Diabetologia l, 195-200 (1965)

"Bound" Insulin: in vivo and in vitro Biologic Activity* By I-IA~Y N. ANTONIADES, AGNES 3/[.HUBER and STANLEY N, GERSHO~" W i t h the Technical Assistance of ORICILL G. THOMPSON, ZALFASAYEGIt~ANATOLLI ECHARDT a n d ANASTASIOS J. ROSAKEAS Protein F o u n d a t i o n Laboratories, Jamaica Plain, the Department of Medicine, I.iarvard Medical School and the Department of Nutrition, School of Public I.iealth, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts Received January 6, 1966 Summary. Partially purified preparations of h u m a n serum " b o u n d " insulin were injected intraperitoneally or intravenously into intact fed, fasted or fasted-refed rats, or incubated in vitro with their isolated epididymal adipose tissue. The biologic activity of " b o u n d " insulin on muscle and adipose tissue, in vivo and in vitro, was compared with the activity of crystalline insulin standards. "Bound" and crystalline insulin inj coted intraperitoneally into rats stimulated the incorporation of glucose-u-14C into the glycogen of muscle and into the glycogen and fat of adipose tissue. The activities of both " b o u n d " and crystalline insulin were affected b y the nutritional state of the animals. Intravenous administration of partially purified "bound" insulin or crystalline insulin stimulated the incorporation of glucose-u-14C into the muscle glycogen of intact fed, fasted or fasted-refed rats and into the fat of the adipose tissue of fed or fasted-refed rats. "Bound" insulin, b u t not crystalline insulin stimulated fat synthesis in the adipose tissue of fasted rats. "Bound" or crystalline insulin, at the concentration used, failed to stimulate glycogen synthesis in adipose tissue. "Bound" insulin stimulated the oxidation of glucose into CO2 in isolated rat adipose tissue and the incorporation of glucose-u-l~C into the glycogen and fat of the adipose tissue, The effect of " b o u n d " or crystalline insulin on isolated adipose tissue was also affected b y the nutritional state ofthe animal. Rdsum~. Cette 4tude porte sur l'injeetion in}rapdritongale ou intraveineuse de pr6parations partiellement purifiges d'insuline (dige~ de sdrum humain. Des rats nourris ad libitum, mis ~ jeun, ou renourris apr~s une pdriode de jefine, ont servi pour ces injections, et leur tissu adipeux dpididymaire a servi ~ l'4tude de l'effet in vitro de ees prdparations. L'aetivit6 biologique de cette insuline ,lide~) a 6tg comparde avee celle d'une insuline cristalline standard. L'insMine (~lide~>tout comme l'insuline cristalline stimule l'incorporation de glueose-u-C14 dans le glycoggne du muscle et darts le glyeoggne et la graisse du tissu adipeux, la suite de leur injection intrapdritondale. L'6tat de nutrition des animaux injeetds modifie les activitgs et de l'insuline (dide~> et de l'insuline cristalline. L'injeetion intraveineuse d'insuline (di6e~>partiellement purifide, ou d'insuline cristalline, stimule l'ineorporation de glueoseu-C 1~ dans le glycoggne museulaire de rats nourris ad libitum, k jeun, ou renourris aprgs u n jefine prolong4. Elle I n a previous report we have described some of the properties of circulating "free" a n d " b o u n d " i n s u l i n1. * These studies were supported b y Public Health Service Grants AM-08381, HE-06302, AM-03056, National Institutes of Health, and the F u n d for l~esearch and Teaching, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health.

stimule dgalement l'incorporation du glucose dans la graisse du tissu adipeux de rats nourris ou renourris apr6s jeflne. L'insuline ~lide~) seulement, n o n l'insuline cristalline, stimule la lipogdn6se du tissu adipeux de rats jeun. T a n t l'insuline cristalline que l'insuline

"Bound" insulin: in vivo and in vitro biologic activity.

Partially purified preparations of human serum "bound" insulin were injected intraperitoneally or intravenously into intact fed, fasted or fasted-refe...
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