in the system, and that consequently the superfluous part of it is deposited in the sub-cutaneous cellulo-adipose tissue, which has great affinity for carbonaceous elements. The cutaneous system, by the admixture and mal-assimilation of this abnormal element (sugar), becomes irritable and tends to the formation of boils. The second case is peculiar; boils made their appearance first, and sugar was afterwards found in the urine. This resulted from the patient's having in his system an excess of sugar, which could not be burnt off in the lungs; and in the hot season his kidneys being torpid, a very large quantity of blood (charged with sugar) was attracted towards the cutaneous surface which was then acting freely. By the accumulation of this unnatural element in the sub-cataneous cellular tissue, the skin became irritable and liable to inflammation. But as soon as the cold weather approached, his kidneys began again to excrete sugar, the morbid action of his skin stopped, and the patient recovered.

Hitherto the attention of the English physicians has been

directed without

TWO CASES OF DIABETES. By Kamikha Natii Acheejee, L.M-S.

Nonrn CnuyDER Hose

zemindar of 45 years of age, came under my surgical treatment, in March 1865, for a large abscess in his epigastrium. The abscess was freely opened and poulticed, and the patient was put under a tonic plan of treatment. From the absence of any tendency of the abscess to heal, the continual oozing of a thin and oily matter therefrom, and the flabby and aplastic character of the granulations of its walls, I felt a suspicion in my mind that the patient was suffering from diabetes. His urine was accordingly examined by the liq: potassae and cupri : snlph : test, and it was found to contain a good deal of sugar. The patient was thenceforth prohibited to take any food capable of furnishing sugar to the system, and was allowed free use of port,* animal broths, and tonics, but his constitution nevertheless became gradually broken and shattered ; many abscesses began to form in various parts of his body, and symptoms of pyaemia appeared, shortly after diarrhoea supervened, accompanied by hectic fever, general prostration, and the usual sequela) of exhausting diseases, and the patient expired after two months from the first appearance of the boils. The second patient, named Surut Chunder Dutt, a very wealthy, stout " Young Bengal" of 32 years of age, was in the habit of taking richly cookcd food, and indulging in the luxuries of this life. Being of a robust constitution, he used to perspire profusely in hot weather, and his body used to be covered with furunculi every year or every other year. Having lived luxuriously during the last hot season, he was attacked with boils in most parts of his body, and with a large carbuncle on his back. Before opening the anthrax, the patient was placed under the influence of chloroform ; after it had been crucially divided, poultices and compresses were applied four times a day, and the patient was allowed a liberal supply of port, broth, &c. But owing to some constitutional derangement, the areola) of the boils and carbuncle assumed an erysipelatous appearance, and the walls of the latter showed a flabby rough surface, with ill-formed aplastic granulations, having but slight adhesive tendency. On making a general comparison of these eruptions with those of the first patient, I suspected that the urine of the second patient was abnormal, and consequently I examined it once or twice by Trominer's and other tests for sugar, of which not the slightest trace was found. In the hot season, whilst his skin continued to act excessively, the eruptions were in active progress, in spite of all treatment. But as soon as the rains set in, and the temperature lowered, the boils healed gradually. On the approach of cold weather, when his profuse sweating stopped, and the kidneys began to excrete largely, my anticipations were verified by his urine being loaded with sugar. a

Remarks. The appearance of boils in a diabetic patient is a very fatal symptom. This denotes that the diseased and overcharged kidneys cannot carry off the whole of the sugar which is secreted *


16 to 31

can hardly be called orthodox practice. grains of sugar per ounce,?Ed., I, M, G,

Port contains from

only to the study of the indigenous plants of India, regard to the compound medicines used by native koberajes. For chronic diseases, such as diarrhoea, dysentery, chronic fever, dropsy, bronchitis, diabetes, &c., the native physicians certainly possess many valuable remedies. Many cases have been observed where patients suffering from chronic fever or dyseuteria, and undergoing English treatment for a month or two, have ultimately recovered by taking a few doses of

native medicine. The Sub-Assistant Surgeons, with poor means and 230ssessing slight influence, are hardly able to carry on investigations on this important subject, but the superior officials in the Medical Department ought, I venture to submit, to undertake such researches with the help of some experienced koberaj. I do not, however, mean to depreciate in any way the value of English medicines, but merely to draw the attention of the Faculty to what may well be added to the present store of the British Indian Pharmacopoeia Simla





Two Cases of Diabetes.

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