01992 VOL. 23 NO. 4


Differences in Pattern Visual Evoked Potential (PVEP) Between Hernodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients R. L. Storch, S. Storch, R. London and W. T. Pordy

Key Words Aluminum Hemodialysis N70-P100 Dissociation Peritoneal Dialysis Visual Evoked Potential

INTRODUCTION The visual evoked potential recorded over the occipital scalp in response to a pattern stimulus (PVEP), is a noninvasive and reliable method of detecting central and peripheral nerve system abnormalities.' A high percentage of uremic patients (dialysis and nondialysis) was reported to have VEP abnormalities. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients were found to have lower rates of peripheral neuropathy than patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD).2-4The peripheral neuropathy is thought to be caused by high levels of middle molecules. Middle molecules are substances with a molecular weight of 3001500, which are better cleared by the peritoneal membrane than by the artificial membrane of hemod ialys is,536 However, q u ite su rp r is i ng Iy , PD patients were reported to have longer VEP latencies as compared to H D patients and to controls.? Recently a correlation was found between cumulative oral aluminum (Al) intake and the VEP latency of dialysis patients.' Although the nature of the VEP changes found in dialysis patients is still unclear, since the two modes of dialysis, the PD and HD, differ in their efficacy to eliminatevarious substances, different patterns of toxicity are to be expected. The present study was undertaken to further quantitate the PVEP response in H D and PD patients as compared to normal subjects. As a secondary aim, we have searched for a correlation between the biochemical effects of renal replacement therapy ( b l o o d urea n i t r o g e n (BUN), creatinine (Cr), aluminum (Al) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) and the parameters of the PVEP measured.

METHODS Patients selection The PVEPwas recorded in 33 subjects: 11 HD and 11 PD patients and 11 controls. Regarding the difference between peritoneal and hemodialysis, in peritoneal dialysis fluid is introduced into the peritoneal cavity. and the human peritoneal membrane is being used as thedialyzing membrane. Since the peritoneal membrane differs from the artificial dialyzer of hemodialysis in its permeability characteristics, it provides different clearance capability for the various solutes. The H D patients were undergoing dialysis therapy 4 hours/day, three times a week, for a duration of 6 months to 15 years. The age range was 20 to 66 years. The end stage renal disease (ESRD) in this group was secondary to hypertension (HTN, 8 pts) systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, 2 pts) and hemolytic uremic syndrome (1 pt). The PD patients were undergoing c o n t i n u o u s ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD),for a duration of 14 months to 9 years. The age range of this group was 29 to 63 years. The ESRD of these patients was secondary to HTN (9 pts), SLE (1 pt), and Alport's syndrome (1 pt). The 11 controls were age and sex matched without any known renal, ophthalmologic or neurologic disease. An IRB informed consent was obtained from all patients. All subjects had a visual acuity of 20/30 or better without significant hypertensive retinopathy (Keith-Wagener I 1). Patients with diabetes mellitus, or any stigmata of visual or neu-

R L Storch M D is from the Department of Ophthalmology Rambam Medical Center and S Storch M D I S wtth the Department of Medicine at Carmel Medical Center Mtchal St 7 Haifa Israel R London M D and W T Pordy M D are from the Renal Division Department of Medicine Mount Sinai Medical Center N Y N Y Requests for reprints should be addressed to Rita L Storch M D Dept of Ophthalmology Rambam Medical Center Haifa 31096 Israel



01992 VOL. 23 NO. 4

Chemical analysis The serum levels of BUN, Cr, Aluminum, and PTH were drawn before the PVEP test. Serum aluminum was measured with flamelessatomic absorption spectrophotometry as described by Fuchset aI.’The serum PTH level was obtained by the radioimmunoassay method.” Statistical analysis The data were analyzed by the one way ANOVA analysis of variance and the Fisher’s LSD multiple comparison test, Number Cruncher Statistical System.“

0 PI00

- i

l o o rnsec

Figure 1. PVEP of normal subject showing the waves N70. P100 and N145. OD, right eye; OS, left eye; P100-N145 slope(s) was calculated as shown in the lower 0s

tracing (s = x/y).

rologic abnormalities were excluded from the study.

PVEP recording The PVEP was recorded monocularly using gold-cup electrodes placed at Z5 (active site), and 263 (reference). The “Z” represents the midline and the number refers t o the percentage of the inion-nasion distance. A ground electrode was placed on the midforehead. Electrode impedance was always below 5 Kohms. The signals were filtered between 0.3 and 100 Hz, amplified by50 K and wereaveraged on-line with NeuroScope Siegen averager. At least 150 responses per trial were COIL lected. To ensure reliability all responses were replicated. The latencies and amplitudes of the major positive (P100) and the latencies of the negative waves (N70 and N145) were measured. The P100-Nl45 slope, which is the slope between the lowest point on the P100 wave and the highest point on the N145 wave, was calculated as shown in Figure 1. The visual stimulus consisted of vertical sinusoidal gratings generated on a Joyce Electronics display unit with a mean luminance of 100 cd/m2. The contrast, defined as the difference over the sum of the l u m i n a n c e of t w o adjacent light-dark bars: (Lmax-Lmin/Lmax+Lmin), was 45%. The spatial frequencyof the pattern (number of pairsof light-dark bars per degree of visual angle) was 2.3 cpd. The pattern was counterphase modulated at 1.5 Hz ( 3 dark-light reversals per second). The viewing distance was 72 c m and the visual angle subtended was 18 degrees.

RESULTS PD patients showed a significant delay in the latency of P100 as compared to controls (P < 0.05). No significant change in the amplitude of PlOO was observed. The latency of N70 did not differ significantly from controls, implying a dissociation between the latency of N70 and P100 in PD patients (Table 1, Figure 2A, B, C). The N145 wave showed a significant (P 50 mcg/l) have all shown prolonged P100 latencies and decreased P100-Nl45 slope (Figure 3). This finding could suggest a possible correlation between serum aluminum and the delay in the PVEP in PD patients, however it needs further evaluation in a larger number of patients. DISCUSSION A summary of the main findings of previous VEP studies d o n e i n uremic and dialysis patien tS7,8.1 2-22 I. S shown in Table 3. Since most of these studies paid no attention to the negativecomponents N7Oand N145and to the P100 morphology, a comparison to our results is difficult. Thedelayed PlOO latencyfound in the PD


'1992 VOL 23 NO 4


Table 1 Comparison of PVEP Parameters PVEP Wave




P < 0.05

N70 I (ms) PlOO a (uv) P100 I (ms) N145 I (ms) N145 s

76.2 f 6.0 *4.6 f 2.31 113.4 i 18.8 155.7 f 22.5 1.3 f 0.63

77.5 i 5.95 6.7 i 3.36 '116.8 i 16.4 "169.3 k 28.5 *1.0 i 0.43

73.9 i 4.7 7.3 k 1.96 103.9 4.23 142.0 f 6.6 1.8 k 0.77



I , latency; a, amplitude; s, slope; HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis; CTRL, controls; SG = p < 0.05; NS, nonsignificant.







(ms) 11












P100-Nl45 SLOPE











Figure 2. A, means of PlOO latency, B, means of P100 amplitude, C . means of N70 latency D. means of P100-N145 slope HD, hemodialysis, PD, peritoneal dialysis, CTRL. controls




1992 VOL 23 NO 4

Table 2

Age (Y) Dialysis (y) BUN (mgo/o) Creatinine (mg%) Aluminum (mcg/l) PTH (pg/ml)



P < 0.05

47.7 f 12.4 5.53 -+ 5.55 73.2 i 17.5 10.6 3.87 25.8 f 18.5 44.5 f 3 2 . 0

40.5 t 9.9 4.05 t 2.66 67.2 i 11.0 13.1 31 2.73 53.1 t 4 2 . 2 68.3 t 43.6






(R2 = 0.93)

180 160 -


140 120 100


80 -







Figure 3. The correlation between the three highest serum aluminum levels and P100 latency in PD patients.

patients in our study gives some support to the findings of Hugheset al,’which havesuggested that the main toxic effect of peritoneal dialysis could be o n the visual system. Their finding of delayed VEP latency in PD as compared t o HD patients is quite surprising considering the fact PD patients were reported to have a lower rate of peripheral neuropathy due to a more efficient removal of middle molecules substances than HD patient~.~.~T h e o previous nly study compar-

ing VEP changes between HD and PD patients was done using flash VEP,’ while the present study was carried out with sinusoidal pattern reversal (PVEP). The PVEP is more steady inter- and intrasubject than the flash VEP.23,24 The PVEP is determined by such parameters as the pattern’s contrast, orientation, and mode of presentation (e.g., pattern reversal, onset/offset), thus it gives more strict representation of the cortical



'1992 VOL 23 NO 4

Table 3 Visual Evoked Potential in Uremia: Summary of the Literature Author


1954 Klingler" 1969 H y manZ2 1978 Hame113 1978 ~ewis'~ 1980 Hughes' L o w i t z ~ c h ' ~ 1981 Rossini" 1981 Ku ba" 1983 Cohen17 1983 ~a~ser'' 1984 Russellz0 1984 Brown 1987




No. of Patients


? ? *129 for 4y 8 6 H D vs 6 PD 3 43 88 22 34 14 18

+ + + + +





t AMP f LAT t LAT ns AMP r LAT t AMP t LAT PD > H D befD vs aftD ns t LAT f LAT 1 AMP f LAT t LAT 1 AMP 12-8cpd t LAT f AMP


*N70-P100 Dissociation t LAT (+) to 'AL

+ +




+ +




Main Finding P2/P100


+ -

+ -

+ -



AMP, amplitude; LAT, latency; I,increased; I , decreased; ns, nonsignificant; D, dialysis; (+), direct correlation; CSF, contrast sensitivity function.

nervous function. Cells in the striate cortex that respond maximally with respect to a particular parameter are grouped t ~ g e t h e r , ' thus ~ the PVEP gives more strict representation of the cortical nervous function than the flash VEP. Therefore, by using the appropriate pattern stimulus one could probe the cortex in ways that are close to its own organization and disclose pathologies specific t o various dise a s e ~ . ' ~The ' ~ ~PVEP recorded with patternreversal stimulation of a whole visual field is a c o m p o u n d c o r t i c a l response composed of three distinct components: the negative early N70 wave, the major positive P100 wave, and the negative N145 wave.27728 The different VEP patterns found in this study in the two dialysis groups suggest that the mode of dialysis could alter the nervous system function of uremic patients. The dissociation found in this study in the PD group between the latency of the N70 and the PlOO supports a previous study by Brown et al." It implies a CNS pathology in these patients, since the N70 is considered the earliest cortical component of the VEP.28,29 This early negative peak of the PVEP, which occursaround 70-80 msec, has been measured only in afew ~ t u d i e s ' ~ - ~ ~ s iitnwas c e considered an "unreliable peak." However, it has been shown recently that the N70 could be a useful marker of visual pathways dysfunction when one uses the appropriate stimulation. The N70

is a postsynaptic cortical component of the PVEP with properties that are distinct from the P100. N70 shows clear spatial tuning, while P100 does not. The N70 is largest at medium spatial frequency, near the peak of human foveal contrast sensitivity, being most probably determined by foveal neuron^.^^-^' According to this information, we have obtained reliable N70 with a pattern of 2.3 cpd in most of the subjects. We did not measure the amplitude of the N70 in this study. The N70 was shown to be produced by two generators, one in each hemisphere with opposite orientation, therefore, with full-field recording its amplitude is small and variable due to electrical can~ellation.'~-'~ The second important finding of this study is the significant decrease in the P100-N145 slope in PD patients only (Figure 4A, B, C). This finding was present in some PD patients with normal P100 latencyand was absent in HD patients even with delayed P100 latency (Figure 4D), making it unlikely to be the result of a delayed PlOO alone. While the N145 has been studied and occasionally d e ~ c r i b e d , ~ 'it- ~has ~ not on the whole received much attention. The clinical significance of the N145 and its relationship to the P100 are still obscure owing to the complex structure of the visual system. According to Lesevre and Joseph,35 the N145 is a midline component with a different site of origin than the P100. Therefore, the findings of this study



01992 VOL 23 NO. 4


1.1 p




Figure4. PVEP tracing A, normal subject; B and C, PD patients; D, HD patients; showing the different morphology of the PVEP in the two dialysis groups.

point toward a specific postsynaptic visual pathway abnormality in PD patients.

again a postsynaptic pathology. The EEG was altered relatively little until late in the course of the encephalopathy. Recently, Altman et ale In the present study there was no significant reported a direct correlation between cumulacorrelation between the age of the patient, the tive oral aluminum intake and the delayed flash time on dialysis, BUN, Cr, Al, PTH and the PVEP VEP in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The parameters measured. Some author^^^'^,'^ have pattern VEP was in the normal range. Whole found a direct correlation between the PVEP brain tissue aluminum concentration has been latencies and serum BUN. These results are in found to be increased in Alzheimer presenile contradiction to the studies that did not find VEP changes before and after d i a l y ~ i s . ~It~is. * ~ dementia,36 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism associated with The reasonable to assume that the PVEP paramerole of these findings in the etiology of the ters will correlate with the chronic uremic state above diseases is still unknown. and not with acute changes as reflected by the The finding that the amplitude of the PlOO in serum BUN levels. the PD group in our study was not statistically Therefore. for an accurate evaluation of the significant from that of the controls could be correlation between uremia and PVEP parameexplained by the greatervariability of theampliters, clearance studies of creatinine, inulin, and tude as compared to the latency of the PVEP 812 (as representative of middle molecules) are r e s p o n ~ e . ~ ~ ~amplitude ~ T h i s variability also required. The three PD patients in our study diminishes the significance of the decrease in with the highest serum aluminum levels (>50 amplitude of the PlOO obtained in HD patients mcg/l) have all shown markedly increased as compared to controls. P100 latencies and decreased P100-N145 To conclude, by using the appropriate visual slope. This finding could suggest a possible stimulus we wereable in thisstudy todisclosea correlation between serum aluminum and the postsynaptic visual abnormality specific to PD altered PVEP morphology obtained in the PD patients. The relationship of the present PVEP group. Crapper et a136have followed the VEP findings to serum aluminum requires further during the course of aluminum induced eninvestigation. cephalopathy in rabbit, caused by direct injection of aluminum chloride to the cerebral cortex. SUMMARY According to their study, the later components The visual evoked potential was recorded in of the VEP declined progressively in amplitude peritoneal and hernodialysis patients as comduring the encephalopathy, while the earlier pared to normal controls. By using the approcomponents persisted unchanged, suggesting priate visual stimulus we were able to disclose 174

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. Ivan Bodis-Wollner for his critical reading of an earlier version of this manuscript a n d his invaluable suggestions. The research described herein was supported in part by Fight for Sight, Inc., New York City postdoctoral fellowship 88001, in memory of Mary E. and Alexander P. Hirsh.

specific VEP abnormalities for each of the two dialysis groups. The dissociation found between the latency of N70 and PlOO in peritoneal dialysis patients suggests a possible postsynaptic visual abnormality not described previously. T h e c o r r e l a t i o n between t h e h i g h serum aluminum and the P100 latency of peritoneal dialysis patients requires further investigation.

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Differences in pattern visual evoked potential (PVEP) between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients.

The visual evoked potential was recorded in peritoneal and hemodialysis patients as compared to normal controls. By using the appropriate visual stimu...
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