Victor Faria Blanc MD FRCPC, Pierre Ruest Mo r:RcPc, Gilles Brisson F,hr)CSr'Q, Jean-Louis Jacob Mo rRCSC

The purpose of this study was to determine whether serum gastrin levels are increased by reflexogenic stimuli applied to the extrinsic muscles of the eye. Serum gastrin and blood glucose concentrations were measured in ten normal children aged between 5 and 12 yr during general anaesthesia with halothane and nitrous oxide and during strabismus surgery. Fasting basal concentrations of gastrin (33.6 • 14.S pg . ml -I ) and of glucose (4.43 +-- 0.72 mmol. L -t ) were in the normal range of values for children. Intravenous atropine (0.01 rag. kg-I ), general anaesthesia with halothane in nitrous oxide and o.rvgen by mask for three minutes, tracheal intubation, extraocular muscle stimulation and surgical stress did not cause any variation in the mean serum gastrin concentration. On the contrary, tracheal intubation and surgical stress increased blood glucose concentrations (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the serum gastrin levels after extruocular muscle stimulation between chiMren with positive or negative oculocardiac reflexes (44.5 • 16.7 pg. ml -I vs" 38 • 14.7 pg. ml -I, respectively). The incidence of vomiting predischarge was 60 per cent. Serum gastrin levels did not differ between children who vomited and chiMren who did not (44.3 • 18.5 pg . ml- t vs 47.1 • 16.9 pg" ml- t, respectively). Vomiting after strabismus





SURGERY: ophthalmological; VOMITING.

From the Departments of Anaesthesia, Clinical Biochemistry and Ophthalmology, H6pital Sainte-Justine and Universit6 de Montr6al, Montr6al, Qu6bec, Canada. Address" correspondence to: Dr. V. F. Blanc, Department of Anaesthesia, H6pital Sainte-Justine, 3175 C6te Ste-Catherine, Montr6al, Qu6bec, Canada, H3T IC5. Accepted for publication 14th September, 1990.

CAN J ANAESTH 1991 / 38:1 /pp43-8

Serum gastrin and blood glucose levels during halothanenitrous oxide anaesthesia and strabismus surgery in children surgery cannot be attributed to high gastrin serum levels. Consequently, it is unlikely that vomiting after strabismus surgery is linked to an "oculogastric reflex" with the vagus nerve as the efferent pathway. Cette Etude a Etd con~'ue dans le but de verifier si les concentrations sdriques de gastrine se trouvent augmentEes aprEs la stimulation des muscles e.rtrinsEques de I'a, il. Les concentrations sEriques de gastrine, de theme que les concentrations sanguines de glucose, furent mesur~es, chez di.r et~ants normaux, dgEs de 5 (J 12 ans, durant l'anesthEsie gdn~rale r l'halothane et au proto.rvde d'azote et durant la chirurgie pour correction de strabisme. La gastrindmie basale et r jeun (33,6 +. 14,8 pg. ml -I ) et la glycEmie basale et ?tjeun (4,43 • 0,72 mmol . L- i ) Etaient dans les limites des valeurs normales pour ce groupe d'dge. L'administration d'atropine IV (0,01 rag. kg-t ), I'anesthEsie g~nErale d l' halothane et au protoxyde d'azote par masque pendant trois minutes, I'intubation trachdale, la stinndation des muscles extraoculaires et le stress chirurgical n'ont pas causg de variations sign~'catives dans les concentrations sEriques de gastrine. Par contre, I' intubation trachEale et le stress chirurgical ont cause des augmentations significatives des concentrations de glucose darts le sang (P < 0,05). II n'y a pas eu de difference significative, apr~s la stimulation des muscles extrinsEques de I'~eil, entre la gastrindmie moyenne des el!['ants qui ont prEsentd un rEtie.re oculocardiaque positif et la gastrinEmie moyenne des enfants dont le mEme rEtie.re ~tait nEgatif (44,5 • 16,7 pg. ml -I et 38 + 14,7 pg. ml -t, respectivement). L'incidence de vomissements post-opdratoires, avant le congddiement de I'h6pital, Eta# Egale ~ 60 pour cent. La gastrindmie n'dtait pas significativement diffdrente entre les enfants qui ont vomi et ceux qui n'ont pas vomi (44,3 • 18,5 pg . ml - I e t 47, I +-16,9 p g ' m l -s, respectivement). Les vomissements postcorrection de strabisme ne peuvent pas Etre attribuEs a~t~ variations de la gastrine sErique. Par consequent, il est fort improbable que les vomissements post-correction de strabisme soient dtis fi un rEflexe

Serum gastrin and blood glucose levels during halothane-nitrous oxide anaesthesia and strabismus surgery in children.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether serum gastrin levels are increased by reflexogenic stimuli applied to the extrinsic muscles of the ...
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