Environmental Letters

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Detection and Determination of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol - Difficulties in Trapping J. W. Robinson & W. M. Reid To cite this article: J. W. Robinson & W. M. Reid (1975) Detection and Determination of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol - Difficulties in Trapping , Environmental Letters, 8:4, 361-369, DOI: 10.1080/00139307509437446 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00139307509437446

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Date: 06 November 2015, At: 05:51

ENVIRONMENTAL LETTERS, 8(4), 361-369 (1975)

Detection and Detednation of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol


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Difficulties in Trapping.

J. W. Robinson and W. M. Reid Chenistry Deparhnent Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

Beginning with the 1975 model year, most American-made automobiles were fitted with a catalytic converter primarily using platinum as the catalyst.

The purpose of the converter was to oxidize completely all

unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide issuing from the automobile cylinders, thus reducing atmospheric pollution by these species. One of the difficulties associated with the use of this device was that any sulfur in the gasoline was oxidized to sulfur dioxide in the auto engine and any sulfur dioxide reaching the platinum catalyst was converted to sulfur trioxide. After combination with water which is formed during combustion in the engine, the sulfur trioxide forms sulfuric acid.


acid tends to form aerosols and these aerosols can linger in the atmosphere for considerable time periods.

Studies of the health effects of sulfuric

acid are not very complete but certainly sulfuric acid is very deleterious to such tender tissue as lung tissue and the delicate membranes of the mouth and throat and would represent a severe hazard to anyone breathing this material even in low concentrations for extended periods of tine.

361 Copyright 0 1975 by hlarcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Neither this work nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

ROBINSON AND REID I n o r d e r t o c o n t r o l p o l l u t i o n by s u l f u r i c a c i d a e r o s o l generated from automotive exhausts, i t is a b s o l u t e l y e s s e n t i a l t h a t t h e amount of s u l f u r i c acid being produced i n t h i s fashion be p r e c i s e l y known.


t h e amount of s u l f u r i c a c i d which may be generated i n catalyst-equipped c a r s is, a t p r e s e n t , uncertain.

Assuming 0.0%

s u l f u r f u e l , i t has been

estimated that a catalyst-equipped c a r may produce up t o

0.3 grams of

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s u l f u r i c acid p e r m i l e traveled.% This, however i s an estimate based on a r e l a t i v e l y low average value f o r s u l f u r content of f u e l and on preliminary d a t a which has proven t o be i n c o n s i s t e n t .

The v a r i o u s procedures t h a t

have been used f o r exhaust monitoring have produced d i f f e r e n t r e s u l t s . = A l l of t h e s e techniques have u t i l i z e d t r a p p i n g techniques and involve

a n a l y s i s f o r e i t h e r s u l f a t e o r a ~ i d . ~The, inconsistency ~ ~ ~ of t h e reported r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e r e i s some fundamental problem with t h e techniques being used.

Experimental observations have led u s t o b e l i e v e t h a t t h e

problem l i e s i n t h e t r a p p i n g techniques.

I t w i l l a l s o be r e c a l l e d t h a t

t h e c a t a l y t i c technique used f o r t h e manufacture of s u l f u r i c a c i d from sulfur utilized a platinun catalyst.

One of t h e major problems with t h i s

method w a s t h a t t h e s u l f u r i c a c i d formed became a n aerosol very d i f f i c u l t t o c o l 1 e c t ; m i l l i o n s of d o l l a r s were spent i n developing aqueous trapping methods,none of which were s a t i s f a c t o r y . i n s t r o n g s u l f u r i c acid.

The problem was solved by t r a p p i n g

It seems l i k e l y t h a t t h e s e problems w i l l p e r t a i n

t o any a n a l y t i c a l technique t h a t involves t r a p p i n g and t h a t low r e s u l t s would n e c e s s a r i l y be obtained. was warranted.

I t was f e l t t h a t a'study of t h e phenomenon

The o b j e c t i v e of t h i s work was t o measure t h e e f f i c i e n c i e s

of v a r i o u s f i l t e r i n g agents used f o r t h e determination o f s u l f u r i c a c i d a e r o s o l a s generated from a p l a t i n t n c a t a l y s t .


SULmRIC ACID AEROSOL Experimental The t r a p p i n g e f f i c i e n c i e s of Fluoropore f i l t e r m a t e r i a l (0.5 micron pore s i z e ) , water, s o d i m carbonate s o l u t i o n , and s o d i m hydroxide solut i o n f o r f r e s h l y generated s u l f u r i c a c i d were i n v e s t i g a t e d .

The a n a l y t i c a l

technique enployed w a s a r a d i o - t r a c e r technique u t i l i z i n g l i q u i d s c i n t i l l a t i o n counting as t h e measurement.

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Generation of S u l f u r i c Acid S u l f u r dioxide was generated by t h e r e a c t i o n of hydrochloric a c i d w i t h sodium s u l f i t e i n aqueous s o l u t i o n t o which a small amount of sodium s u l f i t e l a b e l l e d w i t h sulfur-35 was added. radioactive isotope of.sulfur,

Sulfur-35 i s n beta-emitting

The s u l f u r dioxide was converted t o sul-

f u r i c a c i d by passing i t over platinum c a t a l y s t (obtained from General Motors Corporation) heated t o @O°C vapor.

along with a i r s a t u r a t e d with water

This was a n attempt t o simulate t h e conditions of a n automobile

exhaust system.

The experimental arrangement for t h e generation of t h e

s u l f u r i c a c i d i s shown i n Figure 1. Trapping o f S u l f u r i c Acid The e f f l u e n t from t h e platinum c a t a l y s t was passed s e q u e n t i a l l y through a Fluoropore f i l t e r , 101111. o f 0.1 molar s o d i m t e t r a c h l o r m e r c u r a t e ( I 1 )

s o l u t i o n , l h l . of water, lhl. of 0.1 molar Na,C03 of 0.1 molar NaOH s o l u t i o n .

s o l u t i o n , and l h l .

Sodium t e t r a c h l o r m e r c u r a t e ( I 1 ) i s t h e s u l f u r

d i o x i d e - s p e c i f i c absorbing agent used i n t h e West-Gaeke t e s t f o r s u l f u r dioxide.6

I t s purpose as a t r a p was to remove any s u l f u r d i o x i d e t h a t

passed through t h e c a t a l y s t unoxidized and thence through t h e f i l t e r , so t h a t a c o r r e c t i o n f o r t h e amount of s u l f u r i c a c i d generated could be made, A s i t turned o u t , t h e c a t a l y s t w a s e s s e n t i a l l y 10%

efficient for the

conversion of s u l f u r dioxide t o s u l f u r t r i o x i d e and s u l f u r i c a c i d a t bO°C




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Figure 1.




NapS03 -F Na,35S03









as shown by the absence of sulfur dioxide in the sodium tetrachloromercurate(I1) trap.

Gas dispersion tubes and glass beads were used to maximize the contact

of the gas with the trapping solution. The trapping arrangement is shown in Figure 2. The Fluoropore filter was located lt feet from the catalyst. Analysis of the TraE. Sulfur-35, with an

87 day half-life, decays to chlorine-35 by emission

of a 0.167 MeV beta particle.

The low energy of this radiation required I

that liquid scintillation counting be the measurement technique anployed. A liquid scintillation cocktail consisting of

6 grams of 2,5-diphenyloxazole

(PPO), 0.25 grams of 1,4-di-2( 5-phenyl-oxazolyl)-benzene (POPOP), and 100



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m a


Figure 2.

e a.

Fluoropore f i l t e r


Gas dispersion tube


Glass beads


Na2HgC14 solution




Na2C0, s o l u t i o n


NaOH solution



g r m s o f naphthalene i n a l i t e r of p-dioxane was prepared and used for the counting medium.


ROBINSON AND REID One ml. of solution was taken from the reaction vessel both before and after the reaction and was placed in a counting vial with 18ml. of coctail. After the reaction, the Fluoropore filter was placed totally in a counting vial with 18nl. of cocktail, and lml. from each of the traps was similarly treated. The volume of solution in each vial was increased to -1.

by addition of distilled water to help solubilize the sample.

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The radioactivity of the solution in each vial was then measured by the liquid scintillation counting technique with a counting time of 10 minutes. Quench correction factors were determined and applied to each of the solutions involved in the scintillation counting in order to normalize the data.

The results are shown in Tabie 1. In order to see the effect of increased distance of the traps from the catalyst, the transfer line from the catalyst to the Fluoropore filter was lengthened to

5 feet and the experiment repeated. The results are shown

in Table 2. These experiments were repeated several times with essentially the same results being obtained each time. Discussion. The startling result of this experiment was that the Fluoropore filter (which has been recomended as a filter device for ranoving sulfuric acid aerosol from the atmosphere) was only able to scrub out approximately ldp of the sulfuric acid which passed through it.

Clearly any method using

this filter as the scrubbing device would be totally unacceptable as an analytical technique for the determination of sulfuric acid aerosol in the atmosphere. The data also clearly showed that sulfuric acid was extremely difficult to trap in simple aqueous solutions.

The results merely confirmed the

empirical data which had been achieved through much hard work when the



TABLE I Radioactivities and Trapping Efficiencies of the Various Sulfuric Acid Traps

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(1% Foot Transfer Line) cpm/mt sample

cpm/total solution*

Before reaction



After reaction




of trapped




















*Total activity lost



**Totnl activity trapped


8876 cpm


8854 cpm

catalytic process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid was set up comercially many years ago.

It would seem that simply filtering out sulfuric acid aerosol from the air by any of the solutions or the Fluoropore filter would not be satisfactory.

It is possible that the sulfuric acid can be changed to another chemical form such as by the addition of Emrmonia or some other reagent.

The dif-

ficulty involved with this technique is that now the technique measures total sulfate rather than sulfuric acid.

If we are prepared to say that

the sulfuric acid and total sulfate in the atmosphere are synonymous or


ROBINSON AND REID TABLE 2 Radioactivities and Trapping Efficiencies of the Various Sulfuric Acid Traps

(5 Foot Transfer Line)

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cpm/total solution* Before reaction



After reaction


85275 0.8












4.3 48.7






activity lost = 920 cpm

**Total so

of trapped






activity trapped =

9742 cpm

close to each other that the error involved is uniuportant then

the data would be valid, but under all other circumstances sulfate would be a direct interference to such a technique. CONCLUSIONS The data clearly calls for some other method of analysis which does not involve collecting or scrubbing of the sulfuric acid aerosol from the atmosphere.

Such a method would be the use of laser induced infrared

fluorescence. In an effort to develop such a technique, preliminary experiments have been carried out and rep~rted.~


SULFURIC ACID AEROSOL The results obtained by this method indicated that a fluorescence

technique was feasible but using the equipment at a laser power of 30 watts, the sensitivity was about one order of magnitude too low.

The results

justify further development of the IR fluorescence technique which we are currently undertaking. REFERENCES

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1. Russell E. Train, Before the Committee on Public Works of the United States Senate, Nw. 2.

6, 1973.

Russell E. Train, op. cit.

3. B. T. Conmius, Analyst, 88, 364 (1963). 4. J. F. Raesler, J. J. R. Stenenson and J. S. Nador, J. Air Pollut. Contr. Assoc.,

3,576 (1965).

5. P. W. West, A. D. Shendrikes and Nicholas Herrara, Anal. Chim. Acta.,


111 (1974).

6. P. W. West.and G.

C. Gaeke, Anal. Cha., Vol.

7. J. W. Robinson and W. M. Reid, Env. Letters,

28, No.

12, 1816 (1956).

m, 195-236 (1974). Accepted January 22, 1975


Detection and determination of sulfuric acid aerosol - difficulties in trapping.

Environmental Letters ISSN: 0013-9300 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/lesa17 Detection and Determination of Sulfur...
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