Gene Mapping, Cloning, and Sequencing C ytogenet Cell G en et 5 9 :17 -1 9 ( 1992)

Chromosomal localization of the human gene for palmitoyl-CoA ligase (FACL1) H. Stanczak, J.J. Stanczak, and I. Singh D ep artm en t o f P ed iatrics. M edical U n iv ersity o fS o u th C arolina. C harleston SC (USA)

Abstract. We have localized the gene (FACL1) encoding human long chain fatty acid-coenzyme A ligase, E.C., also known as palmitoyl-CoA ligase. Using in-situ hybridiza­

tion. we have mapped this gene to chromosome region 3ql 3 in the human karyotype.

Activation of fatty acids to their acyl-CoA derivatives by acyl-CoA ligase(s) is the initial and obligatory step in the metab­ olism of fatty acids. Different acyl-CoA ligases have been recog­ nized for different chain fatty acids (Groot et al.. 1976). Palmitoyl-CoA ligase (76 kDal), also known as long chain fatty acidCoA ligase. preferentially activates fatty acids of chain length between C |i to C|« (Miyazawa el al.. 1985). Although palmitoylCoA ligase solubilized by detergents from subcellular mem­ branes (peroxisomes and microsomes) contains also lignoceroyl-CoA ligase activity, mitochondria exhibit only palmitoylCoA ligase activity (Singh et al., 1985, 1988a: Bhushan et al., 1986; Singh and Poulos, 1988; Lazo et al., 1990). Recently, we have isolated the rat cDNA clone for palmitoyl-CoA ligase (Stanczak et al., 1990) and, in this study, we have used this cDNA as a probe to define the chromosomal localization of the gene for palmitoyl-CoA ligase.

In sim hybridzalion. M elaphase chro m o so m e p rep aratio n s w ere prep ared from peripheral blood lym phocytes from random ly selected d o n o rs as described previously (Y unis an d C handler. 1977: D utrillaux and ViegasP cquignot, 1981). C hrom osom e spreads w ere treated w ith ribonuclease A (Sigm a) at a co n cen tratio n o f 100 pg/m l in 2 x S S C at 37 °C for I h. T he slides w ere then rinsed and d ehydrated. The chrom osom al DNA w as d en atu red by im m ersion o f slides in 70% form am ide, 2 x SSC, pH 7.0, a l 70 °C' for 2 m in. follow ed by quick d ehydration in cold ethanol and air-drying. In situ h y b rid i­ zatio n was perform ed according to the technique o f H arp er and S au n d ers (1981). T he probes were used at 100 ng/m l in hybridization m ixture c o n ta in ­ ing 50% form am ide, 10% dex tran sulfate. 2 x SSC. and 1.000-fold excess o f sonicated salm on sperm D NA d enatured by h eating a t 70 °C fo r 10 m in. F o l­ low ing hy b rid izatio n , the slides were w ashed several tim es, d eh y d rated , and dried. P rep aratio n s w ere exposed to K odak N T B 2 nuclear track em ulsion lo r 1 0-14 d, developed in K odak Dektol, fixed, an d rinsed w ith w ater. S taining and b anding w ere perform ed after hyb rid izatio n an d au toradio g rap h y . T h e chrom osom es w ere G -banded as described by C h an d ler and Y unis (1978). R -bands were o btained by using the fluoroehrom e-photolysis-G iem sa m ethod o f P erry and W olff (1974). T h e slides were analyzed w ith a Z eiss pholom icroscope using bright field and a planapo objective 63x 1.4.

Material and methods toyl-CoA ligase cD N A (Stanczak et al.. 1990) an d its restriction fragm ents: 0.6-kb £«>R I-«.(iE II. 0.3-kb // / « d i ll , and 0.27-kb /tcoR I-Pvd fragm ents, w hich cover the 5'. m iddle, and 3 ' regions o f the sequence. T he radiolabeling was perfo rm ed aco rd in g to the random p rim e r labeling technique o f Eeinberg and Vogelstein ( 1983) w ith the R andom P rim ed D N A labeling kit from Boehringer-M annheim an d labeled nucleotides (['U jd A T P . | 3H ]d C T P , and (3H ]d T T P ) from New England N uclear. T he specific activity o f probes varied from 1.6 to 4.0 x 10 7 cpm /pg.

Supported by National Institutes of Health grant NS-22576 and March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation grant 1-1079. Received 20 March 1991: revision accepted 13June 1991. Request reprints from Dr. Inderjit Singh. Department of Pediatrics. Medical Univer­ sity ofSouth Carolina, 171 Ashley Avenue. Charleston, SC 29425 (USA).

Results and discussion The analysis of silver grains in metaphase spreads of chro­ mosomes from 80 cells demonstrated that 19% of all the silver grains counted (65/349) were located on the long arm of chro­ mosome 3 and 69% of these (45/65) were localized on 3q 13. A diagrammatic representation of silver grains on chromosome 3 is shown in Fig. 1. A histogram of grain distribution gives a cleatpeak on one band (3q 13) which we have identified as a locus for palmitoyl-CoA (Fig. 2). Palmitoyl-CoA ligase (76 kDal) is pres­ ent in mitochondria, microsomes, and peroxisomes and poly­ clonal antibodies raised against microsomal palmitoyl-CoA ligase cross-react with the 76-kDal protein (Miyazawa et al., 1985) and inhibit the palmitoyl-CoA ligase activity in these three organelles (Singh et al., 1988a; Lazo et al., 1990). The tar­ geting of the proteins to these subcellular organelles is controlled

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Preparation o f probes. T he probes used in th is study were the 2.7-kb palm i-




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Chromosomes Fig. 2. A histogram presenting grain distrib u tio n . A significant accu m u la­ tion o f grains is seen on the long arm o f chrom osom e 3. on the q 13 band.

3 Fig. 1. An idiogram o f G -b an d ed chro m o so m e 3 (at the 500-band level) illu stratin g the d istrib u tio n o f 65 silver grains. T h e m ajority o f the silver grains are localized o n th e 13 band (3 q l 3).

by the presence of specific amino acid sequences called targeting signals. At present no information is available with respect to the targeting of a protein (palmitoyl-CoA ligase) with a given molecular weight and similar immunological properties to three different subcellular organelles: mitochondria, microsomes. and peroxisomes. However, the localization of the gene for palmitoyl-CoA ligase on chromosome 3 supports our previous conclu­ sion that peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA ligase is a different en­

zyme from lignoceroyl-CoA ligase (Hashmi. 1986; Lazo et al., 1988, 1990; Singh et al.. 1988b; Wanders et al„ 1988); that is, the lignoceroyl-CoA ligase activity is absent in X-adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) whereas palmitoyl-CoA ligase activity is normal. The deficient activity of peroxisomal lignoceroyl-CoA ligase results in abnormal oxidation and. in turn, pathogno­ monic accumulation of very long chain fatty acids in X-ALD (Singh et al.. 1984a, b). The gene for X-ALD (designated ALD) is localized on the q28 region of the X chromosome (Migeon et al.. 1981). Acknowledgements W e w ould like to thank Ms. Fran S huler for typing th is m anuscript.

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Palmitoyl-CoA ligase gene mapping

Chromosomal localization of the human gene for palmitoyl-CoA ligase (FACL1).

We have localized the gene (FACL1) encoding human long chain fatty acid-coenzyme A ligase, E.C., also known as palmitoyl-CoA ligase. Using in-s...
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