Clinical Characteristics of Cardioembolic Transient Ischemic Attack: Comparison with Noncardioembolic Transient Ischemic Attack Takeshi Hayashi, MD, Yoshihide Seahara, MD, Yuji Kato, MD, Takuya Fukuoka, MD, Ichiro Deguchi, MD, Yasuko Ohe, MD, Hajime Maruyama, MD, Yohsuke Horiuchi, MD, Hiroyasu Sano, MD, Yuito Nagamine, MD, and Norio Tanahashi, MD

Background: Previous studies show that 6%-31% of transient ischemic attacks (TIA) were caused by cardiogenic cerebral embolism (cardioembolic TIA). As prompt initiation of therapy is essential in TIA to prevent subsequent strokes, determining their cause is important. In this study, we aim to determine the features of cardioembolic TIA and to compare them with those of noncardioembolic etiology. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients with a tissue-defined TIA who were admitted to our hospital from April 2007 to August 2013. The etiology was categorized according to Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment, and TIA of cardioembolic origin and cervicocerebrovascular etiology (noncardioembolic TIA) were included in this study. Those with 2 or more possible causes or undetermined etiologies were excluded. Age, sex, comorbidities, ABCD2 score, and CHADS2 score were assessed and compared between the 2 groups. Results: There were no significant differences in the neurologic symptoms and their duration, morbidities of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia between the 2 groups. Coronary and peripheral artery diseases were more common in the cardioembolic TIA group (18.4% vs. 6.9%). Incidences of prior stroke and cerebral infarction determined by MRI were similar between the 2 groups. The ABCD2 score showed a similar distribution, but the CHADS2 score was significantly different; the cardioembolic TIA group showed a higher score (P 5 .005). Conclusions: Clinical features are similar in tissue-defined TIA of cardioembolic and noncardioembolic etiologies. The CHADS2 score can be useful in assessing the probability of cardioembolic TIA. Key Words: Cardioembolism—clinical score—etiology—transient ischemic attack. Ó 2014 by National Stroke Association

From the Department of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Medicine, Saitama Medical University, International Medical Center, Hidaka, Japan. Received February 16, 2014; accepted April 2, 2014. Address correspondence to Takeshi Hayashi, MD, Department of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Medicine, Saitama Medical University, International Medical Center, 1397-1 Hidaka, Saitama 350-1298, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]. 1052-3057/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 by National Stroke Association

Ten to 20% of patients who experience a transient ischemic attack (TIA) will have a stroke within 3 months, and approximately 50% within 48 hours.1-3 Moreover, a recent study revealed that more than 2% of patients with TIA experienced a stroke within 12 hours.4 It is important to administer antithrombotic therapy immediately because prompt and appropriate therapy can help prevent more than 80% of subsequent strokes.5,6 However, clinicians often hesitate over which treatment to choose, as the etiology of TIA is sometimes

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 23, No. 8 (September), 2014: pp 2169-2173




undiagnosed when stroke-preventive therapy is initiated. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence7 and Japanese8 guidelines recommend that all TIA patients be promptly administered 160-300 mg of aspirin per day, even when the etiology has not yet been determined, but the optimal method to prevent subsequent strokes may vary among patients. Approximately 5% of patients with TIA received anticoagulation therapy and another 5% underwent urgent carotid revascularization in a TIA clinic.5 As with cerebral infarction, the optimal medical treatment can differ based on TIA etiology. Approximately 6%-31% of TIAs are caused by a cardiogenic cerebral embolism (cardioembolic TIA).9,10 Determining TIA etiology is important before administering therapy, but it is difficult in some cases. In this study, we aimed to compare the features of a cardioembolic TIA with those of a noncardioembolic TIA. These kind of studies have been carried out previously, although a time-based definition of TIA was used.11,12 Indeed, the present study with tissue-defined TIA presented some unique findings.

Methods This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Saitama Medical University International Medical Center. All patients who were admitted to our hospital with transient focal neurologic deficits underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), unless contraindicated. If the MRI revealed no fresh lesions on diffusion-weighed imaging, a second MRI was performed 3-7 days later. Those without high-intensity lesions on both diffusion-weighed images were diagnosed with tissue-defined TIA. Patients with lasting focal neurologic deficits on admission that resolved within 24 hours were also included, if repeat MRI after resolution of the neurologic deficits showed no new lesions.13 In total, 171 patents had tissue-defined TIA from April 2007 to August 2013. Etiology was categorized according to the Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.14 A cardiogenic source was investigated using 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) and transthoracic echocardiography in all cases. In certain cases, we performed 24-hour Holter ECG, bedside ECG monitoring for several days, and transesophageal echocardiography when needed. Among the 171 tissue-defined TIA patients, 38 had cardioembolic TIA and 116 had either large artery atherosclerosis or small vessel disease (noncardioembolic TIA). Patients with a TIA of 2 or more possible causes (eg, atrial fibrillation [AF] and carotid artery stenosis) or undetermined etiology were not included in this study. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients, including demographic information (age, sex), clinical history of symptomatic stroke, stroke risk factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia), symp-

toms (presence of hemiparesis and/or dysarthria during the TIA), and duration of symptoms. Patients with a blood pressure of $140/90 mm Hg or those who were receiving antihypertensive medication were defined as having hypertension.15 Diabetes mellitus was defined as a blood glucose level of $200 mg/dL and a glycated hemoglobin level of $6.5% on admission or treatment with antidiabetic medication.15 Dyslipidemia was diagnosed if the patient had any of the following: lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol level $140 mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level #40 mg/dL, triglyceride level $150 mg/dL, or treatment with lipidlowering medication.15 We investigated old cerebral infarction (including asymptomatic episodes) using MRI; high-intensity lesions on T2-weighed images and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images were considered old infarctions.13 We also reviewed vascular diseases other than cerebrovascular disease, such as coronary heart or peripheral artery diseases. ABCD2 and CHADS2 scores, which are stroke risk stratification tools for TIA and nonvalvular AF patients, respectively, were assessed in all cases. These variables were compared between the cardioembolic and noncardioembolic TIA groups. Statistical analysis was performed using the PASW Statistics software (version 18; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). Age differences between the groups were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test; differences in other variables were assessed using the chi-square test. As the CHADS2 score was found to be higher in the cardioembolic TIA group (shown in Results), the predictive value of this scale was quantified using the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve with a 95% confidence interval.

Results Among the 171 tissue-defined TIA patients, 38 were eventually diagnosed with cardioembolic TIA, and 116 were diagnosed with either large artery atherosclerosis or small vessel disease; these were defined as the noncardioembolic TIA group. Two or more possible causes (eg, AF and carotid artery stenosis) were identified in 7 cases, and the etiology could not be determined in 14 cases; both groups were not included in our study. The pathogenesis of cardioembolic TIA is presented in Table 1. Among 38 patients, 25 had nonvalvular AF (17 permanent and 8 paroxysmal). Five of the 25 AF patients had concurrent heart failure. Seven patients had a myocardial infarction with impaired wall contraction, 2 had overt mitral valve disease, 2 had a patent foramen ovale, 1 had dilated cardiomyopathy, and 1 had sick sinus syndrome. The clinical characteristics of patients with cardioembolic and noncardioembolic TIA are presented in Table 2. In total, the mean age of the patients was 67.4 6 11.7 years, and 55.2% were men. Thirty-three



Table 1. Causes of cardioembolic TIA Nonvalvular AF Permanent AF Paroxysmal AF Without heart failure With heart failure Myocardial infarction Mitral valve disease Patent foramen ovale Cardiomyopathy Sick sinus syndrome

25 17 8 20 5 7 2 2 1 1

Abbreviations: AF, atrial fibrillation; TIA, transient ischemic attacks.

patients (21.4%) had a clinical history of symptomatic stroke, 105 (68.2%) had hypertension, 34 (22.1%) had diabetes mellitus, and 55 (35.7%) had dyslipidemia. A total of 102 patients (66.2%) had a history of hemiparesis and 69 patients (44.8%) experienced dysarthria during their attack. The duration of symptoms was less than 10 minutes in 36 patients (22.4%), 10-60 minutes in 67 patients (43.5%), and more than 60 minutes in 51 patients (33.1%). Radiologic investigation revealed an old cerebral infarction in 80 patients (52.0%). Fifteen patients (9.7%) had either coronary heart disease or peripheral artery disease. All variables were compared between the 2 groups. Except for vascular diseases such as coronary or peripheral artery diseases, there were no significant differences between the 2 groups (Table 2). Vascular diseases (other than stroke) were more frequent in the cardioembolic TIA group (P 5 .038), but this reflected cases with acute myocardial infarction, as this group included 7 cases of myocardial infarction-related TIA (Table 1). Thus, patient

demographics, clinical history, symptoms and their duration, comorbidities, and MRI findings do not contribute to differentiating cardioembolic TIA from those of noncardioembolic etiologies. The ABCD2 score, a well-known stroke risk stratification scale for TIA, was assessed in all patients. As shown in Table 3, there was a similar distribution for both groups, indicating that this score gives no information for differential diagnosis. The CHADS2 score, which is widely used for stroke risk stratification in nonvalvular AF patients, was also assessed in all patients and is shown in Table 4. Contrary to the ABCD2 score, there was a statistically significant difference in the CHADS2 score between the 2 groups (P 5 .005); a higher score indicated a higher probability of cardioembolic TIA. To quantify the predictive accuracy of the CHADS2 score in the diagnosis of cardioembolic TIAs, the receiver operating characteristics curve was analyzed (Fig 1). The area under the curve was .640 (95% confidence interval, .539-.742). The CHADS2 score was shown to provide useful information for the diagnosis of cardioembolic TIA, but its predictive power is limited.

Discussion Of all patients who experience an ischemic stroke, 7%40% had a prior TIA.16,17 Prompt initiation of appropriate therapy for TIA would decrease a permanently disabling stroke to a substantial degree. The optimal treatment for the acute phase of cerebral infarction may vary among patients. Similarly, in patients with TIA, the best means of treatment would differ depending on its etiology; for example, anticoagulation would be preferred over antiplatelet therapy for the treatment of cardioembolic

Table 2. Clinical characteristics of patients with cardioembolic and noncardioembolic TIA

Age, mean 6 SD Male sex, n (%) Risk factors, n (%) Hypertension Diabetes mellitus Dyslipidemia Clinical features, n (%) Hemiparesis Dysarthria Duration, n (%) ,10 min 10-60 min .60 min Vascular disease, n (%) Prior stroke, n (%) Old infarction by MRI, n (%)


Cardioembolic TIA

Noncardioembolic TIA

P value

67.4 6 11.7 85 (55.2)

69.3 6 13.2 23 (60.5)

66.8 6 11.1 62 (53.4)

.258 .446

105 (68.2) 34 (22.1) 55 (35.7)

27 (71.1) 9 (23.7) 11 (28.9)

78 (67.2) 25 (21.6) 44 (37.9)

.818 .783 .316

102 (66.2) 69 (44.8)

26 (68.4) 13 (34.2)

76 (65.5) 56 (48.3)

.743 .130

36 (22.4) 67 (43.5) 51 (33.1) 15 (9.7) 33 (21.4) 80 (52.0)

7 (18.4) 21 (55.3) 10 (26.3) 7 (18.4) 8 (21.1) 18 (47.4)

29 (25.0) 46 (39.7) 41 (35.3) 8 (6.9) 25 (21.6) 62 (53.4)

.242 .038 .948 .515

Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; SD, standard deviation; TIA, transient ischemic attacks.



Table 3. ABCD2 score of cardioembolic and noncardioembolic TIA patients

ABCD2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total


Cardioembolic TIA

Noncardioembolic TIA

P value

0 2 9 25 56 42 17 3 154

0 0 2 7 14 10 3 2 38

0 2 7 18 42 32 14 1 116


Abbreviation: TIA, transient ischemic attacks.

TIAs.18 In fact, the American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines recommended the early use of novel oral anticoagulants for cardioembolic TIA patients to prevent subsequent strokes.19 Our study showed that only 17 of 38 patients (44.7%) with cardioembolic TIA had permanent AF, indicating that more than 50% of cardioembolic TIA patients are at risk of being misdiagnosed with a noncardioembolic TIA if only a 12-lead ECG is used. It is therefore necessary to improve the diagnostic accuracy for patients who present with this condition. In cases of permanent stroke, disturbed consciousness was more frequent in patients with cardiogenic embolism than in those with large artery or small vessel diseases.20 The temporal profile of symptoms also differed; abrupt onset and immediate completion of symptoms were more common in cardioembolism than in large artery or small vessel diseases.20,21 In TIA, on the other hand, differences in symptoms and their temporal profiles were less extensively investigated. Kimura et al12 reported that aphasia was observed more frequently in Table 4. CHADS2 score of cardioembolic and noncardioembolic TIA patients

Total CHADS2 0 21 1 54 2 42 3 25 4 10 5 2 6 0 Total 154

Cardioembolic TIA

Noncardioembolic TIA

P value

3 8 15 5 5 2 0 38

18 46 27 20 5 0 0 116


Abbreviation: TIA, transient ischemic attacks.

Figure 1. The receiver operating characteristics curve for the CHADS2 score in predicting the cardioembolic etiology in TIA. The areas under the curve with 95% confidence interval were .640 (.539-.742).

TIA patients with AF, perhaps because cardioembolic TIA tends to involve the cerebrocortical vasculature. In our study, however, we did not assess aphasia, because it was quite difficult in a retrospective study (reviewed by Kim).22 Instead, we assessed dysarthria and hemiparesis; neither showed differences between the 2 groups (Table 2). As our criteria for tissue-defined TIA might have excluded cardioembolic TIA resulting from a relatively large embolus, the differences in symptoms, which had possibly been confirmed for a time-defined TIA could have been negated. The duration of symptoms was similar between the 2 groups in our study (Table 2). Again, this may have been because of our definition of a TIA. A previous study with time-defined TIA demonstrated that emboligenic TIA showed longer duration of symptoms.11 As TIA of longer duration had a greater likelihood of a discernible lesion by MRI,23,24 the exclusion of patients with MRI-positive TIA could have negated the difference of symptom duration. Although no single parameter other than comorbidity of coronary or peripheral artery diseases showed a significantly different frequency, we found that the CHADS2 score differed between the 2 groups; patients with a higher score had a higher probability of cardioembolic etiology (Table 4). This score is used as a stroke risk stratification tool for nonvalvular AF, but will be useful in predicting the cardioembolic source in patients with TIA. Unfortunately, the diagnostic value is modest (Fig 1), but adding this information to laboratory data and 12-lead ECG findings may improve the diagnostic accuracy. This study has a limitation inevitable to a study of tissue-defined TIA. Patients with a contraindication for MRI were not included in this study; those with a pacemaker, implanted cardiac defibrillator, or prosthetic valve


were excluded. A previous study showed that prosthetic valves and pacemakers were the second and third most common causes of cardioembolic TIA.11 Therefore, the exclusion of these patients might have influenced our results. Nevertheless, as the definition of TIA changed from time-defined to tissue-defined one, the finding obtained in this study will provide information to help differentiate cardioembolic from noncardioembolic TIAs.

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Clinical characteristics of cardioembolic transient ischemic attack: comparison with noncardioembolic transient ischemic attack.

Previous studies show that 6%-31% of transient ischemic attacks (TIA) were caused by cardiogenic cerebral embolism (cardioembolic TIA). As prompt init...
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