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Trial Design for the 3PP-3PP Task In the design of the matching trials (i.e., trials where the prompt matched the subsequent scene), the following guidelines were applied: (a) Experimental conditions (i.e., self-congruent, selfincongruent, other-congruent, other-incongruent) were equally represented across trials. There were also an equal number of twoand three-dot prompts. (b) All scenes displayed a total of four dots, thus keeping the paradigm within the subitizable range (see Kaufman, Lord, Reese, & Volkmann, 1949; Trick & Pylyshyn, 1994) and holding the first-person perspective constant. (c) The target avatar was equally likely to be gazing toward the shared space or toward one of the lateral spaces. (d) Gaps of two vacant dot

locations between presented dots were avoided where possible. When not possible, large-gapped configurations were balanced for symmetry within condition. (e) No two trials involved the same configuration of target avatar, target position/gaze, dot display, and prompt number. (f) Lastly, an equal number of mismatched trials were derived from a corresponding match trial by eliminating exactly one dot, avoiding any novel dot configurations. Received February 2, 2014 Revision received September 10, 2014 Accepted September 15, 2014 䡲

Correction to Mattan et al. (2014) In the article “Is It Always Me First? Effects of Self-Tagging on Third-Person Perspective-Taking,” by Bradley Mattan, Kimberly A. Quinn, Ian A. Apperly, Jie Sui, and Pia Rotshtein (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Advance online publication. December 22, 2014., the Experiment 1 section contained sentences that should not have been included. Please see the following changes: In Experiment 1: Self and Other Perspectives in the Third Person section, under the Method subsection, under the Avatar identity-matching task, the last three sentences of the second paragraph in the Procedure section should read: “A blank screen followed the stimulus and remained until response. Participants responded by key press: J for match and K for mismatch.” Also, in the same Method subsection, under the 3PP-3PP task, the last five sentences of the second paragraph in the Procedure section should read: “Then, the visual scene was displayed for a fixed duration (determined in the practice block), after which it was replaced by an unmasked blank screen until the participant responded. For a graphical representation of the full trial time course and details, see Figure 2. (See Appendix for more details on trial design.)”

Correction to Mattan et al. (2014).

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