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Conservatism, Openness to Experience and Sample Bias Victor C. Joe , Robert N. Jones & Steve Ryder Published online: 10 Jun 2010.

To cite this article: Victor C. Joe , Robert N. Jones & Steve Ryder (1977) Conservatism, Openness to Experience and Sample Bias, Journal of Personality Assessment, 41:5, 527-531, DOI: 10.1207/ s15327752jpa4105_11 To link to this article:

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Sriiwizaq. Twc rxperiinencr were conduc:eii :> esaniine :he ;rlatiar,ship be:\seer! ~ o n s e r ~ a t i s rsnd n openness to asperiences. In Study 1. the xsponses of 64 maies and 62 fernzics ro tile Conservxtis:~ Scnie and :he Coan i1972i Lsperiencr 1nwc:o::. were correla~ed.Fo: the torsi sample. conservstis.r. was sign~ficacrl\ rehted ?cf !he rctai score of !he Experience Inven:o:y pigs siu o i seven cf zhe conponent scsies. Sruci:, If examinet :he re!z:icnship b e w e e n consexarism and ;he expressed willingness tc? mlunteei for certain psychoiopical rxperxnenls ?ha1 were ass:imed t c reqcire n o r e cpenness. Subjects were 91 :rides 2nd 114 f e n d s f m n introductcry ps! cholog). ciasses. High ccnseri-atit-? subj?cti were iess wiling tc: voluntee: for the experiments :ha$ reqi~uedmore cpenness as conps:e6 ro low conservative sub!,jests. These results were &cussed in the contest cf wlunreer bbs L~I

When Wilson and Patterson (1968j developed the Conserratisx Scaie, they defined the extreme conservative person 9s displaying: ~eli@ousftindamentalism ri&t wing politics: orientation: insisience ort srria ruies and punishments: preference for- conve~tionaizrt : clothing, and mstitxnons; mti-hedonistic outlook: :nxderance sf minority groups: and superstitious ses:stance to science. Severai studies have supported rhe consania vaildity of t h s scale. Recent i n v e s t l a -

h.~p~:hesized:o stem frorr; the threa: of compledr).. loss s f control cf one's own - .. 1 eeirce and desires and nouelt):. It forlows from h i s fztzer p:opositmn that k:gh conservatives m ~ j -:tempt . to c s - x with rhe threat of somplemry. ficvelty. and loss of axitrol cf one's own feelings and desires by lin->ti~g:he range of experiences to which rkqr :re ope2 an2 ir; [he scope of evenis oc which they are capable of being aware. The present s:udy

reports :wa mvesrj-

zioiu have demonstrated that zhe scale is garions r h i exanuned the relationship related r o superstitious behaviors between consen.atisrr, and op,.-mess to (Boshier. i 972). stin~uiusseeking! i&sh, experiences. Ic both studies. it was expec"detterberg. 5. Eeahy, 1973); arl prefer- ted that mnservatisn: woxld be inversely ences (Wiisoc, Ausman. & Mathews. related tso o-penness ro expriences. More I 973). premarl ial sexual experiences (Joe specificail>. for Study 11: it was hyporhe& b s t y i z . i 995 : ,Thomas. 1995 : J Q ~ : sized that if subjects were pronded the Brown. & Jones, 1976). hums (Wilson 6: :pporraniry to valunreer for several diiPatterson. 1969): belief in thc Protestmi :erent kinds of experiments. hi@ csonservethic anti aatho::rarianisn (Joe. 1974); ative subjects would show a iower ex.;:mi attitndes towar2 pztient care and pressed wiilingness to sdurireer for 7sychiatric t:eaimenf (Caine & Leigh? experiments that ir,vo!ve aesthetic sensii 972). Additianal reliabiliry. valiCiry. and ~iuity. indulgence i-i faatas). and sexual -s t r x t u r e data are reporred i~ behavior. STLDY I Wason ji 973). LVison j 19'73) hyporhes:zed rhar conservative a':iirudes reflecr a fear 31 En,:errair,ry. A i i ~ r d i i l g to :his view, Subjects were (34 males hC! females :eligious dogmatism, for exan:pie. is psycholoe :hypo;hesized to arise from fears of death. from several in:ro&mo:y s~~pernatural forces. and the cck-iown. sections who vqere rested in :heir class forms of uncertaicty. Similnariy, session. Ali received experinentsl credi: :he ce?nserva~ivePs adherence to external or adciitionet course credit for participzt. ,iuthority. convenrionaliry, rigrd morality. ing in the stady. The participants first 2nd opposj:ion to sexud freedom is completed :he Conservarisir, Scaie and



he E I I J O ~ S the content of his f a ~ t i s i e s wh2e the lcw scorer moids dziydreaming and prefers ro think a h g more cvderly, realistic. and zcmtructive avenues. The Conservatism Scaie (Willson & 9. Deliberate ar:d systematic rhought. Patterson. 196S) contarns 50 brief labels The h g h scorer expresses a preference for dessgned to assess somi att~tudesthat are orderly and pianfid thir,king and f r e q e n t ind~catrveof a person hoidng a conserva- in\dvernen% in it, This scak, however. trve r~ewponnt, e.g. "brrth conrroi" shows a riegative correlation with the "swcde," "churcb authority," "death ethers. penalty." 11: t h s study. several rteras were A11 compcnent scales are keyed ir: changed (see Bahr & Chad-wick. 1974) to such a way thai. high scores represent make them more rezdrly understandzble greater cperiness witk respecr I@ a @ven to Amerrcan partlapanis srnce the scale mode of experience. It was expected that was orrganally developed m New Zealand. conseri~atisrr;w o d d be inversely reiated For Instance, Item $50, "pqana pames." 13 a11 the component scales of the Experiwas changed to "pot parties," and Itern ence Inventory with :he exceptior, of the $4, "srudent pranks," was change& to Deliberate and Systematic Thought Scale "student demonstr~t~on~.)' Each ion- where a positive relationship was expecservatrve response 11: scored 2 , each red. rreu:rai resisonse I . and each izbera; response C. The C ~ a n Experlance 1nvenlo:gr Separate analyses were performed for ( 1972) 1s an 83- ex z n s t r u a e ~ trneasarrnaks arid females. Tabie i presents the mg a s~bjecr's epenness t o experiences correlations between the C'orsenr2tisn There ?re seven zompcnent scales to thls Scale and the seven compmear scales of ~nstmment whr& are described as the Experience Inventory for the t o ~ a i sampie a:~d for each sex group. Exami~aI. Aesthetic sensitivity 1:s. insensitiv- tion of Table 1 n4i reveal that ?or the ity. The P2gher scorcr reports a variety of total s?lmpie cor,senratism was significantaesthetic experiences. The low scorer ly related to the :oral score of the reports expenences which emphasize Experience Inventory plus six of seven of the component scaks. For males. ccnservclear representation and derrotaijon. 2. Unusaal perceptiorrs and associ- atisn wxs significantly related to aesaticrns. The high scorer. expresses different thetic sensitivity. construc:ive uriiizatlon unusual ways of expe~iencinghimself'. kis cf fantasy and dreams, induigmcz in fantasy; and delibe~ate and systematic body, and his phvsicd er?vironrne::.t. 3. Openness t o theoretical or hypo- thought. For fcmdes, consenatisxr: was theticd ideas. The high s c o w expresses signiGcantly related to h e of rhe seven that he e ~ j o y sabsrrac': and novel ideas c o ~ p o n e f i tscaies with the exceptior! GE and inteilectual puzzies. The iow sccrer, cons~ructive titilizatjon of fanlasy and dreams and de!iberzte and systematic on the other hand. dislikes such activ::ies. 4. Coi~structiveu t h a t i o n of f a t a s y thought. These resuits appear to support and dreams. The high scorcr reports the ase of dreams and daydreams for problem Wiisor,'s ( I 973j noticn that conservatives, by iimiting the range of experiences to soIving and other purposes. 5 . Openness to snconventiond views which they are open, are attempting ro of reality vs. adherence to mundane cope with the b e a t of corr.plexitl;, material reality. The kigh scorer indica~es noveity. and loss of ccrntrol cf one's cwr: a vi72l:ngness to entertair, ideas in such feelings and desires. High conservative reaims as astrology, ESP, astral projec- p2rtsc:pants report: a lower varrety of aesthetic expenences: fewer mtlsual ways tion, and reiacarnatior-.. 5. Indulgence in fzntasy vs. avoidance uf experlencxng hmself. h s body, and h s of fantasy. The high scorer reports that physical environmenr: a d~s~liteof

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then completed the Coan Experience Inven%.ory(I 972).

-c - y



iiihie I


Beruees Corisexarism and Experiexe kcvc.ntor:~S&es

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rbs--.:, ... jdc.2~ m d uitelectuxl p p z ~ i e r : less \viilirgness to entertsin idtss ir:. such rezlms 2s sstrclogy. eytrrrser,sor>, percep,.,, LI,,ii. . and reiniarnzrion: an avoidance i)i d s y c h e - e a m n ~ :;:id


preiexx:cc t:? r h c k

~ I o ~t::&riy iz 2x6 rc.alisri< 'irics. The few :orirradictory cjr;e]a;?ons between the sexes could be explzined bj. :he norlc;c that maies w r e more apex :hln kclai:s ill ::;iim of ac:iyi:y or acriop, ;i/hc: fc.majer appear :c be -qo:.e opes in the realm of Ceding and though: w h c h mosr of ths items ir; the invenlory sezm 1:. :a: (Co:ist !392).

The aim ~f :he second exyerin~snrw a s ;o inwstlgare the r e i ~ t i m s h j p betweeil cor!servmsn-i and volunteering for s e v e r ~ l different h n d s of p~pihi;iogii.aI expenmerits. These csper:ments were descibed to the pa:-:kipants as be:% concerned .",i.& 5, 1 ~ human 1 ~ ses:~! response, aez!I~t.r~c in:e:ests. f a c r w pro&.lcrio:l, decision .. rriaGrig. 122 hiimar. lr was 3ntii.ipated Ih31 parli t i'pC

Conservatism, openness to experience and sample bias.

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