


Indian Medical Gazette

to add my testimony as to the good effects of cold baths in the treatment of Enteric Fever (vide in Surge0n IeVCI'S in the I. M. Gazette of SeptemberLst I have employed this treatment for several years as re commended by Dr. Murphy 0f the London Fever in the Practitioner, and have found it attended with the best results. Menstruation and lung complications are said to be no bar to its use ; a case with a weak heart requires that caution should be used, but haemorrhage from the bowels and peritonitis quite preclude its use. The general rule is to give and repeat a bath whenever the body temperature is over 102? or 103? at highest, and the use of quinine, to which Dr. levers takes exception on the score of expense, was recommended in the above-mentioned article, viz. gr. xxx. in 2 doses of gr. XV- each) with twQ h interval immediately after the bath ; it aids the bath in the reduction of the high temperature, and need not be obiected to on the score of expense, when human life is at stake The use of Turpentine internally is only referred to by Dr. levers. I have used it for years in 3 gr. doses 3 or 4 times daily, beaten up with egg, and have Mth in it. I have not found that it causes be its must action a local one quite fancy on the surfaces. In the case of a young officer brought up to from Peshbolak last year, it proved of the greatest uspin restraining hasmorrhage, from which he was in an almost moribund condition. To another young officer I also ??ivp it with beneficial results at the same Hill Station : both these cases made a good recovery. As far as my memory serves me I first saw it advocated in your paper by Dr. Moffat, though 1 am not aware whether ha originated the treatment or not. The compresses to the abdomen mentioned by Dr levers are very soothing, and where tympanitis was have added turpentine in small quantities with great benefit find that can for space Trusting these few remarks corroyou borating the treatment advocated by Surgeon levers in his






casually' &th ?reatesf S strangu^ ulcera3




I remain, &c. &c., VVr. S. M. Price,


Camplcllpore, September 20th,


A. M. D.

Cold Baths in Enteric Fever.

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