C o m o r b i d i t i e s an d Polypharmacy Thomas G. von Lueder, MD, PhDa,b,*, Dan Atar, MD, PhDa,b KEYWORDS  Heart failure  Comorbidities  Polypharmacy  Elderly

KEY POINTS  Heart failure (HF) is predominantly a disease that affects the elderly population, a cohort in which comorbidities are common.  The majority of comorbidities and the degree of their severity have prognostic implications in HF.  Polypharmacy in HF is common, has increased throughout the past 2 decades, and may pose a risk for adverse drug interactions (ADRs), accidental overdosing, or medication nonadherence.  Polypharmacy, in particular in the elderly, is rarely assessed in traditional clinical trials, highlighting a need for entirely novel HF research strategies.

HF is predominantly a disease that affects the elderly population, with approximately 80% of HF patients age 65 or older. Projections are for a steep increase in HF prevalence in the elderly due to changing demographics. Like HF, many other chronic disorders are more common in the elderly and frequently coexist in patients with HF. These comorbidities, both cardiac and noncardiac, may share the same pathomechanisms as HF (for example, inflammation), develop at or after the onset of HF, or may represent distinct disease entities and antecede HF. In general, HF patients with comorbidities exhibit substantially greater morbidity and mortality compared with HF patients without comorbidities. Data from both community-dwelling and hospitalized patients with HF show that the average number of comorbidities in HF has been on the rise. Contemporary medical therapy for HF dictates use of multiple medications with proved survival advantage. Comorbidities in HF further increase the number and, perhaps, dosage of drugs needed to achieve sufficient clinical efficacy for

either condition. Polypharmacy (defined as the use of 4 or more concomitant drugs) is a growing concern in HF. Despite reductions in use of drugs without documented survival benefit in HF over the past decade, the average number of medications managed by individual HF patients has been increasing. Polypharmacy increases the risk of adverse drug effects, interactions, accidental overdosing, or nonadherence, particularly in frail and cognitively impaired HF patients. The steep increase in the prevalence of comorbidities together with expanding medication use continues to add to the complexity of HF care. This article reviews important comorbidities in HF and major issues related to polypharmacy and discusses how best to manage these complicating factors in HF care.

COMMON COMORBIDITIES AND TREATMENT IMPLICATIONS IN HF HF can originate from multiple inherited or acquired cardiac or noncardiac diseases and usually converges into a clinical syndrome characterized by typical HF symptoms and evidence of reduced cardiac function. Given this vastly complex and

The authors have no disclosures to report. a Department of Cardiology, Oslo University Hospital Ulleva˚l, University of Oslo, Kirkeveien 166, Oslo 0407, Norway; b Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Oslo, Kirkeveien 166, Oslo 0407, Norway * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] Heart Failure Clin 10 (2014) 367–372 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hfc.2013.12.001 1551-7136/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.




von Lueder & Atar heterogenous spectrum of HF pathomechanisms, it is not surprising that numerous other conditions can coexist in HF. Some of these comorbidities may precede and even induce HF; others may occur independently, albeit with temporal overlap. Yet other conditions, such as anemia and renal failure, may occur as a consequence of HF. Despite robust evidence—some from large trials and others from databases—that comorbidities in HF indicate an unfavorable overall prognosis, little unifying information exists on how to approach comorbidities in HF. The paucity of scientific data is further illustrated by absence of rigorous evaluation and management recommendations issued by major guideline bodies. Very recent data, however, indicate that in HF with preserved ejection fraction, the burden of noncardiac comorbidities is not only higher than in HF with reduced ejection fraction but also associated with a higher rate of non-HF hospitalizations.1 Some investigators even suggest that comorbidities drive coronary endothelial inflammation and cardiac remodeling.2 Common specific comorbidities are discussed and typical clinical dilemmas highlighted related to polypharmacy arising from medical treatment of multiple conditions.

Renal Dysfunction and Failure Impaired renal function is present in many, if not most, patients with HF and thus represents a major clinical problem in HF patient care.3,4 Traditionally, it has been assumed that cardiac pump failure leads to renal hypoperfusion or congestion and, thus, kidney dysfunction. Although hemodynamics may provide partial explanations, the mechanisms underlying comorbid heart–kidney failure are substantially more complex. There has been increasing recognition of a bidirectional relationship between HF and kidney dysfunction in recent years. Novel data suggest that systemic proinflammatory processes, neuroendocrine overdrive, preexisting renal disease, uremic toxins, and multiple other factors contribute, singly or in combination.5 Also, pharmacotherapy for HF or comorbidities may adversely affect renal function6 (see article elsewhere in this issue). Importantly, based on a large body of clinical trial data, the presence of renal dysfunction and failure is one of the strongest predictors of excessive morbidity and mortality in HF. Accordingly, major research efforts are directed toward preventing renal dysfunction and failure in HF.7

Anemia Anemia is commonly defined as a blood hemoglobin concentration of less than 13 g/dL in men and

less than 12 g/dL in women. Underappreciated by clinicians until recently, anemia is a significant and frequent comorbidity in patients with HF, in particular in the elderly and those with renal dysfunction or failure (see article elsewhere in this issue). Multiple pathomechanisms that are operative in HF may initiate and sustain anemia. For instance, activation of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system and other neurohormonal systems induces plasma volume expansion, leading to hemodilution and decreased hemoglobin levels. In addition, circulating factors, including cytokines and interleukin, may directly suppress erythropoiesis in bone marrow.8 Experimental evidence suggests that distinct mechanisms drive bone marrow depression in HF of ischemic origin compared with HF of nonischemic origin.9 Also, renal failure, such as in cardiorenal syndrome, may lead to reductions in erythropoietin levels and, thus, anemia. Together with volume expansion inherent to renal dysfunction and failure, several mechanisms underlie anemia in cardiorenal syndrome. The presence of anemia in HF seems to confer greater morbidity and adverse prognosis. Anemia may not, however, be an independent prognostic marker because recent registry data indicate an association with comorbid renal disease and more advanced HF.10 Based on these considerations, it seems logical that correction of anemia may be of benefit in HF. Whether specific treatment (with erythropoietin analogues) may alter clinical outcomes in HF is only currently undergoing scientific scrutiny. General assessment, diagnostic work-up, and management of anemia have been encouraged in recent HF guidelines.11,12

Respiratory Disorders Comorbid respiratory disorders are a common finding in HF patients and contribute to shortness of breath, poor exertional capacity, and low quality of life. These disorders include chronic airway diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and central sleep apnea.13,14 Not only do symptoms overlap but also the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms may share similarities with those that are operative in HF. For example, in OSA patients, risk factors for HF, such as obesity, hypertension, and endothelial dysfunction, frequently coexist, although a causal relationship between OSA and HF remains to be conclusively shown.15 Due to the nonspecific nature of respiratory and HF symptoms, it sometimes may be hard to establish the temporal sequence of these 2 disease entities within an individual patient. It has been shown

Comorbidities and Polypharmacy that HF patients with OSA have increased afterload during sleep, which is normalized by therapy with continuous positive airway pressure.16 The presence of OSA aggravates HF and thus may warrant specific management. Tobacco smoking is an important exogenous factor that contributes to chronic airway and coronary artery disease. Although governmental interventions and public awareness campaigns on smoking have reduced the number of daily smokers in Western societies over the past decade, the prevalence of respiratory diseases in both HF and non-HF populations will continue to rise due to the long lag from exposure to clinical onset. The individual contribution of HF and comorbid COPD to dyspnea is often hard to determine for a clinician. Spirometry and other functional tests are unreliable in decompensated HF. Respiratory comorbidities are addressed further elsewhere in this issue.

Gout and Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatric arthritis, and gout are important comorbidities in HF and highly prevalent conditions.17,18 As with HF, the prevalence of arthritis increases with age.19–21 In addition, the prevalence of HF is higher in patients with arthritis.19 Patients with arthritis exhibit higher mortality and morbidity rates compared with the general population, which are essentially caused by excess in cardiovascular (CV) disease. In RA patients, plasma levels of the N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide predicted mortality in a cohort that was followed for 10 years.22 Traditional risk scores based on established CV risk factors have been validated and are commonly used in the general population but systematically underestimate CV risk in patients with RA.23,24 HF patients with RA have substantially worse outcomes than HF patients without comorbid RA.25 In addition, anti-RA drugs often are little compatible with HF therapy, with immunomodulators perhaps making one exception: tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a bockade has failed to improve outcomes in pure HF. Yet, recent work in patients with inflammatory arthropathies demonstrated improvements in peripheral vascular function and morphology by TNF-a blockade, typical surrogate markers of clinical outcomes.26 Despite the significance of comorbid arthritis to HF, even the most recent HF guidelines do not address assessment, prevention, and management of CV disease in these patients.12 Many investigators, therefore, suggest that in HF, comorbid arthritis is an aggravating factor and should be evaluated

and managed in a multidisciplinary health care setting.

Other Comorbidities with Relevance to HF Patients with HF are more prone to suffer from depression and other affective disorders. Some may, understandably, merely reflect the poor overall quality of life in HF. Chronic cerebral hypoperfusion has been proposed as a contributing mechanism.27 Alternatively, environmental (such as diet and lifestyle decisions), genetic, and other contributing factors may contribute both to HF and comorbid mood disorders. In addition, cerebrovascular diseases and stroke are more common in HF than in the general population and are associated with cognitive impairment and depression. Unintentional weight loss that may occur in depressed HF patients is an independent predictor of poor outcomes.28 Whenever feasible, HF patients should be evaluated for the presence of affective disorders and cognitive impairment. These comorbidities not only may be alleviated through specific therapy but also may influence treatment decisions and help determine the appropriate level of care in an individual HF patient.

POLYPHARMACY IN HF—SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM HF commands the use of several drugs, including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, b-blockers, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists.12,29 There is a clear trend for an increasing number of drugs used in patients with HF. Recent data in a community-based HF population indicate that the average number of prescription drugs managed by HF patients increased from 4.1 to 6.4 over the past 2 decades, reflecting a significant increase in the number of comorbidities per patient (Fig. 1).30 The same investigators also show

Fig. 1. Temporal changes of number of comorbidities in community-dwelling subjects with HF over a period of 2 decades. (From Wong CY, Chaudhry SI, Desai MM, et al. Trends in comorbidity, disability, and polypharmacy in heart failure. Am J Med 2011;124(2):140; with permission.)



von Lueder & Atar that the proportion of HF patients above the age of 80 years almost doubled within the same period of time.30 In elderly patients hospitalized with HF, mortality and readmission rates have not improved despite recent advances of pharmacologic therapy.31 The extent and severity of comorbidities in HF necessitate additional pharmacotherapy to control them, further adding to the complexity of HF management. Because HF patients with comorbidities are more likely to be frail and elderly, drug target doses and sufficient medication adherence may be harder to achieve than in younger HF patients. In this context, polypharmacy attenuates biologic responses to HF therapy and greatly increases the risk for ADRs. In the elderly, CV drugs seem the most common drug category implicated with ADRs.32 Importantly, ADRs may be oligosymptomatic and thus difficult to diagnose. With aging populations and the rising prevalence of HF and of comorbidities, ADRs will continue to represent a significant reason for hospitalization.

SIGNIFICANCE OF POLYPHARMACY FOR HF PHARMACOTHERAPY Interactions between specific drugs to treat HF and those to treat comorbidities are common and greatly augment the complexity of HF management. Medical treatment of HF with comorbidities often faces the dilemma of mutually exclusive drugs, that is, drugs that improve one condition and deteriorate another or vice versa. As an example, in HF and comorbid respiratory disease, b-blockers represent a cornerstone of contemporary HF pharmacotherapy but may have an adverse impact on pulmonary function. Conversely, glucocorticosteroids are sometimes warranted in episodes of COPD exacerbation but may increase sodium and water retention and, thus, lead to decompensated HF. In general, clinicians need to base treatment decisions on multiple considerations that go beyond HF care. For example, an estimate of the individual contributions of HF and comorbid respiratory disease to current clinical status facilitates balancing drug therapies. Many arthritis drugs potentially exacerbate HF. For example, it is well known that nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids increase water and sodium retention. Alternatively, diuretics, which most HF patients receive at some stage, increase serum uric acid and predispose to acute episodes of gout. With many HF patients managed in primary care and other nonspecialized settings, the true extent of excessive morbidity and mortality caused by polypharmacy in HF is difficult to quantify.

MANAGING POLYPHARMACY IN HF PATIENTS WITH COMORBIDITIES Some fundamental principles in pharmacotherapy may inform treatment decisions in elderly HF patients with extensive comorbidities. In general, possible negative consequences of medical and nonpharmacologic interventions need to be considered. For instance, if renal function is impaired, angiography and other contrastenhanced diagnostic procedures should be performed only if clear clinical benefit is expected. Drugs with known risk of interactions need to be carefully up-titrated, and medication should be reassessed regularly, in particular in the very elderly, in nonresponders, and in cognitively impaired patients. Data are scarce on how best to reintroduce and maintain HF pharmacotherapy after transient organ dysfunction, such as kidney failure. Nurse-based administration of drug therapy to elderly, frail, and cognitively impaired patients likely enhances medication adherence and reduces polypharmacy and ADRs in HF. In those patients where focus has shifted from the hope of long-term survival benefits to optimal quality of life, palliation and withdrawal of effective HF drugs may be warranted.

SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS In patients with HF, the prevalence of comorbidities, the extent of polypharmacy, and the associated additional morbidity and mortality have increased significantly over recent years, although some uncertainty remains on the true prevalence of comorbidities as a result of varying disagreement between self-reported and clinically diagnosed comorbidities. HF patients with comorbidities more often are elderly, have more comorbidities, and exhibit increased risk of ADRs. Polypharmacy is becoming a major complicating factor in HF patients and represents a risk for ADRs, accidental drug overdosing, and medication nonadherence. Therefore, clinicians need to be vigilant about possible drug interactions. Finally, medical therapy for HF with comorbidities should not be considered in isolation but rather be an essential component of an overall patientfocused management plan, which is based on identifying the needs and the appropriate level of care of individual HF patients.

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Comorbidities and polypharmacy.

Heart failure (HF) is predominantly a disease that affects the elderly population, a cohort in which comorbidities are common. The majority of comorbi...
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