over the seat of pain : the pain became very the Assistant-Surgeon of the dispensary then saw the patient and prescribed Extract of belladonna in ' grain doses every two hours ; bromide of potassium in doses of 30 grains was also ordered?two doses to be given during the night. By an error the case was not regarded as very serious, and hence no intimation was given to me at night. When I visited the jail at 7-15 A. M. on 26th, I found that the patient had been vomiting the whole night; the abdomen was tense and painful, but not on pressure : the pain was most severe about the umbilicus.. A constriction was seen passing across the belly a little below- the umbilicus ; abdomen full above constriction, sunken below it : features drawn ; he had not slept : was thirsty : pulse not accelerated ; skin cool. A Belladonna pill was given before me : it was rejected in a few minutes. At 8-20 A. M. I injected hypodermically ^th of a grain of atropia, 30 grains of Pot. bromide were given by mouth. Fomentation were applied to the abdomen. At 10 A. M. I repeated the atropia and 60 grains bromide by At 1 P. M. I injected ^th grain of atropia : at 3 mouth. After the second p. M. 60 grains bromide were repeated. injection of atropia the pain and constriction of belly and the but otherwise nausea were symptoms were relieved, unchanged. It should be stated that urine was passed freewas and returned stercoraceous ly. At 3 P. M. vomiting in character. Between 3 and 6 p. M. he vomited 3 times, the rejected matters were slightly faecal in smell and yellowish in color. When seen at 7 P. M. his pulse was fuller than before and compressible ; skin cool. He had no pain, the belly was soft r no nausea. I injected ^\Tth grain of atropia. At 12 P. M. it was reported that his condition was the The Assistant-Surgeon injected the evening. same as in ^jth grain of atropia. 27th, 2. a. m.?I saw him and learnt that he had slept well ; there had been no return of vomiting, condition same as in last report. At 7 A. M. I injected T*?th grain atropia. He had passed a good night, but the bowels had not acted. I directed that cold milk in small quantities at a time should be given ; latein the afternoon he complained of being hungry and ate some rice. In the ; evening the bowels acted. Altogether the quantity of atropia injected was T*,th of a grain. He was discharged from hospital in a few days. Pertabgarh, 10 th June 1880. was




McReddie, M.D., Surgeon, Pertabgarh. Prisoner Luchmun, No. 4489, aged 30. The above was admitted into the Jail Hospital on the evening of the 25tli May, complaining of pain in the abdomen. The bowels had acted in the morning. The Hospital Assistant gave him a dose of chlorodyne, and on this not affording relief, followed it up in two hours with a dose of chloral. A mustard plaster Civil


Case of Obstruction of the Bowel.

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