Clinical nurse specialist bibliography

This bibliography on the clinical nurse specialist has been prepared by Sara Katsh Alterman, MA, AORN librarian, for use as further study.

Books Bullough, Bonnie, Bullough, Vern, eds. New Directions for Nurses. New York: Springer Publishing Co, 1971. Lewis, Edith. The Clinical Nurse Specialist. New York: American Journal of Nursing Co, 1970. Riehl, Joan P, McVay, Joan W, eds. The Clinical Nurse Specialist: Interpretations. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1973. Riehl, Joan P. McVay, Joan W. The Emerging Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1972. Articles "ANA clarifies practitioner definitions." AORN Journal 20 (November 1974) 878. Anders. R L. "Matrix organization: An alternative for clinical specialists." Journal of Nursing Administration 5 (June 1975) 11-14. Aradine, C R. "Development of a family health service. Experiences of a clinical nurse specialist." Journal of Nursing Administration 4 (January/ February 1974) 45-51. Aradine, C R, et al. "Activities and pressures of clinical nurse specialists." Nursing Research 21 (September/October 1972) 41 1-418. Backsheider, J. "The clinical nursing specialist as a practitioner." Nursing Forum 10 (#4 1971) 358377. Barrett, J. "Administrative factors in development of new nursing practice roles." Journal of Nursing Administration 1 (July/August 1971) 25-30. Bates, B. "Doctor and nurse: Changing roles and relationships."AORN Journal 15 (January 1972) 53-62.


Bergersen, B S. "Preparation for clinical specialization." Journal of Nursing Mucation 10 (August 1971) 21. Bessman, A N. "Comparison of medical care in nurse clinician and physician clinics in medical school affiliated hospitals." Journal of Chronic Diseases 27 (March 1974) 115-125. Biggs, B. "Nurse-clinician-practitioner-assistantassociate." American Journal of Nursing 71 (October 1971) 1936-1937. Boucher, R J. "Similarities and differences in perception of the role of the clinical specialist." Nursing Research Conferences 8 (March 1972) 163-187. Butts, P A. "The clinical specialist vs the clinical supervisor." Supervisor Nurse 5 (April 1974) 38-41. Cahill, B. "The neonatal nurse specialist-new techniques for the asymptomatic newborn." JOGN Nursing 3 (January/February1974) 34-38. Campbell, E 8. "Sees clinical nurse specialist as education-service bridge." Hospital Topics 49 (August 1971) 31-32. Castronovo, F. "The effective use of the clinical specialist."SupervisorNurse6 (May 1975) 48-49. Christman, L. "The nurse specialist as a professional activist." Nursing Clinics of North America 6 (June 1971) 231-235. Cipolla, J A, et al. "Nurse clinicians in industry." American Journal of Nursing 71 (August 1971) 1530-1534. Clark, C. "The clinical specialist as communication consultant (psychiatric)." Supervisor Nurse 4 (April 1973) 20-21. "The clinical nurse specialist." Hospitals 47 (Feb 1, 1973) 135. Colbert, L. "The psychiatric nurse clinical specialist works with nursing service." Journal of fsychiatric Nursing 9 (July/August 1971) 21-22. Davidson, G E. "Nurturing clinical specialists." Hospitals 47 (Dec 1, 1973) 60.

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"Definitions from the American Nurses' Association." Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 5 (SeptembWOctober 1974) 60-61. Denny, E D. "The clinical specialist: A role model for students during their psychiatric experience." Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 10 (May/June 1972) 14-17., Dolan, M M. "The clinical specialist as director of nursing service." Nursing Clinics of North America 6 (June 1971) 237-245. Donovan, H M. "The clinical specialist; where does she fit?" Supervisor Nurse 1 (July 1970) 35-36. Doyle, S A. "AORN's concerns aired at collegial meetings." AORN Journal 22 (September 1975) 313-314. Drake, M E. "Questions about: The nurse-clinician and the nurse clinical specialist." Hospital Progress 52 (February 1971) 8. Dworkin. C. "Spotlight on the clinical nurse specialist."Canadian Nurse 69 (September 1973) 40-42. Edwards, J. "Clinical specialists are not effectivewhy?" Supervisor Nurse 2 (August 1971) 38-41. Felton, G. "Clinical specialist preparation for the nurse anesthetist." Nursing Outlook 20 (September 1972) 597-598. Flynn, 8 G. "Study documents reactions to nurses in expanded roles." Hospitals 49 (Nov 1, 1975) 81-84. Gentile, R. et al. "Nurse specialist has key role in the urological care team." Hospital Topics 49 (April 1971) 73-75. Georgopoulos, B S, et al. "Clinical nursing specialization and intershift report behavior." American Journal of Nursing 71 (March 1971) 538-545. Goldstein, P J, et al. "The family planning nurse specialist: An evaluation." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 114 (Nov 1, 1972) 646-651. Guthrie, D. "Career guide. Moving ahead . . . why not become a diabetes nurse specialist?" Nursing '75 5 (February 1975) 85-87. Haferkorn, V. "Continuing education for the specialty nurse (coronary care)." Nursing Outlook 23 (April 1975) 245-247. Hellman, C. "The making of a clinical specialist." Nursing Outlook 22 (March 1974) 165-167. Henrion, R P. "At what level does the psychiatric clinical specialist practice?" Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 12 (May/June 1974) 14-18. Herz, F. "The psychiatric clinical specialist in the general hospital: A view." Supervisor Nurse 2 (May 1971) 75. Jackson, B S. "Hospital administrators need to know about clinical specialists." Supervisor Nurse 4 (September 1973) 29-31. Jackson, M M, et al. "Selective aspects of nursing Kardex behavior in an experimental study of pa-

tient units with and without clinical nurse specialists." Nursing Research Conferences 7 (March 1971) 285-310. Jacox, A. "Nursing research and the clinician."Nursing Outlook 22 (June 1974) 382-385. "Job description for clinical specialist." Supervisor Nurse 2 (August 1971) 47. Kenner, C, et al. "Advanced preparation for clinical specialists in burns." Journalof Emergency Nursing 1 (May/June 1975) 22-23. Kerrane,T A. "The clinical nurse specialist."Nursing Mirror 140 (Jan 30, 1975) 63-65. Kinsella, C R. "Who is the clinical nurse specialist." Hospitals 47 (June 1, 1973) 72. Kirkman, R H, et al. "The clinical specialist in a community hospital." Journal of Nursing Administration 2 (JanuaryIFebruary 1972) 30-33. Lee, R M. "Neurosurgical clinician provides continuity of care." AORN Journal 20 (September 1974) 426-427. Lysaught, J P. "Assistance for the physician: Nurse clinician or physician assistant." Journal of NursingAdministration 1 (NovembedDecember 1971) 10-11. McElroy, E, et al. "Cljnical specialist in the community mental health program." Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 9 (January /February 1971) 19-23. McFarland. M €3. "Adaptability in the nurse clinician role." Supervisor Nurse 4 (February 1973) 23. McGann, M R. "The clinical specialist: From hospital, to clinic, to community." Journal of Nursing Administration 5 (MarcWApril 1975) 33-36. MacPhail, J. "Reasonable expectations for the nurse clinician." Journal of Nursing Administration 1 (September/October 1971) 16-18. Marks, I. "A symposium on the psychiatric nursetherapist. A new form of clinical nurse specialist." Nursing Mirror 140 (May 8, 1975) 46-48. "Matrons and the clinical nurse consultant/ specialist." Nursing Times 67 (Oct 21, 1971) 1314. Moon, S T. "Clinical nurse specialist-in name only." American Journal of Nursing 71 (March 1971) 546-548. Morgan, C A. "How 08 nurse-specialist functions." Hospital Topics 50 (March 1972) 71-74. Morgan, M E. "Surgical nurse clinical specialist." Aerospace Medicine 45 (February 1974) 182184. Mullaney, J W. et al. "Clinical nurse specialist and social workerelarifying the roles." Nursing Outlook 22 (November 1974) 712-718. Nolan, M G. "A master nurse clinician for intraoperative care." Nursing Clinics of North America 10 (December 1975) 645-653. Nunnally, D M, et al. "The clinical specialist-link between theory and practice." JOGN Nursing 4 (MarcWApril 1975) 40-42.

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"Nurse clinicians expand nurses' role." Modern Nursing Home 30 (June 1973) 31-32. "Nurse/physician relationship strained." AORN Journal 22 (November 1975) 81 1-812. "The nurse specialist: Cure or copout?" Journal of Nursing Administration 2 (January/February 1972) 9. O'Connor, V. "New clinical specialist-a growing breed." Nursing Times 67 (Oct 14, 1971) 12761279. Odello, E J. "The clinical specialist in a line position." Supervisor Nurse 4 (September 1973) 36-39. Padilla, G V. "The bases of the clinical nurse specialists' influence."Hospital Progress 53 (April 1972) 29-31. Parkis, E W. "The management role of the clinical specialist," Part 1. Supervisor Nurse 5 (September 1974) 44-46; Part 2, 5 (October 1974) 24-27. Pearson, L E. "The clinical specialist as role model or motivator." Nursing forum 11 ( # 1 1972) 71-7. Plawecki, J A. " A viewpoint on the preparation of the clinical nurse specialist." Supervisor Nurse 2 (January 1971) 49. Rielly, P A. "Development and function of the nurse specialist in the labor and delivery unit." JOGN Nursing 1 (NovembedDecernber 1972) 55-57. Risk, M M. "The community clinical nurse specialist, a two-year perspective." Nursing Clinics of North America 10 (December 1975) 761-769. Rodgers, J A. "The clinical specialist as a change agent." Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 12 (NovembedDecember 1974) 5-9. Rogers, C G. "Conceptual models as guides to clinical nursing specialization." Journal of Nursing Education 12 (November 1973) 2-6. Schneider, J M, et al. "Symposium on restructuring maternity care. Education of the perinatal nurse clinician." Nursing Clinics of North America 10 (June 1975) 285-291. Scott, J M. "The nurse clinician." Hospitals 45 (June 1, 1971) 72-73. Shaefer, J A. "The satisfied clinician: Administrative support makes the difference." Journalof Nursing Administration 3 (JulyIAugust 1973) 17-20. Shope. J T. "Symposium on neurologic and neurosurgical nursing. The clinical specialist in epilepsy." Nursing Clinics of North America 9 (December 1974) 761-772. Shufer, S. "The pediatric mental health nurse clinician."Nursing Outlook 19 (August 1971) 543-545. Silver, C. "Theclinical specialist as achange agent." Supervisor Nurse 4 (September 1973) 19. Smith, M C. "The clinical specialist: Her role in staff development." Journal of Nursing Administration 1 (JanuaryIFebruary 1971) 33-36. Smith, M C. "Perceptions of head nurses, clinical nurse specialists, nursing educators, and nursing


office personnel regarding performance of selected nursing activities." Nursing Research 23 (NovembedDecember 1974) 505-511. Stachyra, M. "Self-regulation through certification. A rationale for certification of clinical specialists in psychiatric-mental health nursing." Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 11 (OctobedDecember 1973) 148-154. Stafford, L F. "The clinical specialist in the geographic unit system." Journalof Psychiatric Nursing 11 (November/December 1973) 22-25. Strozier, V, et al. "Evolution of a role: Pediatric nurse clinician." Supervisor Nurse 6 (February 1975) 28. Suggs, K M. "Clinical specialist in neurosurgical nursing." Journalof Neurosurgical Nursing 5 (July 1973) 30-35. "Symposium on the clinical specialist in action." Nursing Clinics of North America 8 (December 1973) 683-764. Bivin, V E. "The clinical specialist-an educator: Some problems and a possible approach." 715-22. Cole, S W. "The psychiatric clinical specialist as head nurse." 757-764. Evans, D F, et al. "A case for consultation." 751756. Huether, S E. "Foreword." 683-684. Huether, S E, et al. "Team services of a clinical specialist group." 691-701. Jensen, D. "Crisis resolved: Impact through planned change." 735-742. Powell, A H, et al. "The cardiac clinical nurse specialist: Teaching ideas that work." 723733. Vaughan, B A. "Role fusion, diffusion, and confusion." 703-713. Walton, M H. "Professionals: Cost and quality." 685-689. Thornstad, B E, et al. "Nurse clinician: Lone commando under fire." American Journal of Nursing 74 (November 1974) 1993-1997. Turner, L. "The nurse specialist or clinician in public health nursing." Canadian Journal of Public HeaM 64 (March 1973) 196-198. Witherell, J. "The clinical specialist in the motivational management setting." Supervisor Nurse 3 (October 1972) 50-52. Woodrow, M, et al. "Clinical specialization: Conflict between reality and theory." Journal of Nursing Administration 1 (November/December 1971) 23-28. Wright, E. "Family nurse clinicians: Physicians' perspective." Nursing Outlook 23 (December 1975) 771-773.

AORN Jviirml, March 1976. Vol 2 3 , No 4

Clinical nurse specialist bibliography.

Clinical nurse specialist bibliography This bibliography on the clinical nurse specialist has been prepared by Sara Katsh Alterman, MA, AORN libraria...
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