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Ann. Rw. Med. 1979. 30:359-74



Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION: A REAPPRAISALl Robert W. Colman, MD. Hematology-Oncology Section, Special Center for Thrombosis Research, and Temple University Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140

Stanley J. Robboy, M.D. Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114

John D. Minna, MD. NCI-VA Medical Oncology Branch, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, and Washington Veterans Administration Medical Center, Washington, DC 20422

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this review is to reappraise the syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC: defibrination syndrome, intravascular coagulation with fibrinolysis syndrome, consumption coagulopathy) with respect to recent advances in the molecular biology of the coagulation system, laboratory diagnosis, initiating or predisposing conditions, patho­ physiology, clinical features, organ dysfunction, pathology, relation to liver disease, and therapy. There have been many reviews of this subject and the reader is particularly directed to References 1-17. In addition, recent edi­ tions of the major textbooks of medicine and hematology contain chapters on DIe. This review is based in part on a National Library of Medicine Medlars II search. This search revealed 681 articles on DIe on file, 382 of which coded DIC as the main topic. Between January 1977 and June 1978,265 'The US Government has the right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.




articles on DIC were recorded; of these 129 were in English,and 44 were related to DIC therapy,drug therapy,or complications. We selected the references to review from the overall search, with emphasis on articles published in the past five years.

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

PATHOGENESIS DIC is a pathological syndrome resulting from the formation of thrombin, subsequent activation and consumption of certain coagulant proteins,and production of fibrin thrombi. These basic processes reflect the multiple actions of thrombin in the hemostatic system. First,thrombin proteolyti­ cally cleaves fibrinogen to produce fibrin monomer,which may complex with fibrinogen or other protein to circulate as soluble fibrin monomer or may polymerize to form fibrin thrombi. Two small fibrinopeptides,A and B, which may cause systemic (18) or pulmonary (19) vasoconstriction,are liberated in the process. Thrombin converts factor XIII (fibrin-stabilizing factor) to an active transamidase,which in tum crosslinks fibrin with cova­ lent amide bonds that render the fibrin more resistant to fibrinolysis (20). Thrombin binds to platelets at low concentrations and initiates shape change,aggregation,and secretion. Aggregated platelets are then removed from the circulation. Those remaining in the circulation and that lack granules are functionally defective both in vivo and in vitro (21). Thrombin also makes a membrane phospholipoprotein (platelet factor 3) available on the surface of the aggregated platelet. This factor is necessary for the interactions of factors IXa-VIII and Xa-V-prothrombin (22). Thrombin potentiates the coagulation cascade by increasing the activity of factor V, a protein itself necessary for the optimal formation of'thFoIilbm. 'Factor V proteolyzed by thrombin has unstable derivatives that decay rapidly (23), which further decreases factor V levels. A similar transformation occurs when thrombin interacts with factor VIII. Thus,thrombin itself can ac­ count for decreased fibrinogen,platelets,and factors II,V,VIII,and XIII in acute DIC. The decrease in other coagulant proteins such as IX and X is due to rapid clearance of activated clotting factors in vivo (24). The liver removes activated clotting factors, and the reticuloendothelial system (RES) removes fibrin. However,thrombin infusion appears to temporarily depress RES function (25,26). In addition to thrombin,the fibrinolytic system influences manifestations of DIC. Activation of factor XII leads to kallikrein production,which in turn results in the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin (27), a potent proteolytic enzyme capable of digesting fibrin. Endothelial cells contain plasminogen activator,although the nature of the stimulus for its release is unknown. Injured tissues release potent plasminogen activators simulta-

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.



neously with thromboplastin. Thus fibrinolysis almost invariably accompa­ nies thrombin evolution. The balance between these two proteases undoubtedly determines the degree of hemorrhage and/or thrombosis seen clinically. Plasmin destroys factors V, VIII, and XIII, the very factors that thrombin potentiates. Plasmin digestion of fibrinogen results in fibrin degra­ dation products (FOP) that are critical to the pathogenesis and diagnosis of DIC. At short incubation times or low plasmin concentrations, fibrino­ gen (MW 330,000) is degraded to fragment X (28, 29), which clots slowly. Additional digestion cleaves X to Y (MW 150,000), a potent inhibitor of fibrin polymerization. Finally Y is cleaved asymmetrically to produce a sec­ ond molecule of D and fragment E (MW 50,000). Thus, the large fragments Y and D are potent inhibitors of fibrin formation, while small fragments may inhibit platelet aggregation. The importance of fibrinolysis as a com­ pensatory mechanism to lyse fibrin clots of DIC is shown by cases in which the fibrinolytic inhibitor epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA), administered to treat the fibrinolysis, resulted in severe thrombotic complications (30). LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS Screening Tests

DIC can be detected by the combination of abnormal prothrombin time (PT), thrombocytopenia, and hypofibrinogenemia. Although the PT may occasionally be prolonged by conditions such as vitamin K deficiency, liver disease, or dilution, it is abnormal (3 sec over control) in over 90% of patients with DIC (10). Of patients with DIC, 70% have fibrinogen levels less than 150 mg/ l00 ml (10). The normal fibrinogen concentration in the remaining 30% can be explained by noting that both major causes of DIC, sepsis and neoplasia, lead to elevated fibrinogen levels. Thus a fibrinogen level in the normal ranges in these conditions is inappropriately low. The platelet count, like the PT, is abnormal in over 90% of cases of DIC. However, it must be carefully evaluated because of the wide variety of other causes of thrombocytopenia, including bone marrow depression due to the diseases underlying DIC. We have found another common test, the partial thromboplastin time (pIT), is not very useful in diagnosis. In some normal patients, the PIT may be shorter than normal (31). The wide range of normal, e.g. 22-35 sec, precludes detection of significant changes because of the 13-sec interval. In subacute defibrination (31), only 20% of the PITs were abnormal. Abnormalities in all three screening tests (PT, fibrinogen concentration, platelet count) establish the diagnosis of DIC in the absence of dilution or severe hepatic dysfunction. When only two screening tests are abnormal at any given time, confirmatory tests may be required to diagnose DIC.





Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

Confirmatory Tests

The most useful confirmation of DIe is the measurement of FOP. The Thrombo-Wellco test (32) uses latex particles coated with antibodies to FDP fragments D and E. The staphylococcal-clumping test measures frag­ ments X and Y (33), while the tanned-red-cell hemagglutination inhibition test (34) is sensitive to all forms of FDP but can give false negative values in the presence of an anti-D (Rh) antibody (35). All three tests correlate closely. The measurement of FOP by any one of these three methods is useful in the diagnosis of DIC; it is elevated (>5 fLg/ml) in about 95% of cases. However, mild elevations up to 40 fLg/ml occur in a wide variety of conditions (33), including hepatocellular disorders, and in the postoperative state (36). Values greater than 40 fLg/ml almost always indicate DIC. Other tests are less satisfactory for confirming the diagnosis of DIC. The thrombin time, abnormal in about two thirds of DIC patients, in part reflects the functional effects of FOP, namely the inhibition of thrombin proteolysis or fibrin-monomer polymerization. However, it may be abnor­ mal solely on the basis of hypofibrinogenemia. The euglobulin lysis time, which reflects plasminogen activators after removal of inhibitors, is positive only in a minority of cases (10). Numerous tests have been devised to measure fibrin-monomer, fibrino­ peptides A and B, and end products of fibrinogen polymerization. The better methods are still too complex for routine use and the simple methods are too frequently misleading. Paracoagulation tests with ethanol or prota­ mine (37) purport to measure fibrin monomer and are simple to perform but relatively insensitive and difficult to accurately quantify. Tests used in research studies are potentially adaptable to the clinical laboratory. Fibrin monomer has two moles each of terminal glycine, which is exposed after cleaving of arginine-glycine bonds in the An and B,8 chains of fibrinogen. Methods to quantify these new N-terminals have been developed (38), but have yet to become practical. Agarose gel filtration (39) identifies high molecular weight fibrinogen derivatives representing soluble complexes of fibrin monomers with fibrinogen ·or fragment X. Unfortunately this test may be too sensitive since it is also positive in a wide variety of conditions (without other signs of DIC) such as ingestion of oral contraceptive drugs, venous thrombosis, nephrotic syndrome, polycythemia vera, coronary ar­ tery disease, and hyperbetalipoproteinemia. Similar considerations apply to radioimmunoassay of fibrinopeptide A (40) since elevations have also been reported in pulmonary embolism, thrombophlebitis, septicemia, metastatic carcinoma, systemic lupus erythematosus, renal-transplant rejection, and aortic aneurysm (41). Once formed, thrombin rapidly combines with anti­ thrombin to form an inactive complex. Antithrombin III decreases in all causes of DIC studied, but it is also decreased in hepatic failure (42).



Methods to specifically detect a thrombin-antithrombin III complex as opposed to antithrombin III itself are being developed. Fibrinogen half-life is markedly shorter than normal in patients withDIC. However, shortened fibrinogen survival occurs in many conditions other than DIC and the length of the determination (several days) limits its practical application.

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Intrinsic Coagulation System and the Kallikrein-Kinin System

Activation of Hageman factor, which leads to coagulation, kinin formation, and fibrinolysis, occurs in many of the cases ofDIC secondary to infection, especially in gram-negative septicemia. Kallikrein formation releases bradykinin and manifests itself clinically as hypotension. During hypoten­ sive septicemia levels of Hageman factor, prekallikrein and kallikrein inhib­ itors decrease (43), and bradykinin level rises (44). In contrast, the DIC associated with malignancy was not associated with Hageman factor activa­ tion nor were changes in prekallikrein or kallikrein inhibitors found (45). Complement

Complement 3 (C3) is depressed in DIC owing to a wide variety of causes (46). This decrease involves at least the classical pathway, since C4 is also decreased in parallel to C3 (47). In four patients withDIC caused by Rocky Mountain spotted fever. C3 was decreased although an exact temporal correlation to platelets or fibrinogen was not shown (48). In malaria and DIC the decrease of C3 correlated with the severity of the thrombocyto­ penia, while a parallel consumption of C4 suggested that antibody-antigen activation occurred (49). In rabbits DIC induced by thromboplastin or thrombin is associated with a decrease in C3 (50). However, if C3 is depleted by cobra venom, endotoxin will still induce DIC in rabbits with concomi­ tant hypotension and leukopenia (51). Moreover, endotoxin-induced DIC was not altered in rabbits that were congenitally deficient in C6 and had defective platelet-factor-3 availability (52). Thus, it appears that consump­ tion of C3 and C4 is associated withDIC but not necessary for its induction. Hematologic Interactions in DIC

In the rabbit, the leukocyte, not the platelet, appears to be essential for the production of DIC (53). Animals in which platelets were depleted with a specific antiserum (54) or neuraminidase (55) developed DIC after en­ dotoxin challenge. while neutropenia induced by nitrogen mustard totally inhibitedDIC (55, 56). Niemetz (57) has shown that rabbit leukocytes have procoagulant activity resembling thromboplastin.

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.





The role of the red cell in the pathogenesis of DIC has also been investi­ gated. Spector & Crosby (58) produced experimental hemoglobinuria in humans with autologous freeze-thawed blood, but failed to induce sub­ clinical DIC. It seems likely that the clinical DIC observed with severe transfusion reactions is probably secondary to the consequences of anti­ body-antigen complex formation rather than the effect of hemolysis. While thrombocytopenia is a cardinal feature of DIC, the process also produces a qualitative defect in platelets that resembles an acquired storage pool defect (59). It is characterized by decreased aggregation with ADP and diminished release of ADP and platelet factor 4. Further studies revealed (60) defective second phase aggregation with epinephrine and collagen, decreased ADP and ATP content with elevated ATP : ADP ratio,and low content and uptake of serotonin, all of which are characteristic of the "storage pool" defect. Since Reimers et al (61) showed that platelets de­ granulated with thrombin have a normal lifespan, it seems likely that the qualitative platelet abnormalities in DIC are related to exposure of circulat­ ing platelets to thrombin with subsequent degranulation. CONDITIONS INITIATING OR PREDISPOSING PATIENTS TO DIC

DIC is a sign of a disease process that may have many different causes. The most common cause of DIC is infection, a subject that has recently been reviewed (13, 62). Bacterial infections, especially those associated with gram-negative endotoxin-containing organisms, are probably most com­ mon. However, DIC also has been reported in typhoid fever (63), where endotoxin cannot be demonstrated by limulus assay in the blood. Gram­ positive sepsis due to staphylococci, streptococci, or pneumococci, Rick­ ettsia (including Rocky Mountain spotted fever), and fungi (including Histoplasma and Aspergillus) have been responsible for DIC. Viruses also trigger DIC, the most consistent being the epidemic arboviruses such as those that produce dengue hemorrhagic fever. A recent study of 29 patients with dengue showed a correlation among clinical severity including shock, laboratory evidence for DIC, and shortened half-life of fibrinogen (64). Localized endothelial injury if severe may also manifest itself as DIC. Giant hemangiomas (65,66),aortic aneurysms (67),and angiography (68), which presumably causes mechanical injury to endothelium,are reportedly associated with subacute consumption coagulopathy, as is documented by fibrinogen survival studies. Catheterization of vessels during DIC fre­ quently causes thrombosis in the traumatized vessel. The second most common cause of DIC is neoplasia, particularly leu­ kemia and pancreatic and prostatic cancers, though a wide variety of tu-

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.



mors appear to predispose to the development of DIe. The triggering mechanism is thought to be release of coagulant proteins from the tumor (69). Tissue thromboplastic activity is higher in malignant tissue than in the normal counterparts, but more specific coagulants, e.g. factor-X-activating protein, may also be involved. One large study of premalignant and malig­ nant disease reviewed the histories of 89 patients (6), and another study reviewed 10 personal cases augmented with 172 from the literature (5). In the former, the retrospective diagnosis reemphasized the occurrence of bleeding in about three quarters of the individuals, while arterial and venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism comprised the other fourth. The latter study reviewed Trousseau's syndrome. As expected, thrombotic complica­ tions such as migratory thrombophlebitis, arterial embolism, and nonbac­ terial thrombotic endocarditis were more frequent than hemorrhage. Owen & Bowie (11) point out that chronic DIe is usually clinically mild and difficult to diagnose. The typical features of DIC may be less striking in compensated intravascular coagulation with mildly depressed platelets and elevated FDP, but with normal fibrinogen and coagulation factors. Concen­ trations of thromboplastin or other procoagulant enzymes have not been demonstrated in the blood, but temporary exacerbation of DIe with cyto­ toxic therapy in leukemia, and hormonal therapy or instrumentation (70) in prostatic carcinoma, provide circumstantial evidence that released tumor products are important. Nearly all tumors reported to be associated with DIC were metastatic. In contrast to the thrombotic events observed in many carcinomas, acute leukemia when symptomatic usually presents as a he­ morrhagic disorder. Gralnick et al (71) also distinguish a subclinical com­ pensated state with abnormal laboratory findings but not clinical hemorrhage from an even milder variant with shortened fibrinogen survival as the sole abnormality. The latter variant may occur in most leukemia patients. Promyelocytic leukemia is almost always associated with acute heparin-resistant DIe. Giant lysosomal granules may contain the coagulant material (72). Myeloproliferative disorders such as chronic myelogenous leukemia (73) and polycythemia vera (74) are rare causes of DIC. Another example in which the coagulant substances enter the circulation is snake­ bite. For example, the bite of Echis carrantus results in classic DIC because the venom directly converts prothrombin to thrombin (75). Some snake bites, for example those of the timber rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus hor­ ridus, result in pseudo DIe (76) with hypofibrinogenemia due to a defi­ brinating enzyme (77) and decreased platelets due to a platelet-aggregating protein (78). The coagulation factors remain at normal levels since no thrombin is formed. Several classic examples of DIe precipitated by thromboplastic or procoagulant substances that enter the circulation are related to pregnancy



or head injury Ci9-81). ole in pregnancy may arise locally, as in abruptio placentae or hypertonic saline abortion, or systemically, as in eclampsia.

ole may be an acute event, e.g. amniotic fluid embolism, or a chronic process as in retention of a dead fetus. An excellent clinical review

(82) and

a good discussion of laboratory changes (83) are available. Abruptio placen­ tae occurs in about


of pregnancies and it is the most common obstetric

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

cause of ole. It accounts for half the maternal deaths caused by hemor­ rhage. In


of cases where the separation of the placenta from the

endometrium involves more than


of the surface area, coagulation

changes can be detected. ole also develops in as many as


of patients

in whom a dead fetus has been retained for five weeks. Laboratory abnor­ malities are often present prior to the bleeding, and hemorrhage may first occur during the dilatation and curettage that cures the condition. Amni­ otic fluid embolism, while rare, presents as a medical emergency because of the sudden development of shock and cyanosis and severe hemorrhage. The

ole is triggered by embolization of thromboplastic material in the amniotic fluid into the maternal venous circulation, while the clinical manifestations are accentuated by hypotension and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Eighty per cent of patients die. Prior to legalization of abortion, sepsis was common and frequently resulted in Ole. Abortion induced by hypertonic saline or hyperosmotic glycine and urea


results in the laboratory

finding of Ole, while abortion induced by prostaglandin � or F2o. does not. Necrotizing enterocolitis is another syndrome that may trigger ole through release of tissue procoagulants from the damaged bowel. The con­ dition occurs in


of premature neonates and is characterized by patchy

intestinal necrosis with or without frank sepsis. Ileus, vomiting, and intesti­ nal bleeding may lead to perforation. peritonitis, and death. Over patients had low platelet counts




and half of these patients had ole.

The occurrence of ole is a bad prognostic sign, being four times as com­ mon in nonsurvivors as in survivors

(86). Pulmonary parenchymal damage

may be the underlying mechanism in the DIe that occurs during fresh­ water drowning


ole can be triggered by tissue thromboplastin release resulting from surgery. For example, during transurethral prostatectomy. irrigation trans­ ports tissue fluids into the circulation (and if distilled water is used, causes hemolysis of viable cells). Prostatic tissue is rich in proteolytic enzymes and plasminogen activators and therefore operations are commonly associated with laboratory evidence for ole and occasionally with clinical manifesta­ tions. Acute ole is a recognized complication of treatment of liver disease with commercial concentrates of factors II, VII, IX, and X

(88-90) and is due



to the inadequacy of the damaged liver to synthesize antithrombin III and to clear activated clotting factors such as factor Xa and thrombin. In identifying the various processes that are temporally related to the episode of Ole, it is helpful to identify not only the underlying disease but also the precipitating factors. Laboratory evidence of ole typically follows cardiac arrest, but overt

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

bleeding and thrombosis are rare


The rare


occurrence of ole

following extracorporeal circulation is probably due to the fact that patients are receiving heparin at high doses despite the predisposing condition of shock, acidosis, and hepatic failure


In contrast, ole is common in

patients who develop acute renal failure associated with cardiogenic shock

(94). CLINICAL CONDITIONS Acute DIC There are two distinct modes of presentation of ole: acute and chronic. The laboratory and clinical features of acute ole develop rapidly over a period of a few hours to days. The patient is usually critically ill from the precipitating event as well as from the ole. The patient often presents with a multisite bleeding diathesis that can range from oozing to catastrophic life-threatening hemorrhage. Dermatologic manifestations of ole are com­

(95). Thrombotic complications are unusual in acute ole; 8% in one (10) of patients with acute ole had thrombotic complications. The mortality associated with acute ole is high, ranging from 54-67% (7, 10). Siegal et al (7) found the mortality directly related to age, the mon


number of clinical manifestations of Ole, and the severity of the laboratory manifestations.

Chronic DIC The clinical and laboratory features of chronic ole wax and wane over periods of months and the patient is usually not critically ill. The underlying diseases associated with chronic ole are malignancy, connective tissue disease, renal disease, and congenital hemangiomas. While episodes of bleeding can occur, thrombotic complications predominate. The largest numbers of patients with chronic ole are those with an underlying malig­ nancy. Sack et al


elegantly reviewed the literature and analyzed


cases of chronic ole and malignancy. They found migratory thromboph­ lebitis in 53%, a single episode of thrombophlebitis in 62%, bleeding in 41%, arterial emboli in 25%, nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis in 23%. Of these 41 patients, 76% had arterial emboli during life and 29% were found to have either simultaneously or sequentially the triad of venous





thrombosis, bleeding, and arterial emboli. Sack et al stressed the need for sequential monitoring of coagulation values, and the striking decreases in fibrinogen and platelet levels associated with acute vascular events. They felt this was evidence of shifts between compensated and decompensated states.

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

ORGAN DYSFUNCTION Patients with DIe often have signs and symptoms of dysfunction of multi­ ple organs. It is difficult to decide whether the dysfunctions are related to DIe or to the underlying diseases either during life or at necropsy. In literature case reports, the organ dysfunction appears to be primarily related to the underlying disease processes. Often when these processes are promptly treated, the signs of organ dysfunction and hypotension improve (7,8, 10). The situations where organ dysfunction appears related to DIe or is out of proportion to other features of the illness include: the adult respiratory distress syndrome or shock lung (96); renal insufficiency and oliguria associated with gram-negative septicemia (97); myocardial infarc­ tion; hemolytic uremic syndrome; severe glomerulonephritis (98); amniotic fluid emboli; fresh-water drowning; cardiogenic shock syndrome with great­ vessel surgery; neurologic syndromes associated with intracranial bleeding or thrombosis (5, 7, 8, 10, 99); pulmonary hemorrhage syndrome (100); rhabdomyolysis after severe exercise; amphetamines; and the infarcted skin syndrome of purpura fulminans (10, 101). PATHOLOGY The spectrum of pathological findings in DIe includes fibrin thrombi, major-vessel thrombosis, small-vessel thrombosis, hemorrhage, and compli­ cations thereof (100-104). The pathological hallmark of DIe is the fibrin thrombi. Fibrin thrombi are observed more frequently in the kidney (68%) than in any other organ and involve 2-10% of the glomeruli (101). Because of its rich microvasculature and high blood flow, the kidney thus acts as an excellent sieve. In contrast, fetuses have a large blood flow from the placenta through the liver, and in the stillborn infant the liver is the organ most commonly affected by the thrombi. The number of thrombi does not corre­ late with the duration or severity of DIe nor with the magnitUde of the fibrinolytic response. The pathology of skin lesions found in Ole, including petechiae, pur­ pura, purpura fulminans, gangrene, acral cyanosis, and hemorrhagic bullae, has been reviewed in detail (102). Since petechiae and purpura are com-

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monly associated with hematological diseases, their appearance in DIC usually leads to appropriate hematological evaluation. However, necrotic skin lesions, acral cyanosis, and hemorrhagic bullae have previously been ascribed to vasculitis, embolic disease, allergic eruptions, or poor cardiovas­ cular states; only recently has their association with DIC been noted. The lack of inflammation of the vessel wall and the lack of involvement of the epidermis make it possible to distinguish DIC from other lesions causing palpable purpura, hemorrhagic bullae, or acral cyanoses. Large arteries and veins are involved in many (41%) cases ofDIC (101). In part, this is related to increasing use of vascular catheters for diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers. ole contributes strongly to patient mortality, usually in the form of bleeding or thrombosis, especially in the lung (100), central nervous system, or gastrointestinal tract. The assignment of DIC-induced thrombosis as a major cause of death is rarely straightforward. The clearest example is the diffuse eschar secondary to thrombosis of dermal vessels (purpura fulmi­ nans). Thrombosis or embolic occlusion of the central nervous system and pulmonary vessels occurs in patients with DIC, but in nearly all in­ stances it is associated with fungal infection, endocarditis, or intravascular catheters. LIVER DISEASE IN DIC Verstraete et al (105) summarized data about DIC in patients with liver disease in the Annual Review ofMedicine in 1974. Since then, few concep­ tual advances have been made. Criteria for the diagflosis of DIC in the presence of liver disease have been suggested (9) and the importance of superimposed factors such as septicemia emphasized. The reduced anti­ thrombin III level in liver disease (106) has been confirmed and the implica­ tions considered. Finally, a comprehensive review of diffuse intravascular coagulation in liver disease appeared in 1977 (107) emphasizing other possi­ ble mechanisms of hypofibrinogenemia and elevated FOP in liver disease that could simulate DIC. The authors emphasized caution in the use of heparin. MANAGEMENT OF DIC There is universal agreement that identification and treatment of all precipi­ tating factors is the keystone of the management ofDIC (1-8, 1{}-16, 108). Not stressed in the recent literature is the need to correct other deficits in the coagulation system or hemostasis.




Coagulation Factors The repletion of coagulation factors is an area of controversy (1,

4). Vigor­

ous use of plasma coagulation factors, and platelets in combination with heparin, has not been widely advocated. But Hattersley & Kunkel


noted that three patients treated with platelets, cryoprecipitates, and whole

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

blood after heparinization exhibited a prompt (within

24 hours) rise in

number of platelets, and their fibrinogen levels rose to almost exactly what would be predicted by the fibrinogen content of the administered material and each patient's plasma volume. These results were associated with cessa­ tion of bleeding as well. In acute promyelocytic leukemia induction therapy, heparin plus platelet transfusion is the more common treatment

(71, 110).

Heparin The use of heparin in the treatment ofDIC remains controversial (1-5, 8, 16, 111) and opinions range from use of heparin in every case ofDIC with laboratory abnormalities to complete avoidance of heparin. Heparin is used more frequently inDIC with thrombotic, thromboembolic, or necrotizing complications (e.g. purpura fulminans) and in the chronic DIC of malig­ nancy than in acute hemorrhagicDIC

(4, 5). A further complication is the

recently discovered heterogeneity of heparin within and between batches

(112). The following clinical facts about heparin administration inDIC can be derived from the recent literature:

1. Heparin has been given to a large number of patients with laboratory and clinical evidence of ole with relatively little morbidity or mortality.

2. The dose, schedule, and duration of treatment with heparin range from 300 to 600 Ulkg per 24 hours. 3. In a review of 43 bleeding patients with acute DIC, 18 of 27 (66%) heparinized and 6 of 16 (37%) nonheparinized patients had improve­ ment in their bleeding.

4. In the recent literature 22 of 32 heparinized (69%) and 11 of 27 (41%) nonheparinized patients survived the episode of DIC. In a review of septicemicDIC cases in nonrandomized studies we found a statistically significant survival improvement of heparinized patients (67% survival) vs nonheparinized patients (32% survival) when patients were selected who lived more than 24 hours after initiating therapy. 5. In a review, Sack et al (5) found that 29 of 48 patients treated with heparin but not antineoplastic therapy had cessation of DIe-related symptoms, and, in

19 patients, symptoms recurred with cessation of

heparin. Warfarin appeared not to be effective and 12 patients nonre­ sponsive to warfarin exhibited a heparin response.



6. There are reported episides ofDIC developing during adequate heparini­ zation for thromboembolic problems ( 1 13), which indicates that in some instances DIC may occur by mechanisms resistant to heparinization. 7. Finally, in most cases reported in the literature, because of concomitant treatment of the underlying disease, it is difficult to know whether hepa­ rin or the response of the underlying disease is responsible for the im­

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

provement in laboratory and clinical symptoms. This may be true even of neoplasms. It would be of great value to correlate effective and objec­ tive tumor responses with cessation of symptoms of DIC. In nonrando­ mized studies pooled from the literature there appears to be consistent benefit for both control of bleeding and survival in heparinized patients. Equally clear are the large number of patients withDIC that do perfectly well with treatment of the underlying conditions alone. Because of the controversy over the use of heparin, a randomized trial of heparin in clinically significant plications appears warranted, despite all the difficulties in conducting such a trial. A randomized trial of continuous infusion vs intermittent pulses of hepa­ rin ( 1 14) for thromboembolic disease revealed the two methods to be similar in preventing the development of pulmonary embolism, but the continuous method had fewer bleeding complications. This suggests that the continu­ ous infusion method should be used in those patients with DIC selected to be treated with heparin. Heparin elimination and anticoagulant half-life have been studied in patients with liver disease (1 15) and renal insufficiency ( 1 16, 1 17), and the prolonged heparin retention seen in these conditions suggests that care be used in administering heparin in these clinical situa­ tions.

Other Therapies A variety of other therapies including antiplatelet drugs (aspirin, dipyrida­ mole, sulfinpyrazone) and fibrinolytic inhibitors and activators (epsilon aminocaproic acid, tranexamic acid, aprotinin, streptokinase, urokinase) have been suggested, but their usefulness in DIC treatment remains to be demonstrated. All textbooks continue to emphasize the contraindication of using EACA alone in DIC, and none of the recent case reports mentions EACA given with heparin. Further advances in the management of DIC depend on the results of prospective, randomized, controlled trials of alternate therapeutic regi­ mens, which may be conducted in the future.





Literature Cited

Annu. Rev. Med. 1979.30:359-374. Downloaded from Access provided by Technische Universiteit Eindhoven on 01/23/15. For personal use only.

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Disseminated intravascular coagulation: a reappraisal.

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