THE JOURNAL devotes th is section to com m ent by readers on to p ics of current interest to den­ tistry. The e d ito r reserves the righ t to edit all com m unications to fit available space and requires tha t all letters be signed. P rinted com m unications do not necessarily reflect the opinion or o f­ ficia l po licy of the A ssociation. Your pa rticipation in th is section is invited.

S F D S offers C P R certification ■ T he San F rancisco D ental Society C P R team applauds the efforts of the C entre C ouniy (Pa) D ental Society in certifying 21 o f its m em bers in cardio­ pulm onary resuscitation (N ovem ber

com ponent or constituent societies that wish to establish program s of their own in lifesaving C P R . HERBERT L. BRONSON, DDS SFDS CPR TEAM SAN FRANCISCO

j a d a ).

Fortunately, the C entre County ef­ fo rt is not the first of its kind. T he San F rancisco D ental Society has been presenting com prehensive courses leading to certification as C P R basic rescu er since N ovem ber 1975. O ur team of eight dentists and den­ tal hygienists has certified over 250 dentists and auxiliaries within our own com ponent. T his has been ac­ com plished through an ongoing pro­ gram of regular m onthly courses. We recently provided our services to the N orthern Scientific Session of the California D ental A ssociation. One hundred and eighty dentists and auxil­ iaries were certified in C P R as a result o f that program. O ur expanding program has, as its goal, the certification of the vast ma­ jority of members of our dental com ­ munity in cardiopulm onary resusci­ tation. We will be pleased to assist other

A pleasing article ■ A s a dentist and oral surgeon re­ sponsible for the dental care of a large hem ophilic population at the Interna­ tional Training C en ter for H emophilia at the M ount Sinai M edical C enter in N ew Y ork, I was pleased to see the article, “ T he use o f epsilon-aminocaproic acid for the m anagem ent of hem ophilia in dental and oral surgery p atien ts,” in the Septem ber j o u r n a l (page 586). H ow ever, despite im proved under­ standing of blood coagulation and de­ spite m ajor advances in the manage­ m ent of the bleeding disorders, hem o­ philia patients still do not receive op­ tim al dental treatm ent. T he recent literature has docum ented the current safety in oral surgery treatm ent for these patients, indicating significant progress. U nfortunately, these re­ ports prim arily have focused on den­ tal extractions rath er than conserva­

tion of the dentition and prom otion of oral health. A dm ittedly, m any such patients do require oral surgery to correct long-standing dental neglect. H ow ­ ever, the dental profession must be made aw are of the possibilities in general dental treatm ent for hem o­ philiacs, such th at dentistry will not appear to be constantly advising ex­ tractions for these patients. C urrent m odes o f therapy enable us to manage bleeding crises successfully should they occur. Considering routine general dental treatm ent, bleeding situations are un­ com m on. T he m ost im portant pre­ caution concerns the adm inistration o f block anesthetics. C onsequently, quality com prehensive dental treat­ ment should be available for hem o­ philia patients. BRUCE E. EVANS, DMD NEW YORK CITY

D isagrees with grouping ■ I read with interest the article of D rs. J. K. Johnson, N. L. Schw artz, and R. T. Blackwell in the Septem ber j a d a (page 597) and noted particu­ larly their referral to screw posts used JADA, Vol. 94, January 1977 ■ 21

San Francisco Dental Society offers CPR certification.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE JOURNAL devotes th is section to com m ent by readers on to p ics of current interest to den­ tistry. The e d ito r reserve...
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