Exp Toxic Pathol 1992; 44: 134-137 Gustav Fischer Verlag lena

Department of Histology and Embryology, Poznan Academy of Medicine, Poznan, Poland

Comparative studies on the effect of 4-APP(4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine) on hamster and rat adrenal cortex L. K. MALENDOWICZ

With 3 tables Received: September 10, 1990; Accepted: October 22, 1990

Address for correspondence: Prof. Dr. L. K. MALENDOWICZ, Department of Histology and Embryology, Poznan Academy of Medicine, 6


Str., PL- 60- 781 Poznan, Poland

Key words: adrenal cortex; rat; hamster; 4-APP (4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine); stereology


The study aimed to compare, by means of stereologic methods, the reactivity of the adrenal cortex of the hamster and the rat to prolonged treatment with 4-aminopyrazolo-(3,4d)pyrimidine (4-APP), a drug reducing hepatic secretion of plasma lipoprotein. Adult female hamsters, intact or cortisone suppressed, were administered i.p. daily with 0.5 mg 4-APP for 5 days while intact female rats received 1 mg of the drug per dose. 4-APP resulted in a loss of body weight, with the more profound effect in the hamster. In the rat 4-APP did not change the adrenal gland weight, the volume of the adrenocortical zones, the average volume of adrenocortical cells and the number of parenchymal cells in the gland. Moreover, serum ACTH and corticosterone levels in the rat remained unchanged. In the intact hamster 4-APP decreased the adrenal gland weight, the volume of the zona fasciculata and enhanced the serum cortisol level. In steroid suppressed hamsters 4-APP lowered the adrenal weight, the volume of fasciculata and reticularis zones, the average volume of the fasciculata cells and the number of parenchymal cells in the gland. These findings may suggest the direct inhibitory effect of low 4-APP doses on the hamster adrenal cortex and clearly demonstrate higher susceptibility of the hamster adrenal cortex, if compared with the rat, to 4-aminopyrazolo-pyrimidine.

Introduction Adrenal steroid hormone synthesis depends upon a continuous supply of free cholesterol derived either from plasma lipoprotein or from biosynthesis de novo. Which mechanism of cholesterol utilization dominates is dependent on the species as well as on experimental conditions applied. In most species, among them also in the hamster, there is preference for LDL as the source of extracellular cholesterol while in ACTH treated rat ca 80% of adrenal cholesterol is derived from HDL (GWYNNE et a1. 1976; BALASUBRAMANIAM et a1. 1977; ANDERSEN and DIETSCHY 1978; BROWN et a1. 1979; GWYNNE and HESS 1980; KOVANEN et a1. 1980; LEHOUX and PREISS 1980). In the 134

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hamster, the adrenal cortex is almost completely devoid of lipid droplets and stored cholesterol esters and the synthesis of corticosteroids depends mainly on intraadrenal synthesis of cholesterol from small molecules of substrate (LEHOUX and LEFEBVRE 1980; JANSEN and BIRKENHAGEN 1981; MALENDOWICZ and NUSSDORFER 1984; SPADY and DIETSCHY 1985; IWAKI et a!. 1985). The adenine, analogue 4-aminopyrazolo-(3,4d)pyrimidine (4-APP) reduces the hepatic secretion of plasma lipoprotein in rats thus resulting in a marked reduction of plasma and adrenal cholesterol content (SCHIFF et a1. 1971; BALASUBRAMANIAM et a1. 1977; BRECHER and HYUN 1976; MALENDOWICZ et a1. 1987). In 4-APP-induced lipoprotein deficient rats the rate of intraadrenal cholesterol synthesis increases and this effect is connected with impaired steroidogenesis (ANDERSEN and DIETSCHY 1976; BRECHER and HYUN 1978; GWYNN and HESS 1980; SZABO et a1. 1980, 1984; MALENDOWICZ et a1. 1987). As far as structure and steroidogenesis are concerned, the adrenal cOltex of the hamster differs markedly from the rat adrenal gland (for details see MALENDOWICZ and NUSSDORFER 1984; NUSSDORFER 1986). For example, the reactivity of the rat and hamster adrenal cortex to estrogens, which are known to be also a hypocholesterolemic agents, shows marked species differences (GASKIN and KITAY 1970, 1971; MALENDOWICZ et a1. 1982a, b; POPPLEWELL and AZHAR 1987). The aim of the present study was to compare, by means .of stereo logic methods, the reactivity of the adrenal cortex of the hamster and the rat to prolonged treatment with 4-APP, a cholesterol lowering agent.

Materials and Methods , Adult female hamsters (M esocricetus auratus WATERHOUSE) and rats of the Wi star strain were employed in this study. The animals were maintained under standardized conditions of light (14 L: 10 D) and temperature (22 ± 2°C) and fed with laboratory pellets with free access to tap water. 4-APP [4-aminopyrazolo(3,4-d)pyrymidine, Sigma] was

dissolved ex tempore in physiologic solution of saline (adjusted to pH 2.-5) at a concentration I mg/mI. The hamsters were administered i.p. daily with 0.5 mg 4-APP for 5 days while the rats received 1 mg of the drug per dose. The control animals were treated with the solvent only. One group of hamsters was treated s.c. daily with 0.25 mg of cortisone acetate (Upjohn). After weighing, the animals were decapitated (24 h after the last injection) and trunk blood collected (with 1 mg NaF/ml). The adrenals were promptly removed, cleaned of adherent adipose tissue and weighed. Stereology. The left adrenal gland was fixed for 24 h in Bouin's fluid at 22 ± 1°C, embedded in paraffin wax and serially sectioned at a thickness of 5-6 11m. The sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The sections were analysed by differential point counting as described by WEIBEL (1979). In the first stage of analysis, using magnification of approximately X 100 and a simple square lattice test system of type A (WEIBEL 1979), the volume fractions of the individual adrenocortical zones and of the medulla and capsula were estimated. The analysis was pelformed on each fifth section of the gland. In the second stage, the volume fractions of parenchymal cell nuclei, of cytoplasm and of connective tissue together with blood vessels (stroma) were estimated and the number of nuclear profiles of adrenocortical cells per unit area of section counted on a screen at a final magnification of X 3,000. Detailed description of these methods and of subsequent calculations have been described (MALENDOWICZ 1987; NIKICICZ et aI. 1984). Hormonal assays. Serum was separated and stored at -20 °C until hormonal assays. ACTH was estimated, in unextracted serum by the means of RIA using the commercial kit "RIA-mat ACTH" (Mallinckrodt Diagnostica). As stated by manufacturer, antibodies against ACTH react with human ACTH (both 1-24 fragment and a whole molecule, crossreaction 100 %) while there is no cross-reaction with cxMSH , ~­ endorphin, ~-lipotropin, and other tropic hormones of the adenohypophysis. The intra-assay variance for ACTH was 5 %, while the inter-assay variance was 7 %. Cortisol was quantitated in unextracted hamster serum by RIA with RIA cortisol ct 25 I) kit of Farmos Diagnostica (Finland) . With that kit cross-reactions with progesterone and corticosterone were respectively < 0.01 and < 2% and interassay variation 4 %. Corticosterone (in the rat) was measured by sulfuric acid fluorescence (GUILLEMIN et aI. 1959). Statistical treatment of the results. The data obtained from each animal were averaged per experimental group and the standard error was calculated. Comparison among the experimental groups was performed by the Student's t-test.

Results 4-APP administration resulted in a loss of body weight in hamsters and rats (tables 1 and 3). In the hamster 4-APP decreased the adrenal gland weight while there was no change in the weight of the rat adrenal gland. 4-APP administration did not change the volume. of adrenocortical zones, the average volume of the adrenocortical cells, and the humber of parenchymal cells in the gland. Only in 4-APP-treated hamsters the volume of the zona fasciculata was lower than in the controls.

Table 1. The effect of prolonged 4-APP treatment on some morphometric parameters of the adrenal cortex of the female hamster. Results expressed as means ± SE. Control n Body weight (g) Adrenal weight (mg)

7 94 ± 3 16.2 ± 0.8

4-APP 7 64± Id 13 .6±0.4b

Volume of the zones (mrn 3) ZG 2.169±0.173 ZF 6.090 ± 0.231 ZR 4.707 ± 0.336

2.238 ± 0.063 4 .732 ± 0.200° 4 .045 ± 0.165

Volume of cell (11m3) ZG ZF ZR

1,017±42 2,757±173 879 ±25

1,071 ± 27 2,420 ± 143 1,0l8±60

2,115± 197 2,038± 135 4,405 ± 393 8,897 ± 590

2,049± 62 1,866± 123 3,717 ± 227 7,633 ±279

361 ±72 1O.5±1.9

461 ±48 23.5±3.6c

N umber of cells (1 ZG ZF ZR Total Blood level ACTH (pmol/I) cortisol (nmoll!)


10 3)

Statistical evaluation of the results by Student's t-test: a - p < 0.05; b - P < 0.02; c - p < 0.01; d - p < 0.001. ZG - zona glomerulosa , ZF - zona fasciculata, ZR - zona reticularis. The serum cortisol level was markedly elevated in 4-APPtreated hamsters while in the rat the level of corticosterone was unchanged. 4-APP treatment did not change the serum ACTH level either in the hamster or in the rat. In steroid suppressed hamsters 4-APP lowered the adrenal weight, the volume of the fasciculata and reticularis zones, the average volume of the fasciculata cells and the number of zona reticularis cells as well as the total number of parenchymal cells in the gland (table 2). On the other hand, the average volume of the zona glomerulasa cells of 4-APP-treated rats was higher than in the controls while the serum ACTH concentration remained unchanged.

Discussion 4-APP, an agent blocking lipoprotein release from the liver and thus reducing the circulating level of lipoprotein cholesterol, has been frequently employed to study the contribution of circulating cholesterol to steroidogenesis in the adrenals. Doses of 4-APP administered into rats varied from 5 mg/lOO g b.wt. in 2 - 3 days experiments (BALASUBRAMANIAM et aI. 1976 ; BROWN et a1. 1979 ; SZABO et aI. 1980; BLANK et a1. 1983; MIKAMI et aI. 1984) to 2 or 1 mg (MALENDOWICZ et aI. 1987 ; NOWAK et aI. 1987; POPPLEWELL and AZHAR 1987). However, daily administration of 0 .5 mg 4-APP per 100 g b.wt. for 3-7 days also resulted in the profound reduction of the serum cholesterol level in the rat and notably disturbed pituitary hormones release (BLANK et al. 1983; MURPHY et al. 1985; MAZZOCCHI et a1. 1986). Regarding the potent toxicity of that Exp. Toxic. Pathol. 44 (1992) 3


Table 2. The effect of prolonged 4-APP treatment on some morphometric parameters of the adrenal cortex of the female, steroid hormone suppressed hamster. Results expressed as means±SE. Cortisone

Cortisone + 4-APP

7 82±4 16.4 ± l.0

7 77±4 13.3 ±0.6a

Volume of the zones (mm 3 ) ZG ZF ZR

2.423 ± 0.190 6.220 ± 0.599 4.813 ± 0.322

2.212 ± 0.086 4.282±0.184c 3.481 ±0.158 c

Volume of cell ([Am 3 ) ZG ZF ZR

896± 38 2,188±165 938±55

1,075 ± 51 b 1,694± 151 a 929±43

2,663 ± 220 2,768±298 4,756±280 1O,187±438

2,612± 143 2,460± 232 3,516± 197 c 8,038±471 c

n Body weight (g) Adrenal weight (mg)

Number of cells (1 ZG ZF ZR Total



Blood level of ACTH (pmolll)

444± 63

922± 267

Explanations as in Table I

Table 3. The effect of prolonged 4-APP treatment on some morphometric parameters of the adrenal cortex of the female rat. Results expressed as means ± SE. Control n

Body weight (g) Adrenal weight (mg)

6 223±8 53.9±1.4

4-APP 6

196 ± 6a 54.0±3.4

Volume of the zones (mm 3 ) 6.520 ± 0.301 7.111 ± 0.431 ZG 25.009 ± 0.846 23.272 ± l.962 ZF 16.767±0.756 17.919± 1.299 ZR Volume of cell ([Am 3 ) ZG ZF ZR Number of cells (1 x 103 ) ZG ZF ZR Total Blood level ACTH (pmolll) corticosterone ([Agll)

929±43 3,562±225 825 ±44

7,058±291 7,208 ± 518 6,738±496 6,874±495 19,524± 1,673 18,644± 1,578 33,456 ± 2,222 32,590 ± 2,207 74.0±23.3 2.30±0.30

Explanations as in Table I


971 ± 43 3,332±299 909±49

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88.3 ± 20.4 2.20 ± 0.70

adenine analogue, in the present experiments hamsters and rats were administered with relatively low doses of 4-APP. As revealed in the present study 4-APP markedly reduced the body weight in both species with more profound effect in the hamster. This may be a manifestation of the general toxic effect of the drug and it is of interest that cortisone administration prevented 4-APP-induced body weight loss in the hamster. 4-APP administered in higher doses markedly increased the adrenal gland weight in the rat, an effect depending on enlargement of the cortex (SZABO et al. 1980; MALENDOWICZ et al. 1987; NOWAK et al. 1987). This increase was due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of parenchymal cells. In the present study low doses of 4-APP within 5 days did not change the adrenal gland weight in the rat while in intact or cortisone suppressed hamsters the adrenal weight was notably lower than in the controls. Moreover, zonal and cellular composition of the adrenal cortex was unchanged in 4-APP-treated rats while in the hamster a marked reduction in the volume of the zona fasciculata was found. A more profound effect of 4-APP was observed in cortisone suppressed hamsters in which the drug resulted in the lowering ofthe volume of the fasciculata and reticularis zones, of the size of the fasciculata cells and of the number of parenchymal cells in the gland. These findings may suggest the direct inhibitory effect of 4-APP on the hamster adrenal cortex, however, in the intact hamsters this effect may be partially obliterated by compensatory hepersecretion of ACTH by the nonsuppressed pituitary gland. Such a direct effect of 4-APP on the rat adrenal cortex has been suggested also in our earlier study (Now AK et al. 1987). The results of hormonal estimations do not exclude the possibility of compensatory hypersecretion of ACTH in 4-APP-treated hamsters. In this species basal plasma ACTH levels are very high if compared with other mammals and the values differ markedly among individuals (NOWAK et al. 1990). Therefore it is very difficult to reveal any statistically significant differences in the plasma ACTH level among the groups of experimental hamsters. Moreover, in the present experiment animals were sacrificed 24 h after 4-APP administration and such a one-point sampling time may be insufficient to reveal a possible short-lasting enhanced corticotropin level in the blood. Moreover, increased plasma cortisol levels in 4-APP-treated hamsters strongly suggested an increased stimulation of the hamster adrenal cortex by ACTH, although the impaired inactivation of cortisol by injury, due to 4-APP hepatotoxicity, can not be excluded. If this is the case, the enhanced, due to impaired inactivation, plasma cortisol level may suppress pituitary ACTH secretion and may induce partial atrophy of the adrenal cortex. Contrary to the hamster, in the rat comparable doses of 4-APP had no effect either on the serum ACTH level or on the serum corticosterone concentration. Thus, if compared with the rat, our experiments clearly demonstrate a higher susceptibility of the hamster adrenal cortex to 4-APP.

Acknowledgement The study was supported in part by a grant X-IS from the Poznan Academy of Medicine, Poznan, Poland.

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Exp. Toxic. Pathol. 44 (1992) 3


Comparative studies on the effect of 4-APP(4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine) on hamster and rat adrenal cortex.

The study aimed to compare, by means of stereologic methods, the reactivity of the adrenal cortex of the hamster and the rat to prolonged treatment wi...
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