Neuroscicmc Lt,llos. 140 11992) 37 41 .c, 1992 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved 0304-3940/92/$ 05.00


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Brainstem influences on biceps reflex activity and muscle tone in the anaesthetized rat R J . W . J~ch, A. S c h a a f s m a a n d J.D. v a n Willigen D~7~arlment O/Neurohio/o alic area of dynamic control) and tile red nucleus, l h e MesADC systems control 2" v~hercas flae rubrospinal system controls ?% 76 alld '~ motoueurone activity [1,2]. Activation of these system,~ or part of these systems therefore might be explanatory for the observed effects on our experiments. However, the question remains whether the observed increase in biceps activity after stimulation of the M L R is the result of an excitatory action on c~ motoneurones or to an enhanced fusimotor drive, From the time expanded view in Fig. 2 we can see that E M G activity perfectly remained in phase with the imposed length signal and stimulus unrelated activity was not recorded. The electrical stimulation of the M L R did not increase background activity of ~ motoneurones but reinforced the response to muscle vibration. We explain the observed increased response to muscle vibration at least partly being due to an enhanced drive of the fusimotor system. The same explanation can be given for the enhanced responses to muscle stretch. However, a direct facilitation of spinal cc motoneurones cannot be excluded. This can be derived from the experiment as presented in Fig. 1. This figure shows that at stimulus offswitch only a partial drop in E M G activity occurs and often a sustained lower level of E M G activity remained for several tens of seconds. This sustained activity can be explained by a shift in excitability of ¢z motoneurones. Similarly, a shift in excitability can be seen in the experiments where reversed ramp and holds were applied to the muscle (Fig. 4). Here the muscle already displayed a certain amount of tonic activity duc to the imposed pre-stretch. In the control situation this tonic activity immediately disappears in response to muscle release whereas during electrical stimulation, despite the drop in spindle output, tonic E M G activity is sustained. These observations suggest that ct motoneurones display a shift in excitability upon electrical stimulation which resembles the one reported in other studies recording motoneurone membrane potentials [6, 7, 13].

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Brainstem influences on biceps reflex activity and muscle tone in the anaesthetized rat.

This study analyzes the effect of electrical stimulation of the locus coeruleus (LC) and adjacent brainstem structures on the tonic reflex (TVR), the ...
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