Campylobacter Peritonitis in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis: Report of Eight Cases and a Review of the Literature Colin J. Wood, FRACP, Vennessa Fleming, BMed Sci, John Turnidge, FRACP, FRCPA, Napier Thomson, PhD, FRACP, and Robert C. Atkins MSc, FRACP • Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-associated peritonitis remains the most common complication of this form of renal replacement therapy and the potential causative organisms are many and varied. Campylobacter bacteria are unusual causes of peritonitis in CAPO patients and we report our experience with eight cases and review those cases reported in the literature. In many episodes, there is a strong association with acute enterocolitis, which may precede the onset of cloudy dialysate by many days. The method of spread of these organisms from the gastrointestinal tract to the peritoneal cavity remains speculative. Bacteremic transfer would appear the most likely route, although it is probable that no single mode of spread explains all episodes. The treatment of choice of Campylobacter peritonitis is with intraperitoneal aminoglycoside in combination with oral erythromycin. An awareness of the potential for Campylobacter to cause CAPO-associated peritonitis, particular1y when diarrhea is a prominent feature, has resulted in this organism becoming increasingly isolated in our unit. © 1992 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. INDEX WORDS: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; peritonitis; Campylobacter.


ONTINUOUS AMBULATORY peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is now widely accepted as effective treatment for end-stage renal failure, but peritonitis remains the most common complication. I Staphylococci, particularly coagulasenegative species, are the most frequently isolated organisms, accounting for approximately 50% of all reported peritonitis episodes. Gram-negative bacilli, although occurring less commonly, are isolated in approximately 20% of peritonitis episodes, but this proportion can vary widely.2 Campylobacters are micro-aerophilic curved or spiral gram-negative bacteria recognized in the 1970s as a common cause of acute enterocolitis in man. They occur in the intestinal flora of many wild and domestic animals and poultry and can be transmitted to humans by milk, water, and undercooked meat polluted by such animal carriers. Although a common cause of enterocolitis, they are rare causes of CAPD-associated peritonitis, with only 12 cases having been described in the literature previously (Table 1).3-13 We report our experience with eight episodes of Campylobaeter peritonitis and compare our cases with those previously published. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Patients Three hundred fifty-four patients have commenced CAPD in our center since 1978. During this period, there have been 1,214 episodes of peritonitis, with 49% due to staphylococcal species (coagulase-negative staphylococci, 39%) and 24% due to gram-negative bacteria. The diagnosis of peritonitis was made on the presence of turbid dialysate with subsequent dialysate microscopy con-

firming greater than 100 white blood cells per microliter of dialysate. The empirical treatment for CAPD peritonitis was as follows. After collection of the first bag of cloudy dialysate, vancomycin 30 mg/kg was administered peritoneally with the next bag. If gram-positive organisms were isolated, a second dose of vancomycin was administered intraperitonea1ly at day 5. If gram-negative organisms were identified by microscopy or culture, piperacillin, 3-g loading dose followed by I g intraperitoneally, was administered with each bag to continue for 5 days after clearing of the dialysate. If the gram-negative organism isolated subsequently proved resistant to piperacillin, then antibiotic therapy was changed to a drug to which the organism was susceptible.

Laboratory Diagnosis The methods used in our laboratory are a combination of methods described by Reller et al 14 and methods developed in-house. 15 The first bag drained following presentation (ie, onset of turbid dialysate, often in association with abdominal pain) is examined by microscopy and culture. Heparin, 500 U IL, is added at the bedside. In our cases of Campy/obacter peritonitis, delay in processing ranged from 40 minutes to 18 hours, with an average of 7 hours. Fifty milliliters of thoroughly mixed peritoneal dialysate fluid is withdrawn with a sterile needle and syringe through the dialysate bag port following disinfection with 70% alcohol. Of this, 40 mL is distributed in 20-mL aliquots between 50 mL of tryptone soya broth (Oxoid, Basingstoke, England) supplemented with 0.5 giL 4-aminobenzoic acid (BDH Chemicals, Poole, England), 0.5 giL sodium polyetholsulphonate (Liquoid, Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland) and

From the Department 0/ Nephrology, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Australia. Address reprint requests to Colin J. Wood, FRACP, Department o/Nephrology, Monash Medical Centre, 246 Clayton Rd, Clayton 3168, Australia. © 1992 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 0272-6386/92/1903-0007$3.00/0

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol XIX, No 3 (March). 1992: pp 257-263



WOOD ET AL Table 1. Other Reports ot Campy/obaeter Peritonitis

Reference (Age, Sex)





SulphamethoxazoleTrimethoprim IP Gentamicin IP Erythromycin 0 Cephalothin IP, 1M Tobramycln IP Cephalothin IP Cloxacllin IP Clindamycin IP Erythromycin 0 Cephazolin IP Tobramycin IP

(50, M)


C jejuni


Vernon and Dominguez (61, M) Waters et aI (68, F)




C fetus ss intestinalis C jejuni


(62, M)


C fetus ss fetus


Blaser et al (51, M) Kristinsson et al a. (64, F)

1986 1986

C jejuni C fetus ss fetus


Pepersack et al

Wens et al



(63, M)

Meigh et al

(58, F)

Papasian and Burdick (44, M) Van den Enden et al (48, F) Caruana et al

(49, M)

Goodman and Wise (63, F)

C jejuni

Yes Yes'


C coli (stool) C fetus (peritoneal fluid) Ccoli


C jejuni



Campy/obacter ?species



C jejuni




NS Cefuroxime IP (1 st episode) Gentamicin IP Erythromycin 0 Cefuroxime IP Erythromycin IP, 0 Vancomycin IP Netilmicin IP Erythromycin 0 Vancomycin Gentamicin Cefazolin IP Tobramycin IP Imipenem IV, IP Cephalothin IP Tobramycin IP Erythromycln Amoxycillin Flucloxacillin IV, IP Tobramycin IP Cephalothin IP Cephalexin 0



Resolved Resolved

Resolved but subsequent septicemia with same organism NS Resolved

Resolved Resolved

Died Resolved



Abbreviations: IP, intraperitoneally; 0 ,orally; 1M, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; NS, not stated . • Diarrhea preceded by cloudy dialysate.

0.166 giL pyridoxal HCl (Calbiochem-Behring, La Jolla, CAl, and 80 mL ofthioglycollate USP broth (Oxoid) supplemented with 0.5 giL 4-aminobenzoic acid, 0.5 giL Liquoid, 0.3 giL agar bacteriological (agar no. I; Oxoid), I % vitamin K (3phytylmenadione; Sigma Chemicals, St Louis, MO) and 1% haemin (Sigma Chemicals). The tryptone soya broth (vented) and the thioglycollate broth (unvented) are incubated at 37°C for 7 days. Two drops of peritoneal dialysate fluid are stained with 0.1% toluidine blue in ethanol and leukocyte and erythrocyte counts per cubic millimeter are performed in an improved Neubauer counting chamber. The remaining peritoneal di-

alysate fluid (-10 mL) is centrifuged at 2,500 rpm for 5 minutes to increase the sensitivity of the smear results. The resuspended deposit (0.5 mL) is used to prepare a Gram stain (counterstain Safranin 0) and a pipette drop is cultured onto each of three plates: saponin-lysed horse blood agar with liquoid (Columbia base agar with 5% defibrinated horse blood and 0.05% saponin), MacConkey agar, and Sabouraud's dextrose agar. The saponin-lysed horse blood and MacConkey agar plates are incubated at 35°C, 7% CO2 for a minimum of 2 days; the Sabouraud's dextrose agar plate is incubated at 30°C, aerobically for 7 days. The broths are Gram-stained, subcultured onto routine media incubated at 35°C in CO 2

CAMPYLOBACTER PERITONITIS and anaerobically for 2 days if one or more of the following occurs: (I) there is an increase in turbidity after incubation; (2) a microorganism is isolated from the primary plates; and/ or (3) the patient is not responding to treatment. Campylobacters were identified using techniques described by Morris and Patton. 16 Susceptibility tests were performed by the disc diffusion method as described by Barrett et aI. 17 In only one of our cases was Campy/obaeter isolated from primary plates using our standard procedure. We were guided in this instance by a history of gastroenteritis and included an additional primary horse blood agar plate incubated in a "Campgas" atmosphere of 16.5% CO2 in N2 at 35°C for 2 days. Campy/obaeter species were isolated from tryptone soya broth in five of six and in thioglycolate in six of six instances where this organism was specifically sought. It was found that screening of the broth cultures with phase contrast microscopy at 48 hours was a useful technique to detect the possible presence of these organisms. This proved to be easier to read than a Gram stain of the same material.


Between August 1988 and July 1990,216 peritonitis episodes were documented. Campylabaeter species were isolated in eight of these episodes. In two episodes of Campylabaeter peritonitis, two morphologically distinct variants of the same species were isolated from the initial dialysate sample. Campylabaeter jejuni was the most common type of Campylabaeter isolated (n = 5) with Campylabaeter eali and Campylabaeter laridis (recently renamed as Campylabaeter lari 18 ) each isolated on one and two occasions, respectively. During the above-mentioned period, of the 208 non-Campylabaeter peritonitis episodes, diarrhea was reported as part of the symptomatology at presentation in 19%. In the vast majority of these cases, the severity of diarrhea was limited to no more than three to four loose bowel motions daily and was either coincident on the development of cloudy dialysate or noted no more than a few hours before presentation. In Campylabaeter peritonitis, diarrhea was documented in seven of the eight episodes (88%) and was severe (more than eight bowel motions daily) in four (50%). The clinical details of these eight patients presenting with Campylabaeter peritonitis are outlined in Table 2. Patients 1, 2, 3, and 4 all presented initially with severe acute enterocolitis, but clear dialysate. Clinical peritonitis (cloudy dialysate) developed between 1 and 10 days after the initial presentation (10 days, 2 days, 2 days, 1 day, respectively). Patient 2 did not have fecal


cultures performed and underwent immediate . removal of the peritoneal dialysis catheter following the onset of cloudy dialysate due to a persistent staphylococcal tract infection. Patients 1, 3, and 4 all had positive fecal cultures for Campylabaeter at presentation. Patients 5, 6, and 7 presented more typically with cloudy dialysate and abdominal pain, but diarrhea was not a prominent feature in these patients. Patients 5 and 7 did not have fecal cultures performed. Patient 6 had fecal cultures performed 2 weeks after the initial presentation. These cultures were negative. Patient 8 had a complicated medical course before his presentation with Campylabaeter peritonitis. He was investigated extensively due to marked malabsorption syndrome resulting in frequent loose bowel motions, fecal fat excretion of 165 g per 3-day collection, and weight loss of 30 kg over a 6-month period. No cause for his malabsorption was found, but this led to a significantly malnourished state. His presentation with Campylabaeter peritonitis was not associated with any change in bowel habit, but this was difficult to assess in the setting of his steatorrhea. His course was one of steady deterioration despite appropriate antibiotic therapy and removal of the peritoneal dialysis catheter. Blood cultures grew C jejuni (also isolated from the initial dialysate sample) and repeated fecal cultures were negative. He remained unwell following transfer to hemodialysis and died after cardiac arrest 19 days following the presentation with peritonitis. Postmortem examination showed evidence of acute myocardial infarction and generalized peritonitis. No bowel pathology was detected to explain either the malabsorption or a source of peritonitis. The susceptibility of isolated campylobacters to antibiotics is demonstrated in Table 3. All campylobacters were sensitive to gentamicin and, where tested, to erythromycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. Variable sensitivities were demonstrated with piperacillin and ciprofloxacin. Other antibiotics were tested infrequently. Satisfactory clearing of the dialysate was achieved in all patients except patient 8, although patient 7 presented 3 weeks after the initial episode with a recurrence of cloudy dialysate and abdominal pain. Dialysate cultures on this occasion were negative. In patients 1, 3, and 4,


260 Table 2. Case Reports



Period on CAPD (mo)




Fecal Culture


e jejuni






e jejuni

Not tested





e jejuni






e lari


Not tested






eeolil & II





e jejuni e lari

Negative (2 weeks postepisode) Not tested

e jejuni












Specific Treatment


None (Vancomycin IP) Gentamicin IV Tenkhoff removed Piperacillin IPt Gentamicin IP Erythromycin 0 Piperacillin IP Gentamicin IP Erythromycin 0 Gentamicin IP Erythromycin 0 Gentamicin IP Ciprofloxacin 0


Gentamicin IP Erythromycin 0 Doxycycline 0 Gentamicin IP/IV Erythromycin 0 Chloramphenicol IV

Resolved Resolved


Resolved Resolved



• Severe (>8 bowel motions daily). t Initial treatment when gram-negative organism identified, before complete identification. t: Malabsorption syndrome: fecal fat, 165 g per 3-day collection.

clearing of the dialysate was noted before the commencement of antibiotics to which the organism demonstrated in vitro sensitivity. Five patients were treated with intraperitoneal gentamicin and oral erythromycin; patient 6 received oral ciprofloxacin in combination with intraperitoneal gentamicin; and patient 1 received intraperitoneal vancomycin alone. Patient 2 received intravenous gentamicin following removal ofthe dialysis catheter. DISCUSSION

Diarrhea is relatively common in any patient presenting with CAPO peritonitis, but is usually mild and generally thought to be of little clinical relevance. Approximately 19% of peritonitis episodes in our unit are associated with diarrhea. This association is stronger with Campy/abaeter peritonitis (70% of all reported episodes) and the diarrhea can frequently be severe. Interestingly, of the common bacterial pathogens causing diarrhea in our community, only Campy/abaeter species have been isolated from dialysate in our

CAPO population. No Salmonella or Shigella species have been seen. Acute Campy/abaeter enterocolitis is most commonly due to C jejuni, although a similar presentation can occur with C eali and C lari. 19 C fetus generally causes a bacteremic illness without significant diarrheal disease and shows a predilection for endovascular surfaces in immunocompromised patients. 2o This clinical variability is also seen in Campy/abaeter peritonitis. Peritonitis due to C jejuni, C eali, or C lari is often associated with severe diarrhea, which can precede the onset of cloudy dialysate by several days. This finding is supported by other reports of Campy/abaeter peritonitis (Table 1)3,4,8-11 where although the severity of the diarrhea is not stated, it is again noted to commonly precede the onset of peritonitis. It is unusual for diarrhea to precede non-Campy/abaeter peritonitis by more than a few hours. Diarrhea is less likely in C fetus peritonitis. In the four previously reported cases, diarrhea was present on two occasions and in both cases was considered most likely due to an


261 Table 3. Susceptibility of Isolates Susceptibility Test Result

Patient No. Species

Gentamicin' Chloramphenicol' Tetracycline' Erythromycin' Piperacillint Ciprofloxacint Imipenemt Cefotaximet Ceftriaxonet Aztreonamt Ampicillint








































Abbreviations: CJ, Campy/obaeter jejuni; CL, Campy/obaeter /ari (/aridis); CC, Campy/obaeter coli; S, susceptible; L, intermediate; R, resistant; - , not done. , Interpretive zone diameters as per Barrett et al. 16 t Interpretive zone diameters as per National Committee on Clinical Laboratory Standards. 28

alternative organism, ie, Clastridium dif.fieile or Campylabaeter eali which was isolated from the patients' feces but not the dialysate. 8 ,9 Possible modes of spread of Campylabaeter to the peritoneal cavity in our patients is only speculative. It can potentially arise from either outside contamination at the time of bag change procedure, transmural migration of organisms across the intestinal wall, or bacteremic spread of organisms. Campylabaeter contamination of the fingertips is possible during the period of fecal shedding; however, relatively simple methods of routine hygiene can eradicate this contamination?1 Poor technique and poor hygiene have not been a feature of our patients' course on peritoneal dialysis and, although not excluded, touch contamination with transluminal spread of organisms would seem less likely ~ Reports of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis occurring in cirrhotic patients due to organisms of enteric origin (including C jejuni and C eali) are generally quoted in support of transmural migration of organisms resulting in peritonitis.22-24 Transmural migration is most likely to occur when the bowel wall is acutely inflamed, but evidence supporting this mode of spread is largely indirect. Bacteremia appears to be an unusual manifestation of Campylabaeter infection. Less than 1% of patients have had documented positive

blood cultures. 25 This has been explained in part by the infrequency with which blood cultures are taken in patients with acute diarrhea even when febrile. Blood cultures are also performed infrequently in CAPD patients presenting with peritonitis. Our patient (no. 8) is the first report of C jejuni bacteremia occurring in association with CAPD peritonitis. C fetus bacteremia has been documented in a CAPD patient 3 weeks after a peritonitis episode. 6 However, in an ongoing surveillance program of significant blood culture isolates in our state (Victoria) in Australia, 11 isolates of Campylabaeter species (C jejuni, 5; C eali, 4, Campylabaeter speeies, 2) have been documented over a 2-year period, suggesting that bacteremia with Campylabaeter may be more common than previously thought (J. Forsyth, personal communication). Blaser et aC postulate that either increased virulence, eg, resistance to bactericidal effects of normal serum or a host immune defect such as may occur in chronic renal failure, is important in the development of extraintestinal Campylabaeter infection. Transmission to the peritoneal cavity by the bloodstream is more likely with C fetus given that this organism is resistant to the bactericidal activity of human serum, whereas C jejuni and C eali are often serum-sensitive. 26 Despite the speculation on the differing mechanisms of developing Campylabaeter peritonitis, it is



probable that no single mode of spread explains all episodes. Spontaneous resolution of Campylabaeter peritonitis has not previously been reported; however, three patients in our series were noted to have clearing of the dialysate before the commencement of appropriate antibiotic. This may relate to the organism's sensitivity to host-defense mechanisms, but full treatment with appropriate antibiotics is still advocated. Many differing antibiotic regimens have been used to treat Campylabaeter peritonitis, but intraperitoneal aminoglycoside in combination with oral erythromycin would seem the most appropriate approach given the results of antibiotic sensitivity profiles. Sensitivity patterns on the organisms isolated in our patients have demonstrated sensitivity to aminoglycodies and erythromycin, whereas sensitivity to Ciprofioxin and cephalosporins was variable. Campylobacters are reported as generally resistant to cephalosporins. 27

A search for Campylabaeter should be undertaken if there is a history of diarrhea either before or at the time of presentation with CAPO-associated peritonitis. Inclusion of a blood agar plate in the initial cultures incubated in an atmosphere appropriate for Campylabaeter species is recommended in these circumstances. Routine screening of all broth cultures by phase contrast microscopy also appears to be sensitive in detecting possible Campylabaeter species and would be simple to include in the normal laboratory protocol. It is likely that campylobacters cause a small proportion of culture-negative CAPO peritonitis and therefore a prospective search using the above techniques would be worthwhile. Refinements in microbiological techniques coupled with an increased awareness of the potential for Campylabaeter species to cause peritonitis in CAPO patients has resulted in this entity being increasingly recognized.

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Campylobacter peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: report of eight cases and a review of the literature.

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-associated peritonitis remains the most common complication of this form of renal replacement therapy...
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