International Elsevier



Journal of Cardiology, 28 (1990) 361-370


Coronary arterial wall and atherosclerosis in youth ( l-20 years) a histologic study in a northern Italian population


Annalisa Angelini ‘, Gaetano Thiene ‘, Carla Frescura ’ and Giorgio Baroldi 2 ’ Istituto di Anaromia Patologica, Universitci degli Siudi di Padova, Padoua, Italy; ’ Istiruto di Fisiologia Clinica C. N. R., Universith degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy (Received

22 January

1990; accepted

22 January


Angelini A, Thiene G, Frescura C, Baroldi G. Coronary arterial wall and atherosclerosis in youth (l-20 years): a histologic study in a northern Italian population. Int J Cardiol. 1990;28:361-370. Based on the workinghypothesisthat coronary atherosclerosis begins in childhood,a histologic study was carried out on the subepicardialcoronary arterial tree of 100 young persons (l-20 years), who had died from causes unrelated to the cardiovascular system. These subjects were natives of a well-defined geographic area in northern Italy, namely the region of Veneto. Intimal proliferations (musculo-elastic and fibro-elastic layers) were observed in 95.3% of the coronary arterial segments in the age group between one and five years. The more distal the coronary segments examined, the lesser was the intimal thickening. Raised mature fibrous plaques were detected in 23 segments from 15 patients (2 from subjects aged between six and 10 years; 4 between 11 and 15 years, and 9 between 16 and 20 years). Single vessel disease was present in 9, double vessel disease in 4 and triple vessel disease in 2 cases. The site most involved by plaques was the proximal part of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Only one plaque was of sufficient dimensions to be considered stenotic (50% luminal reduction). Plaques were rarely sudanophilic, and all seemed to arise in relation to previous intimal thickening. No qualitative nor quantitative sexual differences were observed. These data give rise to much concern, and one consistent with a recently observed occurrence of sudden coronary death in young people from the same geographic area. Key words: Coronary arterial disease; Juvenile atherosclerosis;

Introduction Coronary atherosclerosis, the most important cause of death in western countries, almost certainly starts in childhood [l-5]. Several morphologic studies have been undertaken in children and

Correspondence to: G. Thiene, M.D., Istituto Patologica, Via Gabelli 61, 35121 Padova, Italy.


0 1990 Elsevier Science

di Anatomia


Geographic heart disease

young subjects in the attempt to investigate the morphological precursors and precise onset of the disease [5-141. The recent book by Neufeld and Schneeweiss well summarizes the state of the art of the matter [15], as does the review by Davies in this issue of the Journal [16]. Many workers focused attention on fatty streaks through the macroscopic detection of sudanophilic areas, since it is held that these will later evolve into mature atherosclerotic plaque [6,7,17-191.

B.V. (Biomedical



Other histologic investigations disclosed that diffuse or focal intimal proliferations are present even in infancy, thus posing the question of whether a relationship exists between arterial wall thickenings in early life and adult atherosclerosis [8-10,20-271. While Haust, Stary and Strong interpreted this phenomenon as normal arterial growth and remodelling [11,20,21], Neufeld and Vladover, instead, demonstrated that structural changes in coronary arteries were related to genetic and ethnic variations, with a higher degree of early intimal thickening occurring in populations prone to coronary arterial disease [22-241. Velican and Velican [10,26,27] suggested that intimal thickening and age-related changes in the coronary arterial wall might make the intima more susceptible to and extension of the the onset, evolution atherosclerotic plaques. As coronary atherosclerosis and its complications are now a growing problem even in Italy, long considered a nation at low to medium risk for this disease, we undertook a histologic study of the prevalence and progression of early and mature coronary lesions in 100 young subjects from the same geographic area in northern Italy, whose death was unrelated to cardiac disease. The aim of this investigation was to assess the structure and composition of coronary arteries in a so-called “control” population of young people during an age period that is critical in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

Clinical data, particularly risk factors for atherosclerosis, were unknown. We divided this series into four groups according to age: 1 to 5 years (23 subjects, 16 males and 7 females); 6 to 10 years (20 subjects, 12 males and 8 females); 11 to 15 years (20 subjects, 13 males and 7 females) and 16 to 20 years (37 subjects, 23 males and 14 females). Six topographic sites of the coronary arteries were selected for histological examination. These were the main stem of the left coronary artery; the proximal segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery (1 cm from the bifurcation of the left main trunk); the left circumflex coronary artery 1 cm from the bifurcation of the left main trunk; the proximal right coronary artery 1 cm from its origin from the aortic sinus; the middle segment of the right coronary artery of the acute margin, and the middle segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery at a point 3 to 5 centimetres from the bifurcation of the main trunk (Fig. 1). Thus, a total of 600 arterial segments

Materials and Methods The Veneto region in northeast Italy covers an area of 18,368 km’, and has a population of 4,370,533 inhabitants (1985 census). Almost all residents in this area are Caucasian, and the population is ethnically homogeneous. One hundred subjects (64 males and 36 females), ranging in age from l-20 years, all of whom were natives and inhabitants of the Veneto, form the basis of this study. Death was unrelated to the cardiovascular system and, in most cases, due to injury. Autopsy was performed by one of us (G.T.) at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy of the University of Padova.

Fig. 1. Diagram illustrating the topographic sites within the coronary arteries from where the samples were taken. 1= Left main trunk; 2 = proximal left anterior descending coronary artery; 3 = left circumflex coronary artery; 4 = proximal right coronary artery; 5 = middle right coronary artery; 6 = middle left anterior descending coronary artery.

were examined. Two facing samples, each 2 mm thick, were taken at each site. One of these was embedded in paraffin, and cut into 6 pm thick sections, which were stained with haematoxylin eosin, Weigert-Van Gieson, and the Alcian-periodic acid Schiff stain. The other sample was frozen, cut, and stained with Sudan III. The remainder of the subepicardial coronary arterial tree was grossly inspected by taking cross sections at 3-5 mm intervals to rule out the presence of an otherwise major disease.


Fig. 2. Histology of proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. (A) Normal wall, with intact internal elastic lamina and no intimal proliferation in an 18-month-old boy. (B) Focal intimal proliferation of smooth muscle cells (arrows) with split and disrupted internal elastic lamina (musculo-elastic layer) in a 20-month-old boy. Weigert-Van Gieson stain. Original magnification X 64.

Fig. 3. Musculo-elastic layer in the proximal right coronary artery of a 4-year-old girl (arrows). The intimal thickening, characterized by a proliferation of smooth muscle cells within a split and fragmented internal elastic membrane, is almost semicircumferential. Weigert-Van Gieson stain. Original magnification X 16.

Intimal proliferations were defined according to the following histologic features: “Musculo-ela.stic intimal thickening” was characterized by focal or diffuse intimal proliferation of smooth muscle cells within a split and fragmented internal elastic membrane (musculo-elastic layer) (Fig. 2, 3), and further deposition of collagen and elastin (fibroelastic layer) (Fig. 4A) [28]. “Fibrous plaque”, was a focal raised lesion consisting of an intimal smooth muscle cell proliferation covered by a fibrous cap and enmeshed in a connective tissue matrix in the presence or absence of intra- or extra-cellular lipid deposition (Fig. 4B). In each slide, maximal intimal thickening was measured with the aid of a micrometer eyepiece. The circumferential extension of the intimal proliferation was scored as follows: absent; focal (less than 25% of circumference) (Fig. 2); semicircumferential (more than 25% and less than 75%) (Fig. 3); and diffuse or circumferential (more than 75%) (Fig. 5A). The presence or absence of a positive lipid stain was also noted. The mean maximal intimal thickening + standard deviation for each site in all the age groups was calculated, and results were analyzed according to Student’s t-test for unpaired data. In the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery, where the highest number of fibrous


Fig. 4. (A) Focal fibro-elastic layer characterized by smooth muscle cells proliferation within elastic and collagen fibrils in the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery of a 14-year-old boy. Weigert-Van Gieson stain, Original magnificationx64. (B) Fibrous plaque in the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery of a 9-year-old boy. The plaque displays a musculo-elastic thickening at its base. The lesion is focal with smooth muscle cells enmeshed in a loose connective tissue matrix. Weigert-Van Gieson stain. Original magnification X 48.

plaques were found, we also distributed the maximal intimal thickenings observed into 15 progressive classes, each with a range of 80 ,um (80, 160, 240.. .1200 pm). Except in one segment, luminal narrowing (in terms of diameter and cross-sectional area) was never significant enough to require definition and calculation.

RC?SUltS The distribution of intimal thickenings according to the surface involved in the 4 age groups is reported in Table 1.

Fig. 5. (A) Circumferential fibro-elastic proliferation of middle right coronary artery in a Ill-year-old boy. Weigert-Van Gieson stain. Original magnification X 16. (B) Stenotic fibrous plaque in the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery of a 16-year-old boy. Weigert-Van G&on stain. original magnification x 16.

Intimal thickening was observed in 95.3% of the coronary arterial segments in the age group from one to five years. These lesions were focal in

TABLE 1 Percentage distribution in circumferentia& extension intimal thickening in the four age groups.

of the

Age groups





l-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

4.7 2.6 2.7 4.0

21.1 17.8 16.9 15.0

4.1 6.2 8.9 6.0

69.5 73.4 71.5 75.0

Semi&c. = semicircular; Circ. = circular.




of patients

with atherosclerotic





l- 5 6-10 11-15 16-20

23 20 20 31


With plaques 0 2 4 9


(0) (10) (20) (24)

21.1%, semicircumferential in 4.7%, and circumferential in 69.5% of the cases. No significant increases in extension were detected in the older age groups. For example, in the subjects aged from 16 to 20 years, intimal proliferations occurred in 96% of the arterial segments, and were focal in 15%, semicircumferential in 6X, and circumferential in 75% (P = n.s.). No clear-cut prevalence of musculo-elastic as opposed to fibro-elastic layers was observed in relation to age and vascular topography. Mature fibrous plaques were observed in 23 coronary arterial segments from 15 patients. In every case, they seemed to arise from an underlying musculo-elastic or fibro-elastic layer. No plaques were found in subjects aged from one to five years. Four were detected in two of the patients aged from 6 to 10 years, six in 4 patients aged from 11 to 15 years, and 13 in 9 patients aged from 16 to 20 years (Table 2). Therefore, 24% of the subjects aged from 16 to 20 years had one or more plaques (P < 0.01). These focal or semilunar lesions were located in the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery in 12 instances; in the proximal right coronary artery in 6; in the left circumflex branch in 3; and in the main stem of the left coronary artery in 2. Single vessel disease was present in 9 patients, double vessel disease in 4, and triple vessel disease in 2. Sudan staining was positive in only 3 of the 23 plaques. The most severe plaque was found in a 16-year-old boy, and consisted of a mild (50% luminal reduction) eccentric stenosis at the site of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery (Fig. 5B).

Mean maximal intimal thickening at the 6 different sites for each age group is reported in Table 3. The more distal the coronary segment examined, the lesser was the intimal thickening. Hence, proximal segments with a larger diameter showed thicker proliferations, while distal segments with smaller diameters presented thinner ones. The middle segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery was the anatomic site showing least thickening. Although intimal thickening in each segment tended to increase with age (Table 3). this trend was not statistically significant except within the proximal anterior descending coronary artery. A significant difference in mean maximal intimal thickening was observed at this site between the youngest (one to five years) and the oldest (16 to 20 years) groups of patients (P < 0.01). Maximal intimal thickening ranged from 0 to 1200 pm_ By dividing the observed maximal intimal proliferations into 15 progressive classes, each with a range of 80 pm, a Gaussian distribution was found at all the topographic sites, with the apex of the bell-shaped curve corresponding to the intervals of 81-160 pm or 161-240 pm. This was independent of age. A bimodal lesion distribution, in contrast, was seen at the proximal anterior descending coronary artery in the three oldest age groups (six to 20 years overall - Fig. 6). This finding could be explained by the onset of fibrous plaques in some subjects. No qualitative or quantitative sexual differences were observed in either musculo-elastic thickening or mature atherosclerotic lesions. Mural thrombosis and aggregations of platelets were never observed in correspondence with any type of intimal lesion. Only one plaque appeared “inflamed”, having a mononuclear cell infiltrate mainly located in the intima. None of the plaques showed complications such as fissuring, thrombosis and calcification. Discussion The causes and progression of the atherosclerotic plaque are still controversial. Our data confirm that coronary atherosclerosis can take place early in the life cycle of man [29-311, and that

43.05 f




87.63 98.62

71.05 *

96.05 f 47.47


128.89 & 85.64

141.33 f

202.16 + 152.00

M/F 264.42 + 292.86 + 232.17 + 150.71 f 129.82 f 159.43 f 125.33 f 135.00 f 79.70 f 125.OOf 64.83 it 81.71 f

163.58 182.55 179.11 74.86 104.54 93.36 75.95 106.58 44.25 61.03 55.33 30.60 96.81

103.05 + 111.62

106.37 + 64.23

197.47* 119.44

211.58 f

234.74 f 139.38


M/F 240.82 f 211.08 252.50 + 125.45 229.23 * 156.82 246.67 f 103.28 211.92~101.02 210.83 f 96.15 196.92 f 134.82 198.67 f 87.92 88.15 f 55.74 145.83 5 68.29 81.08+ 75.16 150.67 f 165.27

85.26 88.26 + 65.89


239.59 f 138.98

192.26 + 105.11

319.83 + 233.30 *

283.97 f 169.56


297.45 f 257.00* 320.22 f 319.08 + 208.39 f 161.33 f 241.55 f 236.00+ 153.52 f 138.00 f 97.52 f 70.50 f


Age group 16-20 years

172.24 168.82 230.56 248.84 116.75 72.79 133.03 155.38 78.67 99.60 0.39 54.64

* P < 0.01. F = female; LC = left circumflex; LMT = left main trunk; M = male; MLAD = middle left anterior descending; MR = middle right; PLAD = proximal left anterior descending; PR = proximal right.

90.95 f

119.05 f 136.11





86.71 *



275.42 + 166.28


246.69 111.01 85.62 97.71 89.43 82.62 156.31 62.96 78.22 86.58 30.50 13.21


303.62 f 164.17+ 177.60 + 176.67 + 125.13 * 83.33 + 125.88* 100.83 f 89.80 f 93.00 f 46.06+ 35.00 f



269.05 f 216.16

Age group 11-15 years

Age group 6-10 years

Age group 1-5 years



Maximal intimal thickening at the six levels in the four age groups.



1-5 yrs AGE

6-10 yrs










11-15 yrs AGE



16-20 yrs









Fig. 6. Histograms in which the maximal intimal thickening, observed at the level of proximal left anterior descending coronary in the various age groups, is distributed into 15 progressive classes, each with a range of 80 pm. Note the bimodal distribution older groups, due to the onset of fibrous plaques.

musculo-elastic intimal thickening may have an important role in its genesis [32-361. We observed that a raised fibrous plaque, which by definition is the basic lesion of atherosclerosis, evolves from the musculo-elastic and fibro-elastic layers. This aspect of gradual transition from a vascular smooth muscle cell lesion into fibrosis is definitely in keeping with the current idea that atherosclerosis derives from proliferation of smooth muscle cells, migration and differentiation [37-391. Our study disclosed that early intimal proliferations were almost a constant finding in coronary arteries. Indeed, in the various ages studied, only 2.6 to 4.7% of the segments were spared by this process. We had previously observed that coronary arteries are almost intact at birth, and that pro-


artery in the

liferative lesions occur in the first year of life [40], being nearly absent in the middle cerebral and renal arteries. These lesions were randomly distributed in the different age groups (l-20 years) and sexes, in agreement with previous reports [22-25,41,42] showing no sex and age differences in coronary intimal thickenings in children belonging to populations with low incidence of coronary arterial disease. From a qualitative point of view, we observed the entire spectrum of proliferations in our study. Mature plaques, however, appeared between the ages of 6 and 10 years, and increased in frequency in the older subjects. Such lesions were rarely positive when stained for lipid and appeared as fibrous plaques. This seems to suggest that, at


least in our series, the nature of the proliferative processes occurring in youth is morphologically different, even as far as plaques are concerned, from those occurring later in life. These lesions, in fact, are very similar to those described in hypertensive patients [43], and in some animal models where high blood pressure is the only risk factor of atherosclerosis [44]. The localization of the mature intimal lesions is peculiar, since the initial segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery was almost invariably involved. Fibrous plaques developed where proliferation of smooth muscle cells was more exuberant. Our findings gave the impression that certain early thickenings had undergone further proliferation leading to fibrous deposition and formation of plaques, and that the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery was the segment most prone to formation of such lesions. The pathobiological determinants of the transition from an apparently benign, early proliferation of intimal smooth muscle to an ominous plaque are unknown. Biochemical and structural studies of intimal smooth muscle cells demonstrated that cells from intimal thickenings have the phenotype” as the medial same “contractile smooth muscle cells, while smooth muscle cells from intimal thickenings adjacent to atheromatous plaques have a “synthetic phenotype” [38]. There must be some key factors, either individual or topographic, which trigger such a transformation. It is well established that some mechanical factors, such as velocity of flow and low wall shear stress, lead to the onset of atherosclerotic plaques in coronary arteries by inducing injury to the vascular endothelium. This seems especially true for the left anterior descending coronary artery [45,46]. Without doubt, individual risk factors such as high blood pressure, familial disease, and hypercholesterolemia might have played a key role in triggering growth of plaques but, unfortunately, we were unable to collect such information in our study population. It is interesting to note, nonetheless, that, in our recent study of sudden coronary death in young people in the same geographic area [47], we found single vessel disease in most cases with an obstructive atherosclerotic plaque located at the proximal left anterior de-

scending coronary artery. These plaques were mainly fibrotic, free of complications such as fissuring, hemorrhage or thrombosis, and resembled those described above. Whether this type of fibrous plaque is typical of young people in general, or is peculiar to our population, remains to be ascertained. According to the observation made in this investigation, and in a study addressing selected groups (normal subjects and patients with different patterns of ischemic heart disease) of variously aged Italian adults [48], as well as the above-mentioned report on sudden death in young people [47], this type of fibrous plaque seems to constitute the first stage of the mature atherosclerotic lesion. In conclusion, our findings show that coronary intimal proliferation was almost the rule after one year of age, and appeared thicker in the proximal coronary arterial segments. Moreover, fibrous plaques evolved from early intimal thickenings, and developed mainly in the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. In addition, 24% of subjects aged from 16 to 20 years had one or more plaques, only one of which was stenotic. Plaques were rarely sudanophilic and all seemed to arise from previous intimal thickenings. Whether the latter are indeed lesions, or represent a normal process of modelling, remains unresolved.

Acknowledgments The authors are deeply indebted to Mauro Pagetta for the skillful histologic preparations, and to Chiara Carturan for computering and typing the manuscript. This study was supported by grants from National Research Council, Rome (Special Project FATMA) and from Regione Veneto, Venice (Juvenile Sudden Death Research Project), Italy.

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Coronary arterial wall and atherosclerosis in youth (1-20 years): a histologic study in a northern Italian population.

Based on the working hypothesis that coronary atherosclerosis begins in childhood, a histologic study was carried out on the subepicardial coronary ar...
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