Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 54, number 5, pp. 841–849 doi:10.1093/icb/icu044

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology


Development, Maternal Effects, and Behavioral Plasticity Jill M. Mateo1 Department of Comparative Human Development, 5730 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, USA


E-mail: [email protected]

Synopsis Behavioral, hormonal, and genetic processes interact reciprocally, and differentially affect behavior depending on ecological and social contexts. When individual differences are favored either between or within environments, developmental plasticity would be expected. Parental effects provide a rich source for phenotypic plasticity, including anatomical, physiological, and behavioral traits, because parents respond to dynamic cues in their environment and can, in turn, influence offspring accordingly. Because these inter-generational changes are plastic, parents can respond rapidly to changing environments and produce offspring whose phenotypes are well suited for current conditions more quickly than occurs with changes based on evolution through natural selection. I review studies on developmental plasticity and resulting phenotypes in Belding’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi), an ideal species, given the competing demands to avoid predation while gaining sufficient weight to survive an upcoming hibernation, and the need for young to learn their survival behaviors. I will show how local environments and perceived risk of predation influence not only foraging, vigilance, and anti-predator behaviors, but also adrenal functioning, which may be especially important for obligate hibernators that face competing demands on the storage and mobilization of glucose. Mammalian behavioral development is sensitive to the social and physical environments provided by mothers during gestation and lactation. Therefore, maternal effects on offspring’s phenotypes, both positive and negative, can be particularly strong.

Introduction Since the Modern Synthesis (Fisher 1930; Wright 1931; Haldane 1932), it has been well demonstrated that the traits of offspring are affected by parental genotypes, but recent attention has been paid to parental effects, or the ways in which a parent’s genotype or the environment influence the phenotype of the offspring. Parental effects may stem from the parents’ biotic and abiotic habitats, diet, physiology, and behavior. Such plastic, inter-generational effects can be adaptive, as parents respond quickly to changing environments and can produce offspring with traits well suited to current conditions (similar to the ‘‘maternal match hypothesis’’ of Love et al. [2013]; see also Cairns et al. 1990; Mousseau and Fox 1998). Less often considered, however, are negative maternal effects, when offspring resemble parental strategies in changed environments, and these strategies are not successful under the new conditions. See also Sheriff and Love (2013) for how ‘‘maternally

derived stress’’ can have positive or negative outcomes for offspring, depending on their future environment, and Meylan et al. (2012) for how maternal effects can lead to adaptive responses to rapid climatic change. In mammals, behavioral development is highly sensitive to the physical and social environments provided by mothers during pre-natal and postnatal development (Reinhold 2002). Maternal physiology, food choices, habitat, and social partners can have substantive and lasting effects on offspring’s phenotypes. Functionally, these effects can be adaptive if offspring develop in environments similar to their mothers. They also contribute to individual variation within a population, with selection favoring alternative phenotypes depending on spatial and temporal changes in environmental and social conditions (reviewed by Stamps 2003; see also Mateo 2007a; McAdam 2009; Sheriff et al. 2010). Maternal effects can significantly influence the development of adaptive behaviors, including behaviors

Advanced Access publication May 11, 2014  The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions please email: [email protected].

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From the symposium ‘‘Adaptation or Developmental Constraint? Uniting Evolutionary Theory and Empirical Studies of Phenotypic Plasticity’’ presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3–7, 2014 at Austin, Texas.


Maternal effects on survival behaviors in Belding’s ground squirrels Here I review several studies of anti-predator behavior to illustrate the potential for maternal effects on survival tactics, using Belding’s ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi) as a model. Ground squirrels are vulnerable to both aerial and terrestrial predators, and most species produce alarm calls that warn of danger from predators (see Owings and Hennessy 1984; Sherman and Morton 1984; Mateo 1996a, 2007b). Many species also are vulnerable to starvation or freezing during hibernation and must effectively negotiate the trade-off between watching for predators and gaining weight for hibernation. In addition, the fast developmental rate of young allows for both observational and experimental studies of acquisition of anti-predator behaviors across a range of environments (e.g., Poran and Coss 1990; Coss et al. 1993; Mateo 1995; Hanson and Coss 1997). Urocitellus beldingi are 200–500 g, groupliving, diurnal rodents found in alpine and subalpine

regions of the western United States. They are socially active above ground between April and August and hibernate the remainder of the year (Jenkins and Eshelman 1984). Females mate with multiple males (up to nine) shortly after emerging from torpor, and after 25 days give birth to a litter of four to eight pups, which they rear by themselves in an underground natal burrow (J. Hanken and P.W. Sherman 1981, personal observation). Young first come above ground (emerge) as 4-week-old juveniles (P.W. Sherman and M.L. Morton 1984, personal observation). Two to three weeks after emergence, juvenile males begin to disperse (Holekamp 1984). Because females do not disperse, they can live near female kin, favoring the evolution of nepotism (Hamilton 1964). Females with close kin (mothers, daughter, and sisters) are more likely to give risky alarm calls than are females without close kin (Sherman 1977). They also help defend the territories of their close female kin from potentially infanticidal intruders (Sherman 1981). Belding’s ground squirrels emit two sonographically and auditorily distinct alarm calls, whistles and trills, that elicit different behavioral responses and serve different functions (Sherman 1977, 1985; Robinson 1980; Leger et al. 1984; Mateo 1996a). Whistles are elicited by fast-moving, typically aerial, predators and result in evasive behaviors such as running to a burrow or entering it, and scanning the area only after reaching safety. Trills are elicited by slower-moving, primarily terrestrial, predators and usually cause listeners to post (a bipedal stance accompanied by visual scanning), with or without changing location (Mateo 1996a). Types of call reflect both type of predator and the urgency of response (Robinson 1981; see also Owings and Virginia 1978). In the natal burrow, pups experience a relatively dark, quiet environment, and do not begin to hear alarm calls routinely until just before their natal emergence. When young emerge as nearly weaned juveniles, they leave their quiet, well protected natal burrow and enter a drastically different environment, one that includes increased visual and auditory stimulation, and predators, as well as other ground squirrels that both produce and respond to alarm calls. A few days after natal emergence, the young begin to explore their surrounding area that includes other burrows, although the natal burrow will remain the activity center for juveniles for about 2 weeks. In the month after emergence, juveniles must become independent of their mother, undergo natal dispersal, establish a hibernaculum, and gain adequate weight to survive the winter, all while avoiding predators,

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important for survival. This might seem counterintuitive, since one might expect survival-behaviors to develop through closed programs (Mayr 1974). Accordingly, some have argued that behaviors important for survival, such as avoidance of predators, or responses to alarm calls, should develop without experience (Tinbergen 1953; Hinde 1954; Bolles 1970; Magurran 1990; Curio 1993). Alternatively, others suggest that survival-behaviors are best learned or acquired, perhaps through experience with predators (e.g., Vitale 1989; Cheney and Seyfarth 1990; Mateo 1996a; Griffin 2004; Nelson et al. 2013). Such nature–nurture distinctions are no longer formally endorsed, but are still found in the literature despite agreement by most biologists that behavior is neither innate nor acquired, but instead develops epigenetically as an animal interacts with the series of environments it encounters, both pre-natally and post-natally (Lehrman 1970; Gottlieb 1976; Johnston 1987; West and King 2008). Despite the vulnerability of the young to predation, open developmental programs might be adaptive when the context of predation varies among age groups or among populations, thereby favoring plasticity of species-typical behaviors (Johnston 1982; Shettleworth 1998; Richerson and Boyd 2001). For a young animal, its mother is one of the most salient aspects of its environment, and she can have a significant influence on her offspring’s acquisition of anti-predator repertoires, foraging skills, and social strategies.

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Development and behavioral plasticity

which can account for over 60% of juvenile mortality (Sherman 1976; Holekamp 1984; Jenkins and Eshelman 1984; Sherman and Morton 1984; Mateo 1996a). Of the 40% of juveniles who survive their first summer, more than half will not survive their first hibernation, due to insufficient body fat (Murie and Boag 1984; J.M. Mateo, unpublished data).

Development of responses to alarm calls Young ground squirrels need to learn which animals to fear, to which alarm calls to respond, and in what way. By what processes do juveniles acquire their responses to alarm-calls? To find out, I conducted a series of playback studies with free-living and captive U. beldingi in the eastern Sierra of California. Before natal emergence, U. beldingi pups do not show different behavioral responses to playbacks, but do exhibit different physiological responses to the two alarm calls. Specifically, the heart rates of 20- to 24-day-old pups decrease in response to playbacks of whistles and increase to trills (Fig. 1; Mateo 1996b). Just after natal emergence, juveniles still do not discriminate behaviorally between these calls, or even among alarm calls and other conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations. It takes 5 days for juveniles to learn to respond selectively to alarm calls and to ignore calls not associated with threatening stimuli. During these initial days, juveniles also learn the correct behavioral response for each type of call, although motoric responses continue to change quantitatively over the next several weeks. During this time up to 60% of juveniles disappear, many to predation (Fig. 2; Mateo 1996a). Experimental work pairing novel sounds with visual stimuli has shown that appropriate behavioral responses to the type of

Fig. 2 Percentage of newly emergent juveniles exhibiting a response to alarm-call and non-alarm call playbacks on their first and fifth day above ground. Numbers above bars represent the total number of responders and non-responders. Asterisks represent significant difference (P50.001) in likelihood of response to call types (reprinted from Mateo 1996a).

call can be acquired through associative learning (e.g., Mateo 1995, 2007; Shriner 1999).

Effects of mothers on juveniles’ responses In U. beldingi, this learning is facilitated by experience in hearing the calls as well as observations of adults’ reactions Juveniles attend to and model adults’ responses, particularly those of their mother rather than those of other nearby females (Mateo 1996a; Mateo and Holmes 1997; see also Seyfarth and Cheney 1980; Meno et al. 2013). On their first day aboveground, juveniles are significantly more likely to respond to alarm-call playbacks if their mother is present than if she is absent, but by day 5 her presence no longer influences the likelihood of response. Furthermore, juveniles adopt a style of response similar to that of their mother, and remain alert for extended periods if she does (Fig. 3); they also show more exaggerated vigilance if she does. These patterns of response persist at later ages, even when the mother is not visible at the time (Mateo 1996a; Mateo and Holmes 1997). If maternal responses are locally adapted to the types of threat of predation in the natal area, then offspring who adopt their mother’s styles might be favored. Mothers with natal burrows at the edge of meadows are more reactive to alarm calls and remain alert longer than do those from the center of a meadow (Mateo 1996a). This difference in vigilance may reflect increased vulnerability to predators near the edge (Elgar 1989; Hik et al. 2001; Anderson and Boutin 2002; Lazarus 2003; Morrell et al. 2011; Shi et al. 2011; but see Hirsch and Morrell 2011). Mothers’ reactions, which serve as models for juveniles’ responses, can reflect the mothers’ own

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Fig. 1 The percentage of animals responding with either tachycardia (open bars) or bradycardia (solid bars) to each playback stimulus just prior to the age of natal emergence. Bars total to 100% for each playback stimulus for each cohort. Numbers in parentheses represent the total number of young exhibiting increased or decreased heart rates following that playback stimulus. Brackets represent significance (**P50.05) of differences in the direction of heart-rate responses to stimuli based on McNemar’s Change Tests (reprinted from Mateo 1996b).


J. M. Mateo

Fig. 3 (Upper panel) Paired mean durations of response (seconds) of juveniles and their dams to same playback. (Lower panel) Paired mean durations of response of juveniles and unrelated adult females to same playback category. The linear regression lines are shown. Reprinted from Mateo and Holmes (1997).

Effects of glucocorticoids on response development

vulnerabilities (indirect maternal influence), or can be a form of maternal care, becoming more vigilant if they locate their natal burrow, and thus their offspring, in a dangerous area (at the edge from where predators appear) and less vigilant if in a safer region (center; direct maternal influences) (Mateo and Holmes 1997). Because U. beldingi juveniles model their responses after their mother, they are also more responsive and vigilant following playbacks of alarm calls if reared on the edge of a meadow than in the center (Mateo 1996a). These differences are apparent regardless of the individual’s location in the meadow at the time of the playback. However, they are not evident until young have been aboveground for at least 5 days, suggesting that some experience (either with the location or with their mothers’ responses) is required. Because of microhabitat-specific maternal effects on responses, U. beldingi can optimize both their foraging and anti-predator efforts, allowing juveniles (and adults) to gain adequate bodyweight before hibernation without expending energy on unnecessary vigilance (Mateo and Holmes 1999). In addition, females often establish territories near their mothers in later years (J.M. Mateo, unpublished

Maternal effects via physiological phenotype (e.g., diet, hormones, and photoperiod) can influence offspring’s physiology, which in turn can influence their behavioral responses to predators. Natal emergence of young ground squirrels is rather synchronous, with most litters emerging within a 10-day period, and tends to draw predators (Mateo 1996a). During this time, direct encounters with predators, observations of sudden, rapid responses of nearby adults, and experience with hearing loud alarm calls likely cause acute changes in circulating glucocorticoids of adults and offspring alike (Mateo 2009). The range of levels of cortisol depends on the particular stressor as well as on an individual’s hypothalamic–pituitary– adrenal (HPA) axis. Maternal responses to stress can affect the HPA functioning of their offspring, and thus a mother’s hormonal patterns can have longlasting effects on those of her young (e.g. Catalani 1997; and free-living animals: Love and Williams 2008, McCormick 1998, Sheriff et al. 2010, J. M. Mateo, unpubl. data; reviewed in by Champagne 2009, Meaney et al. (2007). This non-genetic transmission of adrenal functioning could have adaptive consequences for the offspring. Importantly, maternal glucocorticoids can affect the rate at which young learn behaviors important for survival. In laboratory rodents, glucocorticoids

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data), so adopting location-specific responses would be adaptive. However, given males’ dispersal, these inter-generational effects could be neutral or maladaptive, depending on where males settle. Microhabitat-specific adaptations are also evident in other species of ground squirrels. For example, studies of Arctic ground squirrels and California ground squirrels, as well as and rock squirrels (Urocitellus parryii, Otospermphilus beecheyi, Otospermphilus variegatus) demonstrated that animals sympatric with predatory snakes need to develop and maintain anti-snake behaviors, whereas responses to snakes are no longer evident in the anti-predator repertoires of animals living in habitats without snakes (Coss and Owings 1985; Goldthwaite et al. 1990; Coss et al. 1993; Owings et al. 2001). Such responses, then, would not necessarily be present upon first encounter with predators, but would be acquired rapidly with additional experience, perhaps through observational learning of their mother’s responses, through local enhancement (e.g., Swaisgood et al. 1999; also see Heyes (1999) and Nicol (1995) for critical discussions of social learning).


Development and behavioral plasticity

Maternal effects resulting in population differences Maternal effects via behavioral and physiological processes can result in populational differences in offspring’s survival tactics. Over 2 years I quantified the activity budgets and anti-predator responses of adult U. beldingi living in three different Californian habitats and likely experiencing different predation pressures. At one of these sites, which is visually closed (predators and escape burrows are difficult to see), animals responding to alarm calls remain alert longer and show more exaggerated responses than do adults living in two populations that likely experience less intense predation pressure. They also spend more time alert and less time foraging than do adults at the other two sites (Mateo 2007b; see also Ferrari et al. 2009). Urocitellus beldingi living in the closed site also have lower fecal glucocorticoid levels than do adults at the other two sites. These lower levels of corticoids can be interpreted as reflecting predictable risk of predation at this closed site, and allow animals to mount large acute elevations in cortisol

Fig. 4 (Upper panel) Juvenile fecal corticoids, measured at the conclusion of the spatial-learning study. Because cortisol of juveniles reared by mothers given medium and high doses of exogenous hydrocortisone was lower than that of control juveniles, they are referred to as LOW1 and LOW2 CORT groups, respectively. (Lower panel) Numbers of trials required to reach criterion in a complex spatial maze. Different letters over columns indicate significant differences based on Bonferroni-adjusted post-hoc pairwise t-test comparisons for significant ANOVAs (reprinted from Mateo 2008). Data on associative learning task, including juveniles with experimentally increased cortisol, not shown.

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(as well as the peripheral actions of epinephrine; McGaugh 1989) have an inverted-U-shaped effect on learning and memory. Very low or very high levels of corticoids can lead to hypo-arousal or hyper-arousal and poor selective attention to input and thus impair consolidation of new memories. Moderate elevation of corticoids is optimal for attention to stimuli and consolidation of memories (reviewed by Lupien and McEwen 1997; de Kloet et al. 1999; Roozendaal 2000). Maternal glucocorticoids are transmitted to mammalian offspring during gestation and lactation and can have long-term effects on the offspring’s endocrinology (e.g., Barbazanges et al. 1996; Catalani et al. 2002; Schopper et al. 2012). This ‘‘set point’’ may promote learning of anti-predator responses, particularly in animals inhabiting areas with high predation pressure. I explored this possibility by exogenously manipulating maternal cortisol in U. beldingi during lactation to determine its effect on the offspring’s cortisol and learning. Specifically, I compared juveniles with low or moderately elevated levels of baseline cortisol on two learning tasks. First, I used an associative learning task to determine whether the groups differed in their ability to acquire or retain an association between a warning call and the appropriate behavioral response. I also tested the groups in a novel, complex maze (Habitrail MiniMaze for Mice ) to assess their speed of spatial learning. Experimentally decreased basal cortisol levels (via maternal treatment) interfered with learning and memory compared with moderate elevation of cortisol (Mateo 2008; see Fig. 4). In a related experiment, juveniles of untreated mothers had very high levels of baseline cortisol because of hydrocortisone in their drinking water; they also exhibited impaired acquisition and memory in an associative learning task (Mateo 2008). In free-living juveniles, cortisol is moderately elevated for about 5 days after natal emergence (Mateo 2006), which may facilitate acquisition of spatial memory of a three-dimensional environment and responses to alarm calls during a sensitive period of learning. This novel demonstration of the inverted-U-shaped function in a wild animal suggests that natural selection has favored a hormonal profile facilitating rapid acquisition of important survival behaviors (see also Bokony et al. 2014; Meylan and Clobert 2005; Pravosudov 2003; Thaker et al. 2010; and Uller and Olsson 2006 for effects of glucocorticoids on learning and survival in wild or wild-caught animals). It also indicates the degree to which maternal effects can enhance or inhibit learning by offspring.


Maternal effects and kin recognition Finally, recall that in U. beldingi, trill alarm calls are considered nepotistic, favoring the evolution of kinrecognition abilities (Mateo 2002) that can facilitate appropriate expression of these anti-predator calls. Maternal effects on kin preferences are well documented in ground squirrels. The most common social behavior among juveniles is play, and young prefer to play with littermates and other kin over non-kin; this discrimination among juveniles is typically mediated by olfactory cues (Urocitellus columbianus, Urocitellus beldingi, Callospermophilus lateralis) (Waterman 1986; Holmes 1994, 1995; Mateo 2003). In U. beldingi, mothers are important for the development and crystallization of these preferences for kin. Juveniles reared in a semi-natural enclosure without their mothers fail to develop play–partner preferences. However, when mothers are present but unable to intervene in social interactions, preferences for littermates still develop, suggesting that a mother’s role is indirect. Indeed, it is a mother’s presence at night in the burrow system that attracts her offspring to sleep together, resulting in the establishment of kin preferences (Holmes and Mateo 1998). Play is thought to lay a foundation for adult kin preferences and nepotism, and therefore is expected to vary with kinship (Michener 1983; Holmes 1994). In some sciurids, however, even in the absence of nepotism, juveniles develop kin-recognition abilities and kin biases (e.g., C. lateralis), which might function in the avoidance of inbreeding (Michener 1983; Mateo 2002).

Conclusions Parental effects can help shape offspring’s behavioral repertoires, tuning them to the appropriate physiological, environmental, and social contexts. They will be favored when parents and their offspring experience similar social and physical environments and thus similar availability of resources, predation pressure, and social dynamics. Plasticity in survival behaviors can be adaptive when number and kinds of predators are variable. This plasticity can occur at multiple scales, across both space and time. Variation in the intensity of the risk of predation, quality of surrounding habitat, and predictability of the number and types of local predors can result in open developmental programs. Modification of behaviors through experience will allow animals to maximize foraging and growth, without increasing the risk of predation, according to their local conditions. Future work could determine the fitness outcomes of plasticity and the parental effects of dispersing and migrating animals, or in changing environments due to climatic change or urbanization. Interdisciplinary approaches will help to identify physiological and behavioral mechanisms underlying developmental plasticity.

Funding The National Science Foundation (IBN 93-11508, IBN 98-08704, and IOB 05-17137) and the National Institutes of Health (MH63921-01A1) funded collection of the data discussed here.

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(Mateo 2007b) that would facilitate escape from predators and promote enhanced vigilance while also enhancing storage of glucose for the approaching hibernation. Thus, animals are locally adapted to their risk of predation, both behaviorally and physiologically, thereby allowing them to balance tradeoffs among foraging, vigilance, and anti-predator behaviors. Because mothers can influence the ontogeny of their offspring’s anti-predator behaviors (Mateo 1996a; Mateo and Holmes 1997), their offspring should exhibit repertoires that are appropriate for their population (see also Fraser and Gilliam 1987; Boonstra and McColl 2000; Hik et al. 2001; Wingfield 2004; Reeder and Kramer 2005; Clinchy et al. 2011). This would be adaptive for both sons and daughters, as natal dispersal is typically constrained to within their current population (Holekamp 1984), although as noted above adaptations to microhabitats may be maladaptive for sons.

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J. M. Mateo

Development and behavioral plasticity

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Development, maternal effects, and behavioral plasticity.

Behavioral, hormonal, and genetic processes interact reciprocally, and differentially affect behavior depending on ecological and social contexts. Whe...
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