Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Downloaded from by San Francisco (UCSF) on 01/25/15 For personal use only.

Compensatory renal hypertrophy in dogs: single nephron glomerular filtration rate Departments of Meds'citze and Pediatrics, Utziuersity qf Montreal dtrzd Nepkrology Di~)ision,Maisorzneuoe Hoxpitcml, Monbreal, P.Q., Canada HIT 2M4 Received June 2, 1976 C A R R I ~ RS., E ,and G A G N A N - B R U N ha. E~E 1977. , Compensatory renal hypertrophy in dogs: single nephron glomerular filtration rate. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 55, 185-1 10. Sodium ferrocyanide was used to measure the intrarenal distribution of single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) in remaining kidneys of dogs, I0 d after contralateral nephrectomy. It was first demonstrated that the renal function of both kidneys in situ was comparable. Following right nephrectonay, the urine volume, p-aminohippuric acid clearance, creatine clearance. osmolar clearance, fractional excretion of potassium, and sodium excretion of the left kidney increased. Fractional excretion of sodium, free water clearance, and filtration fraction remained unchanged. Following that 10-d period, left kidney weight exceeded that of the previously removed contralateral kidney by 5aB7{1,indicating that most of the compensatory hypertrophy had already occurred. No significant difference im the iiength of the proximal tubule nor in the diameter of the glomeruli of superficial (SUP) and juxta~nedullary(JM) nephrons of either kidney could be demonstrated. Most importantly, the ratio of radioactivity in the SUP/JM nephrons of the residual kidney was comparable with that previously observed in normal dog kidneys. Thus, the increase in total kidney GFR is explained through a proportionai increase in the SNGFR of the SUP and JM nephrons. CARRIBRE, S. et G A G N A N - B R U N EM. ~ E1977. , Compensatory renal hypertrophy in dogs: single nephron glomerular filtration rate. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 55, 105-110. Ee ferrocyanure de sodium a CtC utilisk chez le chien pour naesurer Ba distribution intrardnale de la filtration glomdrulaire par nCphron du rein restant, 10 jours aprEs nkphrectonaie contralaterale. Nous avons d'abord dCmontrC que la fonction rCnale des deux reins in situ Ctait c o r n parable. A la suite de la nephrectomie droite, Ies volume urinaire, C,,,. C,:,,,,, C,,,, FEK et U,,V du rein gauche augmentaient de fagon significative cornparativernent B leurs valeurs hitiales. Les FE,,, C,,,, et FF derneuraient inchangks. Le poids du rein gauche excedait alors de XIC;:, celui du rein contraIatCra1 prkCdernment enlevC, ce qui indiquait que le processus d'hypertrophie compensatrice etait ddjh accompli en bonne partie. Aucune difference significative ne fut retrouvk quant B la longueur des tubes proximaux pas plus que dans le diamktre des glomCrules des nkphrons SUP et JM lorsque les deux reins furent conaparks. Plus important encore, le rapport de la radioactivite des nephrons SUPiJM du rein restant ktait comparable % ce que nous avions prkkdemmernt retrouve dans les reins de chiens normaux. On peut donc conclure que I'augmentation de la filtration glomdrulaire totale du rein s'explique par une augmentation proportiomelle de la filtration glomCrulaihe par nCphron aussi bien dans la region SUP que JM du rein.


Anlong other functional alterations, swift iincreases in renal blood flow and GFR laave been Removal of a normal kidney in adult mammals observed in laumans (Boner et al. 1973; Biezi eb induces 19350, 1974; Flanigan et 1968; Krohn 1966; 19356; Arataki 1926; Katz and Epstein 1967) Ogden 1967; Paf,ico al. 1975; Weinman a[. and functional changes in the renmaining kidney. 1973) and in different animal species, especially the rat (Hayslett et ul. 1968; Potter et al. 1974; ABBREVIATION^: GFR, glomerular filtration rate; SN- silver and ~ ~ 1974) land dog ~ (BoyIan i and ~ GFR, single nephron GFR; SUP, superficial ; JM, juxtaAsshauer 1962; Bugge-As~erheim and Kiil 1963; medullary; PAH, p-aminohippuric acid; C,,,,,, creatine clearance; FF, filtration fraction; U,,V. sodium excre- Levy and Blalock 1938; Rolls and W a k h 1967; tion; FEN,, fractional excretion of sb'diuna; FE,, frac- schindler et al. 1974; Van Slvke et ul. 1934). It t i ~ n a excretion l of potassium; CoSrn,0~nIolarclearance. has been demonstrated fur&er in dogs that 'Address reprint requests to: Serge Carrikre, Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division, Maisonneuve- blood-flow rate increases uniformly in all regions renal cortex (McNay and Miyazaki 1973). Rosemont Hospital, 5415 L9Assomption Boulevard, of Montreal, P.Q., Canada HIT 2M4. The increase in total kidney GFW has not been

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Compensatory renal hypertrophy in dogs: single nephron glomerular filtration rate.

Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Downloaded from by San Francisco (UCSF) on 01/25/15 For personal use only. Compensatory renal hy...
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