THROMBOSIS RESEARCH Supplement XII; 91-99,199O 0049-3948 $3.00 + .OO Printed In the USA. Copyrlght (c) 1990 Pwgamon Press plc. All rights reserved.




Kevin H. Teoh, Richard D. Weisel, Joan Ivanov, Sallie J. Teasdale and Micheal F.X. Glynn Divisions of Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiac Anesthesia and Hematology, Center for Cardiovascular Research, Toronto General Hospital and the University of Toronto, Canada ABSTRACT

A randomized trial to compare the effects of oral and intravenous dipyridamole was conducted in 58 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Preoperative oral administration of dipyridamole resulted in lower plasma drug concentrations in the early postoperative period than perioperative intravenous administration. Postoperative platelet counts were highest in the patients receiving intravenous dipyridamole, intermediate in those receiving oral dipyridamole and lowest in the control group. Postoperative blood loss was significantly reduced with both oral and intravenous dipyridamole. A second randomized trial was conducted in an additional 40 patients undergoing CABG surgery to evaluate the effects of dipyridamole on myocardial platelet and leukocyte deposition and the cardiac release of thromboxane. Twenty patients received intravenous dipyridamole perioperatively. Autologous platelets and leukocytes were labeled with “‘In and w’“Tc respectively and were infused before release of the crossclamp. Myocardial biopsies were obtained after aortic declamping and indicated that platelets and leukocytes were deposited in the myocardium during reperfusion. Dipyridamole reduced both platelet and leukocyte deposition. Cardiac release of thromboxane B, occurred in the early postoperative period and was reduced by dipyridamole. In conclusion, dipyridamole preserved platelets and reduced postoperative bleeding and blood product transfusions in patients undergoing CABG surgery. Dipyridamole also reduced cardiac platelet deposition and thromboxane release and may reduce perioperative ischemic injury.


Cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass provide a potent stimulus for platelet activation. Exposure of blood to the synthetic surfaces of the bypass circuit, blood-gas interfaces and injured endothelial surfaces induces platelet activation (l-3). Activated platelets release their granular contents (3), increase thromboxane generation (131, and produce intravascular aggregates(4) which may deposit in the microcirculation (5) or on foreign surfaces (2). Platelet factors released during activation include platelet factor 4 (PF,), P-thromboglobulin (P-TBG), fibrinopeptide A (FPA) and thromboxane A, (TxA,). Both PF, and P-TBG are markers of platelet activation and were released by the heart in patients with coronary artery disease Keywords: Cardiopulmonary bypass, platelet activation dipyridamole. coronaty bypass surgery




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when ischemia was induced (6-g). Platelet deposition in the canine myocardium after ischemic arrest (9) and after cardioplegia (10) has also been demonstrated. FPA is a vasoconstrictor with many cardiac actions, which has been implicated as a cause of ischemia during cardiopulmonary bypass (3). TxA, increases platelet aggregability (11) and can produce profound coronary vasoconstriction, again leading to ischemic injury (12,13). We have recently documented TxA, release from the myocardium of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery patients after aortic crossclamp release (14). The activation of the complement system during cardiopulmonary bypass is well documented (15,16). Complement components activate platelets (17) and white cells (l&19), and white cell deposition has been implicated in the pathogenesis of pulmonary injury during cardiopulmonary bypass (16,18,20). White cell deposition in the heart could contribute to postoperative reperfusion injury. Reperfusion injury potentiates intraoperative cellular damage, and intraoperative ischemia injures myocardial membranes causing further cellular dysfunction during reperfusion. The pathogenesis of reperfusion injury remains obscure but myocardial deposition of activated platelets and leukocytes could potentiate reperfusion injury (9). Although the results of CABG surgery are excellent, perioperative myocardial protection remains incomplete. In recent studies, the authors have demonstrated anaerobic myocardial metabolism during aortic occlusion and during reperfusion (21,22). Perioperative ischemic injury had no long term sequelae in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery, but incomplete perioperative myocardial protection could account for the increased incidence of ventricular dysfunction;myocardial infarction and death in high-risk patients (23). Pharmacologic interventions by antiplatelet agents may prevent platelet activation and its ischemic consequences. Dipyridamole is a pyridopyrimidine compound which limits platelet activation, aggregation and granular release, but which preserves platelet adhesion and therefore does not inhibit platelet hemostatic function (24). The mechanism of action may be related to inhibition of platelet phosphodiesterase activity, an increase in platelet cyclic adenosine monophosphate concentrations or a decrease in platelet calcium mobilization (25~6). Preoperative administration of dipyridamole and postoperative treatment with dipyridamole and aspirin has been demonstrated to improve early postoperative bypass graft patency (27). The mechanism for the beneficial effect of dipyridamole was not determined, but may be related to the prevention of platelet deposition in small diseased coronary arteries and ischemic myocardium. At the Toronto General Hospital a prospective, randomized trial was performed in patients undergoing elective CABG surgery to assess the effects of dipyridamole on myocardial platelet and white cell deposition and on thromboxane release (28). Excessive bleeding remains a prominent complication after cardiac surgery contributing to its mortality and morbidity, and requires re-operation in 3%-5% of patients (29). In addition, most patients require blood component therapy to correct postoperative anemia or coagulation defects. As more than 200,000 cardiac operations are performed annually in the USA (30) the magnitude of this problem is substantial. Interventions intended tp reduce postoperative bleeding may reduce the mortality and morbidity of cardiac operations and decrease the demand for blood products. Transient impairment of platelet function mediated by platelet activation during passage through the oxygenator apparatus may promote postoperative bleeding. The etiology of this platelet dysfunction is unknown but may be due to a transient depletion of a functional platelet component, generation of an unidentified labile platelet inhibitor (31), or a reversible

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membrane abnormality (32,331. Thrombocytopenia, largely the result of hemodilution, may exacerbate the bleeding tendency induced by platelet dysfunction. The degree of impairment of platelet function is proportional to the duration of cardiopulmonary bypass and probably related to the level of hypothermia (34). In most patients, the platelet dysfunction is rapidly reversible after the completion of cardiopulmonary bypass, but there may be abnormal and excessive bleeding in patients in whom functional platelet defects persists longer. Pharmacologic agents may modify this acquired platelet defect and reduce postoperative bleeding. Dipyridamole limits platelet activation, aggregation and granular release. It has been employed to improve postoperative coronary bypass graft patency (27) but its use as an agent to preserve platelets and reduce postoperative bleeding has not been previously demonstrated. We evaluated the effects of dipyridamole on postoperative platelet preservation and bleeding in a prospective, randomized clinical trial (35) METHODS Studv 1 Myocardial platelet and white cell deposition and TxA, release were studied in 40 patients scheduled for elective CABG surgery. Patients were randomly assigned to either dipyridamole (n=20) or the control group (n=20). In the dipyridamole group, an intravenous infusion of dipyridamole was instituted 20 hours before surgery at a dose of 0.24 mg/kg/hour. The infusion was continued intra-operatively and for 24 hours postoperatively. The control group received no dipyridamole. Cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted using an asanguinous prime and a membrane oxygenator. Multidose cold blood cardioplegia was employed for myocardial protection. An average of 3.7 + 1.0 bypass grafts were constructed/patient. Myocardial cellular deposition was assessed by autogenous, radiolabeled platelets (“‘In), leukocytes (%“rc) and erythrocytes (51Cr>.Full thickness left ventricular muscle biopsies were obtained 10, 20 and 30 minutes after aortic crossclamp removal. The radioactivity of the specimens, representing cellular deposition, was measured in a gamma counter. Arterial and coronary sinus blood concentrations of thromboxane B, and 6-keto-PGFla (the stable metabolites of thromboxane A, and prostacyclin respectively) were measured by radioimmunoassay to determine the cardiac release of these prostanoids. Studv 2 Fifty-eight patients undergoing elective CABG surgery at the Toronto General Hospital were randomized to receive intravenous dipyridamole as described above (n=21), oral dipyridamole according to the Chesebro protocol (35) (n=19) or no dipyridamole (n=l@. The Chesebro protocol consists of oral dipyridamole, 100 mg q.i.d., for 36 hours preoperatively and dipyridamole (75 ms> plus aspirin (325 mg> t.i.d. postoperatively. As platelet counts may be affected by the type of oxygenator employed (361, patients were stratified to receive either a bubble (n=25) or a membrane (n=33) oxygenator to provide an similar number of each oxygenator in each treatment group. Postoperative arterial platelet counts were performed and plasma levels of dipyridamole were measured before and throughout surgery by high performance liquid chromatography. Postoperative blood loss and transfusion requirements were also noted.



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RESULTS Study 1 Arterial platelet and leukocyte counts during cardiopulmonary bypass were greater in the dipyridamole group suggesting that dipyridamole preserved platelets and leukocytes. Both platelets and leukocytes were deposited in the myocardium following aortic declamping and reperfusion (Figure 1). Platelet deposition increased exponentially during the reperfusion period and leukocyte deposition peaked at 20 minutes and fell at 30 minutes of reperfusion. The magnitude of myocardial platelet deposition was significantly reduced by dipyridamole in myocardial platelet deposition was not associated with an increase in cardiac thromboxane release during reperfusion.

The Effects of Dipyridamole

FIGURE 1 on Myocardial Platelet and Leukocyte Patients After Crossclamp Release


in Bypass

?? control 0 I




Time after crossclamp wan I 3cw.



dipyridamole * p < 0.05 us control


release (minutes)

wtn permission rrom Leon er ar. ~LUI)

Study 2 Postoperative arterial platelet counts were lowest in the control group, intermediate in the oral dipyridamole group and highest in the intravenous dipyridamole group (Figure 2). In the control group, only 25% (5/18 patients) had postoperative platelet counts within the normal range (15&350 x lo9 platelets/liter) compared to 50% (9/19 patients) in the oral dipyridamole group and 71% (15/21 patients) in the intravenous dipyridamole group @ < 0.05). The intravenous dipyridamole group had significantly higher platelet counts on postoperative days 2 and 3 than either the oral dipyridamole or the control group, which had the lowest counts. Higher and more stable dipyridamole drug levels were achieved with intravenous dipyridamole. Both oral and intravenous dipyridamole administration resulted in similar plasma drug levels preoperatively, however, plasma levels fell in the oral group during cardiopulmonary bypass. These levels remained low in the early postoperative period in the oral dipyridamole group whereas drug levels were maintained by intravenous administration. Postoperative blood loss and transfusion requirements were related to platelet preservation. Postoperative blood loss was greatest in the control group (I.6 f 0.3 liters) and was reduced

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Arterial Platelet Counts Over 4 Days in Bypass Patients, With or Without Intravenous Dipyridamole Treatment + - u--t

Oral or

i.v. dipyridamole oral dipyridamole control * p < 0.05 28 control t p < 0.05 2’si.v. -.

lower limit of normal



Operatine i






f SEM). Reproduced

4 hrs

with permission



from Teoh


care unit





14:00 09:oO 14:00



et al. (35)

FIGURE 3 Total Blood Loss and Packed Red Cell Transfusions With or Without Dipyridamole Treatment

Oral or Intravenous

* p < 0.05 vscontrol

‘2 1.5 aJ .% c v) 2 -gl.O 2 al

* *


Control (mean

_+SEMI. Reproduced


i.v. Oral dipyridamole

with permission

from Teoh et al. (35)

iI i



Oral i.v. dipyridamole



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to 42% of control values with oral dipyridamole and 46% with intravenous dipyridamole (p < 0.65, Figure 3). Postoperative packed red cell transfusions were delivered to maintain the hemoglobin above 100 g/liter. Packed red cell transfusions were significantly reduced by both oral and intravenous dipyridamole. Both postoperative bleeding and amount of red cells transfused correlated significantly with the postoperative platelet counts. DISCUSSION Cardiopulmonary bypass induces platelet activation and dysfunction, resulting in platelet deposition and depletion. Reduced platelet numbers and abnormal function may contribute to postoperative bleeding. In addition, myocardial deposition of activated platelets may contribute to perioperative ischemic injury and early postoperative bypass graft occlusion. Dipyridamole reduces platelet activation and may decrease postoperative bleeding, myocardial platelet deposition and perioperative ischemic injury. Platelets became activated during cardiac surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass, with concomitant increases in myocardial platelet and leukocyte depositions and thromboxane release, despite apparently adequate myocardial protection. Myocardial platelet and leukocyte deposition have no serious sequelae in patients undergoing elective surgery but may contribute to ischemia-reperfusion injury and increased mortality and morbidity in high-risk patients. Dipyridamole treatment preserved serum platelet levels and reduced postoperative bleeding and transfusion requirements. Intravenous dipyridamole provided more stable perioperative drug levels than oral dipyridamole, and gave enhanced platelet preservation. This suggests that intravenous, rather than oral, dipyridamole may be required to reduce postoperative bleeding in high risk patients. Dipyridamole reduced platelet activation, thromboxane release and myocardial cellular deposition. In this way, dipyridamole may reduce ischemia-reperfusion injury following high risk coronary revascularization, which may be part of the mechanism for improved bypass graft palency. The superior platelet preservation by intravenous dipyridamole compared to oral dipyridamole may have resulted from the higher and more stable dipyridamole drug levels achieved with intravenous delivery. We also measured salicylate levels on the first postoperative day and found undetectable levels in 16 patients and very low levels in three patients (0.07 + 0.2 mmol/liter) despite aspirin administration into the nasogastric tube 11 hours postoperatively. This suggests that the platelet effects we observed were solely due to dipyridamole. REFERENCES 1 ADDONIZIO, V.P. JR, SMITH, J.B., STRAUSS, J.F. III, COLMAN, R.W., EDMUND& L.H. JR. Thromboxane synthesis and platelet secretion during cardiopulmonary bypass with a bubble oxygenator. J Thorac Cardiovasc Swg, 79, 91-96, 1980. 2 EDMUNDS, L.H. JR, ELLISON, N., COLMAN, R.W., NIEWIAROWSKI, S., RAO, A.K., ADDONZIO, V.P. JR, STEPHENSON, L.W. and EDIE, R.N. Platelet function during cardiac operation: comparison of membrane and bubble oxygenators. J 7borac Cardiovasc Sue, 83, 805-812, 1982.

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Dipyridamole for coronary artery bypass surgery.

A randomized trial to compare the effects of oral and intravenous dipyridamole was conducted in 58 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (C...
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