a base so that the percentage is m ax­ im ized. T o take statistical manipula­ tion one step further, I can conclude th a t if one takes the alternative base, th e percent change in the oral exam fee, th eir figure decreases by 24.5%. T he questions being raised do help em phasize th e im portance of the ef­ fects of controlled prices and fees. W hile, during the im position of the E conom ic Stabilization A ct, all prices w ere controlled, it is apparent that th e controls were m ore restrictive on dental fees than on the prices o f goods and services represented in the C P I. But to look at the figures presented an d conclude th a t such controls will “ resolve the great unm et dental needs o f our country” is grossly inaccur­ ate. All can agree that better dental health is a desirable goal and that program s should be developed to aug­ m ent our achievem ents. Y et these program s m ust w ork w ith the econ­ om ic system —not against it. T echno­ logical and productivity advances in d entistry, allowing the pricing func­ tion to work, are responsible for the best dental health this w orld has seen. T he dentist has an im pressive record. But the dentist cannot alleviate the aggravations of low income by im­ posing a voluntary Econom ic Stabil­ ization A ct on dental fees. H istory records too num erous fail­ u res of such controls. T oday, even the bureaucrats in W ashington look u p o n controls as a total m istake, pro­ ducing lasting misallocations. DONALD R. HOUSE, PHD SENIOR ECONOMIST ADA BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND STATISTICS

of Michigan notified the Council that the survey report had incorrectly in­ terpreted the program in M ichigan by referring to D elta and Blue C ross and Blue Shield as separate carriers. In • fact, D elta and Blue Cross/Blue Shield, under a tripartite agreem ent, jointly adm inistered th e auto industry dental care program in M ichigan. A n article from the Journal o f the M ich­ igan D ental A ssociation explaining the responsibilities of each organiza­ tion in adm inistering the program was sent to the Council, and D elta hoped that a réévaluation o f the survey would occur. N o t only did this not occur, but now an advertisem ent, which repro­ duces the survey’s conclusions on the general perform ance o f the car­ riers, has been prepared by an insur­ ance com pany and is appearing in new spapers throughout the country. We submit that this m isstatem ent contained in the survey is now being exploited in a m assive advertising campaign conducted nationw ide to the serious detrim ent of D elta’s rep­ utation and goodwill in the industry. A s you may know , D elta’s board o f directors voted to term inate the operating agreem ent with Blue C ross/ Blue Shield at the end of the contract period because of dissatisfaction with the joint adm inistrative relationship. D elta recently was selected to ad­ m inister the new program s for the U A W m em bers at the C hrysler Corp. and at the G eneral M otors C orp., which are scheduled to begin in early 1977. DANIEL L. PIERRON, DDS PRESIDENT, DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF MICHIGAN LANSING

Survey accuracy questioned C om m ents on denture m aking m T he

A m erican D ental A ssocia­ tio n ’s Council on D ental Care P ro­ gram s recently published the findings of its survey on the U nited A uto W orkers/auto m anufacturers dental benefit program throughout the U nited States (N ovem ber JA D A , page 900). U pon receiving a copy of these results in A ugust, D elta D ental Plan

m T he editorial reprint in the D ecem ­ ber Journal (page 1061) concerning “ denturism ” * was m ost interesting, especially since there w ere a couple o f letters in the current A D A N ew s regarding the same topic. T here is, unfortunately, a certain “ inevitability” to som e sort of “ den­ turism ” coming o nto the dental pre­

212 ■ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR / JADA, Vol. 94, February 1977

serve. We dentists stoutly m aintain we “ provide service, not p ro d u cts,” and yet “ everyone k now s” dentures are plastic objects, not in any way at­ tached to the body (especially in the mandible). T here are som e 225 million people in the U nited States w ho think this way, and only about 110,000 dentists; guess w ho “ loses” the dis­ cussion? D entists “ charge a lo t” for den­ tures, and many denture w earers are unhappy. T he first point can be de­ bated; the second, I think not. We dentists, suggests one gentlem an in his A D A N ew s letter, should return the fees of those w ho are not pleased. A noble thought but, unlike a “ dentu rist,” every dentist has substantial overhead. I t costs me approxim ately $100 to $125 “ out o f p o ck et” to insert a set of dentures, and I suspect if my total expenses w ere carefully exam ­ ined, I ’d have to up it further. So, to return a fee entirely is a “ double lo ss,” so to speak. M ost “ denturists” might lose 15-20 in the sam e situa­ tion, a substantial difference, plus they have n ot p ut in 7 to 8 years of training after high school. R eference has been m ade to the “ denture clinic” in South Carolina. It was on a T V show last year. Some patients w ere questioned and seemed pleased with their dentures; after all, they had them some 20 to 30 m inutes and m ost im portantly paid $50 for them . T his is w hat m akes people hap ­ py with their dentures—the bargain aspect or “ beating the system ,” so to speak. W ho is to blame? Partly the pro­ fession, because the only way to com ­ bat “ denturism ,” as it now approach­ es, is to provide clinics which will produce dentures, by dentists, for these w ho really need a low -cost ser­ vice. I do not believe that, ju st to pro­ vide a bargain, such clinics should allow patients over a certain income level to participate in the service. H ospitals have similar arrangem ents. I also blame the dental schools. We w ere provided at my school with patients who all had “ great ridges,” which approxim ated well (no “ A ndy G um ps” or “ Class I I I ” stuff that I saw), and had to turn out so many

“ F /F ” to graduate. Believe me, doing one set on a “ no-ridge” m outh, even if it took tw o years and was frustrat­ ing as heck, would have been more useful here on the “ outside,” to me, than those several “ goodies” I com­ pleted. In root canal I had such an advan­ tage; my first case was a real hot bi­ cuspid. It took all day to get into the cham ber, and the instructors really had to “ perform .” But they com ­ m ented on the teaching value of such a case indicating that if I ’d hit it on the outside, it w ould have driven me crazy. I believe m ost dentists are not up­ set about “ denturism ,” because m ost denture patients are annoying anyw ay, especially the ones who are having rem akes after 20 to 30 years with those “ first plates.” T hey w ant the fit w hich w as present w hen their ridges w ere “ full” and they w ere a lot more “ flexible” to accom m odate them selves to th e dentures! F o r my part, “ denturists” are welcome to m ost denture patients! H ow ever, I ’d be m ost willing to p u t my share of tim e in a clinic run by dentistry for denture services, espe­ cially if it m eant I ’d finally learn a few valuable “ tricks” of denture w ork— not the stuff which is given in courses, textbooks, or articles, but w orkable hints. R O B E R T W. A L L E N , DDS TRUM BULL, CONN *A “denturist” is a person who is educa­ tionally unqualified and not licensed, for the necessary protection of the public, to prac­ tice dentistry in any form on the public. "Denturism" is the unqualified as well as the illegal practice of dentistry in any form on the public.

“R eentry o f A m erican students” m I w as elated to read about the pro­

gram w hich has been initiated at the U niversity of T exas D ental Branch at H o uston to help prepare Indo­ chinese dentists to enter into the main­ stream o f th e A m erican dental com ­ munity (D ecem ber JA D A , page 1103). K udos to the H E W for its grant of $88,000 to the school to implement this program in which 19 V ietnam ese dentists are currently enrolled. I later

learned from the Bulletin o f D ental E ducation (N ovem ber 1976) that the U niversity of Pittsburgh also has been provided with a contract from the H E W , and that at least 80 Indo­ chinese dentists will be given instruc­ tion in English and the basic sciences over a period of six m onths during which the students will be given trav­ el m oney and a m onthly stipend. Perhaps a sim ilar program can be initiated at some tim e in the future to facilitate the reentry of A m erican students who have found it necessary to enroll in dental program s at foreign universities. I am currently enrolled in my second year at the U niversidad A utonom a de G uadalajara in M exico. I can, therefore, appreciate the prob­ lems o f preparing for the national board exam inations as well as receiv­ ing instruction in a second language. I w ish my future colleagues every success in this program . I would also like to request th at the educators at the dental schools in the U nited States take a close look at this program and begin to form ulate a reentry program for the A m erican student abroad. E D W A R D J. P E N ZA YONKERS, N Y

Im proper P R on article m T he GK-101 story (D ecem ber J A D A , p 1149) w as covered by tele­ vision, the St. Louis P ost Dispatch, and by clear-channel radio K M O X . It sounds so w onderful and then some little extra tidbits cam e in, such as, “ T he dentist probably w on’t need to use th e drill anym ore.” R esult? Each day my patients ask me if I have that new “ spray” th at is used to fix up th e teeth w ithout pain? O thers phone in to ask. I ’m so proud that Tufts is research­ ing this project. But it’s also hard for me to hang my head, in sham e, and say, “ N o, I don’t have the sp ray .” R. K. Z IM M E R M A N DDS C A H O K IA , IL L

■ H ow lucky is the dentist in the “ boonies” in this m odern age. H e no longer needs his Journal to keep up w ith research and new products. All

he has to do is tune in his radio or T V to his favorite news program to learn the latest in caries rem oval, etc. T h en if he wishes to learn m ore he can study the A P and U P I dispatches in his local new spaper to find out the details. A few days later, I received my D ecem b er Journal w ith the first in­ stallm ent of the new technique. Isn ’t there some w ay to delay such public­ ity so the practitioner will at least be aw are of th at which the new sm en w rite and about w hich the patients ask? N o w th at I ’ve gone through this m onologue, I ’ll m ention that I ’m re­ ferring to the extensive lay publicity given the G oldm an-K ronm an paper on good old GK-101. B R O D IE G. SECREST, JR., DD S C A M B R ID G E , O H IO

■ In the D ecem ber issue of The Journal th ere is an article on chemom echanical m eans of rem oving car­ ies. O ur T u lsa papers carried an ar­ ticle about this tw o days before we received The Jo u rn a l! Could you explain why new m ethods are re­ leased to the public before the pro­ fessional m en? W hen a patient asks ab o u t a procedure th at they have read about, and we have no know ledge of it, w hat kind o f image does that por­ tray ? M ost people d o n ’t realize that the process is still in the experim ental stage. T h e new spapers painted such a “ rosy picture” th a t the people feel the m ethod should be available now. In m y opinion, the release to th e pub­ lic was prem ature. I would appreciate your com m ents on this type of press release. C L IN T M IN E R , DD S JENKS, O K L A

E ditor’s note: We too have been displeased with the prem ature press release w hich was done outside of the A D A . T he letters also correctly point o ut that the experim ental procedure has been poorly described by the lay p ress in som e cases. In addition to the press releases m entioned, this experim ent was rep o rted in a Chicago p aper som e six m onths before we had even accepted th e paper for publica­ tion.

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Comments on denturemaking.

a base so that the percentage is m ax­ im ized. T o take statistical manipula­ tion one step further, I can conclude th a t if one takes the alternati...
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