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Brain Death and Islam The Interface of Religion, Culture, History, Law, and Modern Medicine Andrew C. Miller, MD; Amna Ziad-Miller, JD; and Elamin M. Elamin, MD CHEST 2014;146(4):1092-1101 e-Appendix 1. Literature Search Strategy. PubMed ("brain death"[mesh] OR "brain death"[tiab] OR "end of life"[tiab] OR "withdrawal of life support"[tiab] OR "organ donation"[tiab]) AND (Islam[mesh] OR Islam[tiab] OR Muslim[tiab] OR Muslims[tiab]) Scopus (TITLE-ABS-KEY("brain death" OR "end of life" OR "withdrawal of life support" OR "organ donation") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY(islam OR muslim OR muslims)) Web of Science Topic=("brain death" OR "end of life" OR "withdrawal of life support" OR "organ donation") AND Topic=(islam OR muslim OR muslims) EMBASE 'brain death'/exp OR 'brain death' OR 'end of life' OR 'withdrawal of life support' OR 'organ donor'/exp OR 'organ donation' AND ('moslem'/exp OR islam OR muslim OR muslims) PsycNET Any Field: "brain death" OR "end of life" OR "withdrawal of life support" OR "organ donation" AND Any Field: islam OR muslim OR muslims Sociological Abstracts ("brain death" OR "end of life" OR "withdrawal of life support" OR "organ donation") AND (islam OR muslim OR muslims) Lexus Advance Documents ("brain death" or "end of life" or "withdrawal of life support" or "organ donation") and (islam or muslim or muslims) Limited to Science ("brain death" or "end of life" or "withdrawal of life support" or "organ donation") and (islam or muslim or muslims) Limited to Legal News Online supplements are not copyedited prior to posting. © 2014 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS. Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission from the American College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details. DOI: 10.1378/chest.14-0130

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Brain death and Islam: the interface of religion, culture, history, law, and modern medicine.

How one defines death may vary. It is important for clinicians to recognize those aspects of a patient's religious beliefs that may directly influence...
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