Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 19:2–13 (2014)


Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy and variants: where we are and where we should go Eduardo Nobile-Orazio Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine (BIOMETRA), University of Milan, 2nd Neurology, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy


Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is a chronic and often disabling sensory motor neuropathy postulated as caused by an immune attack against peripheral nerve myelin. In addition to a classic sensory–motor polyneuropathy, other phenotypes of CIDP have been described including the LewisSumner syndrome, distal acquired demyelinating symmetric (DADS) neuropathy, pure motor CIDP, pure sensory CIDP including chronic immune sensory polyradiculopathy (CISP), and focal CIDP. These phenotypes are currently considered to be variants of CIDP, even if the possibility that they represent different demyelinating neuropathies cannot be fully excluded considering differences in their response to therapy. Several data support the role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of CIDP even if the precise targets and actors (antibodies and lymphocytes) of this immune response remain uncertain. Recent studies have shown that the therapeutic response may differ in patients with peculiar clinical presentations supporting the hypothesis that different pathogenetic mechanisms may underlie the heterogeneity of CIDP. The majority of patients with CIDP show improvement after immune therapies including corticosteroids, plasma exchange, and high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). It remains unclear why none of the other immune therapies that were reported to be variably effective in other immune disorders proved to be effective also in CIDP.

Key words: antibodies, autoimmunity, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, CIDP, corticosteroids, immune therapy, IVIg, Lewis-Sumner syndrome, myelin, plasma exchange

¨ 1975 ; Hahn et al ., 2005 ; Koller et al ., 2005 ; Said , 2006 ; Vallat et al ., 2010). The prevalence of CIDP ranges from 0.8/100,000 in Japan (Kusumi et al ., 1995), to 1.32 (Lunn et al ., 1999) to 2.84/100,000 (Mahdi-Rogers and Hughes, 2013) in south-east England, 1.9/100,000 in New South Wales, Australia (McLeod et al ., 1999), 3.5/100,000 in Piedmont, Italy (Chio` et al ., 2007), and 8.9/100,000 in Olmstead County, United States (Laughlin et al ., 2009), while the incidence ranges from 0.2 (McLeod et al ., 1999) to 1.60 per 100,000 (Laughlin et al ., 2009). Even if these differences may suggest

Introduction Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is a rare peripheral nerve disorder that often responds to immune therapies (Dyck et al .,

Address Correspondence to: Eduardo Nobile-Orazio, MD, PhD, FAAN, Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine (BIOMETRA), Milan University, 2nd Neurology, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Via Manzoni 56, Rozzano, Milan 20089, Italy. Tel: +390282242209; Fax: +390282242298; E-mail: [email protected]. © 2014 Peripheral Nerve Society



Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System 19:2–13 (2014)

a geographical diversity in the prevalence of CIDP, recent studies suggested that they probably reflect the use of different diagnostic criteria. It was shown for instance that in Leicestershire and Rutland, UK, the prevalence of CIDP ranged from 1.97 to 4.77/100,000 depending on the diagnostic criteria used (Rajabally et al ., 2009b). This variability may also derive from the fact that, being a treatable disorder, a few different clinical phenotypes have been included under this term, allowing the use of expensive therapies also in these variants (Busby and Donaghy , 2003 ; Rotta et al ., 2003 ; Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010). It remains, however, unclear whether these phenotypes represent indeed variants of CIDP or different demyelinating neuropathies with a different pathogenesis and response to therapy. This might be clarified when a better understanding of the immune pathogenesis of CIDP and its variants will become available. This was the case, for instance, of neuromyelitis optica that was considered for years to be a variant of multiple sclerosis but is now considered a separate disease (Wingerchuk et al ., 2007) or, to remain in peripheral nerve disorders, of multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), that was initially considered a variant of CIDP but it is now considered a separate disease (Nobile-Orazio et al ., 2005 ; Vlam et al ., 2011).

are now considered to have a GBS-like onset (or acute onset) CIDP (Ruts et al ., 2010). Typically most patients with CIDP present with sensory and motor symptoms with over 90% of patients having weakness that may be severe enough to lead to marked disability and total dependence (Simmons et al ., 1993) while over 80% have sensory symptoms or loss. Pain at onset is rare even if it may occasionally be the presenting symptom (Boukhris et al ., 2007). Proximal weakness is one of the clues to the clinical diagnosis of CIDP even if distal weakness is usually more common and severe than proximal weakness. Reflexes are historically deemed to be absent in CIDP even if total areflexia only occurs in 70% of patients while the rest have a mixture of decreased and absent reflexes with ankle reflexes being most often absent. Gait imbalance and upper limb tremor may occur in some patients. Cranial nerve symptoms occur in a minority of patients (Dyck et al ., 1975 ; McCombe et al ., 1987 ; Barohn et al ., 1989 ; Simmons et al ., 1993). Respiratory failure seldom occurs in CIDP (Henderson et al ., 2005). When asked, over 80% of the patients reported fatigue as a major symptom (Merkies et al ., 1999), and this may occasionally be the presenting symptom when weakness is not present (Bissay et al ., 2008). Symptoms of dysautonomia are uncommon (McCombe et al ., 1987), even if a usually mild autonomic dysfunction has been reported in 65% of the patients (Stamboulis et al ., 2006). CIDP is a severe disease with over 50% of the patients having at least temporary severe disability in the course of the disease, including temporary restriction to a wheelchair or inability to walk without support, while 10% of them eventually become persistently disabled or die because of the illness (Lunn et al ., 1999 ; Chio` et al ., 2007). A few patients have, however, a disturbing but functionally indolent course with minimal weakness and minor sensory symptoms and are considered to have a clinically minimal and sometimes asymptomatic CIDP (Uncini et al ., 1999).

Clinical Presentation: One or More Diseases? Typical CIDP CIDP may have either a chronic progressive or a relapsing course (Dyck et al ., 1975 ; Hahn et al ., 2005 ; ¨ Koller et al ., 2005 ; Said , 2006 ; Vallat et al ., 2010). As in the case of multiple sclerosis, younger patients tend to have a relapsing course while older patients more frequently have a chronic progressive course (Hattori et al ., 2001). This distinction is becoming, however, difficult with available current therapies as patients with a progressive course may deteriorate after therapy suspension or dose reduction mimicking a relapse while this is really only a wear-off effect of therapy. Initial symptoms may progress over several weeks to months even if a more rapid progression may initially lead to the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre´ syndrome (GBS). This was reported to occur in 16% of the patients with CIDP (Ruts et al ., 2010) and can be suspected if deterioration continues for more than 2 months from onset, if there are three or more treatment-related fluctuations (Ruts et al ., 2010), or when prominent sensory symptoms are present at onset (Dionne et al ., 2010). These patients were initially considered to have GBS evolving into a chronic form of CIDP while they

Sensory CIDP Some patients with CIDP may present with a pure sensory syndrome with a proportion in different series ranging from 5% to 15% (Busby and Donaghy , 2003 ; Rotta et al ., 2003). Even if these patients have normal strength, most of them have electrodiagnostic abnormalities on motor nerve conduction studies (Oh et al., 1992a; 1992b; Simmons and Tivakaran, 1996 ; Van Dijk et al., 1999 ; Said, 2006 ; Ayrignac et al., 2013b). Some patients subsequently develop weakness (Berger et al ., 1995 ; Van Dijk et al ., 1999 ; Said , 2006), while others maintain a pure sensory impairment during the follow-up (Said , 2006 ; Rajabally and Wong , 2012). Few 3


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patients have, however, a clinically and electrodiagnostically pure sensory neuropathy (Rubin and Mackenzie, 1996 ; Rajabally and Wong , 2012) and probably represent a minority among patients with sensory CIDP. Even in a recent series of patients with a cryptogenetic sensory neuropathy who were found to have pathological features of CIDP on sural nerve biopsy, motor abnormalities were found on nerve conduction studies (Chin et al ., 2004). A particular form of sensory CIDP is chronic immune sensory polyradiculopathy (CISP) (Sinnreich et al ., 2004; Caporale et al ., 2011). This entity was first reported by Sinnreich et al. ( 2004) who described 15 patients who had only sensory symptoms for a few years with normal nerve conduction studies. In these patients, somatosensory evoked potentials were delayed, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins were increased, and lumbar magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an enlargement of lumbar roots. Root biopsy confirmed the inflammatory nature of the process, and all treated patients improved with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) or corticosteroids. Very few data are available on the response to therapies in patients with sensory CIDP even if most patients were reported to respond to the same therapies effective in CIDP (Oh et al ., 1992a; 1992b; Simmons and Tivakaran, 1996 ; Van Dijk et al ., 1999 ; Said , 2006 ; Ayrignac et al ., 2013b). Two patients were, however, reported to deteriorate after plasma exchange (Larue et al ., 2008), and one deteriorated with oral corticosteroids but improved after IVIg (Rajabally and Wong , 2012). It is quite difficult to delineate the boundaries of sensory CIDP as the criteria for this diagnosis have not been established. In particular, it is unclear whether this group should include patients without weakness or only those with a purely clinical and electrophysiological sensory impairment. In the latter case, the recent diagnostic criteria of the European Federation of Neurological Societies and Peripheral Nerve Society (EFNS/PNS) for CIDP (Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010) might not even allow the diagnosis of possible CIDP due to the absence of any abnormalities on motor nerve conduction studies.

mentioned in series of patients with CIDP. Patients with motor CIDP were reported to deteriorate with corticosteroids (Donaghy et al ., 1994) even if some of these patients had MMN. This deterioration is also mentioned in the EFNS/PNS guidelines (Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010), and probably mainly derives from the opinion of the experts. In one study, some patients had an asymmetric presentation with partial conduction block and no slowing of motor conduction, which is reminiscent of MMN (Sabatelli et al ., 2001). In this series of young patients, reduced amplitude of the sensory action potentials (SAPs) in the upper limbs was found, raising some doubts on the selective motor impairment. In another series of five patients with motor dominant CIDP, two had mildly reduced sensory conduction velocities but SAP amplitudes were not reported (Kimura et al ., 2010). In both series, patients were also reported to worsen after corticosteroids and to improve with IVIg. This has led to the exclusion of patients with the purely motor variant from some controlled trials of CIDP. Even if this form is classically considered a variant of CIDP, the peculiar response to therapy may also suggest that it might represent a diffuse variant of MMN, a disorder where patients also deteriorate with corticosteroids. In addition, it remains unclear whether the diagnosis of motor CIDP should be only based on clinical findings or on the presence of normal sensory nerve conduction studies.

Focal CIDP Some patients have been reported with a restricted distribution of weakness and sensory loss restricted to one or both upper limbs. Thomas et al. ( 1996) reported nine patients, including five who had a sensorimotor impairment in one or both upper limbs, one with sensory monomelic impairment and three with a purely motor impairment in one or two upper limbs. One of the patients with pure motor impairment deteriorated after steroids and improved after IVIg, similar to what was observed in MMN. An additional patient with a chronic monomelic sensory neuropathy that did not spread to other limbs and did not involve strength after 30 years has been recently reported (Ayrignac et al., 2013a). Several clinical and laboratory features suggested a diagnosis of possible CIDP, and the patient improved after therapy with IVIg. In other patients an upper-limb predominant multifocal CIDP was reported even if in some of them some features suggested a diagnosis of LewisSumner syndrome (LSS) (Gorson et al ., 1999). The improvement observed in these patients after therapy with corticosteroids or IVIg led to their inclusion under the term of focal CIDP. The reason for this selective focal impairment remains unclear considering

Motor CIDP A few patients have been reported to have a pure or predominant motor impairment throughout the course of the disease (Donaghy et al ., 1994; Sabatelli et al ., 2001; Kimura et al ., 2010). They represented in one series (Busby and Donaghy , 2003) 4% of the patients with chronic demyelinating neuropathy, similar to what was observed in our series of CIDP patients. However, very few reports are centered on patients with motor CIDP as most of them are briefly 4


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clinical phenotype corresponds to what is typically observed in patients with neuropathy associated with IgM monoclonal gammopathy and antibodies to the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) (Latov et al ., 1988 ; Nobile-Orazio, 1998). However, not all patients with this phenotype have IgM monoclonal gammopathy (Katz et al ., 2000) or anti-MAG antibodies (Larue et al ., 2011). This clinical pattern is now considered a clinical phenotype more than a definite syndrome and patients without IgM monoclonal gammopathy or antiMAG antibodies are considered to have a DADS variant of CIDP (Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010 ; Larue et al ., 2011). Similar to what was observed in patients with anti-MAG neuropathy, these patients were reported to have a less satisfactory response to the therapy than patients with CIDP (Katz et al ., 2000 ; Saperstein et al ., 2001). Even if the term DADS is currently used, the criteria that permit the distinction between CIDP and DADS in the absence of IgM monoclonal gammopathy are not well defined. Sensory impairment, ataxia, and tremor may also be found in patients with CIDP as well as a predominant distal impairment. A progression from DADS to a severe CIDP has also been reported (Leitch et al ., 2013). No specific trial has assessed the treatment response in patients with DADS without monoclonal gammopathy even if a recent retrospective study showed a positive response to immune therapy in most patients.

the current view that CIDP is caused by a systemic immune reaction against nerve myelin. We should also consider, however, that while response to immune therapy may support the diagnosis of CIDP, other neuropathies including neuropathy associated with IgM monoclonal gammopathy or vasculitis may also improve with immune therapies.

Lewis-Sumner syndrome In 1982, Lewis et al. ( 1982) described five patients with a chronic, acquired, asymmetric sensorimotor demyelinating polyneuropathy which clinically resembled a multiple mononeuropathy syndrome. Electrodiagnostic studies demonstrated multifocal conduction block in motor nerves. CSF protein was normal to mildly elevated. Two patients were treated with prednisone and improved. Several similar patients have been subsequently reported under the name of LewisSumner syndrome (LSS) or other terms including multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy (MADSAM neuropathy) (Oh et al ., 1997 ; Saperstein et al ., 1999 ; Van den Berg-Vos et al ., 2000 ; Verschueren et al ., 2005 ; Viala et al ., 2004). Even if this syndrome is considered to be a multiple mononeuropathy variant of CIDP, several patients maintain a multifocal distribution for years. In one series, 50% of affected patients evolved into CIDP within 4 years, while the remaining 50% maintained a multifocal distribution (Viala et al ., 2004). In another series, 80% of the patients maintained a multifocal and asymmetric impairment after a mean follow-up of 10 years (Attarian et al ., 2011). In addition, the upper limbs are usually involved before the lower limbs (Viala et al ., 2004; Rajabally and Chavada, 2009). CSF protein levels are usually normal but may be mildly elevated in one-third of the patients, even if very high levels have been seldom reported. Response to therapy is similar to CIDP (Viala et al ., 2004), even if some patients were reported to deteriorate after therapy with corticosteroids (Attarian et al ., 2011). In addition, patients with a predominant impairment in upper limbs were reported to have a more frequent response to corticosteroids than to IVIg (74% vs. 52%) while the reverse occurred in patients more impaired in lower limbs (25% vs. 80%) (Rajabally and Chavada, 2009).

Immune Pathogenesis of CIDP There is a general consensus that CIDP is an immune-mediated disorder affecting peripheral nerve myelin even if this has not been formally ¨ et al ., 2005 ; Hughes et al ., 2006 ; proved (Koller Said , 2006 ; Vallat et al ., 2010). This hypothesis is strongly supported by the fact that the vast majority of patients improve after receiving immune therapies, but it is also sustained by other data. The onset and relapses of CIDP are sometimes triggered by infections or immunizations, which have been reported in 20%–30% of the patients, including upper respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, other infections, vaccinations, surgery, and trauma (Dyck et al ., 1975 ; Pollard and Selby , 1978 ; McCombe et al ., 1987 ; Barohn et al ., 1989 ; Simmons et al ., 1993 ; Hughes et al ., 1996 ; Gorson et al ., 1997 ; Kuitwaard et al ., 2009). Other studies showed, however, that the prevalence of antecedent infection is around 10% and does not differ from that observed in the control population (Chio` et al ., 2007). Patients who developed CIDP after vaccination were, however, reported to have an increased risk of relapse after vaccination

Distal acquired demyelinating symmetric neuropathy The term distal acquired demyelinating symmetric (DADS) neuropathy was introduced by Katz et al. ( 2000) to describe a group of patients with predominantly distal symmetric sensory ataxic demyelinating neuropathy. Most of these patients have markedly slowed motor conduction velocities and even more prolonged motor distal latencies. This 5


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(Hughes et al ., 1996). In any instance, these figures are consistently different from that observed in GBS, where antecedent events occur in at least two-thirds of the patients (van Doorn et al ., 2008). Antibodies against different tissues and antigens (extensively reviewed in Hughes et al ., 2006 ), including myelin (Koski et al ., 1985), the glycolipids GM1 (Ilyas et al ., 1992), LM1 (Fredman et al ., 1991) and LM1-containing ganglioside complexes (Kuwahara et al ., 2011), asialoGM1 (McCombe et al ., 1992), sulfatide (Fredman et al ., 1991), galactocerebroside (Hughes et al ., 1984) and chondroitin sulfate (Melendez-Vazquez et al ., 1997), the proteins P2 (Khalili-Shirazi et al ., 1993), P0 (Yan et al ., 2001) and a P0-related glycoprotein (NobileOrazio et al ., 1995 ; Allen et al ., 2005), PMP22 (Sanvito et al ., 2009a) and β-tubulin (Connolly et al ., 1993 ; Khalili-Shirazi et al ., 1993 ; Manfredini et al ., 1995), and, more recently, the combination of GM1 with galactocerebroside (Nobile-Orazio et al ., 2013b), have been reported in a variable proportion of patients with CIDP (usually less than 30% of the patients). Data from our laboratory show that antibodies to each of these antigens ranges from 3% to 29% in patients with CIDP while almost 50% of them have one or more of these antibodies. In most studies, these reactivities were not significantly more frequent in CIDP than in controls and were rarely associated with specific clinical features (Kuwahara et al ., 2013). These data suggest that these reactivities may represent the marker of an ongoing immune response more than the initial immune response responsible for demyelination in CIDP. More recently, attention has been devoted to the presence of antibodies directed against myelin or axonal proteins at the node of Ranvier (Pollard and Armati , 2011). Antigens at these locations would be indeed an ideal target in a disease where conduction block is one of the main features. In addition, it was recently shown that early abnormalities in myelinated fibers in the skin biopsy of patients with CIDP occurred around the node of Ranvier (Doppler et al ., 2013). Despite these promising preliminary observations, antibodies against these proteins have been found in a minority of patients with CIDP, similar to what was observed with the other antibodies associated with CIDP. Devaux et al. ( 2012) showed, for instance, that antibodies against any of the antigens gliomedin, contactin, Neurofascin-186 (NF-186), and NrCAM were present in 24% of the patients with CIDP. Ng et al. ( 2012) later reported antibodies to NF-155 in 4% of patients with CIDP while none of them had antibodies to NF-186. More recently, Querol et al. ( 2013) found that sera from 4 of 46 (8.6%) patients with CIDP reacted with hippocampal neurons and paranodal structures on nerves, including three patients (6.5%) with antibodies to contactin-1. The most important

aspect of this study was the fact that these patients had some distinctive features from the rest of patients with CIDP, including the higher age, more severe, mostly motor neuropathy with early axonal loss and poor response to IVIg. In a more recent study, antibodies to NF were more frequently found in patients with central and peripheral demyelination than in patients with CIDP and were frequently associated with a positive response to IVIg and plasma exchange (Kawamura et al ., 2013). These data raise the suspicion that different antibodies may underlie different clinical forms of CIDP. It would be advisable in future studies to carefully correlate the presence of antibodies against different antigens to the clinical features of the patients. Despite the well known evidence from pathological studies on nerve biopsy of affected patients showing the presence of macrophages and T-cell infiltrates and of deposits of immunoglobulins (Hahn et al ., 2005) in the last years, only a few studies have addressed the possible role of cellular immunity in CIDP (reviewed in Hughes et al ., 2006 ; Sanvito et al ., 2009b; Chi et al ., 2010 ). It was recently shown that the T-cell receptor repertoire of cells infiltrating peripheral nerve have a strong monoclonal or polyclonal restriction that corresponds to that of circulating T cells (Schneider-Hohendorf et al ., 2012). These data support the hypothesis of an antigen-driven T-cell attack against nerve, even if the target of this immune response remains unclear. This hypothesis is also supported by the finding in patients with CIDP of an oligoclonal restriction of the T-cell repertoire of circulating CD8+ T cells and that this pattern was corrected by treatment with IVIg (Mausberg et al ., 2013). This therapy was, however, also reported to inhibit the production of the B-cell activating factor (BAFF), that contributes to B-cell homeostasis and antibody production, and that BAFF levels were increased in patients with CIDP (Bick et al ., 2013). Even if both studies may cast some light on the possible mechanism of action of IVIg in CIDP, their combination does not help to clarify what might be the final effector mechanism in CIDP.

Diagnosis of CIDP Even if the diagnosis of CIDP is often easy in clinical practice, the use of expensive therapies for this disease and the description of a number of clinical variants has led to the necessity to define the clinical boundaries of this neuropathy in order to avoid the inappropriate use of expensive therapies but at the same time to include under this diagnosis the largest proportion of patients who might benefit from treatment. This is why, even if CIDP is not a common disease, at least 15 diagnostic criteria sets for 6


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CIDP (Bromberg , 2011; Breiner and Brannagan, 2013) have been proposed. For the same reason, despite the presence of a number of differences, variants of CIDP were variably included under the term of CIDP to allow affected patients to receive the same therapies. Most of these criteria have similar clinical features but differ in terms of the electrophysiological criteria necessary for its diagnosis (Bromberg , 2011). Recently, Koski et al. ( 2009) proposed another set of criteria which allowed the diagnosis of CIDP on clinical grounds only. The presence of a symmetric neuropathy affecting four limbs with proximal weakness in at least one limb in the absence of a serum paraprotein or documented genetic abnormality was considered sufficient for the diagnosis. It was recently shown (Rajabally et al ., 2009a) that the sensitivity of these criteria for the diagnosis of CIDP was higher than that of the criteria of the American Academy of Neurology (Ad Hoc Subcommittee, 1991) but lower than that of the EFNS/PNS (Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010) with a comparable specificity. Similar data were derived from a recent study where the sensitivity and specificity of 15 diagnostic criteria used in CIDP was calculated in a series of 56 patients with a diagnosis of CIDP and controls with diabetic neuropathy or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Breiner and Brannagan, 2013). The EFNS/PNS criteria appeared to have the best combination of sensitivity (73%) and specificity (90%) for the diagnosis of CIDP compared with the other criteria. These criteria also have the advantage of including patients with typical and atypical presentation and, in comparison with most other criteria, to allow the diagnosis of CIDP even in patients with demyelinating abnormalities in a single nerve when other supportive criteria for the diagnosis of CIDP are present.

Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) (Donofrio et al ., 2009) and in the guideline of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) on the use of IVIg in neurological diseases (Patwa et al ., 2012), and, for plasma exchange, in the guideline of the AAN on the use of plasma exchange in neurological diseases (Cortese et al ., 2011). It is often difficult to decide what therapy should be first used in CIDP. This decision should consider the efficacy, cost, and side effects of each of these therapies. A few randomized trials have shown comparable short-term efficacy of IVIg and oral corticosteroids (Hughes et al ., 2001) and of IVIg and plasma exchange (Dyck et al ., 1994) in CIDP. More recent trials have shown that both IVIg (Hughes et al ., 2008 ; Merkies et al ., 2009) and corticosteroids (van Schaik et al ., 2010 ; Eftimov et al ., 2012) have prolonged efficacy in CIDP. A recent randomized controlled trial comparing the 6-month efficacy of IVIg and intravenous methylprednisolone (IVMP) showed that IVIg was more frequently effective and tolerated (87.5%) than corticosteroids (47.6%) during the first 6 months of treatment, although, when effective, corticosteroids were less frequently associated with deterioration than IVIg in the 6 months following therapy discontinuation (Nobile-Orazio et al ., 2012). In the follow-up extension of this study (Nobile-Orazio et al ., 2013a), a similar proportion of patients who discontinued IVIg (87%) and IVMP (79%) eventually worsened and required further therapy even if the median time to deterioration was longer after discontinuing IVMP (14 months) than IVIg (4.5 months). There were not significant differences in the proportion of patients experiencing adverse events. This data may somehow balance the more frequent response to IVIg than to IVMP observed in the original study as also probably does the lower cost of corticosteroid than of IVIg (McCrone et al ., 2003 ; Blackhouse et al ., 2010). It is likely, however, that a more prolonged use of corticosteroids may eventually lead to a higher frequency of adverse events than observed during 6 months of therapy (Dukes, 1996). The possibility to reduce the cost and the inconvenience of repeated hospital admissions for chronic IVIg therapy in CIDP was addressed with the use of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg). A few patients with CIDP were reported to maintain the improvement achieved with IVIg assuming the same dose subcutaneously at home during the week (Lee et al ., 2008 ; Cocito et al ., 2011b). These observations were confirmed in a small, randomized, placebocontrolled study on 15 patients that showed that SCIg was safe and as effective as IVIg in most CIDP patients (Markvardsen et al ., 2013). SCIg may improve the quality of life of the patients who do not need

Treatment of CIDP Several controlled studies and retrospective series on large series of patients and a few randomized controlled trials have shown the efficacy of corticosteroids, plasma exchange, and IVIg in CIDP as summarized in recent Cochrane reviews (Mehndiratta and Hughes, 2012 ; Mehndiratta et al ., 2012 ; Eftimov et al ., 2013). Approximately 50%–70% of the patients respond to each of these therapies, and an additional 50% of patients not responding to one of these therapies respond to one of the others so that about 80% of the patients respond to these therapies (Cocito et al ., 2010 ; Viala et al ., 2010). The efficacy of these therapies has also been highlighted in the Guidelines of the EFNS/PNS (Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010), for IVIg in a Consensus statement of the American 7


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to suspend their daily activities to receive periodic infusions. An alternative to SCIg could be home-based IVIg therapy. This therapy was reported to be effective in observational studies (Cats et al ., 2011; Souayah et al ., 2011; Katzberg et al ., 2013). This therapy has the same advantage of SCIg to perform the therapy at home without having the inconvenience of SCIg that require repeated subcutaneous therapies during the week. Unfortunately, the possibility to perform IVIg therapy at home is not yet allowed in all countries. Even if similarly effective to IVIg, plasma exchange is usually considered the third choice as it is more invasive for the patient and has a higher prevalence of side effects, mostly related to hemodynamic changes, that makes it less suitable for long-term treatment (Joint Task Force of the EFNS and the PNS , 2010). It is now often reserved for patients who have an insufficient response to IVIg or corticosteroids. Several anecdotal reports have shown the efficacy of other immune therapies that have been used to reduce the cost and frequency of IVIg, the side effects of corticosteroids, or to treat patients not responding or becoming resistant to these therapies. These studies have been summarized in a recent Cochrane Review (Mahdi-Rogers et al ., 2013). None of the randomized controlled trials with these therapies confirmed their efficacy. Oral azathioprine (2 mg/kg) in addition to oral prednisone (120 mg on alternate day tapered to 0 mg) given for 9 months to 27 patients with CIDP was not more effective than prednisone alone (Dyck et al ., 1985). The dose and duration of treatment with azathioprine was, however, smaller and shorter compared with what was later reported to be effective in a trial in patients with myasthenia gravis (Palace et al ., 1998). In addition, only the adjunctive effect of azathioprine was analyzed and not its capability to reduce the dosage of corticosteroids. A second randomized study was performed with oral methotrexate in addition to IVIg or corticosteroids (RMC Trial Group, 2009). This therapy was well tolerated but was not more effective than placebo in reducing the dose of corticosteroids or IVIg used to maintain the improvement in 60 patients with CIDP. In particular, 52% of the patients taking oral methotrexate, 15 mg weekly, and 44% of those on placebo reduced by at least 20% the associated initial dose of IVIg or corticosteroids by the end of the 40 weeks of the study. Similar negative results were obtained in two trials with intramuscular interferon beta-1a (IM IFNb-1a) on a total of 77 patients (Hadden et al ., 1999 ; Hughes et al ., 2010). In the larger study on 67 patients with CIDP on chronic IVIg therapy (Hughes et al ., 2010), treatment for 32 weeks with either 30 or 60 mg of IM IFNb-1a once or twice weekly was not more effective than placebo in reducing

the mean dose of IVIg with 47% of the patients in both groups not needing to restart IVIg after their suspension after 16 weeks of therapy with IFNb-1a. The subgroup of patients severely affected or taking high baseline dose of IVIg, could, however, reduce more IVIg after IM IFNb-1a than after placebo. Both the study with methotrexate and IM IFNb-1a showed that a consistent proportion of patients with CIDP are probably over treated with corticosteroids or IVIg as more than 40% of them could reduce or suspend the therapy without worsening. It is not possible, however, to exclude that the scales used in these trials might not have captured the modifications in some disturbing symptoms like fatigue or sensory loss that usually lead the physician to resume therapy. This consideration highlights the need for better evaluation scales in trials on CIDP (Vanhoutte et al ., 2013). Despite the negative results from these randomized studies, immunosuppressive agents are still widely used in the treatment of CIDP. This derives from the results of uncontrolled or retrospective series of patients showing a variable efficacy in patients treated with cyclosporin (82% of patients improved), cyclophosphamide (75%), Rituximab (75%), Methotrexate (70%), Azathioprine (64%), Interferon alfa (64%), Alentuzumab (57%), mycophenolate mofetil (46%), Interferon b 1a (35%), Etanercept (30%), tacrolimus, and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (reviewed in Mahdi-Rogers et al ., 2013 ). These figures should be considered, however, in light of the above-mentioned consistent proportion of patients not worsening after therapy discontinuation even when taking placebo. In a more recent retrospective multicenter study on 110 patients with CIDP not adequately responsive to IVIg, corticosteroids, or plasma exchange, the proportion of patients responding to these therapies ranged between 20% and 30%, with 10%–20% of treated patients having adverse events related to the use of these therapies (Cocito et al ., 2011a). In a recent session on the use of immune suppressive agents in CIDP at the Periph¨ eral Nerve Society Meeting held in Wurzburg in 2009, the majority of the experts supported the use of oral azathioprine in patients with mild to moderate CIDP and of cyclophosphamide in severely affected patients. These data highlight the fact that transferring the data deriving from clinical trials to the clinical practice might not always be an easy task.

Conclusions Several advances have been made in the last few years in the diagnosis, pathogenesis, and therapy of CIDP. Several issues should, however, be further 8


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characterized. These include the real boundaries of CIDP and whether it should be considered a single disease with a few variants or a group of diseases that may differ not only in the clinical presentation but also in their pathogenesis and possibly therapy. Similarly unclear is whether our ignorance in the pathogenesis of CIDP derives from the fact that we are still looking for a single immune mechanism underlying this disease while different pathogenetic mechanisms might be involved and possibly underlie the different clinical presentations. In addition, even if we now have a few consistent therapies in CIDP, it remains unclear why none of the immunosuppressive agents used in CIDP beside corticosteroids, IVIg, and plasma exchange have been proven to be effective in a randomized trial in CIDP. It would be also important to fill in the gap between our evaluation parameters and the subjective feeling of the patients that may worsen in symptoms that are not assessed in our scale but that for the patients may represent a real limitation in their life (Vanhoutte et al ., 2013).

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Acknowledgements Eduardo Nobile-Orazio reports personal compensation for serving in the Steering or Advisory Board of Baxter-Italy, CSL Behring-Italy, Kedrion-Italy, and Novartis-Switzerland. He has received honoraria for lecturing from Baxter, CSL Behring, Grifols-Spain, and Kedrion and travel support for Scientific Meetings from Baxter and Kedrion. All compensation and support is outside the submitted work.

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Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy and variants: where we are and where we should go.

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is a chronic and often disabling sensory motor neuropathy postulated as caused by an ...
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