Chapter 15 Computational Prediction of MicroRNA Function and Activity Hasan Og˘ul Abstract Inferring microRNA (miRNA) functions and activities has been extremely important to understand their system-level roles and the mechanisms behind the cellular behaviors of their target genes. This chapter first details methodologies necessary for prediction of function and activity. It then introduces the computational methods available for investigation of sequence and experimental data and for analysis of the information flow mediated through miRNAs. Key words Regulatory networks, Transcriptional modules, Biclustering, Bipartite graphs, Multiway analysis

1  Introduction Understanding the mechanisms of gene regulation has been a ­central problem in functional genomics. Since the first paper on genome-wide cluster analysis of gene expression data [1], there has been a tremendous research effort in better elucidation of individual and joint regulation of genes. The majority of this research has focused on either grouping genes with similar behaviors into clusters [2] or finding pairwise regulatory relationships between upstream factors and their targets [3]. The discovery of miRNAs at the end of 1990s has shifted the direction of research in this field to more integrative techniques due to the changes in understanding of regulatory networks. It has already been shown that these tiny regulatory molecules are abundantly present in many organisms, and they can play pivotal roles in several processes such as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, development, and apoptosis [4]. Their consequent effects in many other pathways and the development of several diseases have motivated the use of intelligent data analysis techniques to facilitate better comprehension of facts regarding miRNAs and the production of new testable hypotheses [5].

Malik Yousef and Jens Allmer (eds.), miRNomics: MicroRNA Biology and Computational Analysis, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1107, DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-748-8_15, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014



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Inferring individual targets for given miRNAs using either computational or experimental methods can provide valuable information for understanding of the basic mechanisms behind regulatory interactions of miRNAs with other genes. Since miRNA target selection is coordinated in a sequence-specific manner [6], target prediction methods are usually based on the information derived from the potency of binding between miRNA and putative target. Though useful, this approach is limited to explain miRNA behavior in practice. The limitation is imposed by four major reasons. First, the reliability of target predictions is quite low [7]. Since the mechanism behind target selection and binding is still elusive, especially for animals, the sequence-based models developed so far have been built upon hypothetical rules such as sequence complementarity and thermodynamic stability. Consequently, it is usually difficult to observe a consensus among the prediction results of different tools [7]. Second, potential binding between an miRNA and an mRNA does not necessarily imply an active regulatory relationship between them [8]. Third, miRNAs may act together to regulate one or more genes [9]. Target prediction results can only explain pairwise interactions but not many-to-many networks. And lastly, other factors may simultaneously contribute to the regulation of genes [10]. Therefore, we need integrative methods which could explain the active behaviors of miRNAs in a cooperative manner. The model should also allow researchers to link these behaviors to other functional consequences such as diseases or metabolic pathways. This chapter aims to introduce the computational methods used to analyze microRNA activities and functions from a systems biology perspective. Here, computational miRNA function analysis means the prediction and analysis of the information flow originated, redirected, inhibited, or terminated by single or multiple miRNAs. Following sections will introduce the previous works and basic terminologies regarding gene regulatory networks (GRNs), bipartite graphs, and biclustering techniques, which are frequently used for multiway analysis of miRNA functions and activities.

2  Regulatory Networks: New Actors and Changing Paradigms Systems biology aims to model living organisms using the interaction of all entities involved in the process under consideration. To this end, several network-based methods have been developed to explain the directed relationships between genes, proteins, metabolites, or other biomolecular entities. The most famous approach in that sense is the concept of GRN, which attempts to model regulatory relationships between genes and other potential regulators, such as transcription factors. A GRN is composed of nodes, representing the entities involved, and of edges, representing the

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molecular interactions between the entities. Edges are usually directed to show the course of the regulatory effect. The inference of GRNs is usually based on measurements at the transcript level. Since this reconstruction is based on available experimental data, the whole process of GRN inference can be considered reverse engineering. GRNs are able to discern a comprehensive view of all interactions either on a genome-wide level or as a local process. The major challenge with the reconstruction of GRNs is the fact that, due to the combinatorial nature of the problem, the available data is often insufficient for accurate and efficient inference of optimal model parameters. However, recent advances in high-­ throughput technologies have largely promoted the use of GRNs to enable the researchers to analyze large-scale interactions among thousands of transcripts. Various network architecture models have been used to infer GRNs, which can be broadly classified into four categories: 1. Information theoretical models. 2. Differential equation models. 3. Boolean networks. 4. Bayesian networks. In information theoretical models, the interaction between two genes is simply represented by the correlation coefficient of their expressions. In a simple undirected graph where each node represents a gene, an edge is present between two nodes if the correlation coefficient of two corresponding genes is above a predefined threshold. Other similarity or distance measures, such as Euclidean distance or mutual information, can be used instead of correlation coefficient to model the pairwise interaction. Information theory models parameterize only the correlations between genes. A differential equation model, on the other hand, uses a system of equations which describe the temporal value of gene expression as a function of the expression of other genes and potentially other factors. This enables the model to capture the dynamic behavior of all network components in a more quantitative manner. The model is expected to learn the differential equations and their parameters. Boolean networks are the models of discrete equations over binary variables which define the temporal states of the genes in the network. Therefore, continuous expression values need to be transformed to binary data. Inference of a Boolean network is equivalent to finding Boolean functions which may explain observed data. Bayesian networks are the most frequently used techniques to model GRNs. A Bayesian network is a probabilistic graphical model which represents the knowledge in an uncertain domain but for which prior knowledge may exist. It is simply modeled by a graph,


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where each node in the graph represents a random variable, e.g., expression of a gene or a transcription factor, and the edges between the nodes represent probabilistic dependencies between corresponding random variables. Reverse engineering of a Bayesian network is defined as the estimation of these conditional dependencies in the graph using known statistical methods. For a formal definition of Bayesian networks (also refer to Chapter 7), let us first define what a graph is. A graph is a symbolic representation of a set of entities and their relationships. A simple graph G(V, E) consists of a nonempty set representing vertices, V, and a set of unordered pairs of elements of representing edges, E, where each edge can connect two vertices. Edges can be weighted by any value to represent the relation between two vertices depending on the problem modeled by the graph. A Bayesian network B can be defined as an acyclic graph that represents a joint probability density over a set of random variables V. The network B is defined by a 2-tuple (G, Θ), where G is the directed acyclic graph whose nodes X1, X2, …, Xn represents random variables, and whose edges represent the direct dependencies between these variables. Each variable Xi is assumed to be independent of its non-­descendents given its parents in G. Θ denotes the parameters set, which consists of the parameters defined over conditional probabilities, given by θxi|πi = PB(xi |πi), xi is a realization of Xi conditioned on πi, and πi denotes parents of Xi. A unique joint probability density is then given in Eq. 1.



i =1

i =1

PB ( X 1 , X 2 , ¼, X n ) = PPB ( X i | p i ) = Pq Xi |pi


Given a joint probability density function, inference of a Bayesian network’s parameters is usually achieved through a set of greedy steps [11]. The desire for analyzing groups of co-regulated genes together with their pairwise interactions with regulators has introduced the new paradigm of transcriptional modules. A transcriptional module is defined as a collection of genes under control of the same regulation factors which bind to these genes in a similar manner. Genes in a transcriptional module are expected to have similar regulatory elements in their promoter regions and should undergo similar changes in mRNA expression in response to changes in environmental conditions or cellular state. Therefore, the identification of transcriptional modules is based on either the regulatory elements obtained from the sequences of genes or their expression profiles over different conditions. Segal et al. combined the ideas of Bayesian networks and transcriptional modules and introduced a new technique to analyze gene regulation, called module networks [12]. A module network is an extension of a Bayesian network where the nodes in the tree are gathered into so-called modules. All node values in the

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same module follow the same distribution, that is, all nodes in a module have the same parent nodes. Assignment of nodes to ­particular modules is considered as a part of network optimization. A Bayesian score is defined by the logarithm of the posterior probability of the dependency structure S and assignment A of the nodes in the modules given the observed values D of the nodes (Eq. 2)

score ( A, S | D ) = log p ( D | A, S ) + log p ( A,S )


This score is used for network optimization for which a two-­ stage greedy approach is used. The first stage is to search for the best structure. A Bayesian score is computed for every possible local modification, i.e., all additions and deletions of single edges in the current network. The modification which leads to the highest increase in score is chosen for the next iteration step. The second stage is for module assignment. An iterative procedure is applied to find better assignments by trying to move one node at a time to other modules. GRNs have been intensively used in the analysis of gene expression data [12]. However, we have seen only a few studies which have explored the functions of miRNAs in the context of GRNs [13–17]. The main reason that complicates the reconstruction of GRNs comprising of miRNAs is the fact that several types of regulatory circuits which could create inconvenient structures may appear due to distinct type of regulatory information flow among miRNAs and other regulatory elements such as transcription factors. For example, in a Bayesian network topology, due to its probabilistic nature, loops are not allowed. However, miRNAs and TFs might have bidirectional regulatory relationships among them which represent a loop and thus create a problem for using a Bayesian network model. For instance, a TF may repress the transcription of a gene while activating the transcription of an miRNA which inhibits the translation of the same target. Several such configurations might be observed in a complete network of interactions. Tsang et al. classified these network motifs into two types: type-I and typeII [13]. Type-I circuits include miRNAs and target genes which are both positively or negatively co-regulated by an upstream regulator. On the other hand, the transcription rates of miRNAs and target genes are differentially regulated by the upstream factor in type-II circuits (Fig. 1). They discovered that both type-I and type-II motifs are abundant in mammals. To simplify the model, miRNAs can be considered independently from TFs to analyze their functional effects in certain development processes. An example work is presented by Liu and Olson [14]. Through the reconstruction of miRNA regulatory networks, they investigated the roles of miRNAs as regulators in c­ ardiovascular development and showed that the resulting network may offer


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Fig. 1 Possible types of regulatory network motifs comprising TFs (squares), miRNAs (triangles), and target genes (circles). A connection from one entity to another denotes an up-regulation if it ends in an arrow head, a down-regulation otherwise

opportunities for therapeutically modulating cardiac function through the manipulation of pathogenic and protective miRNAs. A similar approach was used to analyze miRNA function in the myeloid lineage development and differentiation [15], hyperthermia [16], and human colorectal cancer [17]. A specialized Bayesian network was proposed by Liu et al. [18] to model the miRNA-­ mediated gene regulation. It was recently found that the miRNA regulation might be condition-specific, that is, an miRNA can perform up-regulation in some cases while it can repress translation in other cases [19]. They took this information into consideration to develop a new framework which can model more complex miRNA– target interactions. An application of module networks in miRNA function analysis is presented by Bonnet et al. [20]. They select a set of miRNAs as regulators and build a module network of genes, where both genes and miRNAs are grouped into modules constructing a regulatory network among the modules instead of pairwise edges between individual genes. They identified important modules related to prostate cancer in a data of expression profiles obtained from prostate cancer and control samples. Two popular module network applications are freely available: Genomica [21] and Lemone [22]. Genomica is a Windows-based application where data can be browsed, analyzed, and visualized. It was developed as general-purpose analytical tool to integrate several types of data such as gene expression, sequence, and annotations. Module network application is provided as a Genomica

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module for the application of necessary statistics to extract transcriptional modules and their relationships with predefined ­ regulators. Lemone is a specialized tool for module network analysis. It does not provide a graphical user interface, rather it allows the user to call necessary commands for step-by-step analysis of expression data. Final modules can be visualized as separate files with enriched GO annotations for each.

3  Bipartite Graphs: Modeling Combinatorial Interactions The activity of an miRNA can be best described by the behaviors of its targets. Therefore, target identification is crucially important in understanding miRNA function. The algorithms and tools for identifying or predicting of potential targets for a given miRNA are introduced in previous chapters (Chapters 12–14). Although current systems biology can significantly benefit from available target prediction tools, their explanatory power is limited. While the target prediction process is built upon a pairwise relationship between miRNA and its putative target, the case is more complicated. An miRNA can regulate several targets and an mRNA can be simultaneously regulated by several miRNAs. Target prediction tools fail to answer the questions regarding how multiple miRNAs can work in cooperation to regulate a group of genes or a disease-related pathway. In 2005, Yoon and De Micheli introduced the term miRNA regulatory modules (MRMs) to define the coordinated activity of miRNAs with their targets [23]. They used a special data structure, called weighted bipartite graph or relation graph, to model the pairwise interactions simultaneously with the clusters based on their regulatory behaviors. A bipartite graph is an undirected graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint sets U and V such that no two graph vertices within the same set are adjacent and every edge connects a vertex in U to one in V (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 An example weighted bipartite graph which models the interactions between a set of miRNAs and their target genes. Here, miRNA m2 has two t­ argets; g2 and g5, and g3 is regulated by two miRNAs; m1 and m4 cooperatively


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A weighted graph is an appropriate model for representing many-to-many relationships between miRNAs and their targets since one disjoint set corresponds to miRNA nodes, while the other set can represent their targets. In this setup, miRNAs and targets can make up clusters among themselves. The overall method has three major steps: (1) From a pool of single miRNAs and mRNA transcripts, select a set of miRNA–mRNA pairs using target prediction tools. (2) Build a weighted bipartite graph, where the nodes in first disjoint set are miRNAs, the nodes in second disjoint set are mRNAs, and the edges between the nodes correspond to the pairs found in first step. Each pair is weighted using a function which can be determined by principal component analysis on a feature space obtained from miRNA–target duplex formation. The feature space is built over local sequence alignment scores and free energy of putative duplex. (3) Iteratively update the graph and collect a set of regulatory modules, starting from an initial set of miRNAs that have similar binding patterns in the first graph. The result after creating the bipartite graph model is a set of miRNA–mRNA pairs, each of which corresponds to a distinct MRM with refined duplex scores for each pair in the module. This approach has been extended later by several research groups to improve pairwise selection and module selection. Joung et al. [24] integrated gene expression data to capture instant behavior of miRNAs and target genes. They defined a fitness function based on the weighted sum of an expression coherence score and sequence-­ based binding scores for predicted miRNA–mRNA duplexes in present modules. Using an evolutionary learning algorithm, the fitness function is optimized with a prior setting of weight parameters from a random initial configuration of modules. The algorithm releases new configurations in each generation and is finalized with a solution which attains best fitness value. Classical regulatory networks can only reveal the interactions among the entities in a generic way, that is, they cannot explain the dynamic behavior due to varying conditions. However, incorporation of condition specificity in regulatory networks may provide better insights in several cases such as understanding local networks due to specific stress conditions or identifying disease-related genes or miRNAs. Differential expression of several miRNAs in distinct cancer types has been recently reported [25]. To deal with this phenomenon, Liu et al. [26] introduced a condition-specific approach to identify miRNA groups with their targets for normal and cancer samples. Instead of unsupervised construction of unknown number of modules, they attempted to cluster miRNAs into two groups to understand the correlation between miRNA activities and corresponding disease. Their algorithm has two independent steps. First, a set of putative networks, i.e., group of miRNA–target pairs, are identified using sequence-based target predictions. Second, a set of condition-specific modules, which they called functional miRNA

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regulatory modules (FMRMs), are built using miRNA and gene expression profiles. The model represents miRNA–target relationships via a bipartite graph and employs gene expression data to get an updated graph by pruning the initial one using association rule mining techniques. Peng et al. [27] considered inverse expression relationships while inferring miRNA–mRNA regulatory modules associated with hepatitis C virus. Similar to Yoon and De Micheli’s work, they pruned an initial bipartite graph and use a number of post-­ processing steps to extract multiple relationships between the miRNAs and their targets. They additionally proposed some integrative evaluation steps before constructing the relation graph. First, an miRNA–mRNA correlation matrix is calculated using the similarities in expressions across samples. Then, a binary relation matrix is deduced based on a series of thresholds which minimize false detection rates. Final the matrix is combined with the predicted binding matrix to infer an initial relation graph.

4  Biclustering: A Multiway Look Due to their cooperative effects, main focus of the research in functional analysis of miRNAs has shifted to the inference of mechanisms associated with functional groups as opposed to individual miRNAs that exhibit similar expression patterns across a set of conditions or cellular states. One standard way of inferring these groups is to cluster them with respect to their similarity derived from their expression profiles over all given conditions (see Chapter 7 for detailed description of clustering). In general, clustering is a useful tool to elucidate the function of miRNAs by collecting the functionally related entities and analyzing their behavior over the enriched patterns on their groups. Since miRNAs involved in the same pathway usually respond to specific stimuli that could appear only in certain conditions, one-way clustering approach may fail to unveil the coordinated activity of miRNAs which act cooperatively in only a subset of given conditions. Biclustering can address this challenge by identifying the clusters of entities that may exhibit similar patterns for only certain conditions but not over all. Since the entities are both grouped and associated with feature or condition subsets, biclustering provides a natural framework with increased interpretability in comparison with traditional one-way clustering. Biclustering is defined as simultaneous grouping of both row and column sets in a data matrix. More formally, given a set of entities M = {m1, m2, …, mn} and a set of conditions C = {c1, c2, …, ck}, a bicluster B is a subset of (M, C), which contains the entities that exhibit coherent patterns in a subset of conditions. In other words, given the data as a (n×k) matrix of real values, where each entry ei,j


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Fig. 3 An example of an miRNA biclustering over a set of conditions. Let each mi be an miRNA and each cj be a condition where miRNA expression is measured and let each cell store the corresponding expression values. Two biclusters are shown: In the first one, the miRNAs denoted by m2, m4, and m5 make a bicluster under conditions c1, c3, c4, and c5. The second bicluster covers m3 and m6 under conditions c2, c4, and c6

corresponds to related measurement, e.g., an expression value of the entity mi, e.g., a gene, under the condition cj, e.g., a diseased cell line, a bicluster is a submatrix (I, J) that exhibits correlation in its rows and columns. Here, I denotes the set of indices of the rows in a row cluster and J is the set of indices of the columns in a column cluster. The resulting submatrix (I, J) is the bicluster of the entities and conditions, where |I| ≤ n and |J| ≤ k. An example of bicluster is schematically shown in Fig. 3. Biclustering has been often used for analysis of gene expression data [28]. Early approaches applied biclustering to obtain one bicluster at a time. This can be iterated several times to obtain additional biclusters [29]. Other approaches can identify a set of biclusters simultaneously [30, 31]. In general, finding biclusters can be considered to be an optimization problem, where the best submatrix is chosen which attains the highest level of coherence. Three major approaches exist to identify biclusters. The first and most straightforward method is to use one of the traditional clustering algorithms to obtain clusters in rows and columns, separately, and then to integrate the results by an iterative procedure. This scheme has been used by several biclustering algorithms [30, 32]. The second approach employs the divide-and-conquer paradigm of algorithm development, that is, the problem is divided into a set of similar subproblems, conquered recursively to obtain the solutions of smaller problems, and combined to obtain the global result [33]. The greedy search is the third main approach used for biclustering.

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In this scheme, a locally optimal step is taken in the hope that later steps will reach the optimal solution. In the earliest paper on biclustering applied on gene expression data, Cheng and Church [29] used a greedy iterative search algorithm to identify biclusters. They define the goal of the algorithm as to minimize a mean squared residue score H (Eq. 3).

HI,J =

1 I || J


i ÎI , j Î J

h i2, j


Where hi,j is defined over the elements of the bicluster matrix indexed by I and J, by Eq. 4.

hi , j = ei , j - ei , J - e I , j + e I , J


Here, ei,J is the mean of elements in row i whose column indices are in J, eI,j is the mean of elements in column j whose row indices are in I, and eI,J is the mean of all entries in the bicluster. A submatrix (I, J) is defined as a δ-bicluster of H 

Computational prediction of microRNA function and activity.

Inferring microRNA (miRNA) functions and activities has been extremely important to understand their system-level roles and the mechanisms behind the ...
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