Nuno Faria Maria Fariello Ashley Farlow Rhys Farrer Leanne Faulks Søren Faurby Cecile Fauvelot Justin C. Fay Scott Fay Heike Feldhaar Kevin A. Feldheim Simon Fellous Gary Felton Phillip Fenberg Charles Fenster Brock Fenton

Antoni Fern andezGuerra Juan Fernando Fern andez-Manjarres Fernando FernandezMendoza Iria Fernandez-Silva Martina Ferraguti Serena Ferraresso Pierre Feutry Gentile F. Ficetola Andrew E. Fidler David L. Field Peter D. Fields Peter A. Fields Noah Fierer Dmitri Filatov B. J. Finlay Debb Finn Martin C. Fischer Matt Fisher M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid Benjamin Fitzpatrick Connor Fitzpatrick Sarah W. Fitzpatrick Thomas Flatt Samuel Flaxman Jaroslav Flegr Sergio Floeter Jean-Francßois Flot Ryan Folk Matthieu Foll Dina M. Fonseca Andrew D. Foote Andrew A. Forbes Zac Forsman Marie-Josee Fortin S. A. Foster Julien Foucaud Antoine Fouquet Elisabeth Fournier Alexandre FournierLevel Pedro Frade Alain Franc Paolo Franchini Pilar Francino Olivier Francois Steven J. Franks Alain Frantz Laurent A. F. Frantz Devaughn Fraser Timothy Ray Frasier

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E D I T O R I A L 2 0 1 5 11 Joanna Freeland Jules S. Freeman Loreta B. Freitas Helene Frerot Urban Friberg Eric Frichot Jannice Friedman Maren Friesen Mads Fristrup Schou James Fry Jer^ ome Fuchs Matt Fujita Tara L. Fulton W. Chris Funk Charlotte Gabrielsen Keith Gaddis Patrick Gaffney Pierre-Alexandre Gagnaire  Gagnon Annie-Eve Melanie Gaillard Michelle R. Gaither Pierre E. Galand Juan A. Galarza Kurt Galbreath Laure Gallien Hannes Gamper Andrea Gandolfi Benoit Gangloff Philippe Ganot Jessica Garb Matteo Garbelotto Justine R. Garcia Sarahi L. Garcia Beatriz Alicia Garcıa Cristina Garcıa Francisco Garcıa de Le on Monique Gardes Andy Gardner Tara D. Gariepy Pauline Garnier-Gere Ryan C. Garrick Dan Garrigan Colin Garroway John Carlos Garza John Gaskin Myriam Gaudeul Bertrand Gauffre Mathieu Gautier Laurene Gay Song Ge Monica Geber

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Eli Geffen Catherine A. Gehring J€ urgen Geist J ozsef Geml Nicole M. Gerardo Roberto Geremia Gabriele Gerlach Fabrizio Ghiselli Allen Gibbs Greg Gibson Phillip Gienapp Lawrence E. Gilbert Thomas Gilbert Mark A. F. Gillingham Robert Gilman Eric Gilson M. A. Gitzendanner Pierre Gladieux Jeffrey C. Glaubitz Richard E. Glor Angelique Gobet Erica Goetze Jostein Gohli Koichi Goka Omer Gokcumen Doruk Golcu Caren S. Goldberg Julia Goldberg Andres Mauricio G omez-Palacio Jes us G omez-Zurita Zach Gompert Marisol Goni Urriza Josefa Gonzalez Santiago C. Gonz alezMartınez Antonio GonzalezRodrıguez Manuela GonzalezSuarez Jeffery Good Sara Goodacre Gretchen GoodbodyGringley Kari R. Goodman David M. Gordon Erica Goss Toni Gossmann Jerome Goudet Dave Goulson G. Gouws Joerg Graf John Grahame

Peter Grant William Stewart Grant Alessandro Grapputo Jake Gratten Paolo Gratton Tabitha Graves Melissa M. Gray Matthew Greenstone Andrew J. Gregory Emma Greig Simon Griffith Bryan Griffiths Rob I. Griffiths Andrea Grill Delphine Grivet Stephanie Grizard J. Paul Grobler Paul Grogan Astrid T. Groot Richard Grosberg Briana L. Gross Joshua Gross Christina Grozinger Harald R. GruberVodicka Catherine E. Grueber Michael Gruendtaeudl Jared Grummer Rafael Guerrero Felix Gugerli Paul F. Gugger Alessia Guggisberg Frederic Guillaume Thomas Guillemaud Karen Guillemin Torsten G€ unther Qinfeng Guo Galina Gussarova Danny Gustafson David C. Haak Martin Haase Jan C. Habel Jarrod Hadfield James R. Hagler Martin W. Hahn Matthew Hahn Frank Hailer Fabien Halkett Ailsa J. Hall David Hall Stuart Halse Jenna Hamlin Jim Hamrick

Angela Hancock Penelope Hancock Brittany L. HancockHanser Margaret M. Hanes Sandra Hangartner Olivier Hanotte Ilkka Hanski China A. Hanson Bengt Hansson Ken-ichi Harano Emilie A. Hardouin Brock A. Harpur James Harris Kelley Harris Reid Harris Hugo B. Harrison Richard Harrison Katherine Harrisson Michael Hart Ian R. Hartley Martin Hartmann Mark Harvey Michael G. Harvey Tamara S. Haselkorn Daniel Hassleman Ben Hatchwell Lorenz Hauser Stephen J. Hawkins D. J. Hawthorne David Hayman David C. Hayward Christina Hazard Jing He Qixin He Tianhua He Daniel D. Heath Katy Heath Benjamin C. Hecht Gerald Heckel Lars Heden€ as Dennis Hedgecock Philip W. Hedrick Matthew Hegarty Kerstin Heidemann Martin Heil Berthold Heinze Heikki Helanter€ a Michael Hellberg Rasmus Heller Olof Hellgren David Hembry Jakob Hemmer-Hansen

12 E D I T O R I A L Stefan Hempel Catriona R. Hendry Lee Henry Philippe Henry Ute Hentschel Randall Hepburn Christopher R. Herlihy Jo Skeie Hermansen Joshua Herr Carlos M. Herrera Nat Herrerra Michael Herrmann Matthew Herron Jon E. Hess Tyler D. Hether Tim Heupink Michael Hickerson Sarah L. Hicks Ryan I. Hill David M. Hillis Paul M. Hime Allyson Hindle Sarah Hird Heidi Hirsch Penny Hirsch Galice Hoarau Sean M. Hoban Jean-Paul A. Hobbs Kathryn Hodgins Rus Hoelzel Eric A. Hoffman Matthias Hoffmann Michael Hofreiter J. Derek Hogan Nils Hogberg Paul A. Hohenlohe Jason A. Holliday Brian Hollis Michael Holmes Tim Holtsford Olivier Honnay Matthew W. Hopken Elvira H€ orandl Emily Hornett Grant Hose Emily J. Howells Jan Hrcek Zi-Min Hu Christian Huber Elise Huchard Alan Hudson Joel Anthony Huey Ruth Hufbauer

Matthew B. Hufford David Hughes Jane M. Hughes P. Hulva Aelys Humphreys Amanda Hund Kris J. Hundertmark Brendan G. Hunt Dana Hunt Greg Hunt Molly Hunter Gregory D. D. Hurst Arild Husby Martin Husemann Matthew Iacchei Ul Haq Ihsan Hajime Ikeda Juan Carlos Illera Katriina L. Ilves Krista K. Ingram Jose Iriondo Kiyoshi Ishida Takahida A. Ishida Yasuko Ishida Aniek B. F. Ivens Kim Jaatinen Nathan Jackson Scott Jackson David K. Jacobs Hans Jacquemyn Rodolfo Jaffe Brian Wade Jamandre Patrick M. A. James Tim James Ian G. Jamieson Karel Janko Juan Pablo JaramilloCorrea Simon Jarman Andy Jarosz Susan Jarvi Karl Jarvis Julie Jedlicka Daniel Jeffares Ken M. Jeffries Robert Jehle Tania Jenkins Shalene Jha J. P. Jiang Chris Jiggins Francis M. Jiggins Xiangfeng Jing Elizabeth Jockusch

Hanna Johannesson Kerstin Johannesson Helena Johansson Pal J. Johnsen David Johnson Jeff A. Johnson Kevin P. Johnson Loretta Johnson Norman A. Johnson Steig E. Johnson Susan E. Johnston Adam G. Jones Ryan T. Jones Gerrit Joop Stephane Joost Pedro Jordano Per Erik Jorde Tove Jorgensen Veijo Jormalainen Ramirez-Valiente Alberto Jose Lou Jost Emmanuelle Jousselin Alexandre Jousset Carlos Juan Anita Juen Alistair Jump Ari Jumpponen Joachim W. Kadereit Susan Kalisz Naohisa Kanda Yoichiro Kanno Martin Kapun Stephen A. Karl Eric F. Karlin Sophie Karrenberg Karia Kaukinen Harvard Kauserud Stefanie Kautz Takeshi Kawakami Masakado Kawata Tadeusz Kawecki Kyle Keepers Peter Keightley Barbara Keller Lukas Keller Stephen Keller Christina Kellogg Ellen Kenchington Carly Danielle Kenkel Jennifer Kerekes Ga€el J. Kergoat Melina Kerou

Francine Kershaw Rachel Kerwin Shashank Keshavmurthy Valerio Ketmaier Chris Kettle Nusha Keyghobadi Francis Kilkenny Nikole Kimes R. Andrew King Tim King Linda L. Kinkel Andrew P. Kinziger Mark Kirkpatrick Takushi Kishida Levente Kiss Jun Kitano Erik D. Kjær Finn Kjellberg Rasmus Kjoller Etienne K. Klein Adi Kliot Brian Knights Sarah Knutie S. Koblmuller Hauke Koch Ullasa Kodandaramaiah Erin L. Koen Joshua Kohn Linda Kohn Kowa Koida Jason Kolbe Adam Konecny Wiebe H. C. F. Kooistra Nicholas J. Kooyers John Koprowski Peter Korsten Esa Koskela Britt Koskella David Koslicki Petr Kotlik Gabor M. Kovacs Igor Kovalchuk Ken Kraaijeveld Aleksei Krasnov Robert H. S. Kraus Henrik Krehenwinkel Peter Kreisner Anita Krisko Marcus R. Kronforst Meade Krosby Stacy A. KruegerHadfield

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E D I T O R I A L 2 0 1 5 13 Ariana Kubartova Katarzyna Kulma Matjaz Kuntner Eiko Kuramae Verena E. Kutschera Thom Kuyper Laura Kvist Christopher J. Kyle Minna-Maarit Kyt€ oviita Elizabeth Lacey Joseph Lachance Marc-Andre Lachance Justin B. Lack Kevin Lafferty Christian Laforsch Todd C. LaJeunesse Fabien C. Lamaze Shea Lambert Carla Lambertini Kathrin Lampert Thomas Lamy Erin L. Landguth Christian Landry Emily W. Lankau Hannes Lans Gregory C. Lanzaro Martin Laporte Peter Larsen Allan Larson Erica L. Larson Greger Larson Wesley A. Larson Martin Lascoux Emily K. Latch Justin Lathlean Leigh C. Latta Robert G. Latta Michael Lattorff Vit Latzel Ane T. Laugen Rebecca Laws Dan Lawson Valerie Le Corre Mickael Le Gac Johannes Le Roux Adam Leache Stephen Leavitt Raphael Leblois Jean-Baptiste Ledoux Jean-Baptiste Leducq Cheng-Ruei Lee Siu Fai Lee Who-Seung Lee Jon Leff

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Jean-Luc Legras P€aivi H. Leinonen Jeff Leips I. J. Leitch Ylva Lekberg Matthew Lemay Sarah Lemer J. A. Lenstra Tobias L. Lenz Jennifer Leonard Olivier Lepais Thibault Leroy David Lesbarreres Mark R. Lesser Harilaos Lessios Teresa Lettieri Adrian Leuchtmann Iris I. Levin Jonathan Levine Juergen Liebig Andrea L. Liebl Harvey Lillywhite Haw Chuan Lim Morten T. Limborg Eva S. Lindstr€ om Dorothea Lindtke Miriam Linnenbrink Paul J. Linser Karen Lips Gianni Liti Bao Liu Jianquan Liu Jin-Xian Liu Nannan Liu Xingzhong Liu Tanya M. Llorens Simon Loader Stephane Lobreaux Peter Lockhart Julie Lockwood Ramiro Logares David J. Lohman Konrad Lohse Eric Lombaert Joyce Longcore Miguel Lopez-Ferber Purificacion LopezGarcia Margarita Lopez-Uribe Katie E. Lotterhos Sierra Love Stowell Nathan Lovejoy Benjamin Lowe Winsor Lowe

David Lowry Andrew Lowther Jeffrey D. Lozier Catherine Lozupone Lauren K. Lucas Kay Lucek Dieter Lukas Piotr Lukasik Vimoksalehi Lukoschek Erica Lumini Max Lundberg Sverre Lundemo Heidi Luter Michael D. J. Lynch Ryan C. Lynch Leithen M’Gonigle Xiaofei Ma Sarina Macfadyen Roderick I. Mackie Lois Maignien Thomas Mailund Hannu I. M€ akinen Wataru Makino Jason Malaney Anna Malaspinas Rene M. Malenfant Anita Malhotra Jim Mallet Bohumil Mand ak Stephanie Manel Mollie Manier Judith Mank Takashi Maoka Beno^ıt Marcßais Patrick Mardulyn Karol Marhold Stefano Mariani Stephanie Mariette Vera Markgraf Paula Marquardt Clare D. Marsden David C. Marshall Katharine A. Marske Andrew Martin Christopher H. Martin Michael David Martin Noland Martin Paloma MartinezRodriguez Nat alia Martınkov a Ismael Martins Pereira Vincent G. Martinson Jennifer B. H. Martiny

Isabelle MasneufPomarede Chase M. Mason Rachel Massicotte Brandon Matheny Peter Mather Paula Mathiasen Marjorie Matocq Daniel Matute Mikhail V. Matz Luciano M. Matzkin Itay Mayrose R. J. Scott McCairns Erin K. McClelland Melissa McCormick Karen McCoy Megan McCusker John McCutcheon Geoff McFadden Katrina McGuigan Stephen W. McKechnie Anna McKee Alexander D. McKelvy Valerie J. McKenzie Niall J. McKeown Owen McMillan James Mcquillan Brad McRae Monica Medina Raul F. Medina M onica Medrano Ivica Medugorac Caroline Meharg Thomas Mehner Colin Meiklejohn Patrick G. Meirmans Richard Meisel Marina D. Meixner Martim Melo Jose Melo-Ferreira Frank Melzner Andreas Meraner Joachim Mergeay Guillaume Meric Juha Meril€ a Philip Messer Vanessa Messmer Neil B. Metcalfe Axel Meyer Eli Meyer Johan Michaux Steven Micheletti Alexander S. Mikheyev Anu Mikkonen

14 E D I T O R I A L Borja Mila Adam Miller David Miller Joshua Moses Miller Karen J. Miller R. Michael Miller Wolfgang Miller Alessandro Minelli Andreia Miraldo Charles Mitchell David Mitchell Edward Mitchell Jeff Mitton Hitoshi Miyakawa Kenyon Mobley Michael Moeller Yvan Mo€enne-Loccoz Lucas Moitinho-Silva Luciana M€ oller Paolo Momigliano Stefano Mona Pat Monaghan Karine Monceau Stefano Roberto Montanari Josselin Montarry William I. Montgomery Kristi Montooth Kailen Mooney Jean-Sebastien Moore Jennifer Ann Moore Ariadna Esthela Morales-Garcia Emily Victoria Moran Serge Morand Robin Mores Mary Morgan-Richards Pier Morin Kentaro Morita Craig Moritz Peter L. Morrell Ashley B. Morris Nathan Mortimer Johann Mourier Laurence Mouton Brook T. Moyers Leonie C. Moyle Jakob C. Mueller Ulrich G. Mueller Anna Muir Souvik Mukherjee Christian Mulder Raoul Mulder Matthew Mumma

Pavel Munclinger Joaquın Mu~ noz Martha Monica Mu~ noz Violeta Mu~ noz-Fuentes Melanie A. Murphy Marco Musiani Joram M. Mwacharo Laura Mydlarz Edward Myers Judith Myers David Myrold Benoit Nabholz Punya Nachappa Michael W. Nachman Yamama Naciri Nicola Nadeau Steve Nadler Martina Nagy Francesco Nardi Kiyoshi Naruse Chandrasekhar Natarajan Rayna Natcheva Joan Navarro Alison Goncßalves Nazareno Kumarse Nazari Daniel E. Neafsey Linda E. Neaves Richard Neher Brett A. Neilan Maurine Neiman Joao Miranda Neiva Jens Nejstgaard Craig Nelson Peter Nelson Julio Manuel Neto Samuel Neuenschwander Jennifer L. Neuwald Kevin K. Newsham Irene Newton Kevin Kit Siong Ng Chris C. Nice Krista Nichols Caroline M. J. Nieberding Oliver Niehuis Einar E. Nielsen Rasmus Nielsen Mikko Nikinmaa Henrik Nilsson Elina Lastro Ni~ no Michele K. Nishiguchi

Kanto Nishikawa Corey Nislow Riitta Nissinen Florence Noel Balbina Nogales Arne W. Nolte Joseph Norman Patrik Nosil Stephen J. Novak Marta Novo Maria D. S. Nunes Vera L. Nunes Martin Nu~ nez Kristin Nurkowski Dan Nussey Sergey V. Nuzhdin Franklin N. Nyabuga Reto Nyffeler Tommi Nyman Richard O’Rorke B. Oakley Christopher G. Oakley Jamie Oaks Darren Obbard Sylvie OddouMuratorio Nicholas Ogden Kevin P. Oh Issei Ohshima Masato Ohtani Michiko Ojimi Miki Okada Benjamin P. Oldroyd Vanessa Oliveira Matthew K. Oliver Jeffrey B. Olsen Kenneth M. Olsen Morten Tange Olsen Link Olson Lucretia E. Olson Mats Olsson Lino Ometto Lars Opgenoorth € Maarja Opik Juan Francisco Ornelas Pablo Andres OrozcoterWengel Joaquin Ortego Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos Megan Jane Osborne Tatsuo Oshida Daniel Osorio Kjartan Ostbye Katherine L. Ostevik

Hidetoshi Ota James Ott Kathrin A. Otte Kym Ottewell Sarah P. Otto Joop Ouborg Diana Outlaw Jennifer R. Ovenden Andrew Overall Rika Ozawa Dorota Paczesniak Martin Paeckert Stefan Palm Clarisse Palma-Silva Nicola Palmieri Per J. Palsboll Friso P. Palstra Olivier Panaud Marina Panova Olga Pantos Nikolaos Papadopoulos Thomas Parchman Laura Parducci Christine E. Parent Christian Parisod Luis Pastene Tomaso Patarnello Steve Paterson Yannick Pauchet Juraj Paule Ladislav Paule Marianna Pauletto Steffen Pauls Ovidiu Paun Joana Pauperio Juli Pausas David C. Pavlacky P. Pavlidis Alexandra Pavlova Katharina Pawlowski Robert J. Paxton Mary M. Peacock Katherine M. Pease Kabir Peay Katalin Pecsenye Catherine L. Peichel Katja Peijnenburg Stephan Peischl Tara Anne Pelletier Lo€ıc Pellissier Josephine Pemberton Dustin J. Penn Ryan Penton Diana Percy

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E D I T O R I A L 2 0 1 5 15 Manolo Fernandez Perez Alejandro Perez-Matus Steve J. Perlman Silvia Perotto Charles Perrier George Perry Kristina Persson Melissa H. Pespeni Marko Petek Benjamin M. Peter William Peterman Jeffrey L. Peters Eric Petit Remy J. Petit Kenneth Petren David W. Pfennig Markus Pfenninger Caleb D. Phillips Mathieu Picardeau Xavier Pic o Michele PierceyNormore Stuart Piertney Saija Piiroinen Malgorzata Pilot Rosalia Pineiro Portela Fabio Pinheiro Josep Pinol Malin L. Pinsky Jorge H. Pinz on Luca Pita Olivier Plantard Alexander Platt Frederic Plewniak Erik Poelman Jelmer Poelstra Grant H. Pogson Stephen Pointing Lisa Pokorny Nicholas Polato Jean-Francois Pombert Thomas Pommier Daniel Pomp Francois Pompanon Joan Pons Andrea Porras-Alfaro Ilga Porth Daniel M. Portik David S. Portnoy Brad Potts Nikos Poulakakis Elie Poulin Robert Poulin

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Michael Poulsen Rudolphe Poupardin Thomas H. Q. Powell Carlos Prada Manoj Prasad Andrea C. Premoli Peter Prentis Stephen Price John Pringle Christian Printzen Jim Provan Stephen Pruett-Jones Jer^ ome G. Prunier Julien Prunier Oscar Puebla Sebastien J. Puechmaille Eneour Puill-Stephan Benoit Pujol Jose Martin Pujolar Jonathan B. Puritz Tanja Pyh€aj€arvi R. Alexander Pyron Xin-Shuai Qi Zhou Qi Bao-Li Qiu Ying-Xiong Qiu Amparo Querol Mauricio Quesada Anna Qvarnstrom Lars Raberg Jacek Radwan Gregory Ragland Nishanta Rajakaruna Alisa Paulsen Ramakrishnan Uma Ramakrishnan Marina L. Ramon Ettore Randi Katja R€as€anen Gordana Rasic Catarina Rato Virginie Ravigne John F. Rawls Rhitoban Raychoudhury Lucie Raymond Orly Razgour Daniel Read Hugo Emanuel Vitorino Rebelo Dawn M. Reding Carol Reeb Guislaine Refregier

Marlis Reich Jane Reid Noah M. Reid Sean B. Reilly Marcel Rejmanek Christian Rellstab David Remington Gwendal Restoux Thorsten B. Reusch Paul Rhoades ^ Angela Maria Ribeiro Ignacio Ribera Christina L. Richards Zoe T. Richards David M. Richardson Jonathan Richardson Jonathan Q. Richmond Alex Richter-Boix Yessica Rico Alexander Riedel Lasse Riemann Adrien Rieux Cynthia Riginos Tom Rinderer Sebastien Rioux Paquettte Matthew L. Rise Kim Ritchie Kermit Ritland Elizaveta Rivkina Joana Robalo Alexandre Robert Jeane Robertson Tony Robillard Charles Robin Stacie Robinson Alfred Roca Luiz A. Rocha Oscar J. Rocha Sara Rocha Federico Roda Nicolas Rode David Rodriguez Susana RodriguezEcheverria Mauricio RodriguezLanetty Francisco RodriguezValera Amanda D. Roe Gary W. Roemer Marius Roesti Bj€ orn Rogell Alex D. Rogers

Isabel Rold an-Ruiz David Rollo Jorund Rolstad Joelle Ronfort Michal Ronikier Jeanne Ropars Alexandre S. Rosado Kenneth G. Ross Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra Camille Roux Sean M. Rovito Jeffrey R. Row Melanie Roy Benjamin E. R. Rubin Manuel Ruedi Kristen C. Ruegg Mario Ruiz-Gonzalez Amy L. Russell Shelbi Russell Linda Y. Rutledge Daniel Ruzzante Martin Ryberg Thomas Brandt Ryder Paul D. Rymer Zakee Sabree Christopher Sacchi Loren C. Sackett Benjamin N. Sacks Timothy B. Sackton Ben Sadd Pablo Saenz-Agudelo Glenn-Peter Saetre A. G. Saez Rebecca Jo Safran Cynthia Sagers Shota Sakaguchi Nicolas Salamin Antonio Salas Camilo Salazar Eugenia M. Sampayo Kieran Samuk Jon Sanders Kate Sanders Maria Estrella Santamaria Mauro Santos Scott R. Santos Stephen D. Sarre Pernille Sarup Jordan Satler Yui Sato Nori Satoh Birgit Sattler Herve Sauquet

16 E D I T O R I A L Christopher Sauvage Wesley K. Savage Outi Savolainen Vincent Savolainen Hidetoshi Saze Joseph Schacherer Martin Schaefer Douglas W. Schemske Stefan Scheu Klaus Schl€appi Michael Schloter Helge Schl€ uns Dolph Schluter Jason M. Schmidt Krzysztof Schmidt Paul Schmidt Sebastian SchmidtRoach Johanna Schmitt Robert Schmitz Andrew F. Schnabel Robert Schnabel Gerald M. Schneeweiss Jan Schnitzler Peter Sch€ onswetter Aaron W. Schrey Hannes Schuler Patricia M. Schulte Alicia Schultheis Jennifer Schultz Stuart Schultz T. R. Schultz Benjamin Schulz Molly Schumer Peter Scott Caroline ScottiSaintagne Alexandre Sebbenn Jennifer M. Seddon Lisa W. Seeb Ole Seehausen Gernot Segelbacher Kari A. Segraves Bernhard Seifert Anna B. Sellas Marc-Andre Selosse Oliver M. Selz Helen V. Senn Irem Sepil Dimitar R. Serbezov Laurel E. K. Serieys David Serrano Ester A. Serr~ao

Robert Serrouya Alicia N. Sersic Jason Sexton Carla Sgr o Aaron Shafer Brian Michael Shamblin Jian-Zhong Shao Alison Shapcott Beth Shapiro Jyotsna Sharma Gil Sharon Koty Sharp Matt Shawkey Kathleen L. Shea Richard P. Shefferson Abdul Sheik Ben C. Sheldon Frederick H. Sheldon Samuel K. Sheppard Steve Sheppard Natasha A. Sherman Kentaro K. Shimizu Munetaka Shimizu Chuya Shinzato Rebecca Shirk Eiichi Shoguchi David Shohami Wen Shu Jacqui A. Shykoff Delphine Sicard Hans R. Siegismund Ben Sikes Mikko J. Sillanp€ a€ a Mark Simmons Rebecca B. Simmons Pedro Sim~ oes Zila Sim~ oes Jean-Christophe Simon Elizabeth A. Sinclair Sonal Singhal Johanna Sj€ ostedt Tomaz Skrbinsek Rachel Slatyer Gancho Slavov Daniel Sloan Tanja Slotte Guy Smagghe Hauke Smidt Brian Tilston Smith Chris Smith Deborah Smith Gilbert Smith Jennifer E. Smith

Peter E. Smouse Terry Snell Emilie C. Snell-Rood Janne Soininen Scott Solomon George N. Somero Jesper Sørensen Teiji Sota Julio Angel SotoCenteno Caroline Souffreau Vitor C. Sousa Cintia Paola Souto Valeria Souza Michael Sovic Garth M. Spellman Felix A. Sperling Ingrid Spies Charles Spillane Phillip Q. Spinks Toby Spribille Emma Sproston Lewis Spurgin T. Stadler John Stanton-Geddes Michael Stat Jay R. Stauffer, Jr. Dorothy Steane Jennifer Stearns Jan Stefka Sebastian Steinfartz Ofer Steinitz Wolfgang Stephan Martin Stervander Jamie R. Stevens Frank Stewart John R. Stewart John R. Stinchcombe John Stireman Michael Stocks Solenn Stoeckel Jeffrey Stone Andrew Storfer Allan E. Strand Maria Strandh Jared Strasburg Todd Streelman Astrid V. Stronen Eva Stukenbrock Christian Sturmbauer Nicolas Martel Suarez Karen E. Sullam Kyle Summers Yongshuai Sun

Shinichi Sunagawa Paul Sunnucks Yann Surget-Groba Ben J. G. Sutherland Jolene T. Sutton Yoshihisa Suyama Bradley Swanson Nigel D. Swarts Andrea Swei Andrea L. Sweigart Gregory Sword Zsofia Szendrei Marta Szulkin Jacek M. Szymura Teruhiko Takahara Gaku Takimoto Sophie Tares Pedro Tarroso Barbara Tartarotti Andrey Tatarenkov Michael Taylor R. A. J. Taylor Leho Tedersoo Sara Teixeira Aurelien Tellier Marina Telonis-Scott Arndt Telschow Martina Temunovic Olivier Tenaillon Guillaume Tetreau Christine E. Thacker Bettina Thalinger Olaf Thalmann Didier Tharreau Nina Overgaard Therkildsen Gavin Thomas Torsten Thomas Henri Thomassen Kim Thompson Paul Thompson Gary H. Thorgaard Daniel J. Thornhill Michaela Thoß Ralph Tiedemann Simon Tierney Peter Tiffin Ina Timling Philippe Tixier David Toews Koji Tojo Hirokazu Toju Lars Tomanek

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E D I T O R I A L 2 0 1 5 17 Stephen J. Tonsor Gergely Torda Luke Tornabene Candice Torres Pascal Touzet Andrea Townsend Dorset W. Trapnell Michael Traugott Steven Travis Nikki Traylor-Knowles Steve Trewick Andreas Tribsch Daryl R. Trumbo Yi-Hsin Tsai Barbara Tschirren Yoshihiko Tsumura Andreia C. TurchettoZolet Michael Turelli Julie Turgeon Andrew K. Turner Bruce J. Turner Xavier Turon Alex Twyford Line V. Ugelvig Tobias Uller Peter Unmack Sylvain Ursenbacher Josef C. Uyeda Mario Vallejo-Marin Jacques van Alphen Frank van den Bosch Linda T. A. van Diepen G. Sander van Doorn Jan Dirk van Elsas Lynne van Herwerden Kees van Oers Maarten Jan Van Strien Bettine van Vuuren Arjen van’t Hof Sara G. Vandamme Katrien Vandepitte Eric Vander Wal Alain Vanderpoorten Wendy Vandersteen Julien Varaldi Pablo Vargas Anti Vasem€agi Catalina VasquezCarrillo Oscar Vedder Carrie Veilleux

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Xavier Vekemans Giovanni G. Vendramin Marıa Teresa Vera Daniela Vergara Koen J. F. Verhoeven Elisabetta Versace Jeremie Vidal-Dupiol Cristina Vieira-Heddi Yves Vigouroux Carles Vila Marta Vila Lucie Marie Vincenot Michal Vinkler Harold Vladar Gary Voelker Timothy Vogel Filip Volckaert Steven V. Vollmer Erik Volz Christian R. Voolstra Julia Vorholt Michiel Vos Severine Vuilleumier Silke Waap Nakatada Wachi Witold M. Wachowiak Nick Wade Catherine E. Wagner Helene Wagner Peter Wainwright John Wakeley Richard Wallbank Craig A. Walling Graham Wallis Ryan P. Walter Catherine Walton Baosheng Wang Dechun Wang Ian Jen Wang Nian Wang Robin S. Waples David Ward Patricia A. Warner Peter M. Waser James Wasmuth Corey Watson Ward B. Watt Phill C. Watts Marta Wayne Donald Weber Michael S. Webster

Jason D. Weckstein Claus Wedekind David Weetman Daniel Wegmann K. Mathias Wegner Agnes K. M. Weiner Bruce S. Weir Virginia Weis Michael Weiss Steven Weiss Daniel Weissman Kelton D. Welch Maren Wellenreuther Lars Werdelin Jennifer J. Wernegreen Erik Westberg Helena Westerdahl Peter Westley Michael F. Westphal Christopher W. Wheat Tyler J. Wheeldon Daniel James White Thomas White Andrew Whitehead Noah K. Whiteman Michael Whitlock Kenneth D. Whitney Thomas Wichard Ivo Widmer Lothar Wieler Christer Wiklund Lena Wilfert Bronwyn W. Williams Claire G. Williams Suzanne T. Williams Trevor Williams Stuart C. Willis Anthony B. Wilson Calum Wilson John J. Wilson Paul J. Wilson Michael Wink Manuela Winkler Jamie C. Winternitz Herman H. Wirshing Kimberly With Christopher Witt Jonathan Witt Ule Wittstock Matthew Wolak Diana Wolf

Kirsten Wolff Justyna Wolinska Dustin A. Wood Lucy Woodall David Woodruff Scott A. Woolbright Jennifer Wortman Alison Wright David J. Wright Dominic Wright Jessica W. Wright Stephen I. Wright Hua Wu Zhiyong Xi Jenny Xiang Huaitong Xu Rebecca Yahr Erhan Yalcindag Lev Yampolsky Ji Yang Z. H. Yang Glenn Yannic Monica Yau Gong-yin Ye Sam Yeaman Heng Lin Yeap Pamela Yeh  Etienne Yergeau Deborah Yoder-Himes Rebecca L. Young Qian Yu Sandrine Zahn Christina Zakas Kelly R. Zamudio David T. Zanatta John Zardus Eugenia Zarza Amro Zayed Einat Zchori-Fein Inga Zeisset Amanda J. Zellmer Olivier Nicolas Zemb Ai-Bing Zhang Xue-Xian Zhang Xin-Guang Zhu Lucie Zinger Robert M. Zink Martin Zobel Roman Zug

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