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CONTROL OF MITOCHONDRIAL Annu. Rev. Genet. 1990.24:91-108. Downloaded from by University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill/ACQ SRVCS on 05/10/13. For personal use only.

GENE EXPRESSION IN SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE Maria C. Costanzo and Thomas D. Fox Section of Genetics and Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

14853-2703 KEY WORDS:

transcription, RNA processing, translation, yeast

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .


MITOCHONDRIAL GENES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




TRANSCRIPTION AND TRANSCRIPTIONAL CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

POSTTRANSLATIONAL EVENTS... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . . ... . . . . .

94 94 95 96 97 97 98 99 100 100 100 101 102 104 105

CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Promoter Structure............................................................................... RNA Polymerase ..................................................................................

Modulation of Transcription.................................................................... RNA PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Specific Effects at mRNA Term ini ...... . . . . .......... . . . .. ........ . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . ... . . . Control of lntron Splicing by Nuclear Genes . . . . . . . . . . . .... ....................... ......... tRNA Processing and Base Modification........... ................................. ......... Modulation of RNA Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . No Evidence to Date for RNA Edi t ing in Yeast Mitochondria...........................

TRANSLATION AND TRANSLATIONAL CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . General Features of the Mitochondrial Translation System ................ . ............. mRNA-Specific Positive Control of Translation............................................. Modulation of Translation .... ................... .... ........................... ................


The principal function of the mitochondrial genetic system of yeast is to produce seven protein subunits of respiratory chain enzyme complexes. These 91 0066-4197/90/1215-0091 $02.00

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complexes also contain the products of numerous nuclear genes, leading to the notion that mitochondrial and nuclear gene expression must be coordi­ nated at some level, or levels, to achieve balanced accumulation of subunits. While this is a very attractive idea, it is at present unknown how, or even whether, mitochondrial gene expression is tightly coupled to the expression of nuclear genes. This is a particularly interesting issue in yeast, since the levels of respiratory chain complexes vary with environmental conditions (e.g. they are reduced when glucose is abundant or when oxygen is absent). Virtually all protein components of the yeast mitochondrial genetic system are themselves the products of nuclear genes. These nuclearly coded proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported into the organelles. This leads to a complicated and peculiar situation in which possibly a hundred or so nuclear genes are required to allow the expression of seven mitochondrial genes. The advantages, if any, of this form of organization are not clear. However, the mitochondrial genetic systems of all eukaryotic organisms studied appear to share these features. In this review we adopt the simplifying assumption that the control of mitochondrial gene expression can be studied by concentrating on the re­ quired nuclear genes and their targets of action coded in the mitochondrial genome. (This is likely to be an oversimplification, since mitochondrial genetic activity can also influence the expression of nuclear genes (117). Thus, this review is somewhat limited in scope. However, other (and over­ lapping) aspects of mitochondrial biogenesis (2, 50, 60, 145) and evolution (58) have been recently reviewed elsewhere. MITOCHONDRIAL GENES

A large body of thoroughly reviewed genetic and biochemical evidence (2, 33, 40, 60) has demonstrated that yeast mtDNA has a circular map of about 75 to 80 kilobases, depending on the strain, and encodes seven major protein components of respiratory chain enzymes: cytochrome c oxidase subunits I, II and III, I apo-cytochrome b, and subunits 6, 8 and 9 of the Fo component of the mitochondrial ATPase. The only other major protein encoded in mtDNA is a component of the mitochondrial ribosomal small subunit termed VARt that is required for mitochondrial protein synthesis. In addition, mtDNA contains single genes encoding large (2IS) and small (ISS) rRNAs, a full set of 24 tRNAs, and an RNA component of an RNase P-like enzyme involved in tRNA processing. 'The genes coding cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II and III have generally been termed oxi3, oxil, and oxi2, respectively (see 40)! This is very confusing. Here we adopt the names COXl, COX2. and COX3 for the respective subunit genes, using uppercase for wild-type and lowercase for mutants.

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Several low-abundance proteins are also encoded by open reading frames present in introns of the genes coding cytochrome oxidase subunit I(COXl), cytochrome b(COB), and the 21S rRNA. Some of these intron-encoded proteins, termed maturases, are required for intron splicing (79), while others play a role in the transposition of the introns encoding them (41, 121). However, these intron-encoded functions are completely dispensable in strains that lack the introns (138). There are also three open reading frames, identified by sequencing, whose function remains unknown (60). Mutations in both mitochondrial and nuclear genes that interfere with the function or expression of mitochondrial genes lead to a respiratory-deficient phenotype, termed Pee, most directly manifested as an inability to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources such as glycerol and ethanol. Mitochondrial mutations can be limited lesions affecting single enzymatic functions (fre­ quently termed mit-) or large deletions that are associated with the complete loss of mitochondrial protein synthesis (termed rho- or cytoplasmic petite). Curiously, the sequences retained in the mtDNA of rho-strains are present as mixtures of high mol wt concatemers and variable amounts of oligomeric circles (40, 88). In the limit case of mtDNA deletions, termed rhoo, the entire chromosome is lost. The viability of such strains on fermentable carbon sources demonstrates that the mitochondrial genome is not required for important cellular functions other than respiration. Mutational analysis has probably identified all mitochondrial genes whose products are directly involved in respiration. ffowever, it is quite possible that mitochondrial genes required for· the maintenance of the complete (rho+ ) genome remain to be discovered, since mutations in such genes would lead to rho- deletions that would be indistinguishable from the very high background of spontaneous rho-mutants (up to several percent of cells in a culture). In this connection, it is important to note that at least low levels of mitochondrial protein synthesis are required to maintain rho+ mtDNA (but not rho-) (47, 106, 107), suggesting that an unknown mitochondrially coded protein might play a direct role in DNA replication or general recombination. MITOCHONDRIAL TRANSFORMATION AND GENE REPLACEMENT

Our understanding of mitochondrial gene expression and other organellar phenomena will be greatly aided by the recent discovery that high-velocity microprojectile bombardment can deliver DNA to yeast mitochondria in vivo, resulting in genetic transformation (53, 72). A particularly useful featu�e of this system is that synthetic rho-strains, containing only defined plasmid sequences, can be obtained by transformation of rhoo recipients (53). By combining the ability to produce synthetic rho-strains with known features of mitochondrial recombination and segregation (40, 120), it is now possible

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to replace wild-type genes with in vitro-generated mutant alleles (52; L. S. Folley, M. C. Costanzo & T. D. Fox, unpublished results). Following the mating of two haploid yeast cells, homologous recombina­ tion between their mtDNAs occurs at high frequency in the resulting zygote. Gene replacements can be achieved by a two-step procedure taking advantage of this high-frequency recombination. First, a synthetic rho- transformant carrying an in vitro-generated mutant gene can be identified by its ability to produce respiring diploids when crossed to an appropriate tester point mutant. Then, the mutation carried on the synthetic rho- mtDNA can be transferred to rho+ mtDNA by mating the haploid rho- to a wild-type strain: double recombination results in replacement of wild-type genetic information by the in vitro-generated mutation in a significant fraction of the resulting diploid . cells. In the studies discussed below, mitochondrial transformation and gene replacement have not played a major role. However, in future work these methods will allow: the same strategies that have been so productive in the study of yeast nuclear genes to be applied in the mitochondrion.

TRANSCRIPTION AND TRANSCRIPTIONAL CONTROL Yeast mitochondria appear to contain a single RNA polymerase of two or possibly three subunits. This enzyme recognizes a simple promoter sequence both in vitro and in vivo. No nuclear genes controlling the transcription of specific mitochondrial genes have been identified.

Promoter Structure There are 19 or 20 sites of transcription initiation on the mitochondrial genome, which were initially identified by in vitro capping and sequencing of 5' -triphosphate RNA ends (23). A highly conserved nine-nucleotide sequence (the consensus is 5'-ATATAAGTA-3'), whose 3' nucleotide corresponds to the mRNA 5' end, is found at all transcriptional startpoints (23, 43, lIS). The critical region required for promoter function, as defined by in vitro transcrip­ tion (43) of deletion mutant promoters, is between nucleotides -10 and +2 relative to the transcriptional startpoint (6, 132). The importance of each nucleotide within this consensus has been assessed by point mutagenesis studies combined with in vitro transcription and promo­ ter binding assays (7,8, 10, 130, 132), as well as by comparison of nuclear DNA sequences that function in vitro as mitochondrial promoters (89). In general, the consensus sequence seems to be the optimal promoter, and certain nucleotides within it, particularly those at positions -2, -4, -6, and -7, are more important than others. The only nonrespiratory mitochondrial



mutation known to affect a promoter is an A to T substitution at position -4 of the COX2 promoter, which abolishes transcription of the gene in vivo (17). This mutation provides strong support for the in vitro analysis.

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The mitochondrial RNA polymerase is composed of a 145-kd core subunit and at least one specificity factor (reviewed in 133). The core alone has only nonspecific transcriptional activity and does not detectably bind to promoters (73, 129, 143, 151). Nucleotide sequence analysis of the gene encoding the core, RP041 (59), revealed the surprising fact that it is homologous to the RNA polymerases of bacteriophages T3 and T7 (91). The promoters recog­ nized by these phage enzymes are also single blocks of highly conserved sequence adjacent to the transcription start point (101). Unlike the T3 and T7 RNA polymerases, the mitochondrial enzyme needs a specificity factor to recognize its promoters in vitro (73, 129, 131, 143, 151). A 43-kd protein, purified by SDS-gel electrophoresis and renatured, con­ ferred upon the purified core subunit the ability to initiate transcription specifically in at least eight mitochondrial promoters (129, 131). This factor had no transcriptional activity of its own and did not bind to DNA (129, 131). Purification of another specificity factor, a 70-kd DNA-binding protein, has also been reported (143). The RP041 gene encoding RNA polymerase core was isolated using antiserum directed against a purified RNA polymerase activity to screen a A expression library (59). As expected, disruption of the gene leads to an inability to respire (59). rp041 disruption mutants also lose their wild-type (rho+) mitochondrial genome (59), although rho- deletion derivatives can be maintained (46, 65). This is not surprising since mitochondrial translation is required to maintain rho+ mtDNA (107). Whether RP041 activity is required directly for replication of the rho+ genome is unknown (see 46, 133), Mutations that specifically cause a decrease in mitochondrial mRNA levels have been sought in collections of temperature-sensitive pet mutants (86, 102), One such mutation, pet-ts798, fails to complement an rp041 disruption (86, 87). A gene, termed MTF 1, that suppressed the pet-ts798 mutation when present on a high-copy plasmid was thought to potentially encode a specificity factor (86). However, this now seems unlikely since disruption of this gene did not affect the amount of RNA polymerase holoenzyme obtained from mutant cells (S. H. Jang & J. A. Jaehning, personal communication). Other mutations that cause a decrease in mitochondrial mRNA levels may identify genes for the specificity factor(s) or other proteins required for transcription (85, 86, 102). In an alternative genetic approach, at least one second-site suppressor of the cox2 promoter mutation (17) has been isolated. This muta­ tion, located in a nuclear gene (V. L. Cameron, personal communication),



could potentially identify the subunit of RNA polymerase that interacts with promoter DNA.

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Modulation of Transcription The transcription of yeast mitochondrial genes is far from uniform, in part due to differences between their promoters. Measurements of transcription in vivo (104) and promoter competition assays in vitro (9, 150) indicate as much as a 20-fold difference in strength between the strongest and weakest promoters. Promoter strength is affected not only by nucleotide sequence, but also by relative location: cis effects from a strong promoter (at distances of up to about 400 bases) can inhibit the activity of a weaker promoter by several fold (9). Localized DNA bending may also influence promoter strength (130). Another important factor in the transcriptional expression of many mitochondrial genes is their location in polygenic transcription units (re­ viewed in 60) Careful measurement of pulse-labeled mRNA levels showed less mRNA corresponding to promoter-distal genes than' to promoter­ proximal genes within the same transcription unit; in some cases this differ­ ence is as much as 17-fold (104). This phenomenon has been ascribed to attenuation of RNA polymerase elongation (104), although selective degrada­ tion of downstream transcripts within the pulse-labeling period (10 min) cannot be excluded. Mitochondrial transcription is apparently modulated in response to environ­ mental conditions. Steady-state levels of most mitochondrial mRNAs are three- to sixfold higher in derepressed than in glucose-repressed cells (103). The proportion of some individual mRNAs (for example, the COX3 mRNA) to total RNA remains constant under glucose-repressed and derepressed conditions; other mRNAs increase proportionally in the absence of glucose (4, 154). Modulation of mRNA levels by oxygen availability has been less well studied. The COX3 mRNA is reduced by only two- to threefold during anaerobic growth (D. L. Marykwas & T. D. Fox, unpublished results), while levels of COB and COX] mRNAs apparently remain constant (T. Pillar, personal communication). A direct measurement of the rate of 21S rRNA synthesis in vivo revealed that it was 7.2-fold faster in derepressed cells than in glucose-repressed cells (103). Thus, increased transcription rate is probably at least one factor in the increased steady-state abundance of mitochondrial RNAs in derepressed cells. Changes in cellular level of mtDNA under various conditions would presum­ ably result in apparent changes in transcription rates. However, at least for glucose repression, the magnitude of this variation (0- to 3-fold) (57, 74) cannot wholly account for the differences in steady-state RNA levels (103). Changes in the level of RNA polymerase could also alter transcription rates, especially since it has been estimated that yeast mitochondria contain roughly .



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one RNA polymerase per promoter site (S. H. Jang & J. A. Jaehning, personal communication). Indeed, the level of RP04J mRNA is reduced in glucose-grown cells (91). However, RP04J transcription is apparently not the limiting factor in glucose-repressed cells since 10- to IS-fold overproduction of the core subunit does not lead to increased mitochondrial mRNA levels (S. H. Jang & J. A. Jaehning, personal communication). RNA PROCESSING

Posttranscriptional processing of primary transcripts plays a prominent role in the expression of yeast mitochondrial genes. As noted above, most genes are initially transcribed onto polycistronic RNAs, and evidence has been obtained for numerous subsequent processing events (reviewed in 60). While the known processing events for mRNAs, rRNAs, and tRNAs appear to involve the action of nuclear genes, no nuclear mutants have been reported that are generally defective in the processing of any of these classes of molecules.

Specific Effects at mRNA Termini The COB gene is initially transcribed onto a precursor that also contains the tRNAGlu 1,100 bases upstream of COB coding sequences (22). This precursor is processed to yield mature tRNAGlu and the COB mRNA, which has a long (954 bases) 5' leader starting 145 bases downstream of the 3' end of the tRNAGlu (34, 35). Mutations in the nuclear gene CBPJ drastically reduce the steady-state level of mature COB mRNA, although they appear not to block transcription of COB sequences and have no effect on the level of tRNAGlu (34). This phenotype suggests that the CBPJ gene product, which is a mitochondrially located protein (148), has no role in the 5' or 3' processing of tRNAGlu, but is required either to stabilize the COB mRNA against rapid degradation or to generate a stable mRNA from an unstable precursor. Whatever the CBPI protein does, it appears to act through a site in the precursor RNA near the 5' end of the mature COB mRNA. This has been shown genetically by examining the properties of novel mRNAs encoded by rearranged mitochondrial genes. Chimeric mRNAs containing the 5' leader from the ATPase subunit 9 mRNA attached to the COB structural gene were stable and expressed in cbpJ mutants (34). However, chimeric mRNAs with the 5' third of the COB leader (250 to 300 bases) attached to either the COB (35) or ATPase 9 (T. M. Mittelmeier & C. L. Dieckmann, personal com­ munication) structural gene failed to accumulate in cbpJ mutants, although they were functional in wild-type nuclear backgrounds. Taken together, these data indicate that CBPI functions either to antagonize degradation of the mature COB mRNA by acting at a site in the 5' 250 bases of the COB leader,

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or to generate a stable mRNA from an unstable precursor by processing the 5' end. Consistent with these possibilities, an independent study of cob deletion mutations indicated that the presence of the normal mature 5' end was necessary for accumulation of stable cob transcripts in wild-type (CBPl) nuclear backgrounds (38). The 3' ends of mitochondrial mRNAs lie within a conserved consensus sequence (142) identified as the dodecamer 5 '-AAUAAUAUUCUU-3 , , which serves as a processing site (114). Two mitochondrial mutations strong­ ly confirm the importance of this sequence for gene expression. One is a double point mutation in the dodecamer at the end of the open reading frame (termed FIT!) in the omega intron of the 21S rRNA (156). The product of this open reading frame is required for efficient gene conversion of the intron in crosses (41, 121), and the dodecamer mutation abolishes both 3' processing of this mRNA and gene conversion (156). The second mutation is a 195basepair deletion downstream of the ribosomal protein-coding gene VARI that removes its dodecamer and dramatically reduces VARI expression. Tran­ scripts of this mutant gene are reduced in abundance and have extended 3' ends (155). A dominant mutation, termed SUV3-1, was isolated as a suppressor of the var1 dodecamer deletion mutation and found to have a variety of intriguing effects (155). SUV3-1 did not detectably alter the structure of the mutant varl mRNA or greatly change its level (H. M. Conrad-Webb, R. A. Butow & P. S. Perlman, personal communication), but apparently increased its transla­ tion. This result suggests that a proper 3' end is required for efficient VARI translation in wild-type, and that the SUV3-1 mutation relieves this require­ ment. Surprisingly, however, the SUV3-1 mutation blocked normal process­ ing at the wild-type dodecamer site of the intron-coded FITI mRNA (and omega gene conversion) although it did not affect 3' processing of other mRNAs (155). While it is difficult to interpret these results in terms of a specific role for the wild-type suv3 gene product, they confirm the importance of proper 3' processing for mRNA function and suggest a link between this processing and translation.

Control of Intron Splicing by Nuclear Genes Yeast mitochondrial introns are probably examples of molecular parasites (3, 82, 100). Consistent with this notion, strains whose mitochondrial genes lack all known introns respire normally (138). However, mutations that block splicing lead to nonrespiratory phenotypes, a fact that has allowed extensive genetic analysis of yeast mitochondrial splicing. The removal of introns from primary transcripts involves RNA catalysis, since self-splicing occurs in vitro (reviewed in 18). However, splicing in vivo is dependent on proteins encoded either by the introns themselves (maturases;

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reviewed i � 79) or by nuclear genes (138), or both (66). Thus, expression of the intron-containing genes COB and COX1 is subject to complex genetic controls at the level of splicing. A number of nuclear genes appear to be required solely for the splicing of single mitochondrial introns. The clearest example of such a gene is CBP2 . Analysis of transcripts from cbp2 mutants indicated that they specifically failed to splice the terminal COB intron (93). Moreover, mitochondrially inherited mutations that suppressed the cbp2 respiratory defect were precise deletions of the terminal intron sequences from mtDNA, arguing strongly that CBP2 has no other important cellular function (68). In vitro, the terminal COB intron catalyzed its own excision, but only under nonphysiological conditions (55, 119). However, in the presence of CBP2 protein, partially purified from yeast mitochondria, the intron was spliced in vitro under conditions more closely resembling those of the mitochondrial matrix, demonstrating that CBP2 acts directly to assist RNA catalysis (54). Other nuclear genes required specifically for splicing introns in COB (80, 81) and COX 1 (137) have been described but have not been shown to act directly. In Neurospora crassa, mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase has been shown genetically and biochemically to act directly to promote intron splicing (1). In yeast, a nuclear gene, termed NAM2, which interacts functionally with intron-encoded maturases, codes for the mitochondrial leucyl-tRNA syn­ thetase (66). While nam2 null mutations block protein synthesis and lead to rho- deletions, reduced NAM2 expression allows some mitochondrial transla­ tion but appears to block COB and COX1 splicing, suggesting that it may act directly (66). (The fact that splicing of precursors by maturases depends upon mitochondrial translation of the precursors leads to uncertainties in interpret­ ing such genetic data; see 5, 61). An intriguing nuclear gene, MSS116, required for COB and COX1 splicing has recently been shown to be homologous to mammalian eIF-4A and other proteins thought to have helicase activity (136). MSS116 appears to have at least one other function in addition to splicing, since the respiratory defect caused by a null mss116 mutation was not suppressed in a strain lacking all known introns. However, the null mutation did not block mitochondrial translation, suggesting it may have a direct effect on splicing.

tRNA Processing and Base Modification Mitochondrial tRNA precursors are processed in vivo by precise endonucleolytic cuts at the 5' and 3' ends (14) prior to the addition of CCA at the 3' end. An RNase P that correctly processes 5' ends in vitro has been partially purified from mitochondria and shown to consist of an RNA encoded in mtDNA and at least one protein that must be encoded in the nucleus (70,

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99). An endonuclease that correctly processes 3' ends in vitro has also been partially purified (20). It is unknown whether this enzyme contains RNA. At least two kinds of base modifications in mitochondrial tRNAs, those generating N2,N2-dimethylguanosine and N6-(LF-isopentenyl)adenosine, are carried out by the same nuclearly coded enzymes that correspondingly modify cytoplasmic tRNAs (37, 44, 110). The function of these modifications is unclear since mutations in the respective genes, TRMI and MODS, have no apparent effect on mitochondrial gene expression.

Modulation of RNA Processing Expression of mitochondrial genes could be modulated in response to physi­ ological conditions at the level of RNA processing, although this issue has not been extensively examined. Although processing of most mitochondrial tran­ scripts is relatively unaffected by environmental conditions, processing of COX1 mRNA precursors appears to be reduced by both glucose repression (154) and anaerobic conditions (T. Pillar, personal communication).

No Evidence To Date for RNA Editing in Yeast Mitochondria Posttranscriptional editing of RNA sequences has been shown to occur in the mitochondria of trypanosomes (11, 140), higher plants (29, 63, 67) and the slime mold Physarum polycephalum (R. Mahendran, M. Spottswood & D. L. Miller, personal communication). Although no evidence suggests that RNA editing occurs in yeast mitochondria (a disappointment or a relief, depending on your point of view), relatively few direct comparisons between genomic DNA and cDNA sequences have been made.

TRANSLATION AND TRANSLATIONAL CONTROL The majority of nuclear genes identified to date as playing a direct role in mitochondrial gene expression are required for translation. Most of these genes encode general components of the mitochondrial translation system, such as ribosomal proteins and tRNA synthetases, that function exclusively in mitochondria. However, at least two tRNA synthetases that function in mitochondria are coded by the same genes that encode the cytoplasmic enzymes. Such shared components, which include the tRNA-modification enzymes mentioned above, represent a clear link between the nucleo­ cytoplasmic and mitochondrial genetic systems. Surprisingly, in addition to the expected general components of the mitochondrial system, translation of at least three (and probably all) mitochondrial mRNAs requires mRNA­ specific positive activators encoded by nuclear genes. Since no one has developed an mRNA-dependent in vitro translation system from mitochon­ dria, functional analysis has had to rely primarily on genetics.



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General Features of the Mitochondrial Translation System Yeast mitochondrial ribosomes contain approximately 77 distinct polypep­ tides (98), all of which, with the exception of VARl, are nuclear gene products. Twelve of the nuclear genes have been identified and examined. Four encode proteins whose sequences are detectably similar to ribosomal proteins of E. coli: the MRP2 protein is homologous to S14 (106), MRP7 has a region of strong similarity to L27 (47), while MRP3 and MRP4 may correspond to S19 and S2, respectively (145). However, the other eight known nuclearly coded mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, MRPI (32, 106), MRP13 (118), PET123 (65, 94), YmL31 (62), YMR-31 (92), YMR-44 (92), MRP20, and MRP49 (K. Fearon & T. L. Mason, personal communication), exhibit no detectable homology to characterized ribosomal proteins from other organisms. Elimination of single ribosomal proteins by disruption or deletion of the genes MRPl (107), MRP2 (106), MRP7 (47), PET1 23 (65), and MRP20 (K. Fearon & T. L. Mason, personal communication) completely blocks mitochondrial translation, as expected. However, disruption of MRP1 3, which encodes a small subunit protein, does not block mitochondrial transla­ tion per se, but rather greatly slows the recovery of cells from catabolite repression (1. A. Partaledis & T. L. Mason, personal communication). Dis­ ruption of MRP49 produces a cold-sensitive nonrespiratory phenotype (K. Fearon & T. L. Mason, personal communication). Nuclear genes encoding ten mitochondrial tRNA synthetases have been identified to date. Eight encode enzymes that function only in mitochondria, since mutations in the genes produce a viable but nonrespiratory phenotype (56, 66, 77, 108, 116, 144-146). In contrast, the genes coding histidinyl­ (111) and valyl-tRNA synthetases (19) each specify both mitochondrial and cytoplasmic forms of the enzymes. In both cases, longer transcripts including sequences that code for N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signals (2) direct synthesis of enzymes that function in the organelle. Shorter transcripts initiat­ ing downstream of the targeting sequence initiation codon specify the cytoplasmic enzymes. Mutations affecting the targeting-sequence initiation codon prevent synthesis of only the longer form and produce a viable PeC phenotype, while downstream mutations that disrupt enzymatic function are lethal (19, 111). Genes encoding homologs to E. coli-elongation factors Tu (109) and G (145) have also been identified in yeast nuclear DNA. Mutations in these genes lead to a PeC phenotype, indicating that these factors function only in mitochondria. Analysis of informational suppressors has identified components required for translational fidelity in yeast mitochondria. Recessive suppressors of mitochondrial ochre mutations lie in at least two nuclear genes (some alleles of which are unlinked noncomplementing mutations) that may encode small

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subunit ribosomal proteins (12, 13). Mitochondrially inherited ochre suppres­ sors include mutations affecting the structure of the 15S rRNA (139). Mitochondrial frameshift suppressors have been identified as mutations in the 15S rRNA (149) and a mitochondrially encoded serine-tRNA (71). Tempera­ ture-sensitive and drug-resistance mutations have also been used to study the function of the 21S rRNA (30, 31). In a puzzling case of dosage-dependent suppression, multiple copies of the yeast nuclear genes encoding eIF-4A have been found to suppress a cox3 missense mutation (84). The general features of translation initiation in yeast mitochondria are unclear. Most major mRNAs have 5' leaders of at least several hundred bases and all of these long leaders have at least one AUG upstream of the initiator AUG codon (see 60 and citations therein). The only exception is the COX2 mRNA whose leader is short (54 bases) and lacks upstream AUGs (15). There does not appear to be a mitochondrial ribosome binding site with a fixed position relative to the start of translation, like those of prokaryotes. While sites in 5' leaders complementary to the 3' end of the 15S rRNA have been noted (83), their positions vary between -8 and -107 relative to initiator AUG codons. Furthermore, a chimeric mRNA lacking any of these sites was translated efficiently in vivo (26). A nuclear gene encoding a protein with homology to E. coli IF2 that functions in mitochondria has been identified (145). More recently, a site-directed mutation that changed the initiator ATG of the COX3 gene to ATA has been inserted into otherwise wild-type mtDNA, as described above (L. S. Folley & T. D. Fox, unpublished results). Nuclear suppressors of this mutation have been obtained and may, by analogy with results obtained in the cytoplasmic translation system (24, 39), identify components required for initiation codon selection.

mRNA-Specific Positive Control of Translation An unusual feature of the yeast mitochondrial translation system is the existence of nuclearly encoded mRNA-specific translational activators. The most intensively studied of these activators control translation of the COX3 mRNA. They were identified by recessive mutations in the three nuclear genes PET494, PET54 and PET122 that specifically block accumulation of the COXIII protein, leading to a Pee phenotype (16, 27, 42, 51, 75, 76, 105). (There may be additional genes involved in COX3 specific activation, yet to be identified. ) The defect in COX3 gene expression is posttranscription­ aI, since the COX3 mRNA is present at wild-type levels in the mutant strains (27, 51, 76, 105). That the defect in COX3 expression was at the level of translation was demonstrated by isolating mitochondrial suppressors of null mutations in all three nuclear genes: these suppressors were COX3 gene rearrangements that generated novel chimeric COX3 mRNAs bearing 5'­ untranslated leaders derived from other mitochondrial mRNAs (25, 27, 51). ,

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The existence of such bypass suppressors also demonstrated that PET494, PET54, and PET12 2 have no other important cellular functions (although splicing of an optional COX) intron is diminished in pet54 mutants (147)). The site(s) at which PET494, PET54, and PET12 2 act was mapped geneti­ cally to the 5' two-thirds (about 400 bases) of the COX3 mRNA leader by selecting (as a suppressor of a cbs) mutation (128); see below) a mtDNA rearrangement that generated a chimeric mRNA bearing this portion of the COX3 leader fused to the COB structural gene. Translation of the "reporter" protein, cytochrome b, from this chimeric mRNA was dependent on PET494, PET54, and PET12 2 (26). These results, taken together with the fact that the PET494, PET54, and PET122 proteins are all located in mitochondria (25, 28, 112; T. W. McMullin & T. D. Fox, unpublished results), suggest that the three proteins could mediate an interaction between the COX3 mRNA leader and a component of the mitochondrial translation system. The PET122 protein was shown to interact functionally with the small mitochondrial ribosomal subunit by analysis of unlinked allele-specific sup­ pressors that partially compensated for the loss of PET122 carboxy terminal amino acids (65). The suppressors were in genes coding the small subunit ribosomal proteins PET123 (94) and MRPI (32, 64, 106), both of which are required for the translation of all mitochondrial mRNAs. Furthermore, PET123 and MRP1 appear to interact closely with each other, since certain combinations of suppressor mutations generate synthetic defects in mitochondrial translation (64). The three translational activators PET494, PET54, and PET122 appear to be largely associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane, based on immunological studies of submitochondrial fractions (T. W. McMullin & T. D. Fox, unpublished results). Thus, one could envisage these proteins as bringing the COX3 mRNA together with the ribosomal small subunit to promote synthesis of COXIII near its site of assembly into cytochrome oxidase. Translation of the COB mRNA also depends on specific activators coded by nuclear genes. Mutations in two such genes, CBS} and CBS2 , posttran­ scriptionally block accumulation of apo-cytochrome b and can be suppressed by mitochondrial mutations that replace the COB mRNA 5' leader with a leader from another mRNA (126, 128). Furthermore, CBS} can act through the COB 5' leader to promote COXIII translation from a chimeric mRNA (127) and both the CBS1 and CBS2 proteins are imported into mitochondria in vitro (78; G. Rodel, personal communication). Thus, the function of CBS} and CBS2 appears to be analogous to that of the COX3 specific activators discussed above. A third nuclear gene, CBP6, also encodes a mitochondrially located protein required posttranscriptionally for normal cytochrome b accumulation (36). This gene may be required for translation, although cbp6

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mutations have not been shown to be suppr:essible by COB leader-substitution mutations. Accumulation of the COXII protein is blocked posttranscriptionally by mutations in at least three nuclear genes. One of these, PETl]] (formerly PETE]];16, 42), encodes a mitochondrially located protein (141) required for eOX2 rnRNA translation (122) that may act analogously to the eOX3- and COB-specific activators described above. However, mitochondrial suppres­ sors of pet]]] mutations replaced not only the eOX2 mRNA 5' leader but also the COXII amino terminus with sequences from other genes (122). Thus the data do not yet distinguish whether PET]]] acts on the eOX2 mRNA leader to promote translation, or on the nascent pre-COXII polypeptide chain (124) to relieve a hypothetical translational block (122). The action of two other nuclear genes required posttranscriptionally for COXII accumulation, PETll2 (51) and SeO] (134), is even less clear. Neither pet]l2 nor sea] point mutations were suppressed by the mitochondrial suppressors of pet]]] suggesting that the blocks are posttranslational. Furthermore, deletion of SeO] eliminated both COXI and COXII (135). The precise locations of sites for translational activation in mitochondrial mRNA leaders have yet to be determined. However, a mitochondrial point mutation that results in insertion of a U in the 5' leader of the ATPase 9 mRNA, 88 bases upstream of the initiation codon, causes temperature­ sensitive translation (113). Among other possibilities, this mutation might affect a site for an ATPase 9 translational activator. In this connection, it has been noted that in four relatively unrelated species of budding yeasts, the sequence 5' -TCT AA-3' occurs in the COX2 -leader coding regions between 18 and 37 bases upstream of the initiation codon (c. M. Hardy & G. D. Clark-Walker, personal communication). ,

Modulation of Translation Steady-state levels of mitochondrial mRNAs vary relatively little in response to glucose repression or oxygen deprivation (see above). In contrast, the apparent rates of synthesis (measured by in vivo labeling in the presence of cycloheximide) of most major mitochondrial gene products vary over a wider range. For example, COXI, COXII, COXIII, and cytochrome b were labeled at least 19 times more slowly in anaerobically than aerobically grown cells (152). Taken together, these findings suggest that modulation of mitochond­ rial gene expression in response to oxygen occurs at least partially at the translational level. Similarly, the release of glucose repression greatly stimu­ lates translation of COXIII (45) but has little effect on its mRNA levels (154). This apparent translational modulation is generally paralleled by the ex­ pression of nuclear genes coding components of the mitochondrial translation system, where the latter has been studied. However, these genes are not under

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tight coordinate regulation and are probably controlled by several different mechanisms. Transcription of the ribosomal protein genes MRP1, MRP2, and MRPJ3 is glucose-repressed by several fold (106, 118). Expression of the ribosomal protein MRP7 is decreased ninefold by glucose repression although its mRNA levels are unchanged (47). Expression of the COX3 translational activator PET494 is glucose-repressed by several fold at the transcriptional level and repressed by oxygen deprivation at the translational level (90). Expression of PET54 parallels that of PET494 (Z. Shen & T. D. Fox, unpublished results) although the level of its control is unknown. The COB­ specific translational activator CBS1 is subject to glucose repression, and its transcription is reduced ninefold in the absence of oxygen (49); however, transcription of CBS2 is only reduced twofold in the absence of oxygen (96). If any theme emerges from studies of the expression of nuclear-encoded specific translational activators, it is the possibility that in several cases they may themselves be controlled at the translational level. While direct evidence for translational control has only been reported for PET494 (90), the anatomy of the mRNAs encoding the other activators is suggestive (69). Both PET54 and PET12 2 are transcribed from two promoters, one giving rise to an mRNA with a long 5' untranslated leader containing short open reading frames and the other giving rise to transcripts with extremely short (0-11 bases) 5' leaders (28; K. A. Burke & J. E. McEwen, personal communication; J. D. Ohmen, K. A. Burke & J. E. McEwen, personal communication). In addi­ tion, the mRNA leaders of PET111 (141), CBS1 (49), and SCOJ (G. ROdel, personal communication) each contain 1 to 4 short open reading frames. POSTTRANSLATIONAL EVENTS

Functional expression of mitochondrial genes is not complete until the gene products are assembled into enzymatically active complexes. While posttrans­ lational processes are poorly understood and largely beyond the scope of this review, they certainly bear mention. Two mitochondrial gene products, COX­ II and ATPase subunit 6, undergo amino-terminal processing (97, 124). Two nuclear genes required for COXII processing have been identified, of which one is also required for processing of the nuclearly encoded mitochondrial protein cytochrome b2 (123, 124). The correct folding of mitochondrial proteins imported from the cytoplasm (2) has recently been shown to depend on at least one heat-shock protein, homologous to the E. coli groEL product (21, 95). Mitochondrially syn­ thesized proteins may also require assistance for assembly, possibly by these same factors. In addition to general folding factors, it appears that certain nuclear gene products act in the assembly of specific enzyme complexes. For example, mutations in the gene termed COXlO (M. P. Nobrega, F. G. Nobrega, & A. Tzagoloff, personal communication), that is identical to

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PET1030 (42, 48), specifically block assembly of cytochrome c oxidase. Intriguingly, the COXlOIPET103 0 product, which is not a cytochrome ox­ idase subunit, is homologous to a predicted protein coded by ORF] of a cytochrome oxidase operon of Paracoccus denitrificans (125; M. P. Nobrega, F. G. Nobrega, & A. Tzagoloff, personal communication; B. Fernandes, personal communication). A second nuclear gene required for oxidase assem­ bly, termed COX]], is homologous to ORF3 of the same bacterial operon (A. Tzagoloff, personal communication). Two other nuclear genes, CBP3 and CBP4, are specifically required for the assembly of coenzyme QHz­ cytochrome c reductase (153; M. D. Crivellone & A. Tzagoloff, personal communication). CONCLUSIONS

The mechanics of mitochondrial gene expression in yeast are surprisingly complex and difficult to rationalize. Regulation occurs at both the transcrip­ tional and translational levels, and possibly at the level of mRNA processing as well. It remains to be determined what level, or levels, of control are actually rate limiting for the expression of mitochondrial genes under different environmental conditions. The overall rates of transcription and translation may be affected by modulation of expression of the nuclear genes encoding components of the mitochondrial genetic system. However, there is no evi­ dence as yet for a common regulatory system coordinating expression of these genes. Transcriptional control in mitochondria appears to be relatively global. However, translation is subject to mRNA-specific positive controls. This is puzzling since it does not appear to simplify the task of achieving balanced synthesis of respiratory chain components. It is unclear, for example, why the translation of cytochrome oxidase subunits II and III should be independently controlled since they are needed in equimolar amounts in the enzyme. Perhaps the state of our ignorance about the regulation of genes for respiratory enzyme complexes can best be characterized by a statement of the obvious: the level of a complex under a given set of conditions depends on the level of whichever subunit is present in limiting quantity, whether mitochondrially or nucJearly encoded. If expression of genes for the various subunits is not tightly coordinated, then different subunits may be limiting in different situations, and no single regulatory system is in control under all conditions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We thank our many colleagues who communicated results prior to publica­ tion, and J. A. Jaehning and A. Tzagoloff for helpful discussions. Research in the authors' laboratory is supported by a grant (GM29362) from the US National Institutes of Health.



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Control of mitochondrial gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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