Biol Cell (1992) 76, 291-301


© Elsevier, Paris


Directed movements of ciliary and flagellar membrane components: A review Robert

A Bloodgood

Department o f Anatomy and Cell Biology, Box 439, and the Cancer Center, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, USA (Received I I September 1992; accepted 8 January 1993)

Summary - The ability to rapidly translocate polystyrene microspheres attached to the surface of a plasma membrane domain reflects a unique form of cellular force transduction occurring in association with the plasma membrane of microtubule based cell extensions. This unusual form of cell motility can be utilized by protistan organisms for whole cell locomotion, the early events in mating, and transport of food organisms along the cell surface, and possibly intracellular transport of certain organelles. Since surface motility is observed in association with cilia and flagella of algae, sea urchin embryos and cultured mammalian cells, it is likely that it serves an additional role beyond those already cited; this is likely to be the transport of precursors for the assembly and turnover of ciliary and flagellar membranes and axonemes. In the case of the Chlamydomonas flagellum, where surface motility has been most extensively studied, it appears that cross-linking of flagellar surface exposed proteins induces a transmembrane signaling pathway that activates machinery for moving flagellar membrane proteins in the plane of the flagellar membrane. This signaling pathway in vegetative Chlamydomonas reinhardtii appears to involve an influx of calcium, a rise in intraflagellar free calcium concentration and a change in the level of phosphorylation of specific membrane-matrix proteins. It is hypothesized that flagellar surface contact with a solid substrate (during gliding), a polystyrene microsphere or another flagellum (during mating) will all activate a signaling pathway similar to the one artificially activated by the use of monoclonal antibodies to flagellar membrane glycoproteins. A somewhat different signaling pathway, involving a transient rise in intracellular cAMP level, may be associated with the mating of Chlamydomonas gametes, which is initiated by flagellum-flagellum contact. The hypothesis that the widespread observation of microsphere movements on various ciliary and flagellar surfaces may reflect a mechanism normally utilized to transport axonemal and membrane subunits along the internal surface of the organelle membrane presents a paradox in that one would expect this to be a constitutive mechanism, not one necessarily activated by a signaling pathway. cilia / flagella / surface motility / axopodia / reticulopodia

Rapid plasma membrane dynamics restricted to specific plasma membrane domains associated with a microtubule cytoskeleton It is clear that cell surfaces perform work and that most of the dynamic features of cell surfaces result from the functional interaction of the plasma membrane with the cytoskeleton [24, 42, 92]. Within vertebrate cells, most movements of cytoplasmic membranous organelles are thought to be d r i v e n b y motors associated with the microtubular cytoskeleton while most aspects o f plasma membrane associated force (cytokinesis, capping of receptors, endocytosis, whole cell locomotion) are thought to be driven by motors associated with the actin cytoskeleton [72]. Genetic analysis is demonstrating that these generalizations may also apply to invertebrate systems such as Dictyostelium [66, 93] and Caenorhabditis [44]. However, not all plasma m e m b r a n e domains are associated with the actin cytoskeleton. There is a class of eukaryotic cell surface extensions that are' organized around the microtubular cytoskeleton. In metazoan cells, cilia and flagella represent the major examples of this type of plasma m e m b r a n e domain; in this case, the associated stable microtubular cytoskeleton has a specialized name, the axoneme. However, among protistan cells, in addition to cilia and flagella, there are a number of other examples of cell surface plasma membrane extensions that are

organized around microtubule arrays. Examples include the haptonema of Prymnesiophyte algae [55], the axopodia of Heliozoan protozoa [84] and the reticulopodia of Foraminiferan protozoa [88]. A unique class of cell surface associated force transduction has been visualized in association with the plasma membrane of cilia, flagella, haptonema, axopodia and r e t i c u l o p o d i a by the m o v e m e n t o f p o l y s t y r e n e microspheres and other small inert marker objects bound to the external surface of the cell (table I; figs 1, 2) [14]. All of the examples of rapid cell surface motility listed in table I occur in association with a long asymmetric extension of the plasma membrane containing microtubules that are closely apposed to the plasma membrane. Even taking in consideration only the microsphere movements associated with cilia and flagella, the use of Chlamydomonas mutants and the observations on primary cilia of tissue culture cells rule out the involvement of outer dynein arms, inner dynein arms, radial spokes, and the central pair complex in the production of force at the surface of the plasma membrane. The observations on haptonema, axopodia and reticulopodia, which contain only singlet ° microtubules, rule out the necessity for doublet microtubules. In general, the microsphere movements described in table I are rapid ( 1 - 8 tzm/s), linear, bidirectional, and saltatory (microspheres stop, start and reverse direction). The


RA BIoodgood

Table I. Rapid cell surface motility visualized by microsphere movements. Flagella Flagella Flagella Flagella Flagella Primary cilia Motile cilia Immotile cilia

Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas Chlamydomonas Rat kangaroo Sea urchin blastulae Sea urchin blastulae

Gametes [38, 49, 83] V.egetative cells [8, 21] Dynein outer arm mutants [15] Radial spoke mutants [15] Central pair mutants [15] Cultured PtK I cells (Bowser, unpublished results) Somatic cells [10] Apical tuft cells [10]

Haptonema Axopodia Axopodia Reticulopodia Reticulopodia

Chrysochromulina Echinosphaerium Heterophrys Allogromia Astrammina

Prymnesiophyte algae [55] Heliozoan protozoan [9, 54, 84] Centrohelidian protozoan [90] Foraminiferan protozoan [27, 30] Foraminiferan protozoan [26]

Fig 1. Series of frames from a 16-mm movie taken with phase contrast optics showing the transport of 0.852 tzm diameter polystyrene microspheres outward along the surface of an axopodium of Echinosphaerium nucleofilunl. 3.3 s between adjacent micrographs. 2200 x . Reproduced from Bloodgood [9] Cell Biol Int Rep 2, 171-176 with permission.

r r: Fig 2. Selected frames from a phase contrast video recording of 0.45/zm diameter polystyrene microspheres (fat arrowheads) moving along the surface of a flattened reticulopodium of Allogromia. Two individual microspheres (solid fat arrow and open fat arrow) are moving in opposite directions along the pathway defined by a microtubule bundle. The narrow arrows are pointing to cytoplasmic membranous organelles moving along the surface of the same microtubule, x 4000. Reproduced from Bowser and Rieder [27] Can J Biochem Cell Biol 63,608-620 with permission.

Directed movements of ciliary and flagellar membrane components long saltations at a constant, rapid velocity rule out a diffusion driven mechanism. Where it has been examined, the velocity of microsphere movement appears to be load independent over a wide range of microsphere sizes [8, 13, 30]. Local force transduction occurring at all positions on the plasma membrane domain is suggested by the fact that different microspheres on the same cell extension move independently of each other and can pass each other moving in opposite directions [8, 30]. This observation effectively rules out mechanisms based on bulk membrane flow [47], membrane lipid flow [33] or surf-riding [25, 48]. The observation of rapid, local movement of polystyrene microspheres and other inert objects in contact with the external surface of the plasma membrane domain associated with certain microtubule-containing cellular extensions leads to the following assumptions: 1)the movements of the microspheres reflect the movements of plasma membrane components (presumably proteins); and 2) the movement of the microsphere and its associated plasma membrane components is driven by the interaction of the cytoskeleton with the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane, and presumably requires the activity of a cytoskeleton-associated motor protein. An analogy can be made between the surface motility visualized by polystyrene microspheres and the movement of cytoplasmic membranous organelles along cytoplasmic microtubules driven by cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin [32]. If a small patch of the plasma membrane were wrapped up around the polystyrene microsphere, one would then essentially have a membranous organelle moving along a cytoplasmic microtubule. However, the formal possibility exists that the microtubules common to all o f the cellular extensions exhibiting polystyrene microsphere movements are necessary primarily for the maintenance of the cell extension and that the force for the microsphere movements is associated with a nonmicrotubular cytoskeleton, such as actin. Actin is present within reticulopodia of Allogromia [89] and in at least some cilia and flagella [36, 59, 71, 77]. In axopodia and reticulopodia, it has been assumed by some workers that the movement of cytoplasmic organelles and of surface associated microspheres represents two faces of the same mechanism [I, 90]. However, Suzaki and Shigenaka [84] present data showing very different velocity profiles and very different responses to a variety of inhibitors for organelles moving within the axopodia of the Heliozoan Echinosphaerium versus polystyrene microspheres moving along the axopodial surface. Two major differences exist between the ciliary and flagellar systems that express surface motility and the axopodia and reticulopodial systems that express surface motility: l) cilia and flagella have very stable microtubules while axopodia and reticulopodia have labile microtubules that are sensitive to anti-microtubule drugs; and 2) cilia and flagella do not contain motile membranous organelles while axopodia and reticulopodia contain a large population of membranous organelles that actively move in a bidirectional manner. Considerable effort has been directed toward the question of whether the motility of intracellular organelles and of polystyrene microspheres'on the surface of axopodia and reticulopodia are dependent upon microtubules. Edds [39] used a glass needle to create an artificial axopodium in the Heliozoan Echinosphaerium nucleofilum and demonstrated continued movement of intracellular organelles, even in the presence of 2.5 mM colchicine. Suzaki and Shigenaka [84] reported that 20 mM colchicine inhibit-


ed the movement of polystyrene microspheres on the axopodial surface of Echinosphaerium akamae but did not inhibit organelle movements within the axopodium. In both of these studies, no transmission electron microscopy of drug-treated cells was performed in order to determine that there was a complete loss of microtubules. Bowser and Rieder [27] showed that 1 mM colchicine, I00 tzM nocodazole and 4°C temperatures all reversibly depolymerized microtubules within Allogromia reticulopodia and also reversibly inhibited both cytoplasmic organelle movements and surface polystyrene microsphere movements. Bowser and Rieder [27] demonstrated in dramatic video sequences that polystyrene microspheres on the surface of a flattened Allogromia reticulopodial network move precisely along the path of underlying microtubules; in fact, these workers visualized intracellular organelles and surface microspheres moving along the same microtubule bundle at the same time (fig 2). These observations suggest that, in reticulopodia of Foraminifera, the movement of intracellular organelles and surface associated polystyrene microspheres are related and that they both are dependent upon microtubules. In contrast, for axopodia of Heliozoa, the evidence suggests the possibility of different mechanisms for the movement o f intracellular organelles and surface-associated microspheres in this system; the movement of intraaxopodial organelles may not be dependent upon microtubules. For none of the examples of plasma membrane forcetransduction visualized by polystyrene microsphere movement is the identity of the motor molecules definitively known. It appears that axonemal dynein is not the motor responsible for rapid cell surface motility in cilia and flagella since primary cilia are lacking dynein arms and yet exhibit microsphere movements (Bowser, personal communication) and Chlamydomonas mutants lacking the outer or inner dynein arms associated with the outer doublet microtubules exhibit normal flagellar surface motility [15]. It has not been clearly demonstrated that microtubules, much less microtubule-associated motors, are responsible for all of the cases of rapid cell surface motility cited in table I. The evidence for microtubule involvement is strongest in reticulopodia of Allogromia [27]. Bowser et al [28] reported that 0 . 5 - 1 . 5 mM E H N A (an inhibitor of axonemal dynein) inhibited both organelle transport within and microsphere transport on the reticulopodia of Allogromia. Suzaki and Shigenaka [84] reported that 1 mM vanadate (also an inhibitor of dynein) inhibited organelle transport within axopodia but not microsphere movements on the surface of axopodia of Echinosphaerium akamae. However, interpretation of experiments using these inhibitors is very complicated, not the least because these inhibitors are not specific for dynein ATPases at these concentrations [35]. What are the physiological roles played by the forceproducing system visualized by the movement of polystyrene microspheres ? Among the examples shown in table I, there are represented four classes of physiological functions that may be dependent on the force-transducing mechanism being visualized by the movement of polystyrene microspheres and other inert marker objects.

Class 1: whole cell locomotion Whole cell gliding motility in Chlamydomonas [11, 15, 62] is driven by the activity of the flagellar surface [15]; non-


RA Bloodgood

gliding mutant cell strains of Chlamydomonas moewusii are also totally deficient in microsphere movement [63, 73]. In algae of the class Prymnesiophyceae, cells possess two motile flagella plus a third organelle, called a haptonema, which contains a small group of singlet microtubules. Although the haptonema probably functions primarily in food capture and transport to the cell body [55] (see also below), cells can also glide along a solid substrate by the action of the surface of the haptonema [60], much as is the case for the Chlamydomonas flagellum [15]. Cachon and Cachon [34] postulated that the axopodial surface movements of certain Actinopod protozoa are responsible for both movement of food organisms along the surface of the axopodia and in the gliding locomotion of the organism along a substrate.

podia and reticulopodia) function to capture food organisms and transport them towards the cell body to locations where they can be endocytosed. Joseph Leidy [61] noted that in the Heliozoan Actinophrys sol: "the smallest infusorians or algae brought into contact with the rays glide slowly along them to their base". Subsequently, a number of workers have reported on the movement of food organisms along the surface of Heliozoan axopodia [56, 85] and Foraminiferan reticulopodia [4, 31, 53]. A somewhat different example of whole organisms being transported along the surface ofAllogromia reticulopodia was described by Bowser et al [29]; these authors showed that juvenile offspring resulting from multiple fission were transported bidirectionally along the surface of reticulopodia.

Class 2: gamete interactions during mating

Class 4: transportation of materials within the cellular processes

Chlamydomonas gametes initiate mating by the adhesion of their respective flagellar surfaces to one another [43]. Following adhesion, the flagellar contact points migrate to the tips of the flagella in order to put the cell bodies into the proper orientation for subsequent cell fusion [43]. Many of the same drug treatments that inhibit microsphere movements (trifluoperazine, lidocaine, H-8) also inhibit the early events in mating [38, 65, 83]. From these observations, it has been suggested that the flagellar surface motility visualized by microsphere movements is utilized normally during the early events of mating i,n Chlamydomonas [43, 49]. Class 3: feeding mechanisms In Heliozoan, Radiolarian and Foraminiferan protozoan, the long microtubule filled extensions of the cell body (axo-

The three physiological manifestations of rapid cell surface motility discussed thus far (whole cell locomotion, gamete interactions during mating, and feeding) cannot be applicable to some of the systems where polystyrene microsphere motility has been observed (such as primary cilia on cultured kidney cells and sea urchin blastulae cilia). One hypothesis for a generalized function of the forcetransducing system being visualized as polystyrene microsphere movements on the external surface of the membrane that would be applicable to all of the systems in table I is the facilitated transport of membrane a n d / o r cytoskeletal components along the length of the process (be it a cilium, flagellum, axopodium, reticulopodium) in association with the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane. There is a need for a constant supply of protein subunits for the membrane and cytoskeleton during growth of these





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Fig 3. Redistribution of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain PF-18 flagellar membrane glycoproteins in response to crosslinking with FITC-labeled FMG-1 mouse monoclonal antibodies that recognize the 350-kDa flagellar membrane glycoproteins, e,f,g,h. Differential interference contrast images, a,b,c,d. Corresponding epifluorescence images showing the distribution of labeled monoclonal antibody. The cell in a was labeled in the cold and then fixed in the cold to show the unperturbed distribution of the membrane glycoproteins. The cell in b shows the earliest stage of redistribution occurring shortly after the cells were warmed to 25°C. c, d show later stages in the process of flagellar redistributiori of the labeled antibodies and presumably of the flagellar membrane glycoproteins recognized by the antibodies. This process is described in detail in [22]. The fluorescent labeling of the cell body is due primarily to cross-reactivity of this anti-carbohydrate monoclonal antibody with the cell wall; unlike the flagellum, the apparent loss of fluorescent intensity of the cell wall is not due to antibody redistribution. 1000 x.


Directed movements of ciliary and flagellar membrane components

cellular processes but also for maintenance of the intact processes. There is known to be turnover of membrane and axonemal proteins in intact flagella [12, 74]. Another situation in which a ciliary membrane may be involved in the transport of membrane precursors is the connecting cilium of rod and cone cells [5]. The connecting cilium and its associated membrane is the only contiguous pathway between the inner and outer segments of the photoreceptor; since there is extensive loss and replacement of rhodopsin-containing membrane sacs in the rod outer segment, it is thought that the connecting cilium is the likely site for transport of membrane lipid and opsin protein into the outer segment. Defects in this putative connecting cilium pathway for providing precursors to the rod outer segment would be predicted to result in degeneration of the rod outer segments and visual defects. In Usher's Syndrome, one of the family of diseases referred to as Retinitis pigmentosa, degeneration of the photoreceptors appears to be correlated with disorganisation of microtubules of the connecting cilium [2, 52]. Disorganization of the cytoskeleton could affect transport properties of the membrane of the connecting cilium. Bear in mind, however that there has been no direct demonstration of protein transport or polystyrene microsphere motility associated with the membrane of the connecting cilium. Another specialized example of irrtracellular transport involves the directed movements of membranous organelles within the microtubule containing cellular processes that exhibit microsphere movements, often in very close proximity to the plasma membrane [1, 90]. As pointed out above, this function applies primarily to protozoan axopodia and reticulopodia but not to cilia, flagella or haptonema. Recently, Bowser ([75] and unpublished results), while studying primary cilia from cultured PtKI cells, and Kozminski et al [59], while studying the Chlamydomonas flagellum have observed rapid bidirectional transport of material within cilia/flagella at rates comparable to or exceeding that of the polystyrene microsphere movements. An important question is whether the force transduction being visualized by the use of large inert objects that are visible in the light microscope (microspheres) somehow activates the machinery for driving the movements of the microspheres (and the membrane components to which the microspheres adhere) or whether there is constitutive movement of membrane components that is only visible when a large object adheres to a membrane component or domain. In the former case, one would have to invoke a transmembrane signaling pathway that is activated by the contact of the microsphere with the membrane surface. Two examples can be cited that support the argument that contact of microspheres with the plasma membrane surface can induce alterations in the underlying cytoskeleton and the organization of membrane components. When polycationic beads attach to the external surface of the plasma membrane of Aplysia bag cell growth cones, they stimulate the assembly of f-actin in association with the cytoplasmic surface of th~ membrane underlying the bead; this actin polymerization appears to be responsible for the movement of the bead along the surface of the growth cone membrane [40]. Poly-lysine and poly-ornithine coated polystyrene microspheres, when attached to the plasma membrane of cultured Xenopus striated muscle cells, induced clustering of acetylcholine receptors to the site of contact of the membrane with the

microsphere [69]; using transmission electron microscopy, it was shown that the microsphere contact induced structural specializations reminiscent of postsynaptic structures normally induced by nerve-muscle interactions, including a meshwork of thin filaments resembling actin [67, 68]. The clustering of acetylcholine receptors is sensitive to colchicine but the maintenance of the receptor clusters is dependent on actin [7, 37]. The observation that a microsphere binding to the external surface of a plasma membrane can alter the organization of the cytoskeleton on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane suggests that the contact of the microsphere with the membrane is activating a transmembrane signaling pathway. Evidence that a transmembrane signaling pathway, induced by flagellar membrane glycoprotein cross-linking, activates the machinery for movement of glycoproteins within the Chlamydomonas flagellar membrane will be the subject of the second half of this review.





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% C

1 lag / ml


o, 100 -



2 lag / ml


o 100

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EtOH Control




Fig 4. Histogram showing the in vivo dose-dependent inhibition of FMG-1 antibody induced flagellar glycoprotein redistribution in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine in the presence of 20 t~M free calcium in the medium. The control sample had no drug or solvent added. The ethanol control (EtOH) contains the concentration of ethanol (2.5%) present in the highest drug concentration shown (5/~g/ml staurosporine). Reproduced with permission from Bloodgood and Salomonsky [20] Eur J Cell Biol 54, 85-89.


RA Bloodgood

Transmembrane signaling pathways associated with flagellar surface motility in vegetative Chlamydomonas reinhardtii The Chlamydomonas flagellum has proven to be an exceptionally useful experimental system in which to dissect the mechanism of rapid plasma membrane surface motility and to investigate the transmembrane signaling pathways that may be involved. Microspheres that adhere to the surface of the Chlamydomonas flagellum are transported bidirectionally along the flagellar surface at rates of 1 - 2 # m / s [8, 21, 49]. Chlamydomonascan glide along a solid or semisolid substrate [11, 62]; this whole cell locomotion results from the activity of the flageilar surface. Mutant cell lines of Chlamydomonas that are defective in gliding motility do not exhibit microsphere movements along the flagellar surface [63, 73] demonstrating that microsphere movements reflect the activity of the motor responsible for whole cell gliding motility. The dominant protein of the flagellar membrane from both vegetative and gametic cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a 350-kDa family of glycoproteins [3, 13, 82, 94]; use of an immobilized io.dination system has demonstrated that this is the principal flagellar surface protein that contacts the

substrate during gliding motility [17]. Monoclonal antibodies to repeated carbohydrate epitopes on the 350-kDa glycoproteins induce the active redistribution of this population of glycoproteins in the plane of the flagellar membrane of both vegetative and gametic ceils (fig 3) [22]; the induction of glycoprotein movements requires crosslinking of the external domains of the 350-kDa glycoproteins ([15, 51]; Bloodgood, unpublished results), as is the case in the more traditional forms of receptor 'capping' [80, 87]. In order to determine the relationship between microsphere movement and the movements of the 350-kDa flagellar membrane glycoproteins, monoclonal antibodies and concanavalin A were utilized in conjunction with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to select a mutant cell line (designated L-23) that exhibited dramatically increased binding of concanavalin A to the flagellar m e m b r a n e glycoproteins (including the 350-kDa glycoproteins) [23]. Treatment of the L-23 mutant ceils with 100/~g/ml of concanavalin A resulted in no redistribution of flagellar glycoproteins whereas wild type cells were induced to redistribute their flagellar membrane glycoproteins by this concentration of concanavalin A. At 10/.zg/ml of concanavalin A, both wild type and L-23 mu-

In Vitro Phosphorylation Membrane - Matrix Compartment


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• 0






Low Calcium

High Calcium

Fig 5. Autoradiogram of 2-D O'Farrell gels of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar membrane-matrix proteins phosphorylated in vitro with 32p-ATP in the presence of 1 mM EGTA alone (low calcium) or in the presence of 2 mM EGTA and 2.5 mM CaCI 2 (high calcium). Methods are given in Bloodgood [16].

Directed movements of ciliary and flagellar membrane components


a substrate during gliding, or contact with another flagellum during mating. The working assumption is that antibody induced crosslinking of the 350-kDa glycoproteins induces a transmembrane signal that activates the machinery for moving the glycoproteins in the plane of the flagellar membrane and that this machinery is also responsible for microsphere movements and gliding motility. The glycoprotein redistribution phenomenon has been exploited to study the signaling pathway whereby cross-linking of the external domains of plasma membrane proteins can result in the activation of cytoplasmic machinery (presumably associated with the cytoskeleton). Microsphere movement, gliding motility, and antibody induced glycoprotein redistribution all require micromolar concentrations of free calcium in the medium [19, 21]. Antibody induced glycoprotein redistribution is inhibited by three different types of calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, methoxyverapamil (D-600) and barium chloride) at permissive concentrations of calcium [19]. These observations suggest that flagellar membrane glycoprotein cross-linking opens up calcium

tant cell lines were induced to redistribute their flagellar glycoproteins. Under all conditions where membrane glycoproteins were able to move in the plane of the flagellar membrane, the cells exhibited polystyrene microsphere movements; where the flagellar glycoproteins were prevented from moving, no microsphere movements occurred [18]. These experiments suggested, but did not prove, that m o v e m e n t o f the 350-kDa flagellar m e m b r a n e glycoproteins within the plane of the membrane was necessary for the expression of microsphere movements and, by inference, gliding motility. As noted previously [15], the characteristics of the antibody-induced movement of the 350-kDa flagellar glycoproteins (slow, bulk movement) differ from the characteristics of microsphere movement along the flagellar surface (rapid, local). This difference may, in part, be explained by the fact that global cross-linking of the 350-kDa glycoproteins on the flagellar surface with antibodies surely differs from the local cross-linking and signaling phenomena that are postulated to result from microsphere binding, contact of the flagellar surface with

Protein Phosphorylation Flagellar Membrane - Matrix

J 9,, tI

116k • 97k • 66k •

"qD °



• 0 #,p

In vitro (+Ca)

In vivo

Fig 6. Autoradiograms of 2-D O'Farrell gels comparing Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar membrane-matrix proteins phosphorylated in vitro (at high free calcium using ~2p-ATP) and in vivo (using 32P-orthophosphoric acid). There is a striking difference in the patterns of polypeptides phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro. The large spot of label at the bottom of the in vivo autoradiogram represents labeled phospholipids.

RA Bloodgood


In Vivo Phosphorylation


Control 205 •


45. 29



4.55.0 5.4



5.4 5.7

Fig 7. Autoradiograms of 2-D O'Farrell gels of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar membrane-matrix proteins that were phosphorylated in vivo in the absence or presence of antibody cross-linking of flagellar membrane glycoproteins with the FMG-I monoclonal antibody. One major phosphorylated component with a molecular mass of approximately 60000 and a pl in the range of 4.8-5.0 is observed to be dephosphorylated when the transmembrane signaling pathway is activated.

conductance channels in the flagellar membrane allowing an influx of calcium and a rise in the intraflagellar free calcium concentration. The calmodulin inhibitors trifluoperazine (TFP) and W-7 also inhibit antibody-induced redistribution of flagellar glycoproteins [19]. This observation must be interpreted cautiously as these agents can have cellular effects independent of calmodulin; for instance, they can stimulate phospholipase C (PLC) activity resulting in an increase in inositol trisphosphate (IP3) [41]. Both TFP and W-7 have also been reported to inhibit protein kinase C [78, 79, 86]. Since the calciumdependent protein phosphatase, calcineurin, is activated by calmodulin, its activity is also inhibited by T F P [57]. Calcium as a signal could be acting through a variety of pathways; 0.05°7o Nonidet P-40 extracts of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella (referred to here as the membrane-matrix fraction) contain calcium activated ATPase activity, calcium activated protein kinase activity and calcium activated protein phosphatase activity [6, 16, 91]. Three different protein kinase inhibitors (H-7, H-8, staurosporine) inhibit antibody induced redistribution of flagellar membrane glycoproteins in vivo (fig 4) [20] suggesting that protein phosphorylation may be an important component in the signaling pathway and leading to the hypothesis that calcium may act through a calcium activated protein kinase (fig 8A). Using an in vitro

phosphorylation system, it has been demonstrated that the flagellar membrane-matrix fraction contains a number of proteins whose phosphorylation in vitro is dependent upon micromolar calcium [16] (fig 5). Since in vivo and in vitro patterns of protein phosphorylation can differ, we sought to compare the phosphorylation pattern of membrane matrix proteins phosphorylated in vivo using 32p-orthophosphoric acid with those phosphorylated in vitro using 32p-ATP or 35S-ATPgammaS; the in vivo pattern of protein phosphorylation was very different from that observed in vitro in the presence of either high or low calcium (fig 6). This led us to focus our attention on in vivo phosphorylation and to ask whether antibody stimulation of flagellar membrane redistribution induced a change in the pattern of phosphorylation of flagellar membrane-matrix proteins. Based on the effects of protein kinase inhibitors in vivo [20], we expected to find one or more polypeptides whose level of phosphorylation increased upon the induction of the signaling pathway. To our considerable surprise, the most dramatic change in the phosphorylation pattern was an almost complete dephosphorylation of a polypeptide with a molecular mass of about 60000 and pl of 4 . 8 - 5 . 0 (fig 7) suggesting that flagellar membrane protein cross-linking may induce an influx of calcium and a rise in intraflagellar calcium that stimulates a calciumdependent protein phosphatase (fig 8B). This is support-

Directed movements of ciliary and flagellar membrane components


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a ÷*

B Fig 8. Two contrasting flagellar signaling pathway models. In each case, membrane-protein cross-linking induces a calcium influx. The subsequent rise in intraflagellar free calcium concentration leads to a change in the level of phosphorylation of a flagellar membrane-matrix protein resulting in: 1) coupling of the cytoskeleton to the membrane; and 2) activation of a motor responsible for moving the membrane glycoproteins within the plane of the flagellar membrane. A. Calcium is activating a protein kinase that activates the relevant protein through phosphorylation. B. Calcium is activating a protein phosphatase that activates the relevant protein through dephosphorylation.

ed by the f u r t h e r o b s e r v a t i o n ( B l o o d g o o d and Salomonsky, unpublished) that treatment of cells with 8°7o ethanol also induces a complete dephosphorylation of the same 60-kDa flagellar membrane-matrix protein. Ethanol at this concentration is known to elevate intracellular calcium levels and to activate Chlamydomonas moewusii gametes [64, 81]. The highly specific nature of the dephosphorylation event and the known involvement of calcium in flagellar signaling suggest that calcineurin (the calcium-calmodulin dependent protein phosphatase, also called PP2B) [57] may be one of the enzymes activated by the flagellar signaling pathway. This is consistent with the fact that the calmodulin antagonists trifluoperazine (TFP) and W-7 inhibit antibody-induced flagellar membrane glycoprotein redistribution [19]; however, these agents clearly have other biological effects .4[ 1]. Halpain. and Greengard [45, 46] observed that binding of hgands to a class of glutamate receptors in neurons stimulated the dephosphorylation of a microtubule-associated protein, MAP2, and argue that calcineurin is the phosphatase activated by the receptor induced signaling pathway. There appears to be an alternative flagellar membrane signaling pathway which is unique to Chlamydomonas gametes; this pathway is initiated by the interaction of ga-


metic flagellar membrane specific glycoproteins called sexual agglutinins and results in a transient rise in intracellular c A M P levels [43, 65, 70], the activation of a c A M P dependent protein phosphorylation event [76], the redistribution of the sexual agglutinin glycoproteins in the plane of the flagellar membrane [50], and the migration of the flagellar membrane contact sites such that the flagellar tips are put into register. It is interesting that antibodies and lectins recognizing the sexual agglutinins and the wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) binding protein thought to be the agglutinin receptor result in the elevation of intracellular c A M P and the redistribution of these m e m b r a n e glycoproteins [51, 58]. Recent observations [64, 81] suggest the involvement of calcium and IP 3 in the Chlamydomonas sexual signaling pathway. In summary, it appears that the flagellar m o t o r that drives dynamic events occurring at the surface of the vegetative Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellum is regulated by a signaling pathway that recognizes flagellar contact with an external substrate through the crosslinking of flagellar membrane glycoproteins. Flagellar glycoprotein cross-linking appears to induce an influx of calcium that regulates the level of phosphorylation of proteins located within the membrane-matrix compartment of the flagellum. The most dramatic change in protein phosphorylation that is stimulated by antibody crosslinking of the flagellar surface is the total dephosphorylation of a membrane-matrix protein with a molecular mass of approximately 60 kDa and a p l i n the range of 4.8-5.0.

Acknowledgments The author's research described in this paper was supported by research grants from the National Science Foundation (DCB-8905530 and MCB-9206535) and the Jeffress Trust (J-175). Excellent technical assistance was provided by Ms Nancy L Salomonsky. Dr Samuel S Bowser kindly provided figure 2 in addition to much valuable advice during the preparation of this review. Figure 1 is reproduced with the permission of Cell Biol Int Rep, figure 2 is reproduced with permission of the Can J Biochem and Cell Biol, and figure 4 is reproduced with the permission of the Eur J Cell Biol. This paper is based on a talk presented at the 2nd International Cell Motility Symposium held at Sophia Antipolis, France, July 19-23, 1992.

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Directed movements of ciliary and flagellar membrane components: a review.

The ability to rapidly translocate polystyrene microspheres attached to the surface of a plasma membrane domain reflects a unique form of cellular for...
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