

Canada's outstanding veterinary scientists passed away July 8, 1979. Dr. Mitchell was born in Clarksburg, Ontario where he attended public school. His secondary education was received at the Collingwood Collegiate and Meaford High School and at the faculty of Arts, Western University, London. He graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College and the University of Toronto in veterinary science in 1914 and entered the service of the Canada Department of Agriculture. He devoted his efforts to veterinary pathology and research in laboratories in Lethbridge, Ottawa and Hull. From 1942 until his "retirement" in 1957 he was Chief of the Animal Pathology Division. His guidance and direction of the work of the Division in animal disease research and control brought honors to himself and world-wide recognition for the Division. Following his "rertirement" from the Public Service, Dr. Mitchell began another career in 1958 as Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. He held this post until he again "officially retired" in 1970 but he continued to carry out his research duties daily at the University until 1976. At the time of his "retirement" in 1970, he was named an Honorary Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. In addition to these basic activities, Dr. Mitchell participated actively in many other

Volume 43


October 1979

endeavours. When the Faculty of Medicine was created at the University, Dr. Mitchell participated in the founding of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. For several years after the founding of the medical school, there was a Department of Comparative Medicine and Dr. Mitchell was Professor and Head of this Department. During World War II, he was a member of the Joint Canadian - U.S. Commission on war Diseases and in recognition of his contributions to this work he was honored with the U.S. Medal of Freedom by the President of the U.S.A. From 1958 to about 1972, Dr. Mitchell was Director and Coordinator of Research at the Ottawa Civic Hospital and during this time he was able to enrich the training of a good number of doctors and other allied health personnel in the Ottawa area. He was made an honorary member of the Medical Staff in the Department of Laboratory Medicine of this hospital, a lifetime appointment. Dr. Mitchell was author or co-author of about 100 scientific articles and his work was well known throughout the world. Although his administrative and scientific duties were enough for any one person to carry, he still found time to be very active in association activities and to involve himself in his favourite hobby of history, particularly medical and veterinary history and he wrote many articles on this subject. Partly for his efforts in this field he was awarded an honorary LL.D. degree from the University of Guelph in 1967. In his efforts on behalf of professional associations he was a founding member of the Ottawa Bacteriology Club, the Medical Literature Club of Ottawa and of the Canadian Society of Chemotherapy. He was a former president of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association and contributed greatly to many veterinary associations across Canada. He was also a member of many other professional associations. In the publication field he was one of the founders of the Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and was Editor Emeritus of this Journal until his death. In addition to the honours mentioned above, Dr. Mitchell was made an honorary life member of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. He was the third recipient of the Medaille St. Eloi awarded by the College des Medecins veterinaires du Quebec. He was awarded the Coronation Medal. He was named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, an Honorary Fellow of the American Public Health Association, an honorary member of


the American Veterinary Public Health Association, a life member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and an Honorary Associate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Few scientists have contributed as much to as many fields of endeavour and the results of his efforts are being, and will be, felt for years to come through the work of the many people he has guided and encouraged. Le DR CHARLES ALEXANDER MITCHELL, un des scientifiques veterinaires eminents du Canada, est decede le 8 juillet 1979. II naquit a Clarksburg, Ontario, oiu il frequenta l'ecole publique. 11 poursuivit des etudes secondaires a Collingwood, a Meaford et a la faculte des arts de l'universite Western, a London. Diplome du College Veterinaire de l'Ontario et de l'universite de Toronto, en science veterinaire, en 1914, il entrait aussitot au service du Ministere de l'Agriculture du Canada. Il consacra ses efforts a la pathologie veterinaire et a la recherche, aux laboratoires de Lethbridge, d'Ottawa et de Hull. De 1942 jusqu'a sa retraite, en 1957, il occupa le poste de Chef de la Division de la Pathologie animale. Sa conduite et sa direction des travaux de recherche de la Division, relatifs aux maladies animales et a leur eradication, lui meriterent des honneurs personnels et la reconnaissance mondiale de la Division. Apres sa retraite du Service public, le Dr Mitchell entreprit une autre carriere en 1958, a titre de professeur adjoint de microbiologie et d'immunologie, a la faculte de medecine de l'universite d'Ottawa. 11 occupa ce poste jusqu'a ce qu'il se retire de nouveau de facon officielle, en 1970, mais il continua a remplir quotidiennement ses responsabilites de recherche a l'universite, jusqu'en 1976. Lors de sa retraite, en 1970, on le nomma professeur honoraire du departement de medecine de l'universite d'Ottawa. En plus de ces fonctions de base, le Dr Mitchell participa activement a plusieurs autres taches. Lors de la fondation de la faculte de medecine de l'universite d'Ottawa, il participa a l'organisation du departement de microbiologie et d'immunologie. Durant plusieurs annees ulterieures a la fondation de la faculte de medecine, cette derniere comptait un departement de medecine comparee dont le Dr Mitchell etait professeur et chef. Durant la deuxieme guerre mondiale, il fut membre de la commission conjointe Canada - ttats-Unis sur les maladies de guerre. En reconnaissance de son apport a cette commis-


sion, le president des Etats-Unis lui decema la "Medaille de la Liberte" des Etats-Unis. De 1958 jusqu'aux environs de 1972, il occupa le poste de directeur et coordinateur de la recherche, a l'hopital civique d'Ottawa. Au cours de cette periode, il reussit a enrichir les connaissances d'un bon nombre de medecins et d'officiers adjoints de la sante, dans la region d'Ottawa. On le nomma membre honoraire a vie du personnel medical du departement de medecine de laboratoire de cet hopital. Le Dr Mitchell etait auteur ou coauteur d'environ 100 articles scientifiques et ses travaux etaient connus mondialement. Meme si ses responsabilites administratives et scientifiques suffisaient amplement a accaparer tout son temps, il trouva neanmoins le moyen de s'occuper activement d'associations et de s'adonner a son passe-temps favori: l'histoire medicale et veterinaire. Il publia plusieurs articles sur le sujet et ses efforts dans ce domaine lui valurent le diplome honorifique LL.D., que lui decerna l'universite de Guelph, en 1967. Dans son empressement en faveur des associations professionnelles, il participa a la fondation du club de bacteriologie d'Ottawa, ainsi qu'a celles du club de litterature medicale d'Ottawa et de la societe canadienne de chimiotherapie. Ancien president de l'Association canadienne des Veterinaires, il aida aussi grandement plusieurs autres associations veterinaires, a travers le Canada. II faisait egalement partie de plusieurs autres associations professionnelles. Dans le domaine de la publication, il fut l'un des fondateurs de la Revue canadienne de Medecine comparee et son redacteur emerite, jusqu'a sa mort. En plus des honneurs deja mentionnes, le Dr Mitchell recut celui de membre honoraire a vie de l'Association canadienne des Veterinaires. Il devint le troisieme recipiendaire de la Medaille de Saint-tloi, que lui decema le College des Medecins Veterinaires du Quebec. On lui decerna la Medaille du Couronnement. On le nomma membre de la Societe royale du Canada, membre honoraire de I'Association americaine d'Hygiene publique et de l'Association americaine d'Hygiene publique veterinaire, membre a vie de l'Association americaine des Mqedecins Veterinaires et adjoint honoraire du College royal des Chirurgiens Veterinaires. Peu de scientifiques ont contribue aussi largement que lui dans autant de domaines d'activites. Les resultats de ses efforts se font actuellement sentir dans le travail de tous ceux qu'il a guides et encourages; il en sera ainsi pour plusieurs annees a venir.

Can. J. comp. Med.

Dr. Charles A. Mitchell.

Dr. CHARLES A. MITCHELL DR. CHARLES ALEXANDER MITCHELL, one of Canada's outstanding veterinary scientists passed away July 8, 1979. Dr. Mitchell w...
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