Hospital Topics

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Common Sense and Managerial Stress Tom Parker M.A., M.P.H. To cite this article: Tom Parker M.A., M.P.H. (1977) Common Sense and Managerial Stress, Hospital Topics, 55:5, 46-49, DOI: 10.1080/00185868.1977.9950429 To link to this article:

Published online: 13 Jul 2010.

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Date: 06 November 2015, At: 23:25

Common Sense and Managerial Btress


he true cause of stress is elusive because of the differences in people anil circumstances ...but most experts agree that stress is emotionally based. It can cause mental and physical problems we experience everyday.

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What ir 8trammP

It is described as the state of our mental health. . .nothing more, nothing less. It can influence our physical, emotional and even social heaith. It can be known. . .or unconscious. One thing for certain, every human being suffers stress at home, at work and at play. Stress can kill. . .but not all stress is bad for us. In fact, some stress may be helpful to us in our quest to accomplish thin nurturing feelings, attitudes, creativity, and initiative. Stress, according to studies at one midwestern university, is not something which occurs from outside sources alone. Much of it has to do with what goes on inside a person. Here again, a person’s temperament (introvert, extrovert, ambivert) may hold some vital keys in determining degrees and amounts of stress. One study measured the blood pressure of surgeons while doing surgery. The findings indicated that pressure was not in the requirements of the work itself but something within the surgeon. A university study on professors at work revealed hard drivers reveled in their work and others felt tired and overburdened by their work. It was significant to note that cholestrol was higher in those professors expending less energy. So, exerting energy may subdue, repress or erase certain stresses. Most joggers will attest to this. At a west coast medical center, two doctors studied the personalities of people. The results were startling. The subjects were



Tom Parker, MA., president, Tepee Accociates, Inc., North Wilkesboro, N.C.. a firm specializing in management-supervisory, training and personnel services to industry, business, education, hospitals, and government agencies. He is the author of the “Science of Human Relations,” which is widely used in supervisory training programs throughout the country. Mr. Parker was responsible for establishing supervisory development programs in both North and South Carolina. He serves as a faculty member for Pepperdine University in Los Angeles.

categorized more or less as active vs. passive. Being active or passive seemed to have a profound affect on such woeful things as frequency of heart attacks, obesity, high blood pressure. The active type personality appeared to be a high risk person for a coronary while the more passive person was less apt to have one. Now the good news...most Americans are considered to be a combination of active-passive personalities. However, the closer one identifies with the more active type personality. .the greater the risk. Throughout these studies, AGGRESSIVENESS and SPEED are suggested culprits. At least 90% of heart attack patients under 60 years of age were typed as the more active personality. Women active in women’s rights movements are experiencing corresponding jumps in heart attacks. In line with this. ..assertiveness may graduate into agressiveness. This, in turn, may cause stress to both the sender and the receiver. As regards smoking, the active person who never smoked had about the same heart attack rate as the more passive person who smoked.


The identifying marks of the active person included impatience, high stress, tenseness and hostility among other [email protected] the more passive person was more relaxed and almost the opposite of the active person. So watch out if you’re an active type personality. Heart r t t i o k or cancer3

A recent study released from a renowned hospital in the East shows a thirty year account on personality types most likely to develop cancer. It seems people who aren’t excitable are more likely to develop cancer than are people who tend to be high strung or panicky. In short, if a person doesn’t get depressed easily or if the pulse is low or if the person rarely gets angry or anxious, cancer may strike in middle age. It concluded that personality is closely linked with the state of health. .with disease.


Learning about some of these studies can put us in a confused state. . .even a depressed state. . . because they seem to suggest that STRESS may be the root of all evil. HOSPITAL TOPICS

Whrt Im The ldarl Amount of Btramr An Individual Cmn Taka3

Common Senma Peroeptlon of ManagerialStremm Symptomr

There doesn’t appear to be an ideal tolerance scale to rate people. However, COMMON SENSE tells us that POISE may be a key. Expressed another way, poise is “controlling and keeping one’s cool.”

It’s easy to find introverts, extroverts and ambiverts among managers and supervisors. These basic temperaments have been fairly well defined.

PERSONAL OUTLOOK may be a key seeing things realistically and adjusting to the situation. Knowing the ideal balance between optimism and pessimism. Downloaded by [Deakin University Library] at 23:25 06 November 2015


Closely associated to personal outlook may be logically assessing our LIMITATIONS. .or mastering our controllable strengths and weaknesses. There is just so much we can give, do, achieve. Knowing our limitations should certainly help us to see when we’ve reached these limits.


EMOTIONS play such a tremendous role in our state of mind. Our minds play funny tricks on us and also on those around us. .and that’s why we act and react more on emotions than on logic in our daily lives.


It doesn’t take a genius to spot styles of leadership (Dictatorial, Paternal, Laissez-Faire and so called Democratic) being practiced by leaders. Your staff have probably typed you as a dictator or paternal or whatever. Whether you like or agree with the “type” they say you are is of little consequence. You are to them what you say, do and show in your daily actions. Our Status Survey (sometimes called morale attitude or employee surveys) show without question that composite employee appraisals of their leaders ire more realistic, closer to the truth than appraisals of managers who are asked to type their individual styles of leadership. Do you recall the old axiom “if we could see ourselves as others see us?”

Stress, known or unknown to us, prompts actions that invariably identify us with the four styles of leadership and again, known or Common sense tells us that if unknown, by the manager, producstress can be caused by things other tion or service, quality, cost conthan work, then stress will continue sciousness and employee morale as before, even if one quits his or are affected in direct proportion to her job. our styles of leadership. Our daily W e know of no jobs that are actions are tell-tale factors. Let’s stressless. If I quit my job for any look at some of them. reason ...and am unable to find another job stress would completely engulf me. To quit a job TeiCTair Fretorr may be appropriate if we find more satisfying work. . .but as one doctor stated, “too often the choice is not We have observed leaders who to go to something but to get away eat anti-acid tablets like popcorn, from something.” those who have hives, skin acne, Until someone comes up with a those who bite their nails, those more potent suggestion...we sug- who have ulcers or symptoms, those gest that COMMON SENSE may with eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis, be our best tool in combatting those with gastro-intestinal stress. disorders, those who are fidgety, If your job causes stress, then is to quit, in essence, the answer?





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highly emotional, super sensitive, those with hypertension, heart problems, etc. Stress is blamed for most of these problems. We think stress is contagious...stress can cause other types of stress both within us and in those around us. A stressful supervisor can cause stress among hidher employees... whether it is the intent or not. The same is true up the hierarchy. , .in the case of a manager and hidher subordinate supervisors.

practice. We can TURN PEOPLE ON AND TURN THEM OFF. There is nothing else...p eriod. Turn people off too often and see what happens to you! We can help relieve our stress and theirs... by making them look good, After all, isn’t that our ultimate goal, too? ~

Common Senre Work Relationrhips

Common sense tells us that most of our people (better than 8070)will never cause us any trouble what-soever, provided they axe treated fairly. Isn’t that great to know? It makes sense not to subject them to unnecessary stress if they are doing their jobs.

1. Study your employees. . .learn everything you can about them ... and you’ll never know more about them than you need to know. To be good managers, we need to develop the capacity to be aware that we must understand the value Common sense tells us that if we systems by which our people funcdo everything we can TO MAKE tion. Study their assets and OUR PEOPLE LOOK GOOD in liabilities and make necessary adtheir jobs, efficiency is enhanced. justments. 2. Let your people know. . .as This favorable supervisory action often as necessary how they are dotends to create a reciprocal action ...because the majority of our peo- ing...both the good and bad ple will strive to make us look good, things. Our morale surveys show in too ...and this ideal behavior many cases that employees feel they are kept in the dark about things relieves stress in everyone. they should know. Common sense tells us that we 3. Look for outstanding work of manufacture much of our stress individuals. If someone has done and pass it on to our employees more than the expected amount of needlessly. . .through our actions work. . .he has automatically made and attitudes. It is not uncommon you look, you owe him to see a manager “giving the whole something. Give credit when it is group hell” when only one or two deserved. people caused the problem. An4. Learn to delegate work. Many other classic action is giving a employees will accept more responlesson to the whole group in per- sibility willingly...and the impact sonal hygiene when one member goes deeper than that shows them you have confidence in them. has a bad case of body odor. 5. Keep lines of communications open to everyone. Open communication minimizes fear, distrust The Two Choicer We Have and suspicion. 6. Practice Empathy all We have two choices in fulfilling actions and circumstances before our three most important respon- taking action. Don’t go off halfsibilities as managers, which are: cocked. In order to be empathetic, 1. Production or Service we must look inward at ourselves 2. Quality and help us better understand our 3. Cost Consciousness own value systems...and how it difThese choices are quite simple to fers from those of our people. This remember, but very difficult to procedure is called introspection. HOSPITAL TOPICS

7. Recognize outstanding talent WStW agme on the degme Of it,..cream rises .to the top so does Do things with your family on a talent. If an individual’s talents daih basis. It can WliflePurstress supersede the jobs you have avail- andtheim, too. able...then help him/her to ad: Remember to define to yourserf VtUlCe. how wellpw contmlyourpoke and 8. Make promises sparingly... se(f-reseaint, how you gmrge your but live to all promises made. limitations and personal outlook of Unkept promises have a way of lve, ingeneral. never being forgotten. 9. Be ever conscious of safety Listen and learn..,it opens and employee welfare. It’s the law riels, it allmiUtesmistakes, and and it’s good business, too. Even avoids duplication, rt creates more important, it proves that YOU coh&,eness and better working care about others. relationships.

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How Can M a n a g m r m Uvm With Btrerr

Again, our suggestion is to exercise good common sense. Most of U S know what’s good and bad for us...what is right and wrong for us ...w hat is reasonable and unreasonable for US. w e are not supermen, we are mortals. Several approaches have been suggested by the experts in the field of behaviorism. These suggestions seem rational: Fimt$ make it your parsonalgoal to learn to be mom realistic with YOrrmeg you cannot avoid stmss, there is no easy way out. It would be good to mememberthat stmss is not bad YOU Can’t mnfrom StresS, yet you can lean to mcognize there am outlets for keyed-up situatiom and conditions If you can make youmeu conSCi0u.S of your adverse behavior, we believe it can prolong your life and impmve the quality of it. periodic medical checkups am essential. Don’t rationalize yourself Out Of keeping tabs On your phpical and emotional state. &me 66 U1cerCatChe*” ulcers am a sign of success in management. We suggest such rationales may be signs of stupidity. to r e l ~ . . i t is not luxuv but a necessityfor everyone. Idle your mink your eyw* visualize a brick wall or your big toe. Breathe throughyour nose. Exercise of any sort is good, pmvided your doctor and your SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1977

Avoid procrastination.fitting things of until the last minute creates undue and agonizingstress.

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they will take care ofyou. Common sense dictates t k t ever is the body you haw. Treat it with mspmt. It has servedyou to this point...andyet it very lit& in rt rest, exercise, proper diet, sleep and air, overercesses in eating, drinking, smoking, etc., thmw it of balance.

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Remember, “everybody talks about it ut nobody does anything about t. 1 9 useyour COMMON S E N S E d o something about it!



Common sense and managerial stress.

Hospital Topics ISSN: 0018-5868 (Print) 1939-9278 (Online) Journal homepage: Common Sense and Managerial Stres...
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