Ann Nutr Metab 2014;64:197–202 DOI: 10.1159/000365018

Published online: October 2, 2014

Dietary and Lifestyle Advice for Pregnant Women Who Are Overweight or Obese: The LIMIT Randomized Trial Jodie M. Dodd School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, The University of Adelaide, and The Robinson Institute, Adelaide, S.A., and Department of Perinatal Medicine, Women’s and Babies’ Division, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Abstract Overweight and obesity during pregnancy are common and are associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes for both the mother and the infant. However, robust evidence about the effect of antenatal dietary and lifestyle interventions on health outcomes is lacking. We conducted a multicenter, randomized trial, recruiting 2,212 women (from 3 public maternity hospitals across South Australia) with a singleton pregnancy between 10+0 and 20+0 weeks’ gestation and a BMI ≥25. The women were randomized to lifestyle advice (n = 1,108) or standard care (n = 1,104). Women randomized to lifestyle advice participated in a comprehensive dietary and lifestyle intervention over the course of their pregnancy (delivered by research staff), while women randomized to standard care received pregnancy care according to local guidelines, which did not include such information. Provision of the lifestyle intervention was associated with a significant 18% relative risk reduction in the chance of infants being born with a birth weight above 4 kg. No other significant differences were identified in maternal pregnancy and birth outcomes between the two treatment groups.

© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel 0250–6807/14/0644–0197$39.50/0 E-Mail [email protected]

Observational studies highlight the association between a high infant birth weight and the subsequent risk of childhood and adulthood obesity. Antenatal interventions that are effective in reducing high infant birth weights therefore represent a significant strategy to tackle obesity from a population health perspective, while ongoing interrogation of the biospecimens and measurements, including ongoing childhood follow-up, will provide a unique opportunity to evaluate the mechanistic pathways of maternal-to-infant/ childhood obesity. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

It is estimated that more than 110 million children [1] and 1.3 billion adults [2] globally are overweight (defined as a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9) or obese (defined as a BMI ≥30.0), representing a significant contribution to the worldwide burden of disease [3]. The main adverse consequences of adult obesity relate to increased risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and several cancers, thereby significantly reducing the life expectancy [3] and contributing to a significant economic burden [4]. Estimates from the USA indicate that in 2006 USD 147 billion dollars were spent on obesity-related complications, representing 10% of the country’s total health care expenditure [5], with projections indicating that these Prof. Jodie M. Dodd The University of Adelaide, Women’s and Children’s Hospital 72 King William Road North Adelaide, SA 5006 (Australia) E-Mail jodie.dodd @

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Key Words Pregnancy · Obesity · Intervention · Randomized controlled trial


Ann Nutr Metab 2014;64:197–202 DOI: 10.1159/000365018

The LIMIT randomized trial [22] recruited and randomized 2,212 women with a BMI ≥25 and a singleton pregnancy between 10+0 and 2+0 weeks’ gestation from the 3 major metropolitan maternity hospitals within Adelaide, S.A., Australia. All women presenting for antenatal care had their height and weight measured, and their BMI was calculated at the time of their first antenatal appointment. After providing written informed consent, the women were randomized using a central telephone randomization service. A computer-generated schedule was used, with balanced variable blocks and stratification for parity (0 vs. 1 or more), BMI at the antenatal booking (25–29.9 vs. ≥30), and collaborating center. Women randomized to the lifestyle advice group participated in a comprehensive dietary and lifestyle intervention over the course of their pregnancy, including a combination of dietary, exercise, and behavioral strategies, delivered by a research dietician and trained research assistants [23]. The dietary advice provided was consistent with current Australian dietary standards [24] in which women are encouraged to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein and reduce their intake of foods high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats while increasing their intake of fiber, promoting the consumption of 2 servings of fruit, 5 servings of vegetables, and 3 servings of dairy each day [24]. Advice regarding exercise in pregnancy is primarily focused on encouraging women to increase their activity through walking and incidental activity [25]. After randomization, a detailed dietary and physical activity history was obtained from women during an initial planning session with a research dietician. Individualized information was provided, including meal plans, time-saving and easy-to-prepare healthy recipes, advice regarding simple food substitutions (e.g. reducing sugarsweetened soft drinks and fruit juices, reducing added sugar and foods high in refined carbohydrates, and lowfat alternatives), healthy snack and eating-out options, and general guidelines associated with healthy food preparation. At this session, each woman was encouraged to identify and set achievable goals for dietary and exercise changes. Furthermore, they were supported in making these lifestyle changes and self-monitoring their progress utilizing a provided booklet. Specifically, each woman was encouraged to identify potential barriers to them implementing their dietary goals, and using these perceived barriers they were assisted in solving the problem and developing individualized strategies to facilitate their successful implementation.


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costs will continue to double each decade, representing up to 18% of the total health care expenditure by 2030 [6]. The impact of maternal overweight and obesity during pregnancy and childbirth is substantial, with a large proportion of pregnant women being overweight or obese, and estimates have increased from 35% reported in 2006 [7] to more recent figures in the order of 50% or more [8–11]. There are well-documented risks of poor health outcomes associated with obesity during pregnancy, and the risks increase as the BMI increases [7, 9]. Recognized pregnancy complications include an increased risk of hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and the need for both induction of labor and a caesarean section [7, 9, 12]. Furthermore, there is increasing recognition of the health implications of maternal overweight and obesity for the infant. Infants born to women who are overweight or obese are more likely to require nursery admission and treatment for both hypoglycemia and jaundice [7, 9]. These infants are also more likely to have a birth weight above 4 kg [9, 12–14], which in turn has been recognized as a risk factor for subsequent obesity in both childhood and adulthood [15, 16]. Complicating the relationship between the maternal prepregnancy BMI and pregnancy outcomes is the independent effect of gestational weight gain (GWG), which is also associated with many of these same adverse pregnancy outcomes [7, 9, 17, 18]. There is a substantial amount of literature on maternal weight gain in pregnancy that has been summarized by the Institute of Medicine [19, 20]. Since 1970, most studies have reported average weight gains of 10–15 kg, with the rate of gain in the last half of pregnancy ranging from 0.45 to 0.52 kg/week, although this varies considerably among overweight and obese women, with many having GWG exceeding this average [19]. The original focus of the Institute of Medicine recommendations was the relationship between GWG and fetal growth restriction [19] in an era before the widespread prevalence of obesity. These recommendations have since been reviewed [20], recognizing the trade-off that often exists between maternal and infant outcomes [21] and advocating a GWG of 7.0–11.5 kg for women who are overweight and a GWG of 5.0–9.0 kg for women who are obese [20]. It is estimated that more than 60% of pregnant women report a weight gain in excess of the Institute of Medicine recommendations [20]. In view of the association between obesity and GWG, there has been intense research interest in the evaluation of interventions, particularly among women who are overweight or obese, to limit GWG.

assessment of the participants has been undertaken (and completed) at 6 and 18 months of age, with follow-up at age 3 years currently ongoing. The Pedersen hypothesis, also known as the developmental overnutrition hypothesis [30], was proposed as a possible explanation for the relationship observed between maternal diabetes in pregnancy and increased fetal adiposity or overgrowth. It was postulated that maternal hyperglycemia contributed to increased transplacental glucose transfer, with subsequent fetal hyperglycemia and increased insulin production. The overall net effect of fetal hyperinsulinemia was an increase in insulin-mediated fetal growth. Subsequently, the role of other fuel substrates, including free fatty acids, triglycerides, and amino acids, was also recognized [30]. In recent times, the fetal developmental overnutrition hypothesis has been expanded in recognition of the potentially significant metabolic impact of maternal obesity [31]. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence to support an effect of maternal obesity on direct alterations in the placental transfer of metabolic substrates. Both maternal overweight and obesity are risk factors for the subsequent development of gestational diabetes [7, 9, 32]. Metabolically, obesity and gestational diabetes share similar characteristics, including insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and a low-grade state of chronic inflammation, which in turn has been shown to alter the availability and the placental transfer of nutrients to the developing fetus [31]. Adipose tissue also has a critical role in innate immune sensing, with various adipocytokines (leptin, TNF-α, and IL-6) acting to antagonize the effects of insulin [33–38]. Through manipulation of the maternal diet during pregnancy and early postnatal feeding, animal studies have identified significant alterations in offspring body composition and adiposity, potentially mediated through modification of appetite and energy expenditure [39–41]. In rodents, diet-induced maternal obesity has been shown to cause obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease, as well as behavior and learning changes in offspring [42]. The effects of maternal dietary modification during pregnancy on infant body composition and metabolic health are less clear. Cohort studies have suggested, despite minimal changes in birth weight, that infants born to women who are overweight or obese have an increased percentage of body fat and fat mass compared to infants born to women with a normal BMI [43–45]. Similarly, infants born to women with gestational diabetes have been demonstrated to have an increased fat mass and a reduced lean tissue mass at birth, again despite minimal

The LIMIT Trial

Ann Nutr Metab 2014;64:197–202 DOI: 10.1159/000365018


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This information was reinforced during subsequent inputs across pregnancy provided by the research dietician (at 28 weeks’ gestation) and trained research assistants (via telephone contact at 22, 24, and 32 weeks’ gestation and a face-to-face visit at 36 weeks’ gestation). Women who were randomized to receiving standard care continued their pregnancy care according to statewide perinatal practice and local hospital guidelines, which did not include routine provision of dietary or exercise advice or information regarding GWG targets [26]. Outcomes focused on a range of maternal and infant clinical outcomes, in addition to maternal dietary and physical activity changes, maternal psychological wellbeing and quality of life, ultrasound assessment of fetal growth and adiposity, and anthropometry (maternal, paternal, and neonatal). A total of 2,212 women were recruited and randomized to the LIMIT trial. The median BMI of the cohort was 31.1 (IQR 27.9–35.8), with 42.1% of women being overweight and 57.9% obese [22]. Infants born to women who received lifestyle advice were 18% less likely to have a high birth weight (p = 0.04) [22] compared to infants born to women who received standard care. No statistically significant differences were identified between the two groups with regard to maternal antenatal, labor, or birth outcomes [22]. In a post hoc analysis, the mean GWG of approximately 9.4 kg did not differ between the two treatment groups, with GWG above the Institute of Medicine recommendations for approximately 42% of all women [22]. Despite the lack of a difference in GWG between the two treatment groups, women who received lifestyle advice were successful in making significant changes to both their diet and their physical activity [Dodd et al., unpubl. data]. The findings of the LIMIT randomized trial [22] provide evidence that changes in maternal diet and physical activity during pregnancy can reduce the risk of high infant birth weight among women who are overweight or obese. This is of great significance given the observational data from the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study [27], which highlights that children with a birth weight greater than 4 kg are at a significantly greater risk for obesity in adolescence. In that cohort, while the incidence of birth weight over 4 kg was 12%, 36% of individuals who were obese at age 14 years had a birth weight over 4 kg [27]. Therefore, any antenatal intervention that is successful in reducing the risk of high infant birth weight potentially represents a significant strategy to tackle obesity from a population health perspective [28, 29], with ongoing follow-up of participants from the LIMIT randomized trial into childhood being essential. To this end,

Table 1. Specimen/measurement and time point of collection


Time point

Anthropometric measure

Biological specimen


Trial entry and 36 weeks’ GA 28 weeks’ GA

Weight, height, BMI BC, and SFTM

Cardiometabolic responsea Buffy coat: genetic analysesb Cardiometabolic responsea

Weight, height, BMI BC, and SFTM

Saliva: genetic analysesb

Paternal Fetal

28 and 36 weeks’ GA

Ultrasound fetal growth and adiposity measures



Weight, length, BMI BC, SFTM, and BIA

Cord blood: cardiometabolic responsea Nucleated blood cells: genetic analysesb


6, 18, and 36 months

Weight, length/height, BMI BC, SFTM, and BIA

Saliva: genetic analysesb

differences in birth weight [46, 47]. Furthermore, there are reports indicating that these differences in the distribution of adipose tissue persist into early childhood [48, 49]. The maternal dietary fat intake during pregnancy also appears to impact childhood adiposity, with a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids being associated with reduced childhood adiposity as measured by skinfold thickness [50], in addition to predicting the fat mass as measured by DEXA scans in children aged 4 and 6 years [51]. Features of the metabolic syndrome, specifically abdominal adiposity, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes, are being increasingly linked to changes in the intrauterine environment and epigenetic modification of gene expression and subsequent changes in body composition in fetal life and early infancy, reflecting altered ratios of fat and lean tissue mass, as well as changes in metabolic pathway regulation [52]. The well-described features of the metabolic syndrome in adults have been documented increasingly in children [1, 53–55], with population studies indicating that 25% of 8-year-old and 29% of 14-yearold children have features of the syndrome [53]. The effect of maternal obesity and GWG on the risk of a subsequent cardiovascular risk and hypertension in offspring is also emerging, with both maternal prepregnancy obesity and high degrees of GWG documented to be associated with an altered cardiovascular risk profile and a higher blood pressure in children [15, 56]. While these 200

Ann Nutr Metab 2014;64:197–202 DOI: 10.1159/000365018

associations have not been universally reported [42, 57, 58], some suggest that the changes remain evident up until 21 years of age [59]. While observational studies have indicated an association between both a high maternal BMI and a high GWG and the subsequent risk of childhood obesity and cardiometabolic disease, the precise operational mechanisms that contribute to this are unclear. The recent consensus statement from the International Life Sciences Institute, Europe [60], relating to obesity in pregnancy recommended that: ‘assessment of relationships between maternal obesity and offspring health would be facilitated by … long-term follow-up without interruption throughout childhood and into adulthood, determination of parental, neonatal and childhood adiposity and fat distribution, … measurement of growth trajectories in the fetus, … collection of paternal, maternal, and child DNA, in addition to maternal and cord blood biomarkers’ [60]. As outlined in table 1, much of this extensive range of biospecimens and measurements has been prospectively collected within the context of the LIMIT randomized trial which, in combination with ongoing childhood assessment, will provide a unique and invaluable resource facilitating evaluation of the mechanistic pathways of maternal-toinfant/childhood obesity. Both a high maternal BMI [7, 9] and a high GWG [17, 18] have been recognized as significant and independent predictors of future child and adult obesity [61–64]. Dodd

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GA = Gestational age; BC = body circumferences; BIA = bioimpedance analysis; SFTM = skin fold thickness measurement. a Includes carbohydrate metabolism, triglycerides, and adipocytokines. b Include both genetic and epigenetic evaluations.

While the association between maternal and infant and childhood adiposity is likely to reflect a combination of shared genetic and environmental factors in addition to in utero programming pathways, the latter may be modifiable and therefore of enormous significance as a strategy to prevent or limit the early onset of obesity. The clinical findings of the LIMIT randomized trial, and the subsequent detailed evaluation of mechanistic information, will continue to providing unique opportunities to evaluate the contribution of the intrauterine environment to the pathways between maternal and child obesity.

Acknowledgement This article reports an extended version of the presentation made at the conference ‘The Power of Programming 2014. International Conference on Developmental Origins of Adiposity and Long-Term Health’, held in Munich on March 13–15, 2014. To participate in the conference, the author received funding from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013), EarlyNutrition project, under grant agreement No. 289346.

Disclosure Statement The author has no financial interests to disclose.


The LIMIT Trial

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Dietary and lifestyle advice for pregnant women who are overweight or obese: the LIMIT randomized trial.

Overweight and obesity during pregnancy are common and are associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes for both the mother and the in...
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