Odontology DOI 10.1007/s10266-015-0204-7


Evaluation of two formulations containing mineral trioxide aggregate on delayed tooth replantation: relevance of RANKL/ RANK/OPG system Beatriz Farias Vogt1 • Carlos Eduardo Chrzanowski Pereira Souza2 • Daniela Nascimento Silva3 • Adriana Etges4 • Maria Martha Campos5

Received: 9 April 2014 / Accepted: 10 March 2015 Ó The Society of The Nippon Dental University 2015

Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effects of White MTA (WMTA) and MTA FillapexÒ on root resorption, when used for root canal filling, in a rat model of delayed tooth replantation, with special focus on the RANKL/RANK/OPG system. Maxillary right central incisors of male rats were extracted (total N = 48), and exposed to dry environment for 30 min. The animals were allocated into four groups: (1) WMTA; (2) MTA Fillapex; (3) Calcium hydroxide; (4) Negative control. After periodontal ligament removal, root canals were filled with the corresponding material and replanted. After 10 and 60 days, qualitative and semi-quantitative histological and immunohistochemical analyses were carried out. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s post hoc adjustment was used, at 10 and 60 days, to compare the experimental groups in terms of the inflammatory scores and in terms of the changes in OPG, RANK and RANKL. Both WMTA and MTA Fillapex groups displayed inflammatory & Maria Martha Campos [email protected]; [email protected] Beatriz Farias Vogt [email protected]

and replacement resorption, with the presence of dentoalveolar ankylosis, similarly to that observed for calcium hydroxide, in either 10 or 60 days. Notably, a slight increase of the inflammatory process was observed in both MTA groups. Quantitatively, inflammation score analysis showed a significant difference between the calcium hydroxide and the control group at 10 days. On 60 days, dento-alveolar ankylosis was found significantly increased in the MTA Fillapex, in comparison to the control group (p \ 0.05). For immunohistochemical analysis, the expression of both RANK and RANKL was reduced in calcium hydroxide and WMTA groups, from 10 to 60 days of evaluation, an effect that was accompanied by increased OPG immunolabelling. Otherwise, the MTA Fillapex group presented a general increase of RANKL immunopositivity, similarly to that observed in the negative control group. Our data showed that none of tested materials was able to fully prevent the root resorption, although the white MTA cement presented an outcome comparable to that seen for calcium hydroxide. MTA cements might present some advantages when considering no need of frequent changes, although the effects of MTA cements in dental avulsion still require further investigation.


Post-Graduation Program in Dentistry: Concentration in Maxillofacial Surgery, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre RS, Brazil


Post-Graduation Program in Implantodonty: Associac¸a˜o Paulista de Cirurgio˜es Dentistas, Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil


Department of Dental Clinics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Espı´rito Santo, Vito´ria, ES, Brazil


Department of Clinical and Diagnostic Oral Sciences, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil

Studies on delayed replantation of avulsed teeth have investigated several substances as storage media for preserving the viability of the periodontal ligament, or as root surface treatments, intended to prevent the occurrence of root resorption and dentoalveolar ankylosis [1–3]. Various studies have also



School of Dentistry and Institute of Toxicology, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av Ipiranga, 6681, Partenon, Porto Alegre, RS 90619-900, Brazil

Keywords Immunohistochemical  Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)  Osteoprotegerin  RANKL/RANK  Root resorption



evaluated a series of substances as intracanal medications, including calcium hydroxide, Endofill and Sealapex [4], corticosteroids [5–7], bisphosphonates [8, 9], and Ledermix pasteÒ [10, 11], although none of them was able to prevent root resorption. Calcium hydroxide is the most widely used temporary intracanal medication in cases of delayed replantation, due to its ability to raise the pH and the pronounced antimicrobial action [12]. In spite of that, the need for frequent changes of calcium hydroxide dressings is commonly associated with inflammatory root resorption, as well as to increased recontamination risk and tooth fragility [13, 14]. During the last years, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has emerged as a reliable bioactive material with extended applications in endodontics, which include the obturation of root canals. This material might have huge advantages because of its superior physiochemical and bioactive properties, such as the great sealing and elevated biocompatibility [15, 16]. Furthermore, MTA is highly effective in inducing periapical tissue repair, allowing the treatment of root resorption in a reduced number of sections [14, 17]. Of high interest, a study conducted by Holland et al. [18] demonstrated that MTA shares several beneficial properties with calcium hydroxide. MTA has also been successfully used as a permanent obturation material following tooth traumatic injuries, such as luxation, intrusion or avulsion [19]. Nevertheless, only few clinical studies have evaluated the long-term outcome of MTA-obtured traumatized tooth [14, 20, 21]. The RANKL/RANK/OPG system has been widely studied during the last two decades. RANKL/RANK signaling regulates osteoclast formation, activation and survival during normal bone modeling and remodeling, and in a variety of pathologic conditions characterized by altered bone turnover. OPG protects bone from excessive resorption by binding to RANKL, preventing it from binding to RANK. Thus, the relative concentration of RANKL and OPG is a major determinant of bone mass and strength [22]. In the light of the above considerations, the present study evaluated the effects of two MTA formulations, WMTA and MTA FillapexÒ, when employed for root canal filling, in a rat model of delayed tooth replantation, in comparison to calcium hydroxide. Special attempts were given to determine whether the different filling materials might influence the expression of RANKL/RANK/OPG in our experimental approach.

Materials and methods This study is in accordance with the National Research Council Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and was approved by the Institutional Animal Committee at Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica do Rio Grande do Sul


(PUCRS), Brazil. Forty-eight male Wistar rats (300 and 350 g) distributed into four experimental groups of 12 animals were used: (1) WMTA (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil); (2) MTA FillapexÒ (Angelus, Londrina, Brazil); (3) Calcium hydroxide paste (CalenÒ, S.S.White, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); (4) Negative control. For each treatment, two additional groups of 6 rars were created, according to the time interval for euthanasia (10 or 60 days). Previous reports have employed the rat model to evaluate dento-alveolar trauma [2–4, 8, 25–29]. To accomplish dental avulsion, the animals were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg), dosed by intraperitoneal route. Following intraoral and perioral antiseptic procedures, the maxillary right central incisor of each animal was extracted. The teeth were fixed by the crown to a sterile bone wax plate, and left exposed for 30 min. The pulp was removed apically with a #15 size endodontic file (Flex-R Roane Tip File, Moyco Union Broach, New York, USA). Canals were cleaned with 5 ml of 0.9 % NaCl solution (TexonÒ, Viama˜o, RS, Brazil). Chemical ligament removal was performed by immersion of tooth in 1 % sodium hypochlorite solution (Cloro Rio, Rioquı´mica, Sa˜o Caetano do Sul, SP, Brazil) for 30 min, and immediately after, teeth were immersed for 20 min in 5 ml of 2 % sodium fluoride solution (Vigodent, DFL, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) at pH 5.5. Root external and internal surfaces were then irrigated with 20 ml of 0.9 % NaCl solution. Subsequently, the root canals were dried with absorbent sterile paper points and filled with the MTA formulations or calcium hydroxide paste, according to the experimental group. Sockets were carefully probed to check for unorganized coagulation before replantation. Dental retention was not employed [23, 24]. The negative control group received no treatment. Animals received a single intramuscular administration of penicillin G benzathine (Benzetacil, Eurofarma Laborato´rios Ltda., Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil) as systemic antibiotic prophylaxis (20,000 units per kg). For the control of postoperative pain, the animals received paracetamol (50 mg/kg) (Merck, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil), by intraperitoneal route, until 5 days. For the first 30 days after replantation, the rats were fed with commercial powdered chow (Nuvital Nutrientes S/A, Colombo, PR, Brazil), returning to pelleted chow after that period. Water was available ad libitum throughout all the experimental period. As described before, after 10 and 60 days of surgical procedures, 6 animals of each group were euthanized by isoflurane overdose. The hemi-maxillae containing the replanted teeth were removed and immersed in 10 % formalin for 24 h. After, they were decalcified in 5 % acid nitric solution during 3 weeks. For the histological analysis, slides were prepared with 5-lm-thick longitudinal sections, from the cervical to the apical region, and stained


with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the palatal surface of the middle third of the root was carried out, using a light microscope (Olympus BX50, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil). The sections were analyzed by an experienced pathologist to evaluate alveolar bone, PDL space, cementum and dentin characteristics, inflammatory resorption, replacement resorption, ankylosis and inflammatory process. The third middle of each specimen was visualized under a microscope (Olympus BX51, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil) by using an image capture system. Histomorphometric analysis was carried out with Image Tool 3.0 (Texas, USA), and the measures were calculated in percentage, on the basis of the of total root surface area. The inflammatory process was analyzed at 1009 magnification, according to the following scores: 0, absence of inflammatory cells; 1, until 10 % of inflammatory cells; 2, 11–50 % of inflammatory cells; 3, more than 51 % of inflammatory cells. For the immunohistochemical analysis, all specimens were fixed in 10 % neutral formalin, processed routinely, and embedded in paraffin. Three-mm thick, serial sections were exposed to the following antibodies: OPG (sc-21038, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), RANK (sc-7626, Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and RANKL (sc-7627, Santa Cruz Biotechnology), at 1:100 dilution, using a streptavidin–biotin immunostaining method. After deparaffinization and dehydration in a graded ethanol series, the sections were treated with citric acid (10 mM, pH 6.0, in a water bath before exposure to OPG, RANK and RANKL antibodies). Diaminobenzidine was used as a chromogen followed by counterstaining with Mayer’s Hematoxylin. The primary antibody was omitted as a negative control. The images were captured and the examiner was blinded to the experimental groups. The Image J Software was used to semi-quantitatively determine the percentage area of immunostaining. Immunohistochemical positive reaction was considered when cytoplasm staining was observed, for all tested antibodies. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test, with a significance level of 5 %.

Results Histological analysis The analysis and description of the slides was focussed on the following aspects: inflammatory process, PDL space, presence of replacement resorption, inflammatory resorption or ankylosis, and bone tissue characteristics. Descriptive and quantitative analyses are provided for both 10 and 60 days of evaluation.

Ten days For the MTA Fillapex group, the bone tissue presented irregular surface in remodeling process, with clastic and blastic cells in five specimens. In most slides, PDL space was filled by an organized and dense connective tissue, with chronic inflammatory process, showing intense hyperemic areas. In some specimens, it was possible to observe the material in adjacent tissues, with multinucleated giant cells surrounding it. Two specimens presented small and localized areas of inflammatory resorption in dentin (Fig. 1a). In this time period, alveolar bone tissue presented regular surface containing osteocytes in the WMTA group. In the majority of specimens, the PDL space was filled by a dense fibrous connective tissue, with fibers disposed, organized and parallel to the root surface, with an intense acute inflammatory process and extensive hemorrhagic areas. There were few areas with newly formed bone tissue interwoven to connective tissue, and in contact with tooth surface featuring ankylosis. Two specimens presented few and small localized areas of inflammatory resorption (Fig. 1b). In the calcium hydroxide group, the bone tissue presented a quite regular surface in resorption process, with clastic cells. Three specimens had localized areas of newly formed bone tissue filling partially the PDL space, interwoven by a dense connective tissue. This fibers were disposed parallel to the root surface, with few lymphocytes and some neutrophils surrounding. Two specimens presented small areas of initial inflammatory root resorption, filled by clastic cells and a slight layer of fibrous tissue (Fig. 1c). In the negative control group, which did not receive any treatment, bone tissue presented irregular surface in resorption process. Osteoclasts were observed peripherally, and large spaces were occupied by osteocytes. The PDL space was filled partially by a layer of dense connective tissue with a lot of fibroblasts, intense vascularization, and acute inflammatory cells, predominantly neutrophils. In all specimens, hemorrhagic areas were observed. In dentin, two specimens showed localized lacunae of inflammatory resorption with clastic cells filled by fibrous connective tissue, surrounded by few lymphocytes (Fig. 1d). The quantitative analysis revealed that there was no significant difference among the experimental groups regarding the inflammatory process scoring (Fig. 2a) and the inflammatory resorption (Fig. 2c), at 10 days following dental avulsion. Analysis of inflammation score showed statistically significant difference between calcium hydroxide and control group (p \ 0.05).



Fig. 1 a Photomicrograph of MTA Fillapex group showing inflammatory resorption area (inverted traingle) at 10-days period, dentin (Dt); b WMTA group showing areas with newly formed bone tissue interwoven to connective tissue (BT), and inflammatory resorption (inverted traingle) at 10 days, dentin (Dt); c Calcium hydroxide group showing small inflammatory resorption area filled by clastic cells (inverted traingle), connective tissue (CT) at 10 days; d Negative control showing more extensive inflammatory resorption areas (inverted traingle) at 10 days; e MTA Fillapex group with dentoalveolar ankylosis (filled inverted traingle) and severe invasive inflammatory resorption area at 60-days period (1b); f WMTA group with replacement resorption areas (arrow head) at 60-days period, bone tissue (BT); g Calcium hydroxide group showing dento-alveolar ankylosis (filled inverted traingle) and replacement resorption (inverted traingle) with few inflammatory process at 60-days period, bone tissue (BT); h Negative control group showing more invasive inflammatory resorption areas (inverted traingle) and dento-alveolar ankylosis (filled inverted traingle) at 60 days, bone tissue (BT). (Original magnification 940)

Sixty days In MTA Fillapex group, the bone tissue presented irregular surface, populated by osteocytes. Loose connective tissue areas were interlinked in bone tissue, with intense chronic inflammatory process, beyond multinucleated giant cells. The PDL space was filled by newly formed bone areas. In


Fig. 2 Histomorphometry analysis of the different experimental groups at 10 and 60 days of evaluation: a Inflammation score at 10 days; b Inflammation score at 60 days. c Inflammatory resorption at 10 days; d Inflammatory resorption at 60 days;. e Dentoalveolar ankylosis at 60-days; f Replacement resorption at 60 days. The columns represent the mean of six animals and the vertical lines indicate the standard error means. P \ 0.05 when compared to control group

all specimens, bone tissue was localized in direct contact with cementum, all along the root surface area (Fig. 1e). Some areas of replacement resorption were observed. In most slides, the apical third portion showed an intense acute inflammatory process, beyond clasts, causing dentin and bone resorption (Fig. 1b). Some specimens showed the filling material in adjacent tissues surrounding by multinucleated giant cells. Regarding the WMTA group, few small and localized areas of loose connective tissue were interwoven in bone tissue, containing chronic inflammatory process. The PDL space was filled by dense connective tissue with fibers disposed parallel to the root surface in just one specimen. In the other five specimens, the PDL space was filled by newly formed and organized bone tissue. Most specimens showed large replacement resorption areas that were regular and invasive along the root middle third. Some areas of ankylosis were also observed. Newly formed bone trabeculae were observed at the bottom of the socket in most specimens (Fig. 1f). The analysis of calcium hydroxide group revealed bone tissue with regular surface containing osteocytes, and a


great layer of loose connective tissue with chronic inflammatory cells. In all specimens, ankylosed areas were observed, with bone tissue filling the PDL space, in direct contact with cementum. Extended replacement resorption in dentin was observed throughout the root surface. Three specimens also presented slight localized areas of inflammatory resorption (Fig. 1g). In the negative control group, the bone tissue was found irregular, compact and highly cellularized, containing loose connective tissue areas with some neutrophils. PDL space was filled by a layer of connective tissue, with chronic inflammatory process. Dentin presented extended inflammatory resorption areas along the root surface, filled by connective tissue and clastic cells. It was also possible to observe some few areas of replacement resorption and ankylosis (Fig. 1h). In this time period, only ankylosis extension showed statistically significant difference between the MTA Fillapex and the control group (p \ 0.05) (Fig. 2e). The other evaluated parameters were not significantly different at 60 days of evaluation (p [ 0.05) (Fig. 2b, d, f).

The calcium hydroxide group displayed a rise of OPG immunostaining, accompanied by a reduction of the other evaluated proteins (Figs. 3b, 5). A similar outcome was observed in the WMTA group, but in a greater proportion of specimens (Figs. 3c, 6). Finally, the MTA Fillapex group presented a visible elevation of the RANKL immunostaining, when comparing the two periods of evaluation, whereas the immunopositivity for OPG and RANK remained unaffected (Figs. 3d, 7). The additional comparison among the four different experimental groups revealed a significant difference between WMTA and MTA Fillapex groups, for OPG immunolabelling, at 10 days of evaluation (Fig. 3e). A significant difference was also observed for RANKL immunopositivity, at 60 days, when calcium hydroxide or MTA groups were compared to the MTA Fillapex group (Fig. 3g). However, no significant difference was detected at either 10 or 60 days, for RANK immunohistochemical analysis, as assessed by the comparison among all the experimental groups (Fig. 3f).

Discussion Immunohistochemical analysis The negative control group showed a reduction of OPG immunostaining, and a slight elevation of RANK and RANKL immunostaining from 10 to 60 days (Figs. 3a, 4).

Fig. 3 Semi-quantitative immunohistochemical analysis showing the differential expression of OPG, RANK and RANKL at 10 and 60 days of evaluation: a Negative control group; b Calcium hydroxide group; c WMTA group; d MTA Fillapex group. Each point represents the mean of 6 animals and the vertical lines indicate the standard error means. Additional comparison of the four experimental

MTA materials have been shown to have a biocompatible nature and have promising potential for endodontic use [30]. MTA was firstly described in 1993; subsequently, several formulations containing this material have been

groups, at 10 and 60 days of evaluation for: e OPG; f RANK; g RANKL. The columns represent the mean of six animals and the vertical lines indicate the standard error means. **P \ 0.01 when compared to MTA Fillapex group at 10 days; #P \ 0.01 when compared to MTA Fillapex group at 60 days



Fig. 4 Representative image of immunohistochemistry analysis of negative control group at 10 or 60 days: a, d OPG, b, e RANK, c, f RANKL, respectively. Bone tissue (BT); connective tissue (CT); positive immunostaining expression (arrows) (Original magnification 940)

Fig. 5 Representative image of immunohistochemistry analysis of Calcium hydroxide group at 10 or 60 days: a, d OPG, b, e RANK, c, f RANKL, respectively. Bone tissue (BT); connective tissue (CT); dentin (Dt); positive immunostaining expression (arrows) (Original magnification 940)

introduced in Odontology practice [31]. MTA composition is based on Portland cement, which includes tricalcium silicate, tricalcium aluminate, tricalcium oxide and silicate oxide, and some other mineral oxides that are responsible for its chemical and physical properties. Of note, a new root canal sealer MTA-based cement denoted MTA Fillapex, was recently introduced in Brazil. It is composed of salicylate resin, diluting resin, natural resin, bismuth trioxide, nanoparticulated silica, MTA, and pigments. Among its properties, it is worth remarking on the excellent viscosity for insertion, as well as the high radiopacity. MTA has two specific phases: calcium oxide which reacts with tissue fluids to form calcium hydroxide; and calcium phosphate as an amorphous structure [32]. It is described that calcium release from MTA yields a desirable healing effect [33], probably by stimulating hard tissue deposition at the apical level [18]. Thus, the present study was designed to further evaluate the potential of both WMTA and MTA Fillapex, when used for root canal filling, in a rat model of delayed tooth replantation, in comparison to calcium hydroxide. Some attempts have been made to determine whether the RANKL/RANK/OPG system can be modulated by these biomaterials. It was previously demonstrated that MTA is able to induce the overexpression of the antiinflammatory cytokine

IL-10, in dentin tubes implanted in the mouse dorsum [34]. The same authors have also found that MTA induced a proinflammatory and pro-resolution environment in their experimental paradigm, by modulating the expression of several inflammatory components. In our study, at the 10-days period of evaluation, MTA groups presented minor inflammatory alterations, especially when considering the qualitative analysis, in comparison to the negative control group, what might be likely related to the anti-inflammatory effects of MTA-based cements. However, in comparison to the calcium hydroxide group, the inflammatory process was greater. Interestingly, the histological analysis revealed an inflammatory process with some neutrophils, macrophages and multinucleated giant cells, and the presence of connective tissue surrounding the cement, in the MTA Fillapex group, at both 10- and 60-day period. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed a marked elevation of RANKL expression in this experimental group, which is likely related with resorption. These effects could be associated with the presence of resins, such as salicylate resin, on the formulation, which could contribute to the aggressive inflammatory process, as recently suggested [35, 36]. Nevertheless, the biomineralization might be preceded by an acute inflammatory reaction. The MTA Fillapex and negative control groups revealed similar



Fig. 6 Representative image of immunohistochemistry analysis of WMTA group at 10 or 60 days: a, d OPG, b, e RANK, c, f RANKL, respectively. Bone tissue (BT); connective tissue (CT); positive immunostaining expression (arrows) (Original magnification 940)

results concerning the RANK/RANKL elevation, confirming the histological findings, which revealed more invasive areas of inflammatory resorption in those experimental groups. A recent study conducted by GomesFilho et al. [37] demonstrated that WMTA or MTA Fillapex induced mild inflammatory responses when implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. In the present study, MTA Fillapex and WMTA groups showed fewer extended areas of inflammatory resorption along the root surface, but they were more invasive in dentin when compared to the other groups, at both 10 and 60 days of evaluation. It is well known that osteoclasts and odontoclasts induce the resorption of mineralized tissues by lowering the pH in the resorption lacuna, followed by tissue degradation through the secretion of matrix metalloproteinases [38]. One might infer that MTA cements are able to modulate these events, although additional studies are required to prove this. George et al. [39] demonstrated that Ca2? is continuously released from MTA, at constant levels, pointing out this material as a potential alternative for inflammatory root resorption cases. Additionally, it was demonstrated that diffusion of calcium ions through exposed dentinal tubules following MTA application, for root canal filling, constitutes a time-related process [33]. At the 60-day timepoint, we observed that WMTA, MTA Fillapex and calcium hydroxide groups showed replacement resorption

Fig. 7 Representative image of immunohistochemistry analysis of MTA Fillapex group at 10 or 60 days: a, d OPG, b, e RANK, c, f RANKL, respectively. Bone tissue (BT); connective tissue (CT); positive immunostaining expression (arrows) (Original magnification 940)

areas. In addition, some areas of newly formed bone tissue occupying PDL space were observed at the 10-day period. This could be associated with the release of calcium, and its effects on the early expression of BMP-2 in human PDL cells [40]. These authors suggested that production of BMP-2 likely stimulates the osteoblastic/cementoblastic differentiation of PDL cells via BMP-2 receptors. Several biological mechanisms in combination with the bioactivity of MTA may explain its ability to induce mineralized tissue deposition [41]. Hakki et al. [42] demonstrated that MTA induces mineralization by modulating the expression of bone sialoprotein and collagen type I, which plays a critical role in cemental repair and regeneration, in the process known as cementogenesis. This could explain data obtained in our study, showing that MTA Fillapex and WMTA groups displayed more ankylosis areas than other groups. Of note, OPG staining was found increased in WMTA and calcium hydroxide groups, what might well be associated with a better outcome concerning the healing process and mineralization status [43]. Alternatively, a marked immunopositivity for RANKL was observed for the MTA Fillapex group, when compared to calcium hydroxide or WMTA groups at 60 days. Furthermore, our findings are in accordance with previous evidence regarding the relevance of the RANK-RANKL-OPG system in



the healing process after tooth replantation [44]. Certainly, further studies using additional staining techniques, such as tartrate-resistant acid phosphate, might be useful to extend present data on osteoclast activity in our experimental paradigm.



Conclusion 9.

Our study shows that none of tested materials for root canal filling was able to fully prevent the root resorption, in the rat model of delayed tooth replantation adopted in this study. Of note, MTA cements presented a tissue response similar to that observed for calcium hydroxide, including the modulation of the RANKL/RANK/OPG system, likely by increasing OPG expression. Additional investigations about MTA mechanisms of action and biological responses are still needed, especially concerning its application in cases of delayed tooth replantation.




13. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Mr. Juliano Soares for his excellent technical assistance. BFV held a grant from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnolo´gico (CNPq). This study was also financially supported by PUCRS, in addition to a FINEP research grant ‘‘Implantac¸a˜o, Modernizac¸a˜o e Qualificac¸a˜o de Estrutura de Pesquisa da PUCRS’’ (PUCRSINFRA) #01.11.0014-00. We would like to thank Dr. Fabrı´cio A. Ogliari for technical assistance regarding MTA Fillapex. Conflict of interest We declare that the content of our manuscript is original and that it has not been published or accepted for publication, either in whole or in part, in any form (other than as an abstract or other preliminary publication). We also declare that no part of the manuscript is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Finally, the present form of the manuscript has been approved by all the authors.


15. 16.




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OPG system.

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of White MTA (WMTA) and MTA Fillapex(®) on root resorption, when used for root canal filling, in a rat model ...
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