
of the current



This bibliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end of this publication. It is based on literature entered into our database between August 1991 and August 1992 (articles are generally added to the database about two and a half months after publication). In addition, the bibliography contains every paper annotated by reviewers; these references were obtained from a variety of bibliographic databases and published between the beginning of the review period and the time of going to press. The bibliography has been grouped into topics that relate to the reviews in this issue. . Papers considered by the reviewers to be of special interest. . . Papers considered by the reviewers to be of outstanding interest. The number

in square brackets


a selected

paper, e.g. 171, refers to its number corresponding review.

in the annotated


of the

Contents Cell differentiation Differentiation


of specific tissues

Plant development


Protozoan, yeast and Dictyostelium Cell-cell and cell-matrix Early Neural




1046 1052



factors hepatocyte


imprinting and




Post-transcriptional RNA


Protein 1041

in development



in the




development differentiation



processes 1064



modifications modifications

of proteins


Clycosylation Protein









1083 1085

of multisubunit



Cell differentiation Differentiation Related review: fpp 923-928)

of specific Muscle



AIREYJh BARINGMD. SUIXO Jli Q-attodloe Receptor Rotelo in Bxptessed DuninS DlEerenthUon in the Muscle Cd Uncs LtC3Hl and QC12. fh .%I 1991. 14&36>374. ANFSKIMCH BJ. HAIMOVICH8. BOETI~GERD: PhosphotylaUon of lotqrin In DiffercnUaUnS Ts-ROUS sucoma virus--ted MyO@mIc cdl% Oncqene 1991,6:13B-1390. ARN M. OIW K. MACIENNARDH. PERINUAYM: RepUatlon of Satcopl~mlc Reticulum Gene Expressloa DurlnS cydlac aad Sklctaf Muscle Lkvdopment. Am J Pb@d 1992.262:C614-C620. B,ummN W. JENSENKL. sOuII(w M: Myogenk CytodUfercnt&tlon of the Preard& Mcsodcrm In the Rat. D&wntiation 1991.473163-172. BATE M. RUSHTONE. CURRIEDA: Cells with


113:7%89. BEAUCHMIPJR, ABRAHAMDJ. BOUCHARIM G. Pmffi~ Th OISEN I: Bxpression and Punction of Hetuotyplc Adhalon Molecules During DitTcrentiaUon of Hutttm Skeletal Muscle in Culhlrc. Am J Pa&d 1992.140:3B7-401. BEcHET DM. FERRXUMJ, MORDIERSB. Roux MP. DFVM CD,

- tZlta&terlzP;ion of P &NA Enfodlng Ravine t%hq~~ltt-R. JLl~dQwn 1991.266:14104-14112. BENGALE. RAKv)m 1 ScHARFMAmR. DWARKIVJ. TAPSCOII l . SJ. WEI~~AUB H. VERDUIM: Punctlod Antagonism Betweett GJun and MyoD Rot&u% a Direct Physicpl A¶.x&ldon. Gdl1992,68:507-519. [39]. BENNETTJH. JOYNERCJ, TRlFnrr J-l’, OWEN ME: AdipocyUc txkl CulNred from Marrow ltaw Dstcogctuc FO(enlinl. J CM Sci 1991,99:131-139.

BERRYI. GM ME, MCCu!REJ. ROOm P: Bone-MarrowDerived Ctmndrogenais lnvltm. J cell SC/1992. 101:33W42. BlnDurw DM. CU+HART AA, BEXUY TC: COmpardvc E&CLS of Cytoshc Anblttosl& and P FTostagluldtn-t?2 Antaponlst, Ali6SO9. on Chondrogcnais in Serum-Free Culture of Chick Umb Mesenchyme. &q~ cell Rcs 1991. l%:ljl-133. BIB KD. PHEM SF, COIrTU MD, ROBElm R. C@KEY Cr. CHA~(BERIAIN JS: Human and Mut-ltte DyStmphftt MRNA Tnmscrlpts arc Dlfferettuluy eXpressed DutinS Skeletal Muscle. Heart. and Btaitt Developmeat. Nddc Acid Res 1592.20:1725-1731. BLFAHAJG. BADEnD: Identlkatlon attd C~erlntlon of P VentrlNlarSpcclec Ati Mydtt Heavy Cttaln, VMHCl - Bxpt’aslon in Differentiatiq Card&c and Skeletal Muscle. Del’ Bid 1991,14EI:355+4. BLOCKNE. MUIR JB: Bxptesslon of MRP$ P MyOSwUc Helix-I.oopHcUx Protein. F+mducu Multiple Changes in the Myoecnlc Rqpam of BCSH-1 CeUs. Md CM Bid 1932. 12:24S4-2492. BOLIERE. LYOM GE, BRAUNT, COSSUC, BUCKINGHAM M. AnNow HH: The Muack RcmJlatotY Gene. M&-6. Has a Blphaslc Patteri of Bqksion DurlnS muly Mouse Ikvelopmcnt. J cdl Bid 1991, 113:1255-1265. BOUKAMPP. CHENJ. COF, JOtdE.5PA, FUSEMGNE from progmsslve stq$c!s of T -atlatlon Epldcrmal to Meseachyatal Phenotype fttduced by MyoDl Trmsfection. S-an-2’-Deoxycytldlne Tratmen~ aad SelecUon for Beduced Cell Attachment In the Humatt KcraUmcyte Line HaCaT. I Cell Bid 1992. 116:1257-1271. BHAUNT. BO&R E. ARNou) I&: hhlblti~n of Muscle . Dt6kenUaUon by the Adenovktts Bla Protein: Stepresslott of the TtaascrtpUot18I ActiraUttB Punction of the HLH Rotelo Myf-5. Cener Lkt, 1992.6:iX?B-W. [lS].

@ Current


Ltd ISSN 0955-0674

5 results In MoormU Bib Dmlopmettt pod f’ctlmtal Death. Cd/ 1992.71:%9-3S2. 1231. HAKRABom T. OLSON EN: Muagenesi.5 Of BRENwuvTJ, C the Myo~enln B&c tk@on Identifies a.~ Ancient FYot&t Motif t3ltiC.d tk Acthatkm of My~nab. Pra NatlAdSCi USA 1991. 8&5675-5679. BROALXEKS, BATE M: line Development Of AdtUt Mdes in Drosophlki _ Ablation of IdettU5cd Muscle F+nxlttaor tJ.dls. -men1 1991.113:103. BVCKINGHAMM: Making Muscle in IbiMndS. ti Gene/ 1992. S:144-149. BWwNo A, AFQNE l. MoRhsso MI, BEERSR BRENNeRHR. Emhm R The My00 PamUy Of My+C PaCtom IS ftemtkttcd bv q Iectrical Activity: ISO~UIJO md &~tloi of a MOW Myf-i CDNA. Nudelc Acids Res 1992.203539-544. MEDDA FD. GENllU c. MANwcAP.cAKu)(uR: Hypuimphk Chondmcytea Urtdeqo Puther Dllfere~~tiation la Culture. J Cdl Bid 1992. 117427-435. CZ,uuwGm~ Jl. CHEN P. YANACGHITAhi. BEDDI Ni:

Bud Cclb lttWo.‘&w B,d 1991.1&40&415. CHEN 1 KruuY M. DRAPERB. WEwlRAuB H. FIREA BodyWall Mtmclc PortmUon in Caatorb8bditLa Blqma Embryos that Lack the MyoD Romolog Hlh-1. Science 1992. 256:240-242. CHEN P. (juuuKirorr J< l&&R VM. PIERCECF. REDOIAH: Chick Limb Bud Mesadumd Cell Cbo~cs& -ltUUblUcm by lwfof plntclet-Dalvcd Growth Factor and llevend by Recomb&tattt Bone Morph~etic Pmtdm E~J Cell Res 1992,200:11~117. CHEN KY. LO TtiY: PhoSphX,‘i.t.iO~ of a Cd, se 112~kDa FToteh by aifwtFmtcItl IuItae In Rat Ih Myobla~ta. BIc.hmJ 1991. w7-474. CHEN XI. ILJ m: Itlmivcmutt of l WI surht Pm&mdattBctePmt&tKltnscltt Iblyqmcsla. Blocbern J 1991,27%47%B2.



Cell differentiation


of specific


. CHOl JK HOL’IZER5. CHKKO SA, IPI 2X. HOFFMAN RK. HOLlZER H: Pborbol Esters SelecUveIy 8”d Reversibly l”hlblt , Subset of MyofIbrlllar Ge”es Rcap”nslble fur the Oquiq Dl&re”UaUo” Ftqpatn of CbIck Skeletal Myotubes. Md cdl Bid 1991.11M73-4482. CHOI sw,mi?K MY. KANGMS: l”volveme”t of Cydlc GMP-In the Fnslon of Chick Embryoair Mvoblnts I” Culture. EUI cell Res 1992. 1~:12%133. CnOu ffilt, SrnoMor h4l-I.ROBSONRM. HUlhl-r l-W: Assembly of Conttwxllc snd CyloekeletaI Ele”te”ts I” Devd00l”P Sm”“th Muscle Cells. LW Bid 1992 14933+G. COLBEKTMC. OFJuc~ha E: The Rbrlmnl Promoter of the Ndulme-A Gene R&s Actlve DurI”g Myoeenesb InvItro sod Muscle Development lnvlvu. L3m Bid 1992*149a-79. COKBOZVh CXCCHIMMG. FEUX R F~ELCCH H. VAMKRPU~UM G. WUIK CWGM: ISect of Macroobatte Colonvsib”ubtblg Factor on InvItro oste&blst . Gmeratlo” a”d Bone ResorjUlo”. Emfwi~rd~~ 1992,1300637-442. COX RD. EIUCKINGHAMMF;: Ad” and My&” Genes are T-tiptlo”aUy Regulated During Mouse skdeml Muscle DevelopmenL Lw Bid 1992, 149:22%234. CWJSI P. OISON EN: Myoecnln induces the MyocyteSpedtIc Enhuteer Blodlng Factor MRF.2 lndeoe”de”Uv of Other MuxlcSoedfic Gene Fro&nets. Md‘CeU Bid 1991.11:4B54-4862 CURKIE04 BATE M: The Devdupmcnt of Adult Awot”btal Muscles In DrosoobIIa . Mvoblasts WrpresslWstaodate haodpted wltd Nerves. Det~~m1l1591. 113:91-102. CUSEUADEANGElI. MG. LYONSG. SONN,NOC. DE ANCEU!S . Al. VlVAREulE. FARMERK, WRIGHT WE, MOum id, SOUCHEM. BL!CKI~~~HMIM, Cm11 G: MyoD. Myqenbt lndcpendent DIIferent&Uo” of Prbnodbl Myuhbsts In Mouse Somltes. J Cdl Bid 1992, 116:12%1255. [16]. DAISEW ht. GREENEF&t Ttansformlng Growth Factor-beta Mod”btl00 of clvcosat”I”oalvca” R”d”cUo” by Mese”cbymal~C& of tb; . Developing Murlne Secondary ate. LJev Bid 19?1.145:374-378. DAMES K. SOLuFZ+ih+ Modulation of Chondrogenesb by the Cytoskeleto” md Bx-llulat Matrix. J cdl 1991,1ooz249-254. DAMS Rl. WEINIRWB H: AcqulslUo” of My@~~etUc . SpedBdty by Replacement of Three At”I”o Add Resldua f&a MyoD Into E12. Science 1992. 256:1027-1030. 1341. ODNN.IFSM, CRAMEKM. KlffiU’ND M. .ST#ZwiSt+POUTl%h Expresslo” of McndherIn. P Member of the cadheti” Multhte”e Fa”Ulv. Cawrelrtes with Dl.Ifere”UaUon~f Skeletd~&scle Cells. Pm Na// AcadSci USA 1991, SS:SO24-B02B.


-hl-A”tb”ot”O”s. llctitable Memory of Thclr Roatmaudul Positlo”. cfll1992. 69:67-n. E~UIYU~ER B. BIU P. NORCARDM. NIISSONS, ANDEILIV)N G: Clonlo~, Sequence, at&d Developmental F.xptes.U0” of P Type-s, Tartrae-Resistant. Add F’hospbatase of Rat Bone. / /3td aUm 1991, 266:24&N-24669. Em CW, MCCVSKU~RH, WHITE ME: Gene Erpresslo” and SecretIon of lnsulln-Like Growth Factor-Bl”dbtg PmteI”s During Myoblast DIfferentIaUon. Endccrind~ 1992,1303607-615. WISENWD Al. CURRYM. KIMMELCB: ‘l%e Pub-1 Mutattoo Blocks lnltkil Myo6bdl FormatIon In Zcbt-aBsh Muscle Pioneer Cells. Dnr Bid 1991. 14823-30. FIREh ALBERMN 0. ti&RlwON SW. MOEF.hwv DC: Prod”ct10” of A”t&e”se RNA Leads to EITecuve a”d Soedge l”hIblUon of Gene Exoresslo” I” GEl& Muscle. Lk~ricfnnmr 1991;113z503-511. FIANKW AM, CHAMBULFTJ: Sti”t”IaUo” of Bone Nodule F”r”t8Uo” InvItro hy Ptost@andI”-El a”d Pm6ta@8ndln-E2. Endwindogv 1992.130443-448 FlDRnvlJR, MN.74 I‘, l%‘lDN DZ Jm PI. GRImm K, RcnWEm F’S:‘Sp0nta”eo.s’ DlfferentbUo” of Skektd Myobksts b Depe”de”t Upon Autocrine secfeuon of l”sulI”-uke Growa Fsetor-Il. J Bid Bern 1591,266:15917-15923. FRANXD. HAWAMI RN: Ttaoslent Expresslo” of X4fyoD . In No”-sot”lUc Memdemt of xem+w cashnlae Detk?@m@n11991, 113:13S7-1393. 1121. -NC c: Sl”t”lta”eous MaNratio” of During Muscle Dl5em”tkluonbt the Mouse. oer Bid 1591,146~353-363. GNW M TAYWK BJ. HAU JC: Eleotmts of the FrultIess L4xtu Regulue Dedupme”t of the Muscle of lawrenn. a Male-spedflc str”et”re I” the

Abdomen of Drosophila-MeIa”ogastet Adult% ot-dmetrr 1991.113a79a9o. GA’ITEIV. B;RNhUEIPh PINTO A, EF.UNI R IUNGPXSI4 FOHMIGUl, TANINI 4 A1‘~ru)u V. BRANDIML Pborbol Ester Induced Osteodast-Like DI&te”tIaUo” of a Novel Hurmo Lcukemlc Cell Une (FIG 29.1). J Cdl Bid 1992.116:43?--L47. GMIOUR BP, FAmER GR NnrrrO~ C. EVA?.% SM. GARDNERPD: MultIpIe gl”dIog Sites for Myoge”lc RgulStOty Factors are Required for ExpressIo” of the Acetylcholl”c Receptor GammaSubuaIt Gene. J Bid C&III 1591. 266:19871-19B74. GONCHAKOVAEJ. Ku! 2. GEIGER8: The Involvement of Adbetens JuncUo” Gn”po”e”ts In Myo6brIllogenesb In Cultured GudIac Myocytea. Delrlqanlcrlr 1992. 114:173. GOIW SE. UPHOLT WT3. KOSHERRA Syndecand -B Member of the Syodecan FanUly of MembnneIntercalated FroteogIycans that b Erptwsed In High Amounu at the Onset of Chicken L.Imb CarUbgc DltTerenUatlo”. pm Nrrrl AC& Sci (1 S A 1932.8933271-3275. GKIESW~!F.ERLl. SKSCXM D. R0s~bm.u N: A Trmsg+“c Tar@ for Fodtlond Rgulston Marks Early RostmcaudaI Spciecatio” of Myoge”lc Li”uge.9. cdl 1992.69:79-93. GKOESWWXH~ILIER B. RI%% PS Eabanced Extracellular Matrix PmducUo” a”d Ml”eralIzatIon by Osteobkisu Cultured on Tlttmlum Surfaces Invitro. I Cd/ Sci 1992.101:209. GROW M. LAioNI 4 TATO F: v-jun Oncogene F’reveols Ter”U”aI DIITere”tIatIon a”d Suppresses Musclespedftc Gene Expresslo” I” ASV-17.l”fected Muscle C&Is. Onconrne 1991.6:1767-1773. GLINJI H. Hhss R Km D: &zmucleosomPl DNA FtagmcnmUo” During Phorbol Wter-Induced Monocytlc DUTere”tlutIo” a”d Go&l Arrest. J Uifl /nctzu 1992. 89:95‘+%0. GI’NNINC I’. HAKDF,\IANE: Multiple Mecba”lsms Regulate Mwlc Fiber Dh’enlty. FASEBJ 1991.5 3C6+3070. HMIMOhD Ml. MUWCK W. FSOWMANIH: Sequences Medbtlng the Tm”spki”taUo” of Mouse 516 RIbmot”al Protel” MRNA Durtng Myoblnst DItTerentlatIon nod I” Vitro rind F’osdble Coatrol Fol”rS for the I” Vlttu Transhtlon. Gem5 Lkr 1991. 5:1’23 tL+NW D. RAOJS. REDDYBR FESTDFFBW: Developmental Appeprpnce of Thrombospondlo I” Neonatal Mouse Skeletal Musde. EurJ Cdl Bid 19991. 55.S294 HARVEYIU’: WIdespread Expresslo” of MyoD Genes I” Xenopus Embryos Is Amplffied I” Presumptive Muscle as a Delayed Response to Mesodetm InducUon. I’nx XnllAu~d Sci 1’SA ISI. BB:9198-9202. HATI~ZFSLEY G. OU’Em J. Fu.Gm AM. CHAAI~~EFS ‘I-J: Macropbage Colony StI”mbU”g Factor (M-CSF) b Essential for Osteoclast Formation Invitro. Ricn9xm BipISa Rm Conumm 1991. 177z52&531 HEU.EY LE. BENEMCTS. GILA\‘Y J. JOHNsm GL Requirement of the Adenovhws ElA TransfotmaUo” Domain-1 for lnhlblllon of PC12 CeII Neuronal Dl5erenUaUon. &II ReRrrl 1991. 2:4pWR9 H~M~~?ERGER11. S+s.oos DA. K),OI>m SJ. KONIE~~Y SF Expresslo” of the Muscle Regulatory FactorMIW During Somlte lad Skeletal Myoflber Development. Lkr Bid 1991. 147:1+&l%. HOPWOOD ND. I’UICK A. GL’RDOSJB. DILWORM SM. . Expresslo” of XMyoD Fvoteln In Fatly Xmopur Lacvlr Embryos. Dewlqxr~w 1392. 11431-38 1131. HLWWS SM. B~AL’HM: Muscle Fiber Pattern b independent of Cell LInepee I” Postnatal Rodent Development. Cell 1992.68:659-6?1. H~?‘Nw I. Bm J. GARDWH RC. BELUW AR Nuclmtlde Sequence of the Sheep MyoDI Gene. Nucldc Acrrlr Rn 1992. 20~374 JENNINGSCGB: ExpressIon of the Myqenlc Gene MRF4 Dudng Xenopus Development. L&r Bid 1992. 150:121-132. JENNINGSCGB: Expresslo” of the MyqyxUc Gene MIlF4 During Xcnopus Development. Da Bid 1992.151319-330. JIWA RI. HA%OC G. GIRA%JLEG. PASXRIG. WIUMIS DC. MKAMS JS. BOYCE B. BROXMEYER H. MANOLAG,U SC: l”ctea¶ed OsteodMt Development after Rstrogcn LOM: MedlaUou by lnterleulrlob. Science 1992,257&90. KMWU N. MCCUUOCHCAG. TENEI?AUMHC. llME!wcK H: Dexatnethasune Eecruitment of Self-Renenlng Osteoprogz”Itor Cells I” Chick Bone Marrow Stm”ul GzU Cultures. B/cod 1992,7%32&326. KAUFMANSJ, GEORGEWE~N~IN M, FcsIm RF: Invitro Developt”e”t of Precursor celb III the Myogenlc Lbxage. Deu Bid 159l.l46:22&23B.

KAWAGUCHIN. DEulcA HF. NOLU M: Id Ge”e Rxpt’esslo” and Its Suppresslo” by 1.25-DlbydroxyvItaod”D3 I” Rat Osteoblastlc OstOntP cdb. PM Narl Acad So 0 S A 1992.69~4569A572. KIWIADU S-4.HUW-f l-W. HuANG HY. PETTlLSON JE. CRAWS DJ: E&et of a” Agl”bte-SpedIic ADPRlbosylttansfense lnhlbltor on Dl5ere”tIaUon of Embryo& Chick Skeletal Musde Cells I” Culture. EW cell Res 1992.201:33-42. KIM HS. IlE IH. CHUNG CH. KA& MSmli4 DB: Q2 + /Cal”mdulbt-Dependent PhospborylaUo” of the lOO.kDa Protcia I” Chick Embryonic Muscle Cdb in Culture. L&-t’ Bid 1992. 150~22.3230. IOON~IIUR JE. LIPHOI.TWB, K0u.m EJ: EGF AntIsense OIlgodeoxyouc1eotldes Block Mutine Odontogenesb lnvitm. &IV Bid 1991.147:485-iR& KmO Y: ElectmphyslologIcal a”d lmm”“ohIstochemicd lronlysb of Muscle DIfTereotIatlon In a Mouse Mesodemtal Stem Cell Lbte. J PLgsid Qorrd) 1991.442:71 l-742 Kuw Y. Comparlso” of InltIaI Stages of Muscle Differe”Uatlon I” Rat sod Mouse Myoblastic and Mouse Mesodemtnl Stem Cell Lines. J P&id ilorrd) 1991. 442:743760 KUKITA T. KIIKITA 4 HATA K. KLIRISIIK. 13-OTetmdeaooylphotbol-13.Acetate InhIbIti Cbte”dast-Like Cell DUlere”Uatlo” I” Rat Bone Marrow Cultures by lnduclng Macropbage Polvkatvons. Endmi~rdcm 1992. 130:57--X4 KIII.~ &I: Pkmotloo of Embyonlc Llmb CarWage DUTerenUatlon InvItro by Staurosporlne. P Proteln KIae-C InbIbltor. Da* Bid 1991. 146:WR. L&WAILSR &CHUIDER R ROBERTSAB. SpORti MB: Secretion rind Tra”scrlpUo”al R~uhtlo” of Tn”sformlng Gt-uwtb Factor-beta-3 During Myogeaesb. dfd I%/ Bid 1991. 11:379%38X ..

VOKONOVAA. BAL~IORE D. WEI~LIII H: Pu”ctlo”al Activity of Myo~enlc HLH F’rotelns Requires lietetwollgomerl?aUo” nith ElZ/E47-IIke R”teiN In WtJo. cd/ 1991.66:305-315 [3o]. LrsoT H. FAUSSER JI. AKIYA.+M(A SK. STAUH4 B!ACK D. KUBEH MD. RL’CHJV The Carboxy-Termi”d F.xte”slo” of the Collagen Bindlng DomaIn of Flbmnectln Medbtes lntenctlon with a 165 XDa Membrvre Proteln involved In Odontoblvt Dl5erentIatlon. Dfirntinfiotr 1992. 49 109-I 18. IA L Cl!AlIwu) JC. KNUN M. OLWN EN: Fos and Ju” . . Repress TranscrIpUonaI Actlntlo” by Myogenl” and MyoD: the Amlno Temtlnus ofJu” M Mediate Repressloo. Gwm Dw 1992.6:6?&689 1411. IJ Y. CAM S. RACIIIW~~’TL GE-M&Y II, TAYLORP: Gene Structure of MammalIan AcetylcbollnesterPse -Ntematlve Exons Dictate Tissue-Sped& Expresslo”. J B,d c%n, 1991. 266:230!3323090. l.YOi*‘~lGE. MuHtm~cH S. MOSERA, h,,wX,D R PATXRV)N Mhl. Il~~clil~Cw~ ME. PEHR~ARD JC. Developmental ReguIatlon of Creatlne Xlrux Gene Expression by Myogenlc Factors I” Embryonic Mouse and Chick Skeletd Muscle. D~&J~IPIII 1991. 113-1017-1029. hhC~Wr!IE 4 FERCXKW hlWJ. SHAKI’EPT: Hox-7 Exorculo” Durlnn Murinc Cn”IohcId Deielopmcnt. m&Jmertr 1991. 113:601~1 I hINONE R. Flhl!~ Ghl. .WAll P: lnhlbltlon of InvItro Myogenlc Dl5erentIatlon by P Polyomavlrus Evlv Function. 01,conenr 1992. 7 H%93. hLuEINCEl”X F. Gmw. R. Vw,II)ERRTI*7hl: Froteoglyan and Collagen Sy”thesls are Condated wlth Actl” O&nlznUo” I” Dedl5erentlaU”g Chondrowtes. Eur I &II Uid 1991, 5636-3’3 hl.anIU P. CAXCEDDAFD CAX’CEDDAR Choodrogentc Dl5ere”tIatlon I” Chick Embryo Osteoblvt Cultures. EurJ cell Bid 1992. 57:193201 ,hluw hlP. BLOCH%LIP~V A, WOu: C. RuuwTE E. RUCHIV. Involvement of Cellular ReUnoIc Add-BIndlag Protein-I a”d f’rotein-II (CRABPI md CRABPU) and of the Cellular Retlnol-Bl”dI”g RoteI”I (CRBPI) I” Odontqlenesls In the Mouse. LJ~emmiarion 1991, 48:6%X. MIUERJB: Myoblnst Divetdty I” SkeletaI Myogenesb - How Much and to what End. &Ii 1992.69:1-3. MINA M. KOUNI EJ. UPHOLTWB: Temporal and SpatId Bxpressl0a of Genes for GvtUage F.xtnceII”Iar Matdx Proteins During AvIa” MaodIbuIar Arch Development. O~twnlWon 1991,4&17-24. MINA M. UPHOLTWB. KOUAR EJ: Stage-Related ChoadrogenIe Pote”tld of AvIa” Ma”dIbular Ectomese”dlymal cells. LJ@%7&mn 1991. 489-16. MINERJH. MIU.mJB. WOlo BJ: Skeletal Muscle Phenotypes lnlt&ted hy Ectoplc MyoD I”

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iit Al-&ly


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Protozoan, yeast and Dictyostelium development Related review: Cell differentiation and patterning in Dictyostelium (pp 934-938) hrucAl h MAED. y: The Ethylene Actlon I” the Development of Cellular Slime Moulds . an Analegy to Hlgha PIwas. Pmrapcnma m2. 161315%16)3. AMATAYAKIILCHAKIIEH S. FERCUSONhlAJ. DWEli R.4. RADEMCHERTW, PAR&&I RB. CKwD,UL IE. NEWZU PC. Cell Surface Ollg-harIdes on Dlctyustellum During Development. J @II Sci 1991,99:485 ANJIu(DC. PlNAtID S. KAY RR. RE’I%ONDCR: t,“erexp,ession . of DdPK2 Protein Kl”asc Causes Bapld Development a”d Alfects the l”tmcellular CAMF mthway of D&-lyustelfum Lnscuedeum LkwlOpmm 1992. 115:78~790. 1251. BMT.?v.&I~I H. DEGROOTEJ: Temporal Cuntrul of DUlcrentIation by the Cell Nucleus - Evidence for P Specles.SpccUic Nuclear Suppresslo” of Enzymes at the early GMentlve pbnsc I” Acetnbuiarh. / Cd/ Sci 1991.100:863+& BANURT F: UstUa~Maydls, the Delightful Bllgbt. rends Cencr 1992.8:174-180. BLUMEJE. ENMS HL A Dlctyostelium-Dlscoldeum CeUulase Is a Member of P Spore GcrmlnatlonSped&z Gene Family. J B/d C&-m 1991, 266:1%32-15437. BOMINMR .A& KffeW F. SN&“JAGGALSMBE. PmlIS DJM. SCHMP P, VANwAhFnRT PJM: Nutnat Chemotax& and Dlfferentlatlon In Dlctyustellum Mutant FgdC wltb P Defcctlvc Regulatlo” of ReceptorStb~ukited Pbusphol”usltldrxC. J G4 Scl1991. 100:82F831.

BROW RC. LLMMONBE: Pollen Dwelopment I” Orchids. 5. A Gencr~tlve Cell DC.& lnvulved I” Sptlal Control of the Hcmlspbcrlad Cell Plate. I cellsci 1991. 100:559-565. BROWN RC. -lEhlNOn BE: Pollen Development I” OrclUds. 2. The Cytoklnetic Apparatus I” Simultaneous Cytoklnesls. Prmaplanm 1991. 165:155-166. BllRKl E. ANJARDC. SCHOLDERJC. REXMOM,CD: lsolntlon Of lb0 Genes Encodl”g PIItaUve protebl lu”ases Regulated Durtng Dlcty”stcllum-Dlscoldcum Developmcot. Gcue 1991. 102:57-65. CECCAREIJIA, MAHULIBAMH. WIUIM~S JG: Pusltlvcly and Nepntlvelv Actlnnn Sbm& Rem~latlnR Stalk Ceii and ~tc&tie Cell &&re”tlatlon I” Dlctyustellum. Cell 1991,65:9B3989 CKANI’ J. HEPSKOWIT~I: Gcnetlc Control of Bud Site Selectlo” In rust by P Set of Gene Products that Canstltute P Morpbogenetlc Pathway. Cell 1991. 65:12031212. COlyw MH. DOB-I DJ. WAY JM. VlMlrr J. SHAPIRAIi. WORM” I’. .S~w\lur FA. l%lm’JF Two Dlstlnct Bombcsln Receptor Subtypes are Expressed and FunctIonal In Human Lung Carclaomn Cells. J AidOwn 1991,266:i877i-18779 CO\lE! PA HEFSKOU~Z I. Mrl’c~Eu AP: The Yeast RMEl Gene Encodes a Putative Zinc Finger Prutei” that Is Dlrectlv Remwscd bv Al-alnha2. Grrre~ Da* 1991,5:19R-1989 . DOuon’c~ DS. WEUS B. Staw I’J. Scale Blogenais In the Green A@, Mesostlgmn Vlrlde. Pmiq~/arma 1992. 167:1%32. E%% RX. HOu’.u#n PK. FIRTEI.Il.& Re@datlon of the Dlctyustellum CAMP-Induced, Prestalk-specific DdnsD Gene: IdentUiutlon of Cls-actlng Elcmcnts. Nuc/cvc Acids Rs 1992. 20:13251332. FIRTF.LRh SIgnal Transductlo” Pathways Controlling Multicellular Development In DlcgosteUum. rrcwc/s Gwer 1991, 7:38-w FORINO LhK. TAGu&~ACCHIAM, CAVWNI A CIONIM G. GllLUDl E. CIOMNI PG. RNA Synthals I” the Embryo Suspensor of Pbasc”lus C~~~l”eus at 2 Stqcs of Fimbryqeaesls and tbc E&CC of SupplIed Glbberclllc Acid. Pmtqhsvur 1992. 1673152-158 GAERI~GJ, FLEURYA Spatlo-Temporal Reorganlntlon of lntncytopk~~mlc MIcrotubules Is Assuclated with Nuclear SelectIon and DltTerentlatIon During the Developmental Process in the Clihte TetrPhymena Tbermophila. /‘~~@aww 1??l2. 167:7+8-. G~VIMW M. ICw II& DwlAHo 5: Morphogcnals and DlfferentlnUon of Dlctyustellum C4ls InteractIng with lmmoblllzed Glucusldes Dependence on DIP Fvoductlon. /J~~~IIIU~IIOII 1992.49:1331~1. GEORGIEVAEl. Low.mODh* G. %NDKh R. GHOUNERP. LoIIX I’: Hlstone Acctylatlon In Zu-Mays. 2. Blolu&al Slgnfficance of Post-Tm”slatlo”al H&tone Acctylatlon During Embryo GcrmlnnUon. J Rid ff.wm 1991. 266:lR751-18760. GIMENO CJ. LJLINGDAHLPO, SI,US CA. FINK GR Unlpolv Cell DlvIslons In the Yarst SCerevblae Lead to Fllamentous Gmwlh - Rq~ulatlon by S-tlo” and RAS. ci4/ 1992. a:ion-im tl.aEwxoH L GAuUINDO J. RKTELRk Developmental and Spatial Re@daUon of a Dlctyostellum Prespore Gene - Cl.+Acting Elements and a CAMPInduced. Developmentally Regulated DNA Blndlng Activity. &w/qomrnr 1991. 113947. HADWIGEHJ4 RINEL Ilk Analysis of Gu4. a GRotel” . Subunlt Required for MultlceUular Development In D&hmfetIum Gvws Lkc 1932. 6:38-i9. 1271. HADUICERJii WIIRIE TM, S~RATHMX.‘NM. FIKIXL Rh’ . Identllication of Dlctyustellum Co: Genes Expressed During MultlceUular Development. PmN~,f/AcadSci1~SA1991.88:8213-8217 H,~LR’ BA S~HUIERMA Developmental ExpressIon of Plant SnRNAs. Nucleic AC,& Res 1991.19:631~325 I~oO1~ AJJ.HOPPERNk SIMONMN, B01r%lo S. VERON hl. WluUw JG: Multlple Roles for CAMPDependent Rotein KInax During DlctyosteUum Development. Dev Bid 1992.149:‘+99. HARMX)D AJ. HOPPERNA SIMONM.N. Dw.cou DM. VERON . . M. WI& JG: Culmination In Dictyo.s&lIum is Regulated by CAMPdependent RoteI” RImwe. Cd/ 1992. 69615-624. [19]. HULY AM, mwIERowl0. s. STAPIITON AE. GOEBL M. DEPAOUROACHM PRINGLTJR CDC55. P Saccharomyces-Ccmisl Gene lovolved I” Cellular Morphogamsls -IdcntYcntlon, Chwactctitlon. uld Homology to the BSubunit of Manu”al la” TypdA FTotel” Phusphatnse. Md Ce// Bid 1991. 11:5767-5780 HIIDEB~T M. NEUTN W: DUTwentlal AntIsense . . T-rlptlon fmm the Dtctyawt4#m Elt4

Cell differentiation Gene Locus: lmpUeptlons on A”tisenxmediated Regulauo” of MRNA Stablllty. a// 1992. 69:197-204 [12). HoRVm HR. HEIKOWllZ I: Mechanisms of Asyt”metCk Cell Dlvlsion: Tw” Rs or not M Rs. that is the Duestlon. CCU1992.68:237-2% HulOl SR. KR”PF DL lordc Requirements for EstahlkUument of an Embryonic Axls in PelvctlaZygotes. Planta 1991, 10527-33. lm~l R, M~DR 0. IUY RR DlF.1 induces Its Own . . Rreakdown In Dlctyo.steUtm F~frOOJ IY92. 11:284+2n54. 171. JA~NR, YLIEN IS. TAPHO~E CR. G”MER RH: A DensltySensing Factor control9 Developme”t 1” Dlctyc%eUum. Genes Dw 1992. :39+tCKJ W-4 R YUEN IS. T.~H”Iw. CR. Gohm RH: A Dewltvsensing Factor Controls Dcvclopment ln . DktyarrcrrVm Gctrc.s I& 1992. 6.3-00 [I]. JOHNsoN Rl. VAIICHANRA CATER~NAMJ. Vwu-TEH1’ PJM. DFNRF.OTES: PN: OverexpressIon of the CAMF. Receptor-l Ln Growing Dlctyostellum Cells. Biodxmsq 199l.M:6982A986 UY RK Wlce 5. TMYNOR D. NIY~R 0: A Locaked DIF . . Sbtk in the Front of Mayartelium Slug. Pnx NuII Acad sci USA 1992. (I” R&s)[El. WY RR TAYLDRGW. IERMYNKA ~YNOR D: ChlorineCmaUnknp Compounds Fmduced Durinp Dlctyostelium D;velopmcnt Detection by hbellbm with U-36. Uicdxnt I1992. 281:15~161 Klw KE. MO& NR The-TubB Alp&-Tub;Un Gene Is Fssentlal for Sexual Development In AspergtllusNldulnns. Gmtrs Dn’ 1991. 5201 d-2023 ALARAJS:Developmental Cholca In Mating-Type IntercoavemIon In Flsslon Yeast. Tr~wrls Gwd 1992. 8:20a212. Ku& U. C~CSELTONIA Homeodomalns uld Regubttlon of Sexual Development In Rasidlomycetes [Letter]. Tmld~ Gene, 1992. 8:15&155 K~IB U. R~CHARWN WVJ. TY&I”N AM. MIITA~ Es. G”TTGF.N.\ “. GNIlMl% 5. cRF.GoRLADFsA, CASELTONIA The Comblnntion of DissbnUar Alleles of the Wpha and Abeta Gene Complexes. Wbox RoteIns Contain Homeo fhxnah Motlh. DetermInes Sexual Development In the Mushroom Coprlnus Unereus. ~mtcs oer 1992.6:%%5~ K~rw3i~” C. F”I~RNIERP. CtkSlD M. WEBEHH. CAIUAKI~IN C. Uonlng of the Mating-Type Gene MAT.4 of the Yeast Yarmwla-Upolytica. T,A”. D. TEBB G. NhwYIH K: Changes in a SWl4.CDNA.Rlndhtg Complex Occur at the Time of HO Gene Actlvatlo” I” Yeast. Genes Ih 1991. 1:2lMOZOl3. THOS G. KWI AJS.The Url Locus Regulates the Expression of the Cryptic MatingTYpe Loci Of Fission Yeast. Gmcicr 1992, 131:28--s. Tuw”R D. &sw RH. WIIIIML? JG: Chemotactlc . Sorting to CAMP in the MultlceUulv Stages Of LMctyartellum Development. I’m’ NoI/ AC& Sci USA 19?2.89:83Ow1307 1311. TH,I,~ MC. H”I,.U;AY El. FRIEDDWI’WE. ,-BERG RL Developmeotally Regulated Antigen Assoclated with Calcium Crystals In Tobacco A”then. I>kananca 1991. l&13-16. IYMON AM, Ku&s U. IW-N UWJ. ‘.Xw!LT”N IA A Fungal Mating rypC Pmtel” that Regulates Sexual uld Asexual Dcvelopmcnt Contahu 1 POU-related Domain. EUUO J 1992. 11:1805-1814. WAGNERM. Bw.w I. QLIA~” RS:Role of a VltmnectinLike Molecule in Embryo Adheslo” of the Brow,, Alp Fucus. Pm Nnfl Acnd Sci US A 1992. 89.3(wW6.l8


in development

WIU~AMSN, CHOI SYW. RUnUUN Wf, Fw?tK PH: The Mhchotulti ATF Synthase of TypnnosomnB~cel -Developmental Regulatio” Tltmugb tbe Life Cycle. Arch IJi&m LWaphyI 1991. 288:50+515. Wu IJ. DnaECmS PN: DlctymteUvm Tt’atwie”tfy Expresses RIghI Dkxtbxt GPmtef” Al+Subunlts During Its Development PmgTMt. D&km IS&s Res Commun 1991. 175?1141-1147. YMADA Y. 0KAMur” K: cell-Type-specl6c ~csponsiveness to CMW la Cell DlUknxttiaU”” of Dktyoetelium-Discofdeum. LW Bid 1992. 149235-237. YUEN IS. TAPHOUSEC. HAIIAKT KA, G0ME.RRH: RegtdatiOtt and Pmcesslag of a Secreted Pmtdn that Medlate!a 8etLsblg of Cell Detwity I” f3icty”steUum. Lbrv+neni 1991.113:1375-1385.

Cell-cell and cell-matrix in development Related review: A plethora signals during Caenorhabditis development (pp 939-947)

interactions of intercellular elegans

AGCE~ERJ. Ww J. BlACKIE L&t. BARCEILOSH”~;MH. Smuu CH. Btsw.l. MJ: CytodlfferenUntlon Of MOW Mnmmnry Eplthelial CcUs Cukttred On a Reco~Ututed Rasemcnt Membmttc Reveals Striklnp SImlMtles to Development lnvivo. J ck// Sci i99i. 99~407. ru.uu” ET CUNHA GR YOUNG P. NICOU CS: Evidence for an Organ.SpcclRc and &x-Specific Role of lktsic Flbmbkaa Gmwtb Factor In the Devehqment of the Fetal Mvn”aaUa” RepmducUve Ttact. Ertlda’rindom~ 1991. 129:214%2154. AlARlo ET. SCHLL&TER NI, RVSSEUSM. NICOU.CS: Esldeoce suggatlng that lnsuU”-Like Gmwth Hctor-1 is Netfor the Trcmhic Effects Of l”suU”

A, NOONAIYDM. MELTHKXI A. Fawu CF. PERCARl” M. GE~~UU S. ToFFENXll’I 1. CHA”ER GJ: Lunlntninduced Retlnoblnstoma keU Diffe&UaU”m Pmslblc lavolvement of a lOO-kDa Cell-sut%ce latnlnla-binding ROtei”. Pm Nail Acarl Sci US A 1992.89:2257-2261. AIYHR’ 1. JIMENV.J. WH~COOPU( H. DA-N I. NURSEP. Guava DM: tw&tc. a Cdc25 Homolog that Functions In the Male nod Female GetmU”e of Drosopblla. &I/ 1992,69:9nm-!WS ALn”,uR D. CEPK” C A Temponlly Regulated, Diffusible Activity Is Required for Rod Photomceptor Dewlopmcnt lnvltm. Derv/cWw~l 1992.114:947-957. AMAYAE. Muw TJ. KIPSCHNEHhlW: Expresslo” of a Domhunt Ncgatlve Mutant of the PGF Receptor Dlsrupu Mesaden” F”rmnUo” I” Xenopus Embryos. &/I 1991. 66257-270 ,U.uav’~ T. YP-s DA, Lwr’ JW. NARHILO. LI1 HS. Pnsrwsu SJ. CLDGSTONCl. ZSEBOKhl. MENDW. IL% lVnvc~ J. LOGIC KE: Glycorylnted a”d Unglycosylated Recomblruot-Derived Human Stem Cell Facton are DImcrlc and have Extcnslve Rc@ar Secondary Structure. J Bid OXIII 1991. 266:18942-18948. ,Utc~cl RJ. PMIPWR 5. POIMR” JW: grtpresslo” Of CSF. l/c-tins Pnd SF/c-kit Messenger RNA Durtng Fwlmplnaation Mouse Development. Del* Bid 1592. 151:1-8. AI(CIONI I. SIMEONEh Gum s. ~A~AWCNA V. BONClNEUl E. hlA\IU” F. The UpaRegion Of the Human Homeobox Gene HOX3D is a Target for Regulation by Retlaoic Acid attd HOX Homec.protehts. E,WBOJ 1992. 11:265-278. ARTAv~vLSNKONASS. DEU”AK,S C, FEH”N RG: The Notch Locus and the Cell Biology of Neumblnst 8egrcptlon. Annu Rev Cdl Bid 1991.7~427452. ,,~A\‘ANLF~~AK~NA~S. SINEON P: Cho‘&ttg a C.e,, Fate P View from the Notch Locus. Tn& Gencll991. 7403-308 A,-rr,,,D, 8, \‘AUG”AN J, VALEW: Rq”hUo” of PS”betaMessenger RIbonudelc Acid Levels I” the Rat by Rndogenous lnbibln. End~Cri,tdogy 1992. 130!557-559. Amstivo I, Ww JL CHEIFETZ5, MASSAGUE J: Novel Actkin Receptors - Dlstlnct Genea a”d Altcmatlve Messenger RNA Spllcbtg Generate P Repertoire of Serl”e/Thre”“i”e KItuse Receptot%. cdl 1992.68:97-108. BAKERNE. RUBIN GM: Eulpse Mutations In the Dms”phUa Homologue of the EGP Receptor Affect Pattern FormatIon. Cell Dlvislo”. attd Cell Death in Eye lmqinal Discs. Lh Bid 1992. 150:38-3%.




Cell differentiation


and cell-matrix

BNXAN W. COIBERTM. B@x C. IJNNM E: Transgenlc lndlator Mlcc for Studying Activated Retinoic Acid Recepton During Development. /+w N&l /tad SC/II s A 1992.893347-3351, BANWEE SD. TOOI.E BP: Monuclonal Antibody to Chick Embryn Hyabwnan-Bfndbxg Protein ~-Changes In Distrlbutlon of Rind@ Pmteln During Early Brain Development. Dw Bid 1391. 146:18&197. BANKERDE. BIGLERj. EISENM&NRN: The Thymld Hormone Receptor Geoe (c-erbAalpha) Is Expressed in Advance of Thyrnld Gland Maturation During the lkarly Embryonic DeveIotJme”t of XenoDus-laevh. ‘v/o/ a,/ Miol 1991. ii507wo89 BARDJBI. Rc% AS& UF, the ES-CCU InhIbitlo” Factor. Revemlbly Blocks Nephrogenesls In Cultured Mouse Kklney Rudbnents. Dw/qnnwr 1991, 115193. Bm UIP. II XS. WIUM,~ M. BEN~~,c S: LocaUmtlo” of lnsulln-Llkc GruMb Factor-l Messenger RNA in Murine Gnu-d Nervous System During Pmtnatal Dewlopment. Dm Hid 1991. 147:23+250 BAZANJF: Ncuropoietii Cymkina in the Hemntopoietlc Fold. Neuron 1991.7:197-20H BEAUCHMIPJR, ABR,Uim DJ. B”~‘Gtwu”s G. P.umurxx TA. OLSENI: Expression and Functlo” of Heterntypic Adhesion Molecules During DUTerentiation of Human Skeletal Muscle in Culture. AINJ /WJ.. 1992.140:387-m BIWPS LG. Ptm D. DOl~~tw,hn K. NARAYANAN H. CHII’ Cl’. IAM)RETI+KS: DilTerent&l Roles of Stromal Cells. Interleukin-7. and Kit-L&and In the Regulation of R-Lymphopoials. sloorl1992,79:1 IRi-I 192. BOMNE DM. CRO?i,mPS. Cm SC: Effects of Hentatopoktk Growth Factors on the Survival of Primltlve Stem Cells Lo Liquid Suspension Culture. Qlwd 199l.78~91&920. BONCINEW E. SIMEONEA, A~AMP”RA D. h(h\l,l” F: HOX Gene Activation by Retinolc Acid. Trenrh tYM: Syndecan. a Cell Surface Froteqlyan. Exhibits P ~olecubu PulymorphLsm During Lung Development. ,hw Qld 1991. 147:2nF292. BREERC. AUlrw.xr U, STERRER 5. RIMII W: Expression of Vascular Endotbclial Gruwth Factor Durinn Embryonic Angiugenesls and Endothclial Celi Differentiatlo”. Oew/qwwn, 1992. 114:521-532. BROWNAJ, SANDEB El: lntcractfons Between Mesnderm Celis and the &traceUular Matrix Following GDstrulaUo” I” the Chick Embryo. J Cd/ So ,991, 59:431-%41. Blui J. MYC 4 GANIE & Cvdoh~ G. DUTerences In the Actlon and MetabnUsm Between Retinol and Retinoic Acid I” Lvmuhuwtcs-B. , G,// &o/ 1991, llS:851-859 . . Btm?%~ HM. P”-,‘MAN RN: Quantitative F.,Tects of lnmbUn Concentntlon on Neuritc Outgromh Invitro. Lkw Bid 1991. 14526276 CA-SANIU KRAMERH. HART AC. zIPUI(FKYSL The Bride of Sevenless and Sevenless lntenction l”ter”aU?aUo” of a Transmcmbrane L&and. cell 1992.693393399 CAROIVCE. HANCOC G. COOPERSH. WIT DE, BR”~.~ER HE: Mast Ceil Grosvlh Factor (c-kit L&and)


in develooment

Sukt~ tbc Growth of Human Multlnutcntlal Pr&enltor Ceils with P High Replntin’g PotenUaL ///axi 1991.78:2216-2221. CAPSOXDD. Juw J. JAC”US AL Uterine Strumnl Cell Chondrnltln Sulfate Pruteuglycans Bind to Colkqen m-1 and lnhlblt Embryo Outgrnwth Invitro. Der. Q/d 1992. 149~307-316. CHEN WY, ZLOTNIK h: IL-10 - a Novel Cytotoxic TCell Differentintlon Factor. J Imnmrtd 1991. 147528-534. CHO~IIENNEC. BAUTRAYDN. BAUER~NIP. C&~A&WE 5. D~THE H. DECOSL AU-Trans Retinolc Acid Modulates the Retlnok Acid Receptor-alpha in Fvnmyelwytlc Cells. J C/in hrrmf 1991. RR:215&2154. CHRISTUVJl. OLV)N DJ. MOON flT Xwnt-8 Modiiies the Character of Mesoderm Induced by BFGF In Isolated Xenopus Bctudetm. E\I/.iO J ,992. 11.3.w2. Cwu( SGG.STEFLV MJ. H”R\n% HR C. Elegans Cell. . . sl~llng Gene semSEncodes a F’rotcin with SIC? and SH3 Dumalns. Nofuw 1992. 356 W&3-1.1


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Early development Related reviews: Sex determination and differentiation in invertebrates: Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans (pp 948-954) and Molecular mechanisms of determination in Drosophila (pp 955%961? rUwo17 MK. IINGI’FI. JA Embryonic Head Involullon and Rotation of Male Tenninalia Require the Drusuphlh Locus Head Involution Defer&e. Gmetiu I99 I, 129 783-7W AGARUM VT,. SAT0 Shl. XLPOU 1 and XLPOU 2. Two Novel POU Domain Genes Expressed in the Dorsuanterior Region of Xenopus Embryos. I>w Iitd 1991, 147 363mf3 ~UWNGERJ. RwENQIIIST TA. IAWO~ DN. Klblllle J The Caenorhabiditls Elegans Sex Determining Gene Fern-3 is Regulated Post-Tnnscriptionally. F:IIRO J 1992. ll.?.W3-2310 Auw01’ hl. II.E\E I IJ. Purine Utlllsatlon, De Nova Synthesis and Degradation in Mouse Reimplantation Embryos. I~wl~nw~t,a 1992. 114:185-I92 &.TAI,A rW: Vertebrate Development . an Emerging Svnthesls. liwr& C;c,w, 1991, 72762W ALTAIIAARI. JWEU. TM: Refln~lc Acid Mudlfies the Fatter” of Cell DUTcrentiaUon In the Central Nervous System of Neurula Stage Xenopus Embrvos. fkr~c/w~~rcwr 1991, 112:%&9W Al.\‘.ww IS.$HOEWW GC Expansion of surface Epithelium Provides the Major Extrinsic Force for ftending of the Neural Plate. J Exp Zml 19% 261:[email protected] A,\~YA E. hllx, TJ, KIR~~HFLER hlW’: Expression of a Dominant Ne@lve Mutant of the FGF Receptor Disrupts Mesuderm Formatlo” In Xenopus Embryos. C I’ Reinvestigation of DNA Ligw I in Axolotl and Pleurudeles Development. IV~~cIv~ I, ISIIHOROUIV. D: Apical Locallutlon of Rlr-Rule Trvlscripts Requires 3’ Sequences uld Urnits Protcln Di5~sioo in the Drusuphlla Blutoderm Embryo. CP// 1991. 67:927-910. DFhY J. Biology of MvnmaUa” FeRlUzatIon - Role of the Zone-PeUuclda. J Uitr hrrw 1992, 89:1055-IO59 DFA~WCRJ. DALY M. R.,,,ktOl.I~ NB. BROCKHW The Complex Genetic locus Pulyhomeotic I” Dmsuphila-Mela”ogPrter Potentially Encodes Two liomologous Zl”C-PItIger Protein% cell@ 1991. lOS:185-195 lXCAll”~3 M. CHENG N. PlERRED. BROCKHW: The . polybomeotIc Gene of DmsqMla F.ncodes a Chrumntln Pmteln that Shvrs Polytene




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Gems LX’ 1992. &W-:32. [40$ DEFEUClM. DOICI S: Leukemia lnhlbltoy Factor sustdns the survival of Mouse PrhnordId Geml cdb cultured on TM4 Feeder layers. /x-l* Uld 1991.147261-284. DEURUE M. SANCHa S. JoHWn ICE.DAWBERET. EOUCAUI Jc: A Pate Map of Supct’licld and Deep Clrcumblastoporrl Cells In the evly G~crula of Pleumdel~WaltlU. Lkw/~menf 1992.114:135. DEuDAKISC. Pwa h D& AKTAVAN~I~AKONA~ S: 2 GenetIcally and Moleeulnrly Dlstlnct FuncUo”s h~vh-ed In Early Ncu~esb Reshle Wlthin the Enhancer of Split Locus of DrosophilaMehnqpstcr. Gelrelics 1991. 129803523. DEROUEKIISEM, MOIUTAEA. 010 KWY: Gadlent FIelda and Home&a Genes. Dert@mmr 1991. 112:66%578. DFSIMONEDW. NORTON PA. HYNFs RO: Identi6otIon a”d Chamcter&atlon of AlternatIvely Spliced Plbrunecti” Mc~cnger RNAs Expressed in Early Xenopw Embryos. Der. Rid 1992.149357-369. DIUEUIJ PR WrntER, DA, BAYERC& FRlSlROMJW. GUIUI GM: The Dms”pbUa Br”adComplu Encodes a Famuy of Related Pmtelns Containing zinc Ftn~cn. Genr,l~a 1991. 129385-397. DIEDERICHRJ. PAlTATuccI AM. KAIIFU+.VTC: Developmental md EvcduUonary lmpUcatIo”s of labial, Deformed and Enwed ExpressIon In the Drosophila Head. &r&#~n~et~tlr 1991, 113273. DlRUEN MI, JAMRICHM: A Novel. AC&l”-todudblc. Blastopore Lipspedllc Gene of xenopua laevls Cmttahu a Fork Head DNA-binding Do”&“. Gora /%ocl.1992,6:59’+&bS. DRAKECl. DAWS L4 H~WXWORD IE. LillU CD: Pe&rbatio” of Beta1 l”t-&rhl.Med&ted Adhestoos Resulu in Alter& Sumltc Cdl Shape md Bebavlor. De,’ Bid 1992. 149:327-3%. Rutein Expressed In Entbtyonlc IKidney and WUms Tumor. Pnx N&l rtuul Sci 11S A 1992 89:1179-l 183. I)IIF~ JB. GEHGENJP: The D#.ampHIO sqpnentation Gene runt Acts as a Fwition-specific Numerator Element Necxmarv for the Uniform Acth-atio” of the Sex-deter”d”i”R Ge”e SeolcpbrrL Genes Del’ 1991,5:21762187.~12f. Dkw~ IQ. K.&w hU GUK~EN IP: Exoression and F;“ctlo” of the Dm&pbUa-Gene Runt In Early Stages of Neural Development. Dewlq~m~~l1991. 113:1x3 E”ERal+ T. Lu F. AWL, K: New Molecular Waken for the Distal End of the T-Complex and Their Bdatlonships to Mutations Affecting Mouse oeve10,““enc. GerWliLx 1992. 131.17Fl02.


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Cell differentiation.

Bibliography of the current world literature This bibliography is compiled by cell biologists from the journals listed at the end of this publicat...
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